(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hong/pigletz, missed the earlier postings. Can let me know what is it about waiting 30min and checking with counter girl?May want to make Dana's passport next month.

hong is saying the waiting time for collecting the passport is 30 min b4 she approach the counter lady.

Btw, your hubby can bring ur gal to go collect the passport, but must bring ur IC there.
Hmm unless the mummy are the one who submit the application right? If daddy submit the application then do we still need the mummy IC?
yes, cos they need to verify with the birthcert. That's what i read in the FAQ.

haha, dunno leh. I let you know once i go collect it this week.
She let me hear individual heartbeat...

Gynae did not answer leh....
I think can be done, but if I dun have a lot of ss, then quite stressed right... for jesse, my milk ss so so only...

Passport - still have to take queue nbr, but it was pretty fast for jesse's case..

mon mon
Ahahaa...u appear! I did not faint, think my mum almost fainted when I told her.... she was thinking of the caregiving issue...

Thanks. Non-identical/fraternal twins.
Two eggs fertilised by two sperms.
Actually fraternal twins are more common than identical twins.
LAst time went to collect Ryan's passport forgot to bring his BC but with both mother & father IC + the baby they released the passport to me
I know where is mcnair rd. I used to stay in Towner Rd. It's one of the most accessible places to town. U so lucky

Seems dat many of ur little ones dun sit in high chair during meal times. Then where do u feed them? On the flr? Will they run everywhere?

Go on Star Virgo no nid to pay during bday mth?

Chen chen is so clever

Congrats to u
Wow, can't imagine...No one in my family has ever had twins.

Tis is the carseat which i bot...Big?
skyblue, what brand is your carseat? looks familiar.

stylobb, i was thinking if bot bbs wants milk at the same time, dunno how. Let one cry while you feed the other? can bear to let the other starve or not?
Carseat looks roomy ...
FYI no need for family history for identical twins..haha..

I just borrowed two books from the library. Apparently can feed at the same time... but I think tiring for the mother right...
Hello mummies,

Can't catch up on the posts... Jem's been feverish for the past two nites.. crying in his sleep. On leave today to stay at home w him. Gp says it could most prob cause by his change in Formula milk... haiz. now gotta crack head to think what to get again

CONGRATS!! Rest plenty and have fun yah!
Dun worry too much abt the bf'ing part... i've seen a mummy at kkh delifrance, bf'ing a newborn n a toddler at the same time.. while she was smiling n chatting away!

Wahaha Deer,
Gareth use the hammer to 'massage' me too leh. Mebbe he's trying to fix me up?? hahah, potential surgeon perhaps? But he use the wrong tool lah. Should get a screw driver instead to tighten my loose screws...hahah

Handsome Kieran!
Oops Ya the msg is meant for Jas
Something wrong wif my co's sys. Wz crawling like snail since morning till 2+pm. I typed too fast n the cursor went to the top so it overwrote Jo's name n part of the msg addressed to u. I re-typed the msgbut din re-type Jas's name. Thanks

I din video tape Chen Chen when he said Honey. He din pronounce Honey accurately. He said Har <font size="-2">ny</font>. Another new word dat he said during the wk n is mei(3) mei(3) (pretty). He said mei(1) mei(1)
Everytime I bring cell phone to record Chen Chen's voice or laughter he stops talking or giggling n wanna snatch my / my hubby's cell phone
BTW how to post video clip in the web?

I m v happy Chen Chen said Honey because dat is my favorite bear's name

O the 5 yr passport juz introduced in Apr. I made Chen Chen's passport late Mar.
The passport reduce $10. I pd $60 for 10 yr passport
Different bb develops differently. Elyse can walk already right. Chen Chen elder than her tho still can't walk w/o support.

Kis, Skyblue
Chen Chen talks early. When he wz quite young, 6 or 7mth, he always look @ our lips when we talk to him. Dat time my uncle guessed dat Chen Chen will b n early talker.

Kieran looks v comfortable in his car seat. Chen Chen doesn't wanna sit in his car seat. He stands up everytime I put him in his car seat
Kieran looks so handsome in his carseat.. so comfy too.

I feed Ryan with him seated on the dining table.. as he always climb out of the high chair..sometimes let him play with toys on the floor then feed him or have him look out of the window to see bird etc
Kis, nvm lah our gals turning toddler too, not bb any more mah. Yours know how to say Papa??? Your hubby must be very happy.
Mine doesnt sound like mama at all, you can really tell it's mum-mum cos she only say that when she wants to eat.

pigletz, how to do massage with Gareth ard? Gareth likes to run abt now? Vane doesnt like to sit in pram nowadays, she prefers to walk.

hong, Jan also call Papa more often? Is this norm? My fren's gal also call Papa faster and can say it very sweetly. But when she calls mama, it's only when she needs help. Hahaha..

