(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Wah... Ang Peng Siong School?I Want!!! Then I can look at him while Ally is swimming. hahahahah! used to like him lots! My friends knew so managed to get me a pass to go in for the ASEAN games and I managed to see him close up. Now old already lah.

Tell you the other person I had crush on in JC. Also swimmer leh. Leslie Kwok. My senior. Got good taste hor... now he's so popular and model somemore. hee hee!

ok ...really gotta go. Agency gonna kill me for being late.



I'm shocked to see the quantities. haha, u mummies really can leh.

haha, start to make me wonder, should we take comission for helping to take order. hahaha...*joking*
btw, mummies can any body tell me where to get humphrey elephant carton vcds/dvds??

every wkday morning WITHOUT FAILED, jerald w/o fail will glue to the tv for humphrey followed by fimbles....
Ha, ha.... your second wedding march-in sounded very much like mine. Hb did something similar... but thank goodness i have my bridesmaid to walk in with me, so it wasn't so shocking as compared to walking down alone. Hb sang "your song" and played on the piano. Was very touched.
1st march-in was Cannon in D.

I'm interested to drop in this Saturday. U mean we can just walk in n see the class???

Ya lor... i oso wished Gerber cab give us some freebies. imagine carrying so many vege puffs from home to work on MRT.
pigletz...i'm more worried abt the storage till we can deliver the qty to respective mummies!!

commission for taking order??? wah...actually we can drop our current post n go into sales liao.
b2, on the phamlet issued to gerber members...it's stated that above $30 u entitled to apair of air tight containers $50 above is a set of skin care toiletries....

i'm more interested in those containers as i trust that my current J&J bb bath/palmers skin care products are doing gd job.

or perhaps some vourcher for bb food would also be nice!!
haha, ya lor. Imagine i walk down myself. Then hubby told me i suppose to wait for him to come fetch me one. Aiyoo, how i know! hahaha..anyway, everything turn out well. *phew*

storage? don't worry lah. We try to arrange lah. Worst come to worst, get them to deliver to my office. haha, then get Nat to come fetch me go Raffles place for lunch. how abt that? hahahahah

Sales? nah, don't like sales job. Don't like to beg pple to buy things. hehe, not my style.
pigletz, actually sales is gd - got to meet people which i like...but like u say got to "beg" + most vip issue...no sale means no income.

sent to ur office?? ur boss wont qns meh??
that's why i die die also won't be in sales one. haha

my boss won't bother abt me one lah. haha..anyway, if send to office, will get the recep to keep for me. hehe
mummies, he just call MA MA over the phone!!! SOOOO HAPPY!! LOUD N CLEAR.... SLOWLY..HE WAS HUMMING...THEN LATER HE JUST BLUR OUR ma maa....

Mummies, see I nvr log in this morling, soooo bz! now cannot catch up! hope will hv time this noon to read again!

Nat Nat! I want to form Jade Fan Club liao!
<font color="aa00aa">Hazey</font>
<font color="ff0000">thot you're busy.</font> <font color="0000ff">Actually very free playing with colours hor!</font> <font color="119911">Luckily I got time to read your postings while at agency</font> <font color="ff0000">so dun have so much to catch up on when I return to office later.</font>
U che ha or what? laugh until hashashahaha????
So nice to see u back to ur normal self again, even when u mention Rae doesnt speak properly when he get mad, u also put a smiley face behind, u hv up one level liao ...
I didnt know tt its ur hubby who took those pic, i always skip posts here and there, missed out some info.
Hey i didnt say other mummies pic not nice hor, but i find the angles tt u and Brenda's photos extremely nice lor, and they r bright and clear everytime. Praise u and u xian hai me, u want me to kena *ah bish* fr other mummies huh?

Why u so ..... vain (wanted to say it in hokkien/teochew, but dunno how to spell)? So many songs for one wedding banquet?
*Oops* i just recalled tt i got 4 songs also, didnt know tt i m also so vain.
1st march-in - You Are The Love of My Love
2nd march-in - Endless Love
Champagne pouring - Everyday I Love U (Boyzone)
1st Dish - Be My Guest

Ur hubby is sooooooo romantic!
Nat's huai jiu brings back a lot of memories hor

Ur hubby also another talented singer huh? So sweet and romantic, esp when he is the simple type, least expected.

