(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

tks so much
i got d form n submitted. no. 106

mom2nat n hazey,
okie, no more clips on him. no lah, jus 4 fun cos evytg i hold on my hands, he wan 2 take so jus put it on his hair loh. me had a gd laff, crazy mummy..haha..

yup at ctrpt. ask ur hubby rub 4 u loh

he loves sesame st, there was 1 tx i try to 'block' his view n he 'slap' me,
, but lightly only lah. i 'scold' him n off d tv!

ashrel loves 'if u're happy' song too, watch ss kids fav songs 2 loh. b4 they start singing tis song, once he hears the music or c the characters appear, will start clapping.

i m glad tat ashrel 'likes' to sit on potty. tink since 6 or 7mths wen he can sit, he prefers to poo in potty. usually go out, no potty, he wont poo. reach hm 1st thg point at potty n tell me 'nggg...' wan to poo. dun wori, slowly lah, wait till ally signal u, then u put her on potty, dun force her..

ya hoh, many pple tink jana n ashrel looks alike. my hubby said so too, even their facial expressions.

Errr, don't agree with you on the cannot beat part. I started beating Gareth since 6 mths old. And he knows it now when we say cannot, and if he still do it, we will say, 'mama/papa beat'. He understand what's going on and he will behave himself.
I will say this to Nat "When you are naughty wat mommy do?? Mommy will beat!!" You know we will talk with our pointer sticking out, like warning them. Then I will smack her hands lightly. But hor, she learn the wrong thing. NOw when I say that sentence, she will do my pointing action!!!
Agree with pigletz leh... our bbs are v clever. They understand what is 'no'. My bro had an example... he said even animals know what's not allowed when they get whacked for doing something wrong and our bbs are much smarter than that.

Ally knows it's wrong to suck her thumb but now she'll deliberately do it in front of you just to test you out and when she sees you reacting,she remove it and laugh and the whole process repeats. Sometimes I pretend I didn't see ... other times I give her warning and then I'll count to three before hitting her hands. She also knows when to manja. Usu she doesn't cry that much after whacking her hands but the two times I hit her hands for sucking when she was outside (once was at dinner with both sides of grandparents and another at my friend's place), she was bawling her eyes out. And I hit her much softer than usual. My goodness... think my in laws were prob upset with me for hitting her but dare not say anything coz my parents were also around. Terrible... that's how smart our little ones are.

Ally also now understands the meaning of no no. Now she can even show you her finger shaking when you tell her no.

With that said, I know she may not relate to hand hitting to what she's doing with her tongue and mouth and I really dun want to hit her mouth so also in dilemma.

Tell you hor... my niece is only 2.5 months old than Ally and she's already gotten caning from my bro. Can imagine Emily wincing. But not that hard I think.
giggler, i cried b'cos i'm relieved when jerald was taken off me...i quickly tried to stand, there's this sharp pain at my lower back!! got to sit there and regain myself before i can stand again.
i'm not sure if i going ghim moh as it's quite a distance frm my plc...plus prog for this wkend is to go swimming alt plan is to stay hme and do spring cleaning if hubby got to stand by, c how lor.

brenda, the slippers are brand new and totally flat!! without heels!! just wore a few time!! nvr expect it to give way.
u hv mil prob also??? hee hee my tai jiao really that good mah??? must be must constant nagging n nagging during those 9mths!!
my mum hv bn teaching him to keep his toys after playing...but i nvr expect him to keep, take shoo shoo then came to me!! ask him what he wants, where to go...he can wave bye bye!!

qsg, it's dana's b'day after all let her hv one small piece lor

ur hubby tui for u ur bruises??? well mine did only apply it once for me after the fall, thereafter i'm on my own...ask him nicely also got snapped back " YOU SO MA FAN"!! ....i rather diy, dun nd to see his face.

absolut, like the escape theme park in S'pore, bb are not allow on most rides...anyway like brenda, i'm not a "ride person"...but of course, big boy wants me to go onto it with him, while on the other hand, the jnr needs me....see how lor.
caning: i do not encourage it...but threatening with cane i still can accept.

emily, brenda, pigletz, ur boys are putting fingers (like those shown in pixs) seems like making themselves puke?!?!

