(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies


BTW... i forgot to comment that Chen Chen is definitely no light sleeper from the pictures taken at B2B3M4's house. With all the other bbs leaning against him...he can still sleep so soundly....thats a gd thing! So cute!

Hi Lyn, i think short hair helps. Before cut, like u say, one simple flip will caused a few strands to drop, now, maybe just one strand drop. But mayb i'm the extreme serious case. Will monitor a few days and let u know...Another thing, like u previously, i dare not touch my hair/scalp unnecessary, and wash my hair 2/3 days once, and din dare to wash thoroughly. In the end, the hair stylist comments that my scalp is dirty and oily. Sorry, i din meant to scare you.

Hi sahm,
ya, just sharing what i m experiencing now.
And agreed with u that cruise on board is quite slow-paced. But i dun mind if its free...hahaha. And can be relaxing cos u dun need to plan for activities, and can have the "do nothing" feeling, hee, now, at home with baby, either playing with baby or doing hsewk, can't really relax. I dare not swim leh, wait hair/scalp get worst. And can't wear bikini liao lah, got post preg markings.

Wow, so romantic to catch the sunrise....dun think hubby want to wake up tat early...k, i'll ask him. U also went without ur son previously? Sighed, k, will brave myself tmr...hope i won't cry till goldfish.
Hi princles, my mum is also using cloth nappy on Elyse. Yah, agreed with you tat need to wash alot of nappy, they urine quite frequently. But if its just urine, can put little wash powder, no so soapy, easier to wash.
Kis....u so funny...........so careful with ur hair.....go for the jacuzzi lah....u dun have to soak ur head in the water wah..........

Hey.....free ah..........i surely go again! Enjoy!

Put ur elyse at my pl lor.....2 elyse together!
Thx for the well wishes for Chen Chen

Yap yap, holiday is far away for u n me

2-4yr old still wanna carry then xiong. My cousin's son 2yr+ wanna carry n my cousin is pregnant now, as gd as carrying 2 ea time. I asked her dun she feel tired n heavy. She said no choice wat. Her hubby din help her (or her son doesn't want daddy?) when we attended another cousin's wedding. Poor mummy
Chen Chen better today
Eat yoghurt n cheese everyday

Chen Chen doesn't poo everyday. Highest record 7 days no poo. BF bb no poo means bb absorb all nutrients dun need to worry
Enjoy your cruise n the time wif your hubby

Do u give teething toy to Jerald?
Does he bite when latch on?

Aloy din wanna drink may b he felt v uncomfortable wif the puke. Give him some time. Perhaps u reduce amt of feeding then slowly adj as he gets better
My MIL always ask me to feed Chen Chen porridge water. I never n dun wanna try till Chen Chen 6 mths old. May b u check wif PD n sinseh if ok to give Aloy porridge water?
Chen Chen din hv flu when we brot him to PD so no flu medicine

Does Sarah hv a lot of wind since u left her crying? I dun hv the chance to pratise wat u do. When Chen Chen cries, my mum or hubby will pick him up

Can't believe u can't fit into your clothing. U r so slim

Did u put nappy liner on the nappy?
When Chen Chen wanna sleep no way to wake him up. When he doesn't wanna sleep, drop of a needle will wake him up
, will take note of wat u hv mentioned..

12hrs without milk was his last record. this time is 17hrs (missed a few feeds), is this ok?
juz bought brown rice powder, will try on him 2moro, hope he likes it.
so how's ur reflux problem now?

it was 1 mth ago tat i brought him to c a pd. was told tat his reflux will improve after taking some medicine & drinking reflux milk. when finish the medicine, then i bring him to c chinese sinseh. sinseh din say anything much about his conditions, juz prescribed some medicine for him, tat's all.

bcos aloysius din drink milk (FM) for 17hrs, tat's y me worried he's hungry, so intend to give him other things other than milk to prevent him frm hunger.

y elyse drinking lesser milk now?
i've been supplementing aloysius FM frm birth until now. so will start giving him the brown rice powder n c how.
enjoy ur trip 2moro.

yesterday, aloysius refuse to drink b4 the puke.
2day, he drinks lesser than normal days. check wif sinseh, was ok to give him porridge water n he seems to love it very much.