Feel so happy and excited for u!
So tonite u will give Jerald extra hugs and kisses for that "MA MA" lah. Think if i hear YH call me over the phone, i cant work the whole day liao ... hahah ...
<font color="aa00aa">Lyn</font>

<font color="0000ff">so happy for you. Til now, Ally keeps calling Daddu only. Last time she used to call ma ma when she was bawling away but no longer.</font>
Patient, patient, u r going to hear it soon

Feel so excited for some of the mummies here, getting to hear their precious ones calling mama liao, i still got to wait another 6 mths or so.

How's Tyra doing, is she better now?
deer, actually i've bn asking him to call ma mee...but he end up ma ma (the tone is high) so sounds like calling my mum...then he'll just crawl to her....so sad. was talking to him just now over phone ...ask him call me mee he just blur out ma ma....SO HAPPY!!!

absolut, yes when he's in distress (hubby bully him) he will cry until v.chiam till will stretch out his hands (signal u to carry) then he will go ma ma ma ma!!! tat was months ago liao....in the past few months...he rattle of my mum (ma ma) of last few wks his trend was going ah kor ah kor then ah kon kon (my dad), so hopefully in the next few wks he'll start to say ma ma ma ma
U gals remember Aloysius's mum Jaz? She wz admitted to SGH last 9. Wanna send anything to her? Jul can go visit her b4 her 5pm shift starts

Matt hates his ah ma to the core
Montage "Fm tis moment on"
1st march in "B my friend, B my love"
2nd march in, instrumental dunno the name

Aelwen is Mom Mom's gal

My bro ka jiao me coz he gelt dat i yeng o in front of my parents n he buay tar han. When my parents not ard, he protects n saiyang me v v much
Brief posting bcoz u din talk to me. On strike muahahaha.....Thread goes v fast. Can't afford to hv long post. Juz read only already take up my breakfast, lunch n dinner time. I really eat n read during my meal time. No joking

Your hubby v romantic! Envy

Me too, buy quantity rather than quality

Congrats! a beautiful address dat made your day
If u can advice, pls help. Thanks.

Last nite, i fed YH breast milk at 8pm, and my mum fed him rice cereal with half an egg yolk at around 9.15pm. And 120ml of FM at 10pm.
I believed he took quite little bm, coz he fussed at around 9 pm, tt'w why we fed him rice cereal with egg. Then he fussed at around 10pm, tt's why the FM.
At around 11.45pm, he throw out a lot. It soaked the whole romper, and half of my mum's t-shirt as well as the mattress. The amt he had throw out quite scary. We changed him, then played with him for a while. He then throw out again, this round quite a lot also, wet half of his romper. We changed him again. After a while, he throw out again. And we changed him again. I wanted to bring YH to A&amp;E after the 3rd time. He looked pale and not active. But my mum and hubby said observe first. I suspected either food-poisoning or indigestion. But hubby said since no fever, shldnt be food poisoning.
My mum put YH in sarong and he guai guai slept.
YH woke up at around 4.30am and bf him.
This morn, my mum said YH kept waking up last nite, and my mum had to rock him to sleep.
I called back twice today, my mum said he finished 150 ml of FM this morn and a bowl of fish porridge during noon time, and he is very active now. So i guess he is ok liao

1. Do u think rice cereal with half an egg yolk is too much for YH now? He is 6.5 mth old now. Wonder whether this is the cause of indigestion. We hv tried it b4, he took it with no problem.

2. After YH's repeated throw out, we suspected tt when YH fussed at around 10pm, it was becoz he felt the indigestion and not hunger. Is there any body language or facial expressions tt can differiate these 2? Sad to say tt this mummy is so incompetent, cant recognise it

3. Is it true tt food-poisoning always come with fever? If there is no fever, we can rule out food-poisoning?

4. How much egg yolk and how often shld i give to YH now? The nurse at polyclinic advised half an egg yolk to 1 each feed, and 3 times a week. Is it too much?

you must be very worried yesterday night.

Gareth don't usually throw out his food. But everytime that happen, means his tummy not feeling well. He kanna stomach flu the last time round. So got diahorria and very sticky to me.

