(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

mon2nat, FTT=Final Theory Test.

sahm, u dun say....sometimes i also nothing better to do so disturb my rascal lor - then end up both of us fighting - i beat his palm he hit back!!

u mean they hvnt separate the qns ah...xian lor...the clutch issue i practically turn off. i only atttend theory lesson by Henry Lim...other dida apa...i just run off...too dry!! as least lim joking fellow!! ez to understand his explanations...

wat battlefield...u dun always mop n mop lah...sit back n relax...go GSS!!!
Wat is fiddling the tail??
I cho bo n kiao kar at home lor...........
No lah, too lazy to explain in detail our this arrangement lah.

Lyn ah,
I was given 12 Aug, fri, so happy. Then knowing the timing, either at 1145am or 430pm, i dropped.
430pm bus lane hour leh.........havent booked yet.

Henry lim, i find his diction not clear leh, sometime dun know wat he is mumbling. But can tell he is very confident!

Battlefield, blocks n toys everywhere ah......
Gd to c u "open your mouth" agn
Can't attend Elyse's b'dy. 19th Jun is Father's day
Elyse so cute can play catching

My dad wz an athlete. He represented his state in country wide competition when he wz studying in China. My brother wz trainned under my father but my brother is not an athlete
U wanna know a quote I read somewhere abt fm but I sure kana pong pong by every1 here
Sleep is a luxury

cFaith, Deer
My lunch kaki is pc too

Different bb develops differently. Vane develops faster than Chen Chen in physical movement. N she is v indepedent. My hubby said when we were in the chalet, he saw Vane sitting guai guai all by herself. He extended his 2 hands to signal if she 1 him to carry. She responded positively. So sweet

Deer, Giggler
Chen Chen is another owl who sleeps late, usually the last 1 to sleep. So I gotta stay up wif him

Ya the storage bag dat leaks is the 1 bot fm yahoo auction. Initially no leak leh. Dunno y the recent 1 leaks

U gotta order more puff for your consumption
Thanks, just saw your post wat is FTT... wah so chim, wat FTT...

Good you pass!! YOu take with sch right?? Usually go and do their papers can pass liao... almost the same as the actual one.
hahahahah....u so funny, enjoy pulling ur 'tail'...legs! Coming back liao ah??

Huh? which one is sexy? tot she is into mischief mood?

Hi Shook,
Hahhahah, then i supposed all mums cant come as all will be celebrating Father's Day? Ok...episode closed.........
Hi ALL!!!!

Just got back!! From CLASS not LUNCH!!!! lol

Great meeting you gals for lunch hor..!!
thanks for the voucher!! Hubby said he'll bring us there so he can have anti-stress tea..kekeke

Oh...I did mention the auquaducks swimming thing I go dig info???

This is the website!!


They have 2 locations...SUNTEC n SINGTEL REC CLUB.

Lessons ($90 a month usually 4 lessons 5th week is free)

Registration $15

For the rest of Mummies..
I'm sending Matt for swim trial class. Auqaducks handle from 6mths on--
His trial class is on July 3rd!1
However it's advisable to bring BB to look see look see first!! So this week he look see look see..play a bit of water... Next week he'll change into suit n play water...Then 3rd week still play water..and then finally 3rdJuly try class!!!

ANYONE ELSE keen????
Did you store too much in the milkbag? Filled it to the max amount before and the ice increases in size and therefore the milk also leaked out. So usually leave abt 20ml space. Esp after you clip the bag, the space for the ice to expand is very little.

Is that you in the zebra looking suit in pic 2 where Elyse was leaning on? If it's you, sorry hor... but 1st thing really thot of zebra leh. Elyse first pic very xin gan and her hairstyle looks like chun li!

No lah... not worried Ally get pinched coz Ally fiercer. You pinch her, she'll bite you. :p Glad you're back here and that you're feeling better.

Ryan got fever with flu? Poor boy ... hope he gets well soon.

Think Ally also keeps getting the cold coz it keeps spreading between her and her cousins. After getting well, another comes down with it and it goes in a merry go round.
I just send out an email to all those in the yahoo group. Tomorrow is the last day for ordering the puff. I will officially close the order form tomorrow.

If you required more puff, please do your last minute updating fast.


Eh not bo chap hor...
Really don't know what to say..Matt not walking talking yet!!!

I did try to dig about for info in my SMDG yahoo group!

I've sent u an exerpt of real situation by a mum in our group..