QSG, think must bring Dana to collect passport if you apply online. Maybe stylobb can feed both at the same time cos she got 2 breasts mah. Hahaha

styloBB, so you hear heartbeat 2x? Wow, that's so exciting. You quite honoured to lure some busy mummies out hor? Heehee.

skyblue, I think so cos one of my Virgo fren going to Star Cruise with her hubby. Kieran likes very comfy in his new car seat leh.

brenda, so Jem still having fever? Sounds quite bad that he even cries in his sleep leh.

shook, I can feel your joy that Chen Chen can speak.
So many post..........WOW!

Tks for posting the carseat foto for me, look nice n comfy! 1 pic depicts all words! Think I will dash down to Robinson liao. Heng ah, mums here mostly have cars/carseat liao, otherwise out of stock again...hahahahah.....

Kieran looks so handsome in his chair!

Hi stylobb,
CAN"T help it but after reading ur reply on your 2 sperms with 2 eggs thingy, I tot wow POWERFUL sperms, great swimmers! HAahahahhhah.......since no family history for twins mah! Thumb up!

hmm......i agree totally on the bf'g part for your twins. Feel that partial bf n fm maybe ideal if u really dun want to exhaust urself. U can spend more time with them too!

Hi Shook,
Amazing, cc is so fast in his verbal progress! So clever!

Elyse still roar only
, esp if we dun give her oour food or nvr bring her out when we change our clothes! very noisy though no speech yet!

Hi JAs,
Me give up dieting liao....hahaha, oreadi showed myself up to 15mums here liao, nothing to hide. Just hope dun pile up more!

Nowadays, I walk 40min per day, to n fro fetching my son. Tat's y I also have so much darker complexion. Now hei hei pang pang, not pai pai pang pang liao!

Wat abt u?

OOPs gtg....deer n giggler, tok later!
U bribed kieran with $10 note to remain seated in the carseat ah? Tot saw him holding a $10 note or something else?
So Jem has been sick... hope he gets well soon... v sian when our dears fall sick. U rest too....

Haha..two boobs but not nec got enuf milk leh! Was initially telling myself I must try harder this time, tho b/f jesse till 6.5 months with some fm, now must extend but who knows...twins, then how?? See how lah.

Heartbeat, no, never hear two at the same time, one by one...anyway cannot hear two... cos they will become one mah...

More mummies came out ah? That's good... I must not 'talk' so much here...hehe..

My family has history, my maternal granny was a twin.
But for identical twins, no need for family history of twins.

Haha...I just telling the 'scientific' explanation for fraternal twins..

Rembr to apply more sunblock when u go out ok, try Clinique City Block 40+ hehehe....
Oh no...wat brand of FM did u let Jem try? U take care of urself too and hope his resumes back to normal self soon.

Sent u an email.
I think u were the one who mentioned about teaching Sarah using sign language. I'm interested to learn more abt it. U know where i can find such books?
Jem has fever due to change in formula. 1st time I heard of. Oh poor boi. Did GP suggest how to cure fever due to change in formula?

Ya I m v happy ea time I hear Chen Chen blurt a new word. Sometimes he only said a word on n occassion after dat he doesn't say it anymore. 1 of the 9 I clean him n I told him tis is a diaper. He repeated diaper after me a few times but doesn't say diaper anymore. He still says Honey juz now

Elyse is talking juz dat it is bb lang

When Chen Chen wants food, he pulls our hand. After feeding him, we will ask him nice or hao chi ma? He nods his head n replied nine nine or hao. My mum encourages him to talk thru tis way. Every 9 b4 he sleeps, we will ask him to say night night.
Gd to walk everyday. Gd cardio exercise. No wonder I find u darker than the 1st time I met u

Chen Chen doesn't call me Honey. He calls me ma. He wz looking @ the foreverfriends bear on the display shelf. I told him tis is Honey n he repeats after me.
Ryan's Mickey mouse float is so cute. He knows how to swim?