Can't really answer your questions. But I didn't give him egg yolk then. Even now, egg yolk also abit only. I'm actually quite strict on what he takes.
I asked Chen Chen to call me ma mi. He always calls me ma (sounds in hokkien)

sarah looks like a big gal. No bb look @ all

Guess YH wz overfed
1. Do u think rice cereal with half an egg yolk is too much for YH now? He is 6.5 mth old now. Wonder whether this is the cause of indigestion. We hv tried it b4, he took it with no problem.
<font color="0000ff">since YH wz fed wif rice cereal + 0.5 egg yolk b4 wif no problem the amt is ok for him. The ? is wz he fed tis amt @ tis interval wif bm n fm b4? If no, I wld think the amt is too much for him</font>
2. After YH's repeated throw out, we suspected tt when YH fussed at around 10pm, it was becoz he felt the indigestion and not hunger. Is there any body language or facial expressions tt can differiate these 2? Sad to say tt this mummy is so incompetent, cant recognise it
<font color="0000ff">wat I wld do is rub bb's tummy wif or w/o lu yi oil. if bb doesn't fuss it means bb has tummy problem not hunger</font>
3. Is it true tt food-poisoning always come with fever? If there is no fever, we can rule out food-poisoning?
<font color="0000ff">not professional ans personal experience food poisoning no fever</font>
4. How much egg yolk and how often shld i give to YH now? The nurse at polyclinic advised half an egg yolk to 1 each feed, and 3 times a week. Is it too much?
<font color="0000ff">nurse ans is wat I read too. But I restrict Chen Chen to 1 egg yolk. btw I dun feed Chen Chen egg yolk till he wz 8 mth old. If I m not wrong, egg not easy to digest</font>
<font color="0000ff">heehee</font> dun like tat leh...since I so bz in the morning....

Oh dear..what happened to Jaz...Pray hard that she is ok...Shook, you have her ward number?

Deer n Shook, Tyra is much better now, but still can hear her coughing at nite....hope that she gets well real soon...so that I can bring her out for some interaction.....
shook, ur montage song issit by shaina twain?? same as my march in.

issit a bit too rushy to arrange now since Jul is going this afternoon? anyway wat do u suggest?

hope she recovery fast....wonder how's aloysius?

ehhhh...2day not jokes ah??

pvl, sarah look engrossed with her reading!!

deer, the feeding interval so short - dun u think u overfed him??
u may not know the qty of bm he takes but still go fm after cereal+egg yolk???
i limit to 1 egg(white+yolk) for jerald each week...nothing more than that. sometimes he also skip egg the whole wk!!
food poisoning doesnt comes with fever ,well at least for me.
Jaz had 2 cycles of chemotherapy then fever
Ward no I check wif Jul let u know later
Gd dat Tyra is ok. Wanna send her to BJG trial on 18 Jun?

Ya my montage, your march in same. Din know there is music on 1st dish, otherwise I use the music I choose
As long as I c u gals reply I sms Jul. Pigletz n Jul (Hazey going as well?) gonna visit Jaz tis evening. I oso dunno wat to buy leh. Fresh bouquet of flower wif get well msg? Wat u think? Or ask Jul? She c patient day in day out, perhaps know wat is the appropriate thing to give.
I gave Jem egg yolk only at 8-9 mths cos i quite kiasee. U noe sometx we try to cook hard boil eggs but timing not rite, the yolk is still not really cook (hard on the outside, soggy inside), Can easily cause tummy upset etc. I remember YH has a pretty weak digestion rite??
Hmmm.. but i thot usually bb will noe how to say no when they r full? did u all insist he finish up the food/milk?
No bad/incompetent mama here hor.. we all learn from mistakes like these.
U might wan to offer water more often today considering he merlion so many times yesterday
<font color="0000ff">Shook</font>, I can't make it tonite...too short notice...But if you all sending her some flowers, pls count me in..I will internet transfer the $ to you? Sorry, din really follow the trial on BJG...is that the one at Katong? Or now moved to Pasir Ris already? Tyra's next review is on 15th June...think I better let her fully recover first before coming into contact with other babies.....
<font color="0000ff">Deer,</font> I usually try not to give solids after 8pm at nite...cos dunno if they will get indigestion if they try to sleep after a "full" meal... But I have no scientific basis lah...
Mummies visiting Jaz,
can count me in for the gift/flower as well? And keep us updated on her wellbeing? I thot the last time one mummy sas Jaz coping well.. quite surprise to hear her hospitalised.
Sorry Jul said no visiting as she is afraid Jaz is scared of visitors
BJG trial @ Pasir Ris 18 Jun. It's ok u join some other day

Hazey, Brenda, Lyn, Pigletz
Count u in the thing for Jaz.

