(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi Deer,
Glad to hear that u have those awful pek chek feeling too. Smtx, I feel guilty bearing those thought, since a mum then must take on the role well n dun complain or grumble lor. But cant help it!

No doubt, Rae is indeed a very sweet boy still. When we scold or smack him for being noti, he as usual a monster. Then after awhile, he comes to us/me sweetly n say 'Rae Rae noti boy, mummy gd girl hor?'.............u die anot, 1 moment of 'fury', another moment of bottom of the heart smile?

Eureka, actually our car is in singapore already but queuing to be fitted. Think many people buy cars during the same period as us.

Do you have any idea if dragon fruit is considered "liang", heaty or neutral type of fruit? Why not good idea to cook barley using slow cooker? I usually put on high for 1 hour.
Deer, alot of common colds/flus can affect and cause ear infections/sore throat and phelm in lungs. These are things we cant see with naked eye ourselves, so need to see at least a GP to make sure that bb is not suffering from infections.

Jo and Lyn, thank you too for advise. I really appreciate it
Viv, I went to this website before..the only thing is that these cakes all are with those sugar coating...dunno whether nice or not leh.. u noe old folks lah..where got appreciate such pretty cakes?
Hi mummies

how u know i no strength to Bong you ah? Last nite Alicia woke once @130am and another time 3am.....my hubby help me to attend to her but as usual, i wake up once i hear crying...this wk quite a bad week, now she recover frm flu and cough, her teething at its worst!Gum very swollen.Haiz...o well....nothing new under the sun....

Gift for Jaz:
1. Brenda
2. Shook
3. Hazey
4. Pigletz
5. Giggler
6. Eureka
7. Absolut
8. Val
9. Emily
10 Snario
11 Priviledged
12 B2b3m4
13 Nat
14 Lyn
15 Jul
16 Deer

count us in for Elyse's bday party. Nowadays she naps @11am again. In worst scenario if Alicia naps around 12pm, we will come after she wakes...anyway, her nap time totally haywired these days. Is it ok?

oh no, hope Faye's is just a mild cough and runny nose. The safe barley for baby (not too liang and does not cause phlegm)is the combination of china barley + the other bigger white barley + deng xin hua. If you are not sure, just pop into a chinese medicine hall and ask them which is the barley combination for bb. They will show u

Shook and Viv
Your bday greetings are always so colorful and cheery!!Thks!

Hope Ian will recover asap. Rest assured he will be alright under ur care
Yes, our bbs do not want to be carried as much these days, except when not feeling well.

I come back later to post further...gonna sleep now....
Guess all mummies have their fair share of lousy times. Urs more cos u r a mum longer than us..

Mine is usually when i'm ill. Then i'll have this constant nagging feeling that everyone was right to ask me to go for abortion cos i'm not strong enuf to be a mum.

So each month becomes a cycle that i've to rush for work, pick jem up, entertained him till he sleep then rush hsework and fall ill cos its tiring to do all. And when illness befall, that's when i've to face those 'meant well' messages of u should 'pu', u should learn to manage ur time better, and worst... "i told u so"

but ever since u told me mostly its a phase thing.. i've learned to take things more easy. Hahahha... share w u, sometx i even throw jem's things away. like i soak his dirty clothes for more than a day already and it happens on an extremely overwhelming day, i'll just throw n not think abt it. if i'm really ill n jem's w me.. i'll limited all activites in the bedroom so that i'll only need to clean up one place.

SO my turn to remind u," IT'S A PHASE AND IT'LL BE OVER SOON SOON!"
happy belated birthday
tks for asking, my mum is beta, resting at hm. me fine, as usual 'bo eng' w ashrel so seldom chat in forum now. alicia looks nice in her kimono, happy n active girl right..

i look 4ward to c u, elyse, rae n keke, ur hubby. my hubby v 'siam po' oso mah. where did u order elyse b'day cake?
ZL has running nose and cough again? U suspect the barley water has worsen his cough? I will try to avoid barley water, fruits, cold water and chicken when i hv cough, coz i can nvr determine what kind of cough i hv, and usually when i took the abv, i take a long time to recover fr my cough which comes with a lot of phlegm.
R u still giving cod liver oil to ZL? Is he taking it well?
Hope ZL will recover fully soon.