em, i start beating (spanking on palms only) duno since when....at 1st he's scare and will listen...now must action then follow by stern words...before it got registered in his little brain!!!

sanrio, i wish i could hv a extra pair of hands to tui for me...
RE : beating our little ones..
i remember having this quarrel not too long back w my hb. mebbe some dun agree w me but just sharing lor..
Hb is one who believe in beating the hands so it comes to a point i got so stressed w hearing them 'quarrel'. U noe the usual 'i beat u!' *smack* then jem will try again n hb will repeat etc... Somehow i still think my boy do understand 'no' but dun register it as 'dun do it again'. At times now, he'll purposely do things which he noes will getta big 'NO' from us. (sounds familiar?)
In the end, we engage this method: We'll smack his hands once, the most twice and firmly says 'NO' Then we'll proceed to carry him to other areas n distract him. He will noe that that thing is a 'no' thing (which he'll try his luck a few days later) but he need not go thru the drama of us trying to get our intentions across cos IT WUN! And we gets upset over it...
Hahaha, admit it! how many txs our parents/schools/govt tried to tell us 'NO' to smoking, jaywalking, littering, lying etc etc which we only accepts only when we r much older n finally sees the 'same light' as them.
In the mean time, i felt that distractions works well n they will somehow grows out of their weird ideas.
whenever someone block Jana's view, she'll push them away... brought her to pasar malam, she push the people infront of the stall away so that she can get a better view. There's also once when i took a bus with her, we were waiting for our turn to get up the bus and she actually push away the auntie infront of her then the auntie turn around, saw her and then say "oh...ok ...u go first!" so pai seh!!!!!
hahaha, smack softly doesn't help. Must at least let them feel the pain then will help one. haha....think i'm one of the few horrible mummy here. hahaha

ya, can't beat all the time...sometimes must mixed with distraction.
After that hor, must find chance to explain to them why cannot do. Don't know they understand anot, but just do it. hahaha...

So your hubby place an order for the car already?
Was researching on toddler behaviours on the internet.