Any1 else?
<font color="aa00aa">DEER</font>

1. Do u think rice cereal with half an egg yolk is too much for YH now? He is 6.5 mth old now. Wonder whether this is the cause of indigestion. We hv tried it b4, he took it with no problem.
<font color="aa00aa">HOw much rice cereal was given? Rice cereal and 1/2 egg yolk is fine, but bm and fm some more, is quite a lot leh. And oso doens't mean they fuss means hungry. Have you tried playing with him, or distracting him? The old pple's thinking is always hungry, but my guide is always... I just fed, how can be hungry so fast.</font>

2. After YH's repeated throw out, we suspected tt when YH fussed at around 10pm, it was becoz he felt the indigestion and not hunger. Is there any body language or facial expressions tt can differiate these 2? Sad to say tt this mummy is so incompetent, cant recognise it
<font color="aa00aa">Sorry, dunno how to differentiate. But some bbs dunno how to express they are already full, then you feed they still eat. I think for 6.5 months, you are feeding him quite a lot leh. LIke wat Nat is eating!</font>

3. Is it true tt food-poisoning always come with fever? If there is no fever, we can rule out food-poisoning?
<font color="aa00aa">Not sure if comes with fever. I know Nat got stomach flu tat time, oso no fever. I oso got food poisoning b4, no fever. Since his vomitting stopped and no diarrhoea, then prob it is just indigestion. Otherwise, maybe he got choked on something.</font>

4. How much egg yolk and how often shld i give to YH now? The nurse at polyclinic advised half an egg yolk to 1 each feed, and 3 times a week. Is it too much?
<font color="aa00aa">I didn't start Nat on egg until err... 8 or 9 months. Though I read tat can give as often as you mentioned. But my pedi dun recommend so. He even tell me no egg until 1 yr old. Frankly, I think tat YH only 6.5 months, his intestines not tat mature, u prob dun feed him so much first. There is no hurry to give more next time.</font>

Maybe blabber rubbish, hopefully can help...
<font color="0077aa">ABSOLUT</font>

ermmm can't go APS...unless you got a 4yr old!!!

Eh david Lim can or not??!!! That's the swim fast one!!!

I agree with Pigletz....old liao nothing to look at...look at hubby much better!!!!
Too bad I saw your message too late or I would have visited Jaz during lunch time. Was at my agency which is very near SGH. She's not taking the treatment well? Or they just wanna keep her under observation. Feel so sorry for her to have to go thru this esp at such a young age. Hope her little boy is coping well.

You're not a bad mummy but we really learn from experience. There was once I overfed Ally when she was a newborn. My mom kept telling me that bbs will sleep once they are full. If they are not full, they will wake easily after being fed and cry. So there was once she supplemented with FM and it worked ... Ally slept for almost 3 hours. So when I was alone with her, I latched her on both sides and she still cried, so latched her on again on the previous side and she was still crying so give up... give FM. In the end, she threw up so much milk... it really wasn't funny. I was almost in tears by then coz didn't know what to do. thinking back, it's quite funny but during then, it was a nightmare.

Think the time gap was prob a little too short to feed so much. Since he's ok today, maybe he really had indigestion. Maybe he was fussing coz sleepy?? Many reasons lah... but we all learn as we go along.
U sure u kiasee? You are one of the most open mommies around leh. Think jem has tried quite a bit of food that shook wld shake her head too rite?

yes!! can walk in..say you've come to watch the bb swim class and Lindy advised you to do so..

But make sure call ahead 94230091 jeannie/adeline

What time sat?? 3.30pm??

I'm thinking of Sun...cos we have dinner treat at Tanglin Club.

eeeewww... David Lim??? Not nice to even look at leh. No thanks.

Yah lah... know APS old already lah. But in his hey days, not bad looking what. Now of course compare, hubby still better. hee hee!

I also gave Ally egg yolk at about 10 months. Didn't want to give too early coz she had some symptoms of eczema so thot will delay a bit.