I find Rae has a sense of humour, a very sweet boy indeed when he makes effort to be one. I guess u just hv to guide him patiently ... i know its easier to say than done ...
hmm, mummies.. just pondering abt eureka's words

"I feel guilty bearing those thought, since a mum then must take on the role well n dun complain or grumble lor. But cant help it!"

think complaining n grumbling wun make us a bad or not good mum leh... so shouldn't let ourself get too guilt ridden. Hahahah... instead, can start thinking of when its the earliest that we can come online to type out our frustrations.
Brenda, Hazey,
Actually complaining and grumbling doesnt make me feel guilty, its the losing of my cool, almost wanted to slap him or scream at him, or even thought of strangling him tt make me feel bad and guilty after i cool down.
YH had colic and later reflux problem fr 3 wks old up till abt 3.5 mths. Those non-stop crying and non-stop puking period was the time when i almost did all of the above.
hey hey...I m back. Still in one piece though my nose still blocked n voice oso a bit "sexy". LOL.
Virus in the air. And personally find tat this time round, the virus really POWERFUL. Randall down with fever n flu. Even my mum oso kanna. When I brought him to c PD on Tues. Out of 10, 9 bbs r having fever. So mummies, pls be extra careful.

This morning at 4am, Randall woke up for milk and after feeding, he refused to go to bed. I so tired to pat him so asked hb to do so. He somemore so steady and ans me "ok..no prob". BUT, next moment I saw Randall bz crawling ard. Arrghh....Fed up. Got up and continue pat him. I feel like chopping hb up.
Dun forget to include my share...

Gift for Jaz:
1. Brenda
2. Shook
3. Hazey
4. Pigletz
5. Giggler
6. Eureka
7. Absolut
8. Val
9. Emily
10 Snario
11 Priviledged
12 B2b3m4
13 Nat
14 Lyn
15 Jul
16 Deer
18 Skyblue

Nope, i didn't book the trial for BJG tis sat. Got smthg on so can't make it. U trial liao, tell me how is it okie?

HFMD no nid to get admitted to hospital one rite? My SIL's 3 kids all kena dat tis yr. The youngest one (2 yrs old) had the most serious bout of HFMD wif many many ulcers in the mouth. They were simply given medication n grounded at hm. After abt a wk, all totally recovered.

Not exactly privileged lah... Many of his toys r hand me downs. Hey, btw, i'll be able to come to Elyse's bday party. I dunno whether i can gain access to the yahoo gp so i tell u here hor. I've nvr met any of the mummies here b4, i abit scared scared leh.:p
Wat happened to Rae? He's not feeling well?

Can can, sure can share share wif YH di di... Kieran's trademark is his arched eyebrow :p If i purposely take out the camera jus to take Kieran's teeth, then can forget it. Wat i usually do is to make him laugh, then when his mouth opens, i'll snap. Wat happened to YH? Still feeding eggs or stop liao? U tried the ang hwey mtd?

Kieran has nvr had the pinch factor. Dunno y his fotos quite often appear as if he has chubby cheeks, but bo leh... I oso love kids wif pinchable cheeks, until i feel like biting them sometime :p U turn? I only rem my instructor last time told me no nid to care how many lanes, when reach the junction, jus fully turn the steering wheel n the car will auto turn into the correct lane. Dat time i was ?????