40 Developmental Assets for Toddlers
1. Family support: Family life provides high levels of love and support.
2. Positive family communication: Parents communicate with toddlers in positive ways. Parents respond to toddlers in a reasonable amount of time and respect their needs.
3. Other adult relationships: Parents have support from three or more adults and ask for help when needed. Toddlers receive additional love and comfort from at least one adult other than their parents.
4. Caring neighborhood: Toddlers experience caring neighbors.
5. Caring out-of-home climate: Toddlers are in caring, encouraging environments outside the home.
6. Parent involvement in out-of-home situations: Parents are actively involved in helping toddlers succeed in situations outside the home. Parents communicate toddlers' needs to caretakers outside the home.
7. Community values children: The family places toddlers at the center of family life and recognizes the need to set limits for toddlers. Other adults in the community value and appreciate toddlers.
8. Children are given useful roles: The family involves toddlers in family life.
9. Service to others: Parents serve others in the community.
10. Safety: Toddlers have safe environments at home, in out-of-home settings, and in the neighborhood. This includes childproofing these environments.
11. Family boundaries: Parents are aware of toddlers' preferences and adapt the environment to suit toddlers' needs. Parents set age-appropriate limits for toddlers.
12. Out-of-home boundaries: Childcare settings and other out-of-home environments have clear rules and consequences to protect toddlers while consistently providing appropriate stimulation and enough rest.
13. Neighborhood boundaries: Neighbors take responsibility for monitoring and supervising toddlers' behavior as they begin to play and interact outside the home.
14. Adult role models: Parents and other adults model positive, responsible behavior.
15. Positive peer observation: Toddlers observe siblings and other children interacting in positive ways. They have opportunities to interact with children of various ages.
16. Appropriate expectations for growth: Parents have realistic expectations for toddlers' development at this age. Parents encourage development without pushing toddlers beyond their own pace.
17. Creative activities: Parents expose toddlers to music, art, or other creative age-appropriate activities each day.
18. Out-of-home activities: Parents expose toddlers to limited but stimulating situations outside the home. The family keeps toddlers' needs in mind when attending events.
19. Religious community: The family regularly attends religious programs or services while keeping toddlers' needs in mind.
20. Positive, supervised time at home: Parents supervise toddlers at all times and provide predictable, enjoyable routines at home.
21. Achievement expectation and motivation: Family members are motivated to do well at work, at school, and in the community, and model their motivation for toddlers.
22. Children are engaged in learning: Parents and family members model responsive and attentive attitudes at work, at school, in the community, and at home.
23. Stimulating activity: Parents encourage toddlers to explore and provide stimulating toys that match toddlers' emerging skills. Parents are sensitive to toddlers' dispositions, preferences, and level of development.
24. Enjoyment of learning: Parents enjoy learning and express this through their own learning activities.
25. Reading for pleasure: Parents read to toddlers every day and find ways for toddlers to participate in enjoyable reading experiences.
Positive Values
26. Family values caring: Parents convey their beliefs about helping others by modeling their helping behaviors.
27. Family values equality and social justice: Parents place a high value on promoting social equality, religious tolerance, and reducing hunger and poverty while modeling these beliefs for toddlers.
28. Family values integrity: Parents act on their convictions, stand up for their beliefs, and communicate and model this in the family.
29. Family values honesty: Parents tell the truth and convey their belief in honesty through their actions.
30. Family values responsibility: Parents accept and take personal responsibility.
31. Family values healthy lifestyle: Parents love children, setting the foundation for toddlers to develop healthy attitudes and beliefs about relationships. Parents model, monitor, and teach the importance of good health habits, and provide good nutritional choices and adequate rest and playtime.
32. Planning and decision making observation: Parents make all safety and care decisions for toddlers and model safe behavior. As toddlers become more independently mobile, parents allow them to make simple choices.
33. Interpersonal observation: Parents model positive, constructive interactions with other people. Parents accept and are responsive to how toddlers use actions and words to express their feelings, seeing those expressions as cues to toddlers' needs.
34. Cultural observation: Parents know and are comfortable with people of different cultural, racial, and/or ethnic backgrounds, and model this to toddlers.
35. Resistance observation: Parents model resistance skills through their own behavior. Parents aren't overwhelmed by toddlers' needs and demonstrate appropriate resistance skills.
36. Peaceful conflict resolution observation: Parents behave in acceptable, nonviolent ways and assist toddlers in developing these skills by helping them solve problems when they're faced with challenging or frustrating circumstances.
37. Family has personal power: Parents feel they have control over things that happen in their own lives and model coping skills, demonstrating healthy ways to deal with frustrations and challenges. Parents respond to toddlers so toddlers begin to learn that they have influence over their immediate surroundings.
38. Family models high self-esteem: Parents create an environment where toddlers can develop positive self-esteem, giving toddlers appropriate, positive feedback and reinforcement about their skills and competencies.
39. Family has a sense of purpose: Parents report that their lives have purpose and model these beliefs through their behaviors. Toddlers are curious and explore the world around them.
40. Family has a positive view of the future: Parents are hopeful and positive about their personal future and work to provide a positive future for children.
Christmas Island is near Australia. Do u know the history of Christmas Island?
U v gd, can flash the 24" cards. I flash A4 size (those dots cards) n poka card size cards. Where did u get the 24" cards?
Did u register Vane for the contest?
I won't allow Chen Chen to take things fm strangers

Poor Tyra. Y did u say b'dy curse?
Wish she gets well soon

U better go consult a Chinese sin seh for your back. U need recommendation? I know of 1 who is gd. He treats both external n internal, ie rub (if can rub) n take medicine to cure any internal injury. Yrs back I wz flung off horse back when in Australia. I went to consult him 2 or 3 times ok liao

Lyn, Pigletz
Your boi so cute. Pack wear shoes bye bye GO! Gd manners

Viv, Pigletz, Giggler, Mom2Nat
Chen Chen doesn't clap his hands but hold other's hands to make other's clap hands hearing dat song. Brenda experienced dat in Kindermusik trial

The later stage fm is cheaper than earlier stage coz they contain lesser nutrient