BF dd = ss. Latch on more, your ss will b able to meet dd
Do u feel more uncomfortable carrying twins? My colleague is expecting twins. She feels v uncomfortable n she bleeds. She said her gyne said v common for mum who carries twins to bleed
Thanks for the compliments. He can move around the pool himself with the floats. Have been learning since 5mth..will put him on stroke learning classes when he is 2-3yrs old.
Hahaha.... Alicia must be wondering.... errr... where is my balloon!!!! Hahaha... so cute.
Hey, PVL din reply yet. RUffy and I are ok... see when you ok, we can go over your place or some shopping mall.

I just saw Ryan's blog... I see that photo of you and Ryan and Jade again. THink hor, you look like the happy mother of 2 leh... you can start planning again!
Hi Giggler,
yeah.. still running a temperature but its only at night when he sleeps.

HAhah eureka/Shook,
elyse roar n chen chen speaks proper.. good hor. Jem can hold a baby conversation complete w animation, at times even sounds like replying us. once i can't resist n ask him,"r u telling me something?" he gave me a 'argh' n went back to his toys. I can't help but think he's laufing at my stupidity.

I let him tried Mamil.. initially just replace one scoop still okay. but once added more mamil to Nan2, he started having a lot of phelgm

i've heard of FM not suitable will cause cough and constipation.. think he has fever cos he developed phelgm suddenly then keeping coughing and throwing out his milk. i've stopped mamil already. Doc says the content of Nan2 n mamil might be too different so he couldn't adapt. Suggested i try GAinIQ from scratch again... so now he's back on nan2 with 1 scoop of Gain IQ.

finally i understand what u always say abt Rae Rae sayanging u after being notti etc. Just now i was resting on the bed when jem suddenly came to me and give me two kisses. Then he rest his head on me n starts to babble non-stop... When i ask him whether he want to sleep already, he kiss me again n curl up next to me.. promptly fell asleep. I was really surprised cos for the past 2 nites, i actually have to carry n rock him to sleep.. which was really straining me. Hahahha, guess our bois just have a way to our hearts...
Yah I know... but my boy ah, last time, fed v frequently until I pa pa!! The ss=dd somehow did not quite work for me. So that time I just tried my best. He is super drinker and eater... now at eighteen months, he can finish 300ml+ for his last feed.

How many weeks is your colleague now? Is her tummy big? Thankfully no bleeding, I am on hormone pills, take three times a day.
yes the "Pa paaa" she called could kill my hubby. Very "tei" kind. Thats also goes for her "Ye Ye" back at PIL place. She will called "Pa pa" n "Ye Ye" very automatically but not Nai Nai n mommy.

Sometime she didnt even want to call me when she need me. Only hold me tightly like a koala bear...

Jem still not well yet. Due to FM? Hmm 1st time i heard abt it that the fever cos by FM.
Hope he get well soon.
Hi PRingles,
U can send the clip in for some SIngapore Home video contest.......the best part of the clip is that Alicia looked up to u or papa for some clue on where has her balloon vanished into??!!! Hahahhah!

HI RUffy,
Ryan's laughter melts hearts....very cute n so innocent!

Hi brenda,
I read smwhere that Jem is unwell? Did u do a transistional switch to Mamil?? IF it is deal to FM n not viral infection, then all shd be well soon!

It is so heartwarming to read ur post on tender JEm! I understand how u feel! Rae is indeed a very super duper tender boy. He is mischievious no doubt but really a sweet boy. Nowadays, he will come to me n says he luv me alot alot alot! He will place his head very near to my head, look into my eyes n say 'mummy mummy, i buy this XXX for u, k???'.....very very sweet!

Ups n downs of motherhood, we all have a taste?! MOre coming up for Jem!HE is such a passionate boy, can kiss etc. Rae older n u know wat he does when i give him a peck? He smiles n immediately clean his face, my sweat planted there!!! XXX@#$! hahahahaha......

Oh yes, I wanted to apologise to u but forgot. My apology if Rae misbehaved or rough towards Jem or U at the sat's party.

HI Deer,
I almost always pass by ur place if i go dn town. Cabs always pass by there to get to my place.

Today went over to my sis pl n we watched the taped NKF charity show. Sit there n wept again. Silly rite? But those cancer stricken patients, esp young ones are so heartbreaking! Guess I will nvr understand all these if I nvr ever a mum.

THere is a saying....certain lessons in life we will nvr know or learnt unless we become parents. I really believe there is 100% element of truth!

HI Giggler,
The details i have not much in memory liao. THink he went thru certain training himself or giving some training, then collapsed n died 2-3hrs after tat.