Jem is so cute, know how to 'kay kay' when he reaches the childcare. Hehehe...
initially i wanted to be like u. spilt the whole b day celebration to a few sessions but my mum says not good to cut cake so many times. I oso dunno why. so i'm just trying to crash as many frens n relatives as possible for this sunday n maybe a simple one with ILs side. no cutting cake for ILs.
Skipping all the balloons, frills stuff. Tot they r too young to appreciate anyway. maybe when they get older n has frens, then get more of those games, balloons, door gifts stuff. my fren has a big one for her 1 yr old boy's celebration. so much stuff n door gifts. in the end, the boy just stick to the maid, while the mother just run around frantically non stop.
Hahhahaah Val,
ur hb steady like my hb. Hb the most will speak 1 statement n dozed off like dead log beside my bawling kid(s).....

Still agree with Hazel....form GUILTY MAMA club. I kena caught by all this haunting bad feeling very badly. can get very teary over it too. U imagine i whack rae's thigh until very red n then rubbing n sayanging them after that....machiam some lunatic!! Monster bb, driving bb mad club, think whole island mama will join lah.

Deer, brenda, I do have ur kind of feeling too. I get scared, dun u? wont ah?? Waiting for that day I will be hardened n heartless, no feeling scolding n beating my kids. I know we must discipline not out of frustration but at times, it is just too difficult in the face of a noti tod! Get on ur nerves very badly!

Sm tx, rae just refuse to brush his teeth. N not those keep silent one, it's bawling away type....Damn irritating type. Once, i feel like using the rinsing mouth water to pour over his face but control so hard. Haiz..........feel guitly bearing that sinful tot n glad i didnt do it!!!

It is such feeling that eats u up.......as if very bad n sinful mum. Others got kids oso, they manage their temper n emotion well, they discipline well at the same time, wat happen to me lor.............

Brenda, ooops...i threw away many attire too, after soaking for many days...then hack lah.........are we alrite? hahahhaha
I'm actually reading this book on "nurturing good children" now. Lots of very good facts abt raising children. Alot that is already obvious to us but sometimes we ignore it or forget abt it.
One of it was on getting frustrated with children. dun get frustrated n lose your cool on them (even if u are, we know your frustrations) When u know u r going to blow, walk away. Honestly alot of times, its not their fault. they didn't want to throw up either. they didn't want to drop or tear up your favourite book etc. it beyond their ability. its better to walk away, keep your cool first then confront the matter. flaring up at the children will only make them feel even smaller abt themselves (not realising that its just that it beyond their capabilities). n they will just not want to come to u anymore. or worse, they dun understand what happen n that u actually flare up make them want to avoid u bcos they dunno when u are flaring up again.
Hey B2,
I agree with ur party tots too...not much frills. Really no energy n drive to do up and also wonder how the bbs appreciate

Agree when they are older, maybe will need to have those entertaining programs n games to keeps the kids occupied.

Now, I just pray that elyse wont be cranky for her big day.

Coming anot, on 25th?

COme, I lagi more scared than u. I met most mums once only n i am kan jeong over my cake n caterer. Dun wan to go with the norm but scare turned out not nice etc........then time is running out.............no time to diet too
<font color="ff0000">B2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<font color="119911">U super sotong!</font> It's me tat start the guilty bad feeling abt nurturing our kids, not deer. Y u no talk to me ah? U come on 25th, better be armoured too!!!!!!!!!! Tsk TSk.......

Wanted to be a perfect mums too.....got own tot is wonderpower manual too, use soft approach, use humour, love, tender, concern, more attention approach. All went well but seem of late, no use leh. So flare up full blast ah..........theory is so easy........reality bites ah...

When I flare n lose cool n patience, hb will try soothing n cushioning everything....say not necessary to be like tat over a 2YO kids. Then when he handles rae, he lost his cool just as fast n i become the 'hey, u b cool leh, y like tat' party......

Dun worry lah, I tink most of the muumies r not there to eat (so if fd not nice oso nvm :p), they're there to catch up wif one another more bah. IMHO, a gp of very nice pple makes a successful party, not food.
Come lah.........take it as out for a gymboree or outing session. Sm tx, they will miss their morning nap too but most will knock out flat by 4pm, rite? BY then, already back home! c yah!
U here still or phantom liao?