Ash so fierce slap u ah
Chen Chen wz bored when we left him playing on his own during wk n. He on the tv wif remote n switched b/w channels. Once my hubby saw it he said Chen Chen aiyo, tamil show u oso watch, next min Chen Chen switched to other channel

I won't give Dana cake if I were u coz I dun wanna risk the chance to c her suffer later.
dun worry n stress urself out. our bbs r turning into kids! they no longer the blur blur bbs mah. nowadays Jana wills scream for things she want and she's v focused...no negotiation allowed and she wont be distracted also. She also screamed in restaurants, have gotten used to not feeling pai seh, parents should understand mah ...who has a kid that hasn't screamed before. Anyway I try to restrain myself n make it a habit not to discipline her in public, read somewhere b4 that kids hv pride too.
Oh dear, do take care leh. Betta go for tui na.

sahm, hazey,
Ur gals r so cute in dat bunny outfit

Since Kieran's birth till now, i've nvr invested in any bb bottle wash for milk bottles etc. All along, i've been using mama lemon to wash leh. Buay sai?

Kieran has been like dat for a while liao. DOes dat console u in any way? :p He absolutely refuses to sit in high chair when we're eating out. He'll try to reach for watever dat is on the table n when we do give him the napkins etc, he'll start throwing things on the flr after a while. When we go shopping, he oso dun wanna sit in pram.

Gareth is so funny
Viv, I definitely agree with you regarding the kids have pride thingy...
Jana sounds like Ethan... no negotitation and also not easily distracted. Now am thinking that maybe Ethan has too much pent up energy in him ... that's why he is like that. So, am going to create a timetable for him to try to explore into the different areas of teaching.
Like art and craft, ABC, numbers, whatever... am going to start giving my maid instructions tonight and we'll see if we can drain him out... ehehheee... :p
say, what activities do you gals plan for your bbs to do? Any ideas? Thinking of introducing textures like making my own playdough for him. Don't think he'll be able to make anything, but he might have fun just pressing the dough and rubbing it etc etc. Too young for that??? Thinking of going to buy a book which I saw when Ethan was young called activities to do with bb/toddlers etc. See how... tonight must do something about it man! Have been so far just sitting and trying to calm him down. No peace.
em, why cant beat ethan?? i think at this age light smacking is acceptable??? wow....ur points all seems very long.

shook, i was really surprised at his action as my mum only taught him to keep after his play...nvr expect him to pack n even wave bye bye!!
can i hv the number to the sinseh?? dun think i can wait till thurs...will go tomorrow.

hazey, stay at hme v.xian leh.

skyblue, will go for tuina 2morrow...can die sitting whole day at my desk!! later still got driving lessons+theory!!!
my mum scolded me ...tot i not serious abt my back *haiz*...i tahan the soreness by using tui na oil and anyhow paste the osim massage pad to ease the sore over the wkend at home...now in office no such luxuries.
hazey, cannot just stay home and not go out... then bb and mummy and daddy will lost touch with the world. Cannot like that...
No I never found you to be fierce.

Am going to search for the homemade dough receipe and give it to you gals... I remember coming across it once..

skyblue... ehehee... the way you put it is like I get very happy when I hear that other bbs same like Ethan... ehehhee... in a way, but in another way, I believe that there must be a better way of handling kids... without the beating. I say "no" to Ethan too. But never hit him before coz I think that he will not understand... worst if since there are at an age where they love to imitate, next time, you hit him, he hit you... then more paisay in public.
Emily...I know... n time passes more quickly when we are out.... I think it is a phase that they are all going through... cos now they are learning to be more independent, thus also have an independent mind..... But ethan has always striked me to be a very sweet n gentle baby, can't imagine him misbehaving...
No no no, dun get me wrong. I mean to say that Ethan is not the only one who's like dat. N if u know dat other bbies r behaving dat way, then it's like a phase they go thru lor. I hit Kieran occasionally cos it really gets on my nerves at times.
Randall always inmitate us. I attemptted to hit his hand. Juz raise my hand, before I could. He hitted me already. LOL... Then I pretend to cry and he started to bian chui and eventually burst into tears. Haha...
One day, my mum was hitting those "flying ants" on the floor using her palm, he oso help my mum. Haha...When I saw tat, I show him a small mole on my thigh n said "Randall, ant on mummy's thigh!" He hitted on it and tried picking it up but couldnt. Then, he uses his index finger n finger the mole. LOL....I nearly laff my head off.
dun get too upset over ethan's behavior, part of growing up, mayb we were 'once upon a tx' like tat 2. i evyday 'complain' 2 hubby, ashrel v notti, insist his own ways n wants, if i dun give in 2 him, he will fuss, cry, scream. i evyday almost 'vomit blood'! but i learn to take it more calmly n positive, else i can go crazy.
but of course, i m stern n firm at tx, no means no. but, haiz.. af few sec, he 4get n will do it agn..