HI SHook,
I didnt realise I am much darker till lately i saw 2 tone on my thigh! Then i saw Rae oso turn darker!

HI stylobb,
Where got money n the feel to put on sunblock being a sahm? sm more everyday to school? I have much skincare which is white elephant at my vanity table!

Specifically asked hb not to buy any skincare for me at DFS somemore..........
Ryan swims or walks in the pool wif float?

Jem soooo..... cute talks wif animation. I wanna c
Is Jem ok after u gave him Nan2+GainIQ?
So warmth dat Jem kissed then curled bsides u to sleep. Chen Chen likes to toss ard me, lies on my tummy after evening feed. He doesn't french kiss me anymore
. Dunno y

Jesse drinks a lot. Chen Chen is drinking 160ml when I m working. The most he drinks is 180ml
My colleague is 3 mth now. She wz on mc for long stretch (1.5 wk, then 1wk) n on pills 2 times a day due to spotting. Her tummy is flat. She doesn't hv much appetite. Bsides, she puke after eating

Hahaha Janelle knows opp attracts
Her pa pa n ye ye muz b heart melting

Rae is such a sweet boi

Pringles, Ruffy, Eureka, Mom2Nat
When I view the video clip it's showing part of it, then stops, skips part of it, cont to show part of it.... on n on. Do u gals know wat happened?
Morning mummies,
Must wait for the whole clip bar to be uploaded before you play it then wont skip around

Ryan swims with the floats if it is in the deep (adult) pool.. if kids pool will walk around with it as the water level only reaches to his chest.

Thinking of going to the park later today say 4.30pm.. if you want can sms me.. I drive my own car.. can fetch u.
I dun have the pram today
tot not gg out, so din bring it up.
So today can't join you. TOnight I ask hubby to bring up pram!
Brenda, how is Jem today?

Giggler, i meant especially how to bf 2 bbs if using the lying down style lah. also not easy to carry 2 bbs at the same time if sitting up right?
Chen Chen start saying whole word liao, u must be very excited
Is he able to repeat the same word over and over again? My MIL told me my niece called Gong (grandfather) one morn, but only once, cant get her to repeat again. My mum told me last week, when she tried to get YH pee into the diaper b4 she bath him, she said Shhhhhhh in`front of YH, then she heard another small voice saying Shhhhhh also, and realised it was YH doing it. But i didnt manage to get YH to do it for me again. I also dunno how to pose video clips .... u can chk with Mom2Nat where and how she posted Nat's laughter. Try taking video clips of Chen Chen saying new words and show it to us, i would love to see it

Kieran looks like a big boy sitting in the car seat. He so guai hor, pose for u like this .... show us some of his monkey tricks in the car leh ... heheh ... I see the $10 note Eureka mention .... she got very sharp eyes

How's Jem doing today? Hope Jem recover fast fast, u take care too. Why do u want to change his current FM since he is ok with the curr one?
Jem is a good boy, he knows mummy worries for him for the past 2 nites, so he sayang mummy also

I can imagine how jealous u r regarding the papa, yeye but not mummy .... heheh ... me also feel the same when YH always smiles at my hb and my father but it takes me much more effort to make him smile at me. But hor, when he is cranky, the only person who can stop his crying is me (besides my mum). It's only when i carry him then he will stop his crying, not even my hb. U can imagine how bo eng i m at home during wkend!

Same same, whenever i watch NKF or Renci, i will weep also ... sometimes i wonder whether YH cries so much is becoz he has my genes. Thanks for telling me u wept also, at least i dun feel i m the only silly one .... i guess one can be sympathetic without crying, duuno why i m such a crying baby.
Actually what u said reminds me of the SIA plane crash 5 yrs ago, i remembered there was this mummy fr motorola she just gave birth not too long ago, she needed to go on a bz trip to US, brought along a photo of her bb with her ... and she perished in the crash ... whenever there were incidents reminded me of her, i will wonder how's her bb doing now ... must be a little girl/boy now ...

U take good care of urself. U got 2 bao bei inside u
If you want can lend you Ryan's pram..btw Ryan doesn't really like sitting in the pram.. he can sit in his tricycle.
Mine is the lightweight combi. We just back from Swimming..
4 plus today maybe her nap time. You go ahead with your plans, if I can make it, I sms you in advance.
Thanks for asking
i re-read ur posting.. Rae so sweet, loving little boy. When will Janelle said that to me. The only time she is sweet when i asked her to kiss me and she kiss back.