Hey, glad to see ur name in the attendance list....guess ur hb can make my hb less conscious abt his size....or feel proud of his unique size!!!! hahahahaha
Hope u and Randall will get well soon.
Ur hubby is not the only one lah, mine also the same. Ask him to look after YH when i bathe, he will just lie down with his book beside YH, i will hear a lot of noise fr YH in the living rm, coz hubby didnt play with him, he hold his hand so tt YH cant tear his book, then i hv to bathe quickly coz i cant stand YH's eee huhuh outside. Told him many times to entertain him and DONT just hold his hands, but hubby still do the same

Kieran so cute, got trademark ;)
I dont know why YH cried at nite these few days, i begin to suspect it cld be becoz hubby played with him just b4 he slept. These 2 nites hubby made YH giggler and laughed out loudly during playtime, in fact my mum and i enjoy watching them play. Will discuss with my mum tonite and see whether this cld be the cause.
Then most prob it's a result of overstimulation. But then it's great seeing them laugh out loud rite? Can't resist making our little ones laugh n laugh
hahahaha skyblue
thanks thanks... i stop feeding him cod liver oil for sometime... regret... should have continue to feed him that.

vit c... i can only think of orange... but cannot feed orange to him... ok let me surf net for any other food rich in vit c.

sorrie lah... very blur lah. cannot be reading all the postings. otherwise, think i kenna fried sotong by boss.

can lah, can lah. will come on 25th. muz let the two ladies meet again. but ashley still can't walk steadily. think she may have problem catching up with elyse.
Yeah, yeah, agree, really enjoy seeing them playing together, esp hubby has to juggle with work and study, not much time for YH.

I agree with Skyblue also, think most of us wont judge whether the food nice or not, maybe we wont even know what we r eating, we will be bz chatting, and making each other's bbs cry .. hahah ....

B2, Eureka
B2, thanks for sharing what u hv read with me, and recommending the book. Eureka, it applies to me also mah, not only u, i m also a monster mummy sometimes ....

Just give u 2 examples to make u feel better....
These 2 incidents happened during my maternity leaves, YH was very colicky. There were twice my mum went out and left me alone with YH. Both times i bf him, burped him, he threw out and started crying non-stop! Usually after bf, i was dead tired, just wished to lied down and sleep, coz during then i bf YH in a sit up position for an hr or more. When YH cried non-stop i felt very very very fan, and what's more, he threw out all my bm, wasted my efforts bf him, i felt even more frustrated.
One time, i cannot tahan his crying anymore, i just left him on the bb cot and went into another room to scream! I SCREAM and SCREAM and SCREAM and CRIED until i felt better then went back to carry YH again.
Another time, i was really frustrated, very very frustrated with his crying non-stop, so i looked at him, looked into his eyes and asked him in my heart whether he wanna jumped down together with me ... i didnt really want to jump down, just tt i really didnt know how to stop him fr crying, pat him also cannot, carry him walk the whole hse also cannot, so in the end i got tt terrible thot .... i think many mummies will think tt i was really siao, but i really cant help it. Eureka, if u feel guilty over the thot of splashing Rae with his rinsing water, i guess u will understand how i felt after the whole incident was over.