beta c a chinese sinseh then. hope u quickie recover

emily n mummies,
c ashrel 'throwing' thgs at me..
pic 1: mummy, stop taking pic of me else i throw the camera cover at u (c the camera cover flying towards me)
pic 2: next i'll throw away ur hk alarm clock
pic 3: last warning, going to throw tis wooden block at u


skyblue n val,
dressed ur bb in red n white n send d foto to abbott national day bb contest. i realised ashrel has many fotos tat he wore red n white but he exceeded 12mths liao. contest is open to bb 6mths to under 12mths.
lyn,i normally ask hb to tui for me but sometimes can't tahan him...no consistency sometimes so hard till i felt so painful sometimes like din eat rice like not strength.

Jas, what meat you gave joel? not hard?
I give Chen Chen stack cups n shape sorter to keep him occupied for a while

I go home check the Chinese sin seh's no then let u know 29. My cell phone in hospital. BTW the chinese sin seh's clinic is located at fu lu shou, next to Bugis OG
It's gd to teach our tod to pack their own toys after playing

Muz bring our tod out to expose them to world outside n I belive they learn more wif greater exposure

I like the way u "discipline" Randall. So funni

U v fast n your camera v gd can capture the shot of Ash throwing things. Wat is the brand of your camera?
heheheee... sanrio! Ash very cute! Gosh, you still have heart to take pics when Ash throwing your stuff... especially your hk alarm click? (shake head... laughing...)
sanrio, how did you managed to catch him throwing ur clock in action??? pix so clear!!! ur pix taking skills becoming more pro!!

shook, r u tell me it's MA GUANG, that u r going to reco me???

qsg, well at least u got him to tui for u....just take it lor
val... randall so funny. See, want to discipline also difficult, right? Sometimes see them naughty dunno to scold or laugh... coz so cute behaviour... eheheee.... :p but, must keep straight face!
I burst out laughing when i read jem's quiet and good... like me. I got a very reckless streak in me. My aunt says jem very strong resemblance of me in terms of character... she says its RETRIBUTION for making her worry so much!! hahahha

no lah.. I dun hv mil problems.. my in law side very cordial with me. Hahaha, just that they all smoke so I'll be happy to pick up jem's shoo shoo n say bye bye too.
Aye... u really should go n to a sinseh... must take care of ur back if not 2nd pregnancy worse! guai guai go, k...

u mean ppl commented ur postings are 'fierce'? no one mentioned anything about crazy?!?! Oops!

think i saw quite a few books on introducing 'play/fun' to toddlers at Popular.. u might wan to check it out.

so bad.... like that cheat Randall !! hahahha

u not heartpain arh? see Ash throw ur things?? i sure run to complain to hb one...
brenda, will go to sinseh lah...dun worry. i cant sit still even for 10mins, must bend left right, stand n move at my desk today....2nd pregnancy....HOW R U GETTING ON? got any craving or not?? must eat more...u so skinny!
hazey, I suppose Tyra is ok liao since she still active and can ask for bread at Cartel.

brenda, currently my Graco pram only weighs 3kg. I asked the Taka salesgirl and she told me most stroller is abt 4kg. She recommended me Chicco Caddy, $129. Do u think it's good? Have u heard of Maclaren? Is it gd? Vane used to throw things on the floor at restaurants too. Now, she'll have conversations with the waitresses if she's in gd mood. You dun mind going to Serangoon for Cartel bread?

pigletz, I'm sure both Vane & Gareth have 'mo qi' leh.
The last pix is cute lah. LOL. Vane likes to imitate our expressions and actions too, esp my hubby's. I beat Vane's hands too but she seems to learning it from me. Cos now, she'll 'beat' her toys.