You are always welcome to "pour" your heart here!!! Now I got 2 windows open so I don't miss postings...not "pak cheow" like before!!!
I mean back in the forum to create a posting. :p

QSG / Val
Dunno got black better then not tempted. Actually also dun like the letter. If I'm tempted to buy any branded stuff, it's usu gucci / prada but can't bear to spare such $$ before having Ally. Now worse, all the $$ goes to buying her stuff. In fact, her clothes can be more ex than mine sometimes.

Actually won't let hubby buy it for me unless I really really like it coz his $ is my $ leh. He pays all our credit bills and if his account runs low, he'll transfer funds from my account. So no difference who buy lor.

Didn't order the puffs. Still have some remaining and can check regularly at CS Funan. I'll check after 20 June since that's when the stocks start getting refilled. No point troubling Pigletz since it's convenient for me to find it.
Yeah, we let YH pak tor with Vane (hope vane dun mind jie di lian ;)) Then we can chit chat with zhou gong together

U teach me how to be notti huh? i tell my mummy ... hahah ...
Cannot bring YH to swim secretly lah, i almost cant swim at all, anything happen to YH how? Think my mum and hubby will chop my head off, i will chop myself also. Will wait for him 1 year old, then hubby go with me lor. My mum quite easy to talk to, think she will agree if my hubby support me.
Nat's 4th photo very fun leh, she looks like a zhu ba jie with her nose resting on the bottle ... hahah ... dont feel offended hor ...

I was wondering what b'day party, thot u invited all mummies except me, aiyo, u put the msg under B2, i missed it. Since it's father's day, the celebration will hv double meaning for ur hubby
Hope ur family will hv a nice and wen xin day together

U hv so much fun playing catching with Elyse, i m waiting for my turn with YH

Absolut, Eureka,
I dont think that zebra looking thingee is a person right? Thot it's some sofa fabric or something like this. If it's really Eureka, she really reminded me of Anita Mui in Jin Zhi Yu Ye 2, they had this party which anita mui dressed like a zebra... hahah .....

eh Wham, tears for fears also my era ok... and I think I'm older than you!! You OCT..I JUNe leh!!!! ...I "chop chop" you liao!!

But I also like Linkin park, westlife and BLUE!!

Wait...if lYn crash your place?? I offer to "drive" her to crash your place ok ok???

I soon to have lao er...and I can survey your battlefield and unglam look which no doubt I soon will have if not HAVE ALREADY!!!!
sahm, 12 aug!! not far leh...but wat abt s-course, reverse n parallel parking???

henry lim: c c c...one man's meat another man poison....i only attend his lesson...others...i sit till 8pm+++ then run off liao.

aiya...my rascal come back for 2 days only...i think my plc worse then urs...dun worry nothing new to me.

19/6: i cant come b'cos it's jerald lunar b'day...anyway already said i dropping by to pass u the puffs mah.

shook, yee...how u dun hv too much left. did u inspect it for holes...etc??

qsg, nat the pool at suntec issit to use the NUS Alumni's club pool??

pigletz...finally dun nd to flip here n there erase here n there on my list....mummies who's name not on the list...chop chop hor.

absolut, agree his $$ = our $$

no trouble lah the puffs...tot u mind hv slip ur mind....

yah since BB small it's advisable to wear suit... but lady said some wear fitting tee to hide stretch marks etc etc.. they flexible as long you're comfortable!!!

There is also coach time while you go dip dip!
I will chk with hubby first regarding the trial, will let u know later.
BTW, do u know whether the mummy need to go into the pool? Papa goes in can or not?
R u interested in the Aquaducks trial? It's free, and bb starting fr 6 mths can try, and RY has dipped inside the pool b4, shld be no problem for him.
I will ask hubby whether can let YH go, then our bbs who r so much younger can hv companion
U hvnt answered me whether mummy can dont go into the pool or not? i dont know how to swim, and now i got pear shape body and flat chest .... dont wish to wear swimming costume
Deer Deer, no worries, most of us are like tat! only a few are well endowed and blessed with good figures...whether they are free lao gong's kang kai or not... hahahahahhaha
I know how to swim, got saggy breast and stretchmarks!!! hahaha... can ask daddy to go into the pool instead?? at least his bui ba, pple wont' laugh
Guess I will miss the carefree life and the cold weather(though too cold during winter). Go back Sin, means back to reality liao.
Dun need to close shop lar. Not everybody celebrates Father's day. Chen Chen's full mth celebration wz on Father's day. I still hv many guests mah

I beg your pardon. I type dd = ss, wa pain shld b ss = dd. U still said I can teach econ. Suan me ah
The trial is on Sun only? Trial @ both suntec n singtel rec centre?