I m really very scared tt i cant handle YH when he comes to his terrible two stage. I will try to pick up the book tt u recommended. Thanks

Maybe by tomo this book will be out-of-stock in all bookshops, judging fr how the gerber puffs and cherrios were being snatched up .... hehehe ...
Do u want to try the Delrosa rosehip syrup? It is rich in vitamin C. It is a bit sweet, YH likes it very much, he can finish it without struggling (he normally struggle when we give him water).
But pls dont mix it with milk as suggested on the box, i think the taste doesnt go well.
Thx for extracting the list

Chen Chen is more guai when my parents r ard. My parents said dat is bcoz there r more ppl. Chen Chen likes crowd. Perhaps YH likes crowd too
Can't agree more " losing of my cool, almost wanted to slap him or scream at him, or even thought of strangling him tt make me feel bad and guilty after i cool down." I apologise to Chen Chen after I cool dwn. Afterall, he is a bb, so helpless n can't xpress himself

Deer, Pringles
Our bb same same. Chen Chen woke up 2am for feed, 4 am for feed n played till 6+am tis morning. I m v tired.

Since KK din admit Ian, he shld b ok. Keep monitoring. Wish him swift recovery n eat a lot a lot
Wow more durian than sponge cake. Drools........
I find the standard of Marriot durian moon cake drops last yr compared to yr b4 last yr

The skin on my toes back to normal yrs after I stopped wearing close toes shoes. Takes time. Apply moisturiser doesn't help
OK u pass me the $ tis Sat lor
I dun intend to let Chen Chen hv chic pox jab but my hubby said get PD's advice when we bring Chen Chen for MMR jab
Since Jerald on whole egg nothing to take note for MMR

I collect the $ personally fm u can

Wish Faye recovers soon

U put in a lot of effort to make a great party for Jana. I feel shy not doing anything for Chen Chen. My colleagues n relatives ask no 1 yr old b'dy party ah. My mum n hubby dun 1 leh

Ya rite, I m referring to the lump protruding out @ the sides of my feet
I cook beyond the teo chew style. Pigletz offered Chen Chen puff not porridge
Jem so clever hide away fm relief teacher

A few times when I wz abt to go out then Chen Chen falls asleep, then gotta feed him, N HE LIKES TO POO IN THE MIDST OF EATING! Few times we told ppl will b there ard 1pm, n up 3pm. Embarrassed n boiled. Can only shout @ Chen Chen. Wat can I do. can understand how u feel. Yours more eventful. U deserved a big big hug. (((Hug)))

I m oso the type who missed my call
Gift for Jaz:
1. Brenda
2. Shook
3. Hazey
4. Pigletz
5. Giggler
6. Eureka
7. Absolut
8. Val
9. Emily
10 Snario
11 Priviledged
12 B2b3m4
13 Nat
14 Lyn
15 Jul
16 Deer
18 Skyblue
19 QSG
20 Jo
21 Viv
Gals there r 21 in the list. So $104 divide by 21 we round up ea pays $5
haha, i didn't offer chen chen porridge cos you say he eat porridge liao then sleep mah. I still got porridge one. But think he would love the puff more then the porridge. hehe
yeah, back from lunch now less groggy can read better..

Hey! Thanks for informing me abt the barley... cos i've intro it to Jem already, din noe that been doing it all wrong.

Hahah Val, eureka, deer
think all fathers sama sama.. Mine got fed up w my sneezing n insisted that i go to the room to nap. End up half hr later, i've Jem on me hitting my face asking me to wake up. went to check on hb, he was Zzz'ing on the sofa and continue to do so for 2hrs!
Hahhaha... so gals, shall we all chop our hbs up and sit together for some 'curry'?

Both me and Shook have thots of throwing our bbs out of the window.. rite shook?

But but B2,
see see all the bdae photos w banners n balloons etc... photos looks more colourful and nice nice! hahhaha

I very bad onez.. i choose to think that all mummies lose their cool over the kids, just that most not as techie as us to post it online!! U whacked rae till red red?? I quarrelled w hb yesterday abt Jem, he let loose that I threw Jem onto the bed literally!!
HOORAY !! we are all alright.. so is Rae Rae n Jem...hahhah. SO? forget abt it lah.. dun be too hard on urself. just close one eye n pretend that we are just as angelic as those mummies who washes every pc of bb clothes BY HAND AND IN BB DETERGENT!!