Viv, wow your sis ate butter cubes as snacks? Not fattening meh? I only have oven at home & no toaster leh. Jana doesnt look like someone so "rough" to push others leh.

QSG, is Dana allergy to cakes? If so, then better dun let her take the cake.

absolut, Vane has been rejecting porridge over the weekends too. In the end, I made kway teow for her. Sigh I agree with you on the part that they understand us now. Vane knows how to follow our instructions to do things liao.

Jas, no I didnt let Vane try other flavour of Enfagrow. She prefers my bm to Enfagrow if I'm with her lor.

sanrio, I asked them and they told me that there's 6 names in waiting list so you're the 6th person. What camera u using? Not bad leh, the pix still so clear though it's a moving object.

Mom2Nat, hahaha.. Nat is learning the pointing finger and Vane is learning the beating part. Sigh not sure if we shd beat them or not hor?

lyn, Ghim Moh quite inaccessible for me too. Wow, your fall is quite bad that you cant even stand up right away.

shook, that's why I cant flash the 24" as fast as April. I find it very difficult to reject their offer cos you can tell that they did it out of goodwill. And also my gal very tam jiat, she'll stretch out her hand and take. If I stop her, she'll scream right away.

Val, LOL. Randall is so funny. Do u feel tat bb at this age is really fun?
oh, btw...

for one-stop nuby or lucky bb products/accessories u can visit their showrm/office only on sat between 9-1 at their office.

Taime Pte Ltd
514 Chai Chee Lane #06-06 Bedok Industrial Estate JTC Bldg Singapore 469029

Tel 64455778
Fax 64455090

suppose to go there to get jerald's bottle spout replacement (everywhere seems to be out of stock) in the end bought a new sippy bottle for him.

Anyway the best part...all items are 20% off (compare to outside retail price)

i remember pringles/qsg asking abt some straw brush??? maybe you can call them up to check. Ask for Grace Tan.

giggler, i'm also surprised that at my young age i cant stand up immediately!!! wat to do...after birth is like that liao lor....
Straw brush, can use the Pigeon one. Very slim and good.

Sanrio, Ash's photos are very funny. How do you get him to sit on the stool like that???? Ian refuses to sit in anything other than his high chair. Normal stool cannot. His bum touches it and he starts to stand and walk away again

poor Ryan must have been frightened without you guys around. Try to enjoy yourself WITH him. =)

Emily, I haven't brought Ian out for a meal for a long while partly because I am worried that he will not want to sit down and be fed when we are trying to eat. He goes wild running along the shopping centre/supermarket isles and refuses to be restrained now. Think it's part of their development. Ian also screams when he doesn't get what he wants. Sometimes I scream back then laugh... hahahaa.

Giggler, Ian is not consistent with his words. Seems to forget them the very next day ... have to reinforce repeatedly. His most consistent word is "papa' and "benggg" for dustbin... =)
Not Ma Guang lar
The Chinese Sin Seh is Loi Jit Ann I called him Li (as in Li Min) yi shi. He is a teacher himself.
Address : 149 Rochor Rd #02 (Unit no near 28. my card is old one, he shifted to the next unit) Fu Lu Shou Complex
Tel : 6339 1610

May b u tell the strangers politely Vane still young cannot take the food they offer
foreverfriend, lyn, giggler,
my camera is panasonic lumix (old model). i personally like tis cam v v much as it's user friendly n dun nid to b professional oso can take quite gd shots, keke... not my skills gd lah but practice does make perfect. remb i v bo liao so alwy hav my camera w me, c him doing new or funny thgs, i quickie snap.
remb those black n white pic i posted, my frds saw oso said i so professional. pai seh... it's the camera lah.

brenda n emily,
my hk alarm clock oreadi spoil, so let him play but under my supervision loh.

ashrel wld sit 4 only few mins the most, i give him somthg to play w, next moment, he will 'jump' down fr it.

u submitted d form? is vane joining the mediacorp bb contest?
Hi mummies
my sleeping cycle is becoming abit bizarre again...just recovering frm one of those bad coughs over past few days,can't sleep at this hour so here i am...these days, i sleep more in the day time whn Alicia naps.