The bag can hold 120ml but I store 100ml leh

I din inspect the bag. I took out ebm stored in glass bottle n bag. My mum poured away milk in the cup since cup not sterilized. Short fall she took fm the fresh 1 I expressed the day b4 since I hv not frozen them

Now to Jul abt a mth. Tyra will recover by then
Hi mummies,

this thread is impossible to follow these days...the pace at which its moving..scary leh.....agree with PVL and eureka, sahms really got no time to catch up.


Oh no....poor Ryan is sick(he really looks like he lost weight) and u all have to postpone the HK trip..hope he recovers soon and u all can enjoy ur trip
Alicia is also down with cough and cold...phlegm+++ and she sure feels uncomfortable whn she sleeps


Ur nick sure fits well coz your boy has a gorgeous SUNSHINE smile on his cheery face

Your MIL's advice about not letting him sit....not true la....it won't cause their legs to grow crooked......when the are ready to sit, u won't have much difficulty helping them with the posture.






Gd idea of weaning Sarah straight to fresh milk....i thot of doing that too....will check with my PD next visit. Sarah seems very well toilet trained by u.....plus u can cut her nails at the same time....gd for u! I cut Alicia's nails whn she's awake either watching vcd or whn she's feeling idle....can't do it whn she sleeps anymore:p


Your story abt Rae destroying the cds has started me cracking my brains now on how to keep ALicia away frm them whn she's capable of destroying our stuff:p......is it possible? Elyse never fails to cheer mummy up


Nice pics of your family. Jerome gets to visit the zoo so frequent.....fortunate boy! Wah...how did u teach him to kiss like that huh?


I always find u so comical when you end your postings saying u have to cook something...marinate chicken...prepare makan.....cooking sure takes up quite a lot of time hor.....kekeke...hey, btw, nat looks chubby there!

Here are a few of Alicia's pictures....thk God in the day, she's still her usual happy playful self despite her cough and cold.


No need to swim one!!! You can dip dip??? Hubby can go?? Wear swimming suit then slip a fitting T over also can!!

The Lady told there some mothers a bit concious they also do that and it's NOT ODD!!!
Eh...What outta shape??!!! ME LEY!!!! I "ah Bish" you!!

Anyway...first time bring BB is best just look see and watch.. 2nd time change and play splash a bit...Then when ready go for the trial!!


Just bring Tyra to see first..observe a bit... sign up for the trial first and then give 2-3 weeks for tyra to get familiar with the place!!

OH LADIES!!! THe earliest for trial is 3rd JULY HOR!!!! o spend these couple of weeks to bring BB to "jian shi jian shi"

NOT TRIAL...!!! we can go in anytime the todds having class..I posted the times earlier.. The trial where you go for coaching is earliest 3rd JULY!!

Singtel classes are from MON-THURS

so sorry to hear your trip if off...must be dissappointed!! Did you get some reimbursement??

Hope Ryan's better!! Take good rest too!! Toddlers can be a bigger BB than Babies!!.
ermm no comment about hubbies though...:p

Giggler..Ladies!! ESP ruffy, SS1 n MOM2NAT

Thanks for Bdae greetings!! We went to collect a cot bed thing for Matt!! After that we went east Coast park for satay n CHICKEN WINGS!!!! Yum..
Ermmm pak tor a bit..till realised 9pm liao..so double time to car and drove home!!!

No time even to assemble the bed!! LOL

Anyway!! The bed that Matt adopted belongs to "jade" from the thread where some of you mummies post pictures of your darling!!! She's sooooo cute n pretty..

ERmm Matt got to play with her in her little play area..luckily he was every the gentleman!!I know I know should have taken picts... sigh. Eh how was I to know it was the little princess he was meeting ah!!??


wey...you "tou tou mo mo" join KKh BB contest ah?? Never hear you mention???!! kekekek


never suan you hor!!! ss=dd but ocassionally dd=ss...but again ss in reality cannot meet dd... prices rise till inflation!! The suppliers..make supernormal profits!! LOL!!
QSG, Lyn, Val..

Sigh...I don't think I own any branded goods lo! I only have a green LV wallet (targus range?) which I've used for years when we bought in Venice!! can't imagine if buy another wallet I have to re-arrange everything again!! LOL
I think so "chor loh" so can't use these things... besides..if take LV, Gucci, Fendi, CJ, bag/wallet/key pouch etc etc..no one see leh!! I tuition teacher what!!!