Wrong lah.. she only allow her shu shu, ye ye and daddy touch her. Other than that no other guys can touch her.

yah only mummy can stop their crying. Janelle suddenly has a very weird sleeping pattern. She dun want her daddy to sleep beside her. She only wants me and if she wake up in the mid of the nite she will cry for me and want me to hug her to sleep... Many times she wanted me to sit up and hug her to sleep, or she will want me to body hug her to sleep. Always push me to the edges of the bed...
<font color="aa00aa">MoooooooooooooORNING MUMMIES!</font>

4got to mention I know where is McNair Road. I have been there a couple of times! 12 yrs ago I bumped onto a lady at 1 ocassion n hit it off frm there. We corresponded very often n this the address I always sent my mail too. WOW, how this world progress, last time were snail mails! Now where got time? SHe is many years my senior n machiam a mentor. VERY nice lady that pulled me out frm my pit then! U guess how I bumped onto her?? Details spared....we met when I was weeping so badly beside her.......very drama hor?? She is my gui ren in life! MAybe she is ur neighbour???

U n I not only qin xia era, also very big HUM BAO! hahhahah......

Hi HOng,
Think our kids are a reflection of our behaviour/manner to certain extent? I am those open type, very drama in my gesture, very affectionate towards my kids, so I think they follow suit?

The way u mentioned abt Janelle dun let strangers touch freak me out! hhaahahahah...

<font color="aa00aa">Mummies,</font>
Rae recently dun know why, very daring. Talk to strangers at his own will. Talk until 'wu leng wu hong', both parties can laugh away somemore! Can shake hand somemore. Neighbour saw his behaviour n warned me to be careful of Rae, wait kena 'abduct' etc. This NOT EVER come into my mind at all, is my guard level for my kids not built up at all?? So much things to be wary n learn with our kids' arrival.

Mummies, r u all like me? Maybe shook will disapprove my laid back attitude? SHook, are u?
Hahaha... Rae is so sociable, can even shake hands with strangers!! WEll, you can't deny, he is growing up fast.
YOu brought Elyse back to take care on your own liao?
yes, i did. but once i increase Mamil more than Nan2, he developed phelgm n came down w fever

Aiyah, what's there to apologise?? we'll be expecting more 'roughness' from them.. afterall, they can't be expected to share till age 3 right? I'm telling u what happened cos i think they both very 'guai' din start howling/crying ... if u get what i mean. I usually see most kids snatch snatch then starts to scream n stamp foot...hahahaha, headache!!

Dunnoe leh, after switching to GainIQ at least he dun puke anymore.. but last nite still feverish. force down paracetamol at 3am.. haiz.
Hahaha,, mebbe Chen CHen grows up liao so dun french anymore.. read that boy gets less affectionate when they grow up.. Male ego at works i guess.

He's still not too fine.. but i'm back at work.. Tired
din sleep well for 3 nites.
He's turning one already so change to new FM.

hahhaha... Jem has been doing Janelle's way of sleeping for the last 3 nites... faintz!
why freak u but she is ok with aunties. hee

Rae really cute, chatty boy now, so garang too.
I'm ok with such behaviour as long as the child is within my sight... but must still be careful.

xin ku hor but then feel so gd sometime too cos they hugged so tightly...
Jem taking more food these days?

Now i know which one is ur son liao.. hahah but i cant rbr how u look.

mummies, i got a pack of cheerios from Liberty yesterday. I cant find the original flavour, only managed to get the Honey Nut Cheerios.

Wah a big box, not cheap as well, i hope Janelle like it, gave some to a mommy and bring some to office as "healthy snack" during tea break.
U want diagrams...cos the book that I'm reading shows the different positions that one can b/f for twins...hehe...

Your colleague quite poor thing ah... hope she gets beta. That day one of my colleague came to 'question' me (she is those auntie, maternal types) how come my tummy so big so I told her cos I'm carrying two lor!! Stunned her for a moment, then she was so happy...hehe...
So far I'm ok, go about my day...

Drama indeed...can say in short why u were weeping ah???

It's good that Rae is sociable but u gotta watch out mah.... who knows what weirdos are around? Beta be safe than sorry hor... Btw we realised jesse is BIG enuf to sit at the table at some food courts. His head is just above the table... he likes to tease people sitting across another table....will play peek-a-boo and then laugh loudly...quite funny...

Or u can buy Loreal?? Hehe...slightly cheaper... must take care of skin and sunblock is v v important!

Thanks yah... I will take care... actually I just go about my normal day's activities lor.. if I feel tired, then I sleep earlier. There is just much I can do to take care lor...