I do agree with the other mummies, Ethan is displaying normal behaviour in toddlers ie. being active, can't sit still, curious abt everything etc etc. In the past,my hubby and I pref to bring Alicia to eat at food courts or less formal surroundings so that she can babble as loud as she wants and nobody bothers
But of late, we manage to succeed in bringing her to a few places with ambience and amazingly we coped with it. Anyway, toddlers can't be expected to appreciate the art of eating at the table like we adults do...so i never really expect Alicia to sit still for too long, usually, we do feed her at same time, or give her a spoon to hold or other distractions and finally when she really really needs to get up, we take turns to bring her for walk while the other party contintues eating. Ethan wasn't being naughty, he was most probably just exploring his surroundings as usual.

U asked what was on Alicia's plate? My mom was feeding her some of her braised duck noodles. She loves slurping noodles!Think most kids enjoy noodles..hehe

Re:Nuby pdts
Lyn, thks for info. I don't have much problem getting Nuby replaceable brush and straw, but think QSG hunting hi and lo. I did buy a pigeon brush during GSS to try and i conclude that its quality is gd, but it isn't narrow enuf to reach all parts of the nuby bottle cover. In the end, still using my nuby brush more often.

Nat is always wearing her sunshine smile! She looks wonderful. Ya....they look very cute when they imitate that finger action when u point to them and tell them they shouldn't be doing something!! Alicia never follows me when i do it but one day at Popular Bookstore, she was beside a primary school girl and Alicia started taking out all the books on the shelf one by one and throwing them onto the ground, i told her no and the school gal also nicely helped me tell her no by indicating with her finger and shaking no, no..then instantly Alicia stuck out her index finger too and imitating that facial expression of the gal, eyes wide telling us no-no...wahhaaaa! They are so cute and funny!!
How long do u plan to keep the meat stock in the fridge? So far i've only tried keeping up to 3 days at max.No problem.
Hahaa...elyse taking off her diapers everywhere..must be such a funny sight!

Looks like u and hubby both harping on wanting a girl this time... Got eat special diet for making bb girl or not?
morning mummies
no time to read post but enjoyed the photos very much!

alicia is a beauty!!!! confirm she got your gene!

hahahaha... elyse looks so lovely and lively with that bunny suit! very adorable!!!

tyra looks so lovely and gentle with that bunny suit! took so many medicine yet she still looks pretty!

love nat's christy chung lip... hahaha... u r so funny and naughty to post it to share with us... so cute! thanks for sharing with us about young toddler almost got drowned, told my hubby, he shook his head...

ok, back to work!

miss u mummies!
Is it the camera dat u always bring to bb gathering?
U take so many shots for Ash, do u develop the photos?

The weather is cold. Easily catch a cold. Take care
Alicia is gd, can hold on to a spoon during feeding time. Chen Chen throws everything on the flr - spoon, handky, toy. I m worried he doesn't wanna self feed since he throws the spoon I give him druing feeding time. So I train him to self feed by piercing fruit in his bb fork n let him feed himself.
Can imagine the way Alicia imitated the school gal swaying her index fingers no no muz b v cute.
Hey the 1st 2 photos r v nicely taken, it has the kinda bright sunshine effect, like the 18th century Nancy Drew novel kinda environment
Alicia looks so sweet with the hat. Nat dun allow hat or hair bands liao...
after I bought so many!!
Saw your video clip tat day. I played it 2X... Alicia looked so cute when she smiled at the end of the clip. MUst be enjoying her food. Wat were you feeding her??