Erm deer,
I always play w Jem at nite too but he usually sleep thru leh. And when i say play w him... its like we run/crawl the whole house and he chuckle chuckle non-stop one.. But i'll make sure have 0.5hr to wind down before bedtime lah..
ok, will pay u $5 when i see u next sat.

eureka, shook
if zl really fall sick again, maybe we really have no fate to attend gathering....
Oh yah, one mummy asked me whether Jem's fav teacher is pretty. YES! w long hair hair n young young one!! Even my hb likes to say she's the best teacher there... hhmmm.. like father, like son. Just as Buaya!

Jo.. ZL there got such stories anot? hahhaha, all he wayang so well now that u can't differentiate already?
yes Jo,
Zl got any fav teacher etc? how's he in school anyway? din show u any new tricks? Jem just learnt how to stretch his arms high high to reach for the stars.. some vcd songs they play n most of the kids there seems to like this action
aiyo...dun stress me leh!!! u know i hardly hv any experience and in order to plan well, i need to know the host and birthday girl well n have feeling for them! hahahaha.... no lah ... i no party planner ...just trying to help u out okie?

i only know he is sticky to one caregiver, zl's teacher told me when the caregiver was inside the aircon room, zl will go and "knocked" the door to look for her. hahahaha
i also dun like the sugar coating...some r icing sugar and some r mazipan which is worst cos they r sooo sweet n hard and i dun think anybody eats them at all. patissier says theirs is actually chocolate with colors added ...sounds nice but v ex. hmm...for old folks can do normal one and then a nice interesting one for friends? wah....ur headache 3x more than mine cos u getting 3 cakes

my hubby's group of friends always celebrate their kids 1st birthday, so he is okay and think its norm. my parents and PIL alredy know my style ...i prep them for 11mths already cos i celebrate every month ...so how can they not expect a 1 yr party

infact me n hubby discuss and agree that we'll celebrate Jana's birthday every year till she's eight. 1st birthday is significant. when she's two she'll be able to appreciate, so all the more reasons to celebrate. when she's 3 and 4, every1 in playgroup will be celebrating ...so must also celebrate for her. when she's 5 and 6, she got new best friends from kindergarden to celebrate with. 7 yr old, again new best friends from school to celebrate with. then we'll take a long break and celebrate again when she's 21!

oh, new tricks? err... he will get the gardenia bag (with bread inside) from the table top and pass me to open it to feed him the bread. also, i used tupperware to store his cheerios or puffs, so he will pass me the tupperware and want me to open it. if i act blur and put them aside, he will cry loud... consider tricks? hahahaha...

now he can only walk a few steps.
VIV....hahahahhaha....u r so funny! Yes you are right! But hor...mustn't forget sweet 16, then when she is 18, n finally 21!!!!! Patissier's chocolate? sure? hmmm... but v siong leh!

B2, really ah? Cannot cut cake many times ah? then how?
JO! ZL noes how to walk already?? unassisted one har?? *clap clap*

hahha he's like vane lah, cry to get the things they wan...

Mummies, any other examples of ur bbs wayanging? this is getting interesting.. i wan to starting looking out for such things in Jem. Din noe they so early noe how to pretend pretend liao
no lah... only sometime he can walk a couple of steps unassisted only...

hahahaha... issit? i tot all bbs are the same. u mean jem does not cry to get the things he wan???!!!

Hey..lets get ready for the chopping session. Hmm...prefers assam curry, red curry, green curry?? Haha... Randall oso likes pretty girls. My house area got one shop, the shop owner is a young &amp; pretty lady. Randall always smile n play with her. One day, @ the shop got this aunty and wanted to play with him. He sulked n ignore her totally.

This morning, I heard Randall kept coughing. So I was wondering howt come all out of a sudden he is coughing n quite bad. Juz now, my mum juz comfirmed. He is pretending n inmitating my mum to cough. Cough liao then c if u r looking at him and smile. Picking up all these nonesense now.