Guess what ! The only thing I could remember was paddington bear about your son...hahah!!! So cute..
yeap, hubby's younger sis is staying in the same block

hubby got 2 elder sis and 1 younger sis. The younger sis is staying in the same block but at higher level. As what stylobb mention, been having this housing issue for a long while, and used to 'complaint' to stylobb and hong.

Good that alicia like the new high chair. Ikea's high chair not bad, cheap and good. Every meal time I will be so stressed out, and really look to the day when my boy can sit in the high chair till he finished his meal.

Actually stylobb told me that you are not pang pang. So I don't think you are like me need to diet. I have started dieting liao, and also using the slimming package I bought before preggie. So far okay, only lost 1kg... still got so much more...

Oh Taka toy fair, hope it would be like the toy sales at concourse... hee hee..

this is also the first time I heard FM can cause fever. I believe Jem will be well soon since you have stopped mamil and resume back to the original FM mixture.
When I click on the link u posted, the video clip starts by itself. I can't even find play button

Ryan so clever can swim in adult pool. How do u teach him to swim?

YH so cute makes shhhh... sound. Chen Chen look ard eyes big big or wriggles when we shhhh.... him
Chen Chen repeats some words over and over again but not all the words. From what I can recall he doesn't repeat the word diaper, guava (supposed to b papaya don't know y he said guava) and cheese (he pronounced as sheese) again. His favorite words r negh negh, ba nana, night night, nine nine (nice nice) all wif n sound. In fact he said many other words but I never thought of video tape them. My hubby only video taped actions Chen Chen made. Not easy to video tape new words Chen Chen said coz it is v impromptu. Bsides, our camera tape action only no sound. Videocam not so handy
Ya Eureka very observant. I notice the $10 note only after Eureka mentioned it

Chen Chen same sleeping pattern as Janelle. Do u co-sleep wif Janelle when she is back @ home wif u?

The way u met your mentor is v drama indeed. Dat's wat happen in life. My colleague who is a Shanghainese met his wife who is a Shanghainese on the plane on the way to Singapore! V fairy tale
Rae is like u. Make friends easily. V sociable.
U mean your laid back attitude as in let Rae socialise wif ppl? As long as u r by his side. Y not. I always carry Chen Chen n let him shake/wave hands wif/to strangers who wanna play or talk to him

U r v open n understanding. Some mummies complain to the other bb's mummy if other bb is rough to their bb
@ least Jem din puke. There is improvement. Hope he won't get fever tonight
Chen Chen doesn't even wanna kiss my hubby when I told him to kiss daddy. He turns his face away when I bring him close to my hubby's face
Envy u n Eureka dat Jem n Rae r so affectionate

My colleague said she is v happy talking to me wrt pregnancy. I had v bad morning sickness, metallic taste n heartburn. The other colleagues in her dept din feel bad during pregnancy. Well different ppl hv different encounter
Jesse is sociable

Does your youngest SIL go to your PIL's hse often?

Lyn mei mei, where r u?
not to worry abt your laid back attitude. nothing compared to me. maybe that's why ashley is so bo-chiap!
Ashley smiled to everybody n waved to kids. she does it in food court, at the void deck, in macdonald's .... many a times, the kids simply ignore n she actually gets really upset. for kids she will continue to call out to them n wave. for adults, if they dun respond, she won;t bother. so now she know my neighbours 2 doors away, the karang guni man n this other kid few blocks away.
hi mummies! I've been mia for sooooo long. How has everyone been? Hope everyone is fine. My hubby has been hogging the computer so I didn't get to use it. Today he's gone out (hehehehe) so I can catch up on my surfing. But I don't have time to go and check the archives, so I'll just pretend I'm fresh in here and start from here. Tomorrow, again I won't have the computer. Probably have to wait til August to get my comp back.

I've been trying to get Sarah to take powdered milk since last week. Every afternoon is a struggle. She screams and squirms. I only give her 50ml. Any tips on weaning to FM and bottle?
deer n eureka,
u weep when u see such patients? i don think u will like to talk to me. i work often with such patients n i have alot personal stories to share. usually its the kid that's the hardest to let go.

Brenda, can you take 1 day leave to rest at home? Tough not sleeping well for 3 nites in a row.

Stylobb, very curious how to bf twins. If you can post the diagrams, would be interesting

Hong, which liberty you go to?The liberty near my place got almost all the flavours except the toasted oatmeal.