Any opinions on this... should I stop Nat from putting things into her mouth or not?? It is not teething or wat, she has been like tat for months. Err... ever since she could hold something!! I try to stop her, but she will get angry and throw the thing ard. Now while typing this, she is biting my kitchen cabinet handles... How??
yeah... gotta take good care of ur back yah.
Me no craving, no MS, not much symptoms now but yupz, definitely eating more so that ppl can stop doubting whether me skeleton can support a baby inside anot..ahhaha

think we drop the chicco brand before.. dunnoe for what reason. We went to see Maclaren at Kaki Bukit. There's a wide range there but we decide not to get cos we use our pram very frequently n roughly due to the places we go. So rather get a cheaper range n change more frequent. But my cousin uses and buy that brand for her daughter (turning 2) and her godchildren and she says it's good. I guess for norm use, its actually very sturdy n durable.. try not to get combi.
Yah, i wun mind going to Serangoon to eat bread..hahha. WUN MIND picking u along the way to go too! SO U NO EXCUSE!!
Hey, can try macaroni, pasta, udon etc on ur gal already...

NAt looks happy in her carseat! its tha the one that made u go carrefour a few tx?

huh? i mentioned wanting gal again meh?? hahahha, paiseh. No lah, din go on special diet or special days etc. Just plain hoping n praying.

Not sure what's the salon's name. My friend can't remember
All she told me is that it's on the 5th floor at some corner
You are close, I bought this in Kids Mall. I went there a few times, to collect a walker. And for carrefour, bought a plastice chest of drawers, then damaged, then went back to change. Oh, btw, after we collected the walker, oso something spoil,. so went back again!

Thanks for your compliments on Nat. Hey, where have you been? Hardly see you here leh.
Giggler, so far its seems she has allergy to yoghurt since she got ezcema outbreak after taking it. Until now still haven't recovered, have to start using steriod cream on her again...haiz....just tried egg yolk on her last sunday seems okay so far.

Lyn, called the place but they said no stock and they dun sell direct to customers only to distributors. Can't imagine the straw brush and replaceable straw can be out of stock so long.
qsg, i just went on saturday and got my spippy bottle??? a few couple also came strolling in??? i duno why they told you they are not selling direct???

shook, tks for ur contact. will call them later otherwise i'll go to the one which my dad frequents at Outram Park (the prob i dun want to go is that they use accupture...i hate needles)

pringles, very sweet pixs of alicia. i love the 1st pix...so ladylike.

brenda, do take care. EAT MORE.

mummies, on mc today, off hp so that boss dun come disturb me. going to sinseh later tis morning...chat later.


jul, Ian's consistent words are papa and bin? Maybe he's still trying to complain to your hb that he was nearly dropped in the bin. :p

Pringles, Alicia looks lovely. Growing up liao...
You better take care of yourself.

Talk about not bringing him to restaurants etc etc...
last night we went to Tampines Mall. Hb couldn't resist the promotion.. in the end we ate at pariss. Food was okay. Ethan was busy charming the waitresses. Kept trying to get their attention and then giving a charming/funny smile with his eyes closed. Then started playing with spoon banging on table. Then got bored... screamed. I went to take some food... when I came back the other way, could hear him turning to the direction that I left and shouting, "Mommy!!! Mommy!!!" eheheheeee... so cute! Then brought him to stake some food that he likes. Took one pastry sweet corn soup. He was okay with it... but didn't really take to it. Then we went to the desert section. He wanted the pudding. so I took a custard pudding. He loves playing with it... using his fingers, spoons etc etc... while I fed him now and then... wow! What a mess.... hehehee... anyway, he don't get to do it often. Gave him fruits and ice-cream too... which he enjoyed finger eating and smashing on the table... or dropping on the floor. :p see what a mess? But we were all pretty happy cos I let him do what he wanted. Think maybe the waitress might not be very happy after that even though they told him to come often. After that, we went to toy'rus.... He was busy playing with the little tikes cars etc etc... didn't want to leave, but shop closing.. so we had to drag him out. Was just afraid that the pudding, plus ice-cream etc etc would give him a tummyache coz he also ate his porridge before those stuff. Guess what! We survived last night w/o bringing change of clothes and toys (maid forgot!) Sigh! So, my kid really looked so dirty yesterday... heheheee....
Didn't get to go to library as per my schedule.... didn't know that tampines mall didn't have library. So think I'll go tonight to Sengkang. But I went to Times Bookshop and they seem to have lots of stuff on toddlers play etc... but don't seem to have one on raising boys... trying to get something like that too.

Lyn, better go to sinseh.

Mom2Nat, I love those dimples... not just yours lah! Your daughter's especially.. :p