Oh hubby ask what I want for Bdae..I said pay for Matt's gym class ok already!! that's like $302!! and then now.. the swim class!!?? $105!! So like by one monogram bag liao!! heh heh!!
Thanks for the photo on the balm and the patch. Suddenly recalled u took pic on them and posted them on the web for us to see. U so nice and i forgot to say thank you. *ah bish* myself. THANKS!

Hazey, Mom2Nat,
Actually i really feel very paiseh to wear swim suit, if i m going, i will take Nat's suggestion, wear a t-shirt over.

I still hvnt asked hubby yet, my gut feel is 99% he will say no. Reply u tomo.
U very sensative hor, i said i got pear shape, not u lah. Seriously, if i m preggie with no.2, i really dun mind the pear shape, i m even more than willing to hv a pear shape ;)
Me so nice, wish u all your dreams come true on ur bday, u still *ah bish* me here and there .... *sob*

Alicia looked so cute and cheerful even when she's down cough and cold, what a happy bb

Hope she will recover fast fast.

Any lobang where to get cheap bib like the one Alicia is wearing? YH is very messy when we feed him porridge and rice cereal, the porridge always ended up on his roompers and my blouse. The handkerchief placed in front of him is too small for his mess. The bib i saw cost at least $5+ each, any cheap one to recommend?

Eureka, Pringles,
U didnt see my suggestions huh?
Do u mind just press the [Enter] key after each upload of a pic, so that the pic can appear vertically and not horizontally? Otherwise we will hv to scroll left and right (besides up and down) to read the text, as the screen had expanded due to the horizontal pics.
Why u ask Nat such a sensative qn, later she *ah bish* you ... hahah ...
Give u a hint, she's a chicken
*Oops* i mean she's born in the yr of Rooster, u go and count urself lah.
Nat is going to *ah bish* me again .... hahah ...
Nat Nat ah! You saw Jade real life???? She is really pretty rite????? Aiyoh...I m an ardent fan of hers leh! hahahahahahaha
In case some mummies wondering...cos i seldom log on so late...i m waiting for Tyra to wake up...so I can give her her final dose of medicine for the day.....
erm... personally i also find cheese and porridge doesn't seems to go together.. no offence hor.

I agree w skyblue... nat looks well fed.

Me 28 this year... hahah, some tell me to wait for the Disney, but my travel agency tell me to wait n let others test test the machines first.. But my main concern is sept might turn too cold for jem.

The romper RuiYing has, jem also has it!! and one of the bb here too tho i can't remember which? hahahhaha
erm... ur hb traditional man? why boy cannot kiss kiss? We teach jem to be affectionate since birth to kiss and hug often.

Ur mum must be a wonderful mum! It's my dream to be such a mum too as in having my children remember sweet times they hv w me when they r old. It's a legacy i wish to leave in this world.

can't catch up? dun... just tell us how u've been. think many mummies miss u here
Those pics taken in Bintan.
Can't help u w the sales stuff cos me dun like shopping..

What's the triple mushroom soup abt?? Me a mushroom lover...

Cute cute Elyse!!! But is there some marks on her face??
hb mascular, me pretty?? duh... hahhaha, ur joke as funny as those Shook has posted.

Erm deer...
why ur family also peck on the cheek only too? Hahha.. yeah, he's a great kisser, give a full smooch on the mouth everytime!

hahahha.. how to teach Jem kiss? we go by demostration in front of him n with him since bb. so till now he'll still come over and muack and hugs us frequently.

I've gotten the magic pot from Tiger!! so funny... keep thinking it's made of clay... so its actually stainless steel. But now got one big major prob. The instruction book is in jap!! i keep asking the salesgirl whether there's a English version inside.. she claims yes. But when we open the box at home.. to my horror, there isn't. Now wonder how to use...hahahha

k, too tired liao... nitez mummies

Hi there, u must have missed a post by one mommy who suggested after posting each photo, to press enter, so tat the photos flow vertically, or else v difficult to read the post.
Alicia is toilet trained?? Teach me how to train her leh.
She looks v alert and smart. Looks like she is showing you she knows her toys. Does she drool a lot?

Yes, I know Jade is really pretty. Bright eyes. Envious you have a good excuse to binge. When I was preg, I came here, then hor, so many cravings. but no way to satisfy, cos here dun have!!