aloysius din drop hair, is juz tat he's hair is growing unevenly since his first cut, tat's y want to shave him botak. do u mean tat if after shaving, his hair will grow nicely?

to all mummies who ask me not to shave aloysius hair botak, me will consider & discuss with hb first, tks.

wow, everybody planning for holidays, make me want to go oso.
jaz, wow... 17hrs w/o milk... gosh! I'll be super worried! U take care of him!! Is he rebelling or what?

give porridge water only? Is it enough for him? did u check with pedi? what did they say? dunno porridge water only enough nutrients or not..
To add on to the list:

Allison 28/05/04
Vanessa 28/05/04
Chen Chen 29/05/04
Matt 01/06/04
Alicia 01/06/04
Elyse (Kis) 08/06/04
Ian 09/06/04
Sarah (PV) 12/06/04
Ethel (Pok) 23/06/04
Jerald 24/06/04
Elyse (sahm) 30/06/04
Ashley 30/06/04
Aloysious 05/07/04
Ethan 08/07/04
Ashrel 15/07/04
Tyra 17/07/04
Edison 19/07/04

You gals are going so fast ....... can't really catch up. Thanks to b2b3m4 for opening the house to us. I think both me and Ethel had a great time but I think my gal is a bit slow in warming up. she plays with shook only when everyone starts leaving.... hahahahahah

will catch up with u gals at the next gathering. once confirm the date, let me know and I try to make it.


Take care
Glad that Aloy luv the porridge water...at least he is consuming some thing.......

The arrangement is gd...at least the ang mo n chinese medicine dont clash. I agree with shook, aloy is so healthy, chubby n cute looking. Believe he is ok n fine....just tat waiting for his system to mature in time to come.......

Tat's wat happened to me too.....I was oreadi a sahm when I expecting my gal. quite tough cos son is entering toddlerhood, dun know how to talk, demanding n having started to walk at early 9mth, he sian of walking n want me to carry him! Shiong mann..........Every1 asked me not to do heavy chore, not to carry him but being a SAHM with him, who else will do if i dun do? Bo bian lah.............

After giving birth, v bad backache due to loose ligament or perhaps the heavy weight carrying (my son) or both.....pain till i broke dn uncontrollably. Normal painkiller synflex didnt help but luckily Vjiox (wrong spelling) worked wonder. But only asked for it b4 i discharged! Took 1 or 2..........now heard this medicine kena withdrawn??

Whole body sng now..........
Hi Hazey

So i was right after all. Hubby and I were from SB4. Which class were you from?


My maid looks after Ally in the day and dun think i wanna teach my maid to let her cry herself to sleep. would rather if I monitor that myself just in case she just leaves bb to cry even if she's in need of something. Looks like we have to train her in other ways then.
Jaz, Lyn,
Porridge water gd for bbs huh? How to cook? cook rice n once boiled, filter some out issit? Wat is the benefit ? Only heard tt porridge water gd to clear rashes or gd to wash face with for smooth complexion..........can share?
My hair started to drop after I gave brith 1 mth+. Tats y I cut my hair. I nv keep short hair for more than 15yrs. Hai~ think I xi shen a lot. Hehe...

Guess wat? I manage to put on one of my hipster jeans with a bit of fats dangling on the waist band
But I m rather happy liao. Top gotta wear slightly longer to cover. Anyway, I wouldnt wanna expose my stretch marks oso. Personally, I find tat keeping hair short do help a bit at least. Reduce the pressure fm the scalp.

Y dun u apply the barrier cream? Whenever Randall backside/joints look sore, I will juz apply. It heal very fast.

Slim? U nv see my "aunty like" arms? Hehe... With all the carrying, my arms like nv tone up at all ley

Dunno if it will grow nicely but at least it look even. My cousin din shave her son and his hair now is like some very long...some very short.

To add on to the list:

Allison (Absolut) 28/05/04
Vanessa (Giggler) 28/05/04
Chen Chen (Shook) 29/05/04
Matt (Natalie) 01/06/04
Alicia (Pringles) 01/06/04
Elyse (Kis) 08/06/04
Ian (Jul) 09/06/04
Sarah (PV) 12/06/04
Ethel (Pok) 23/06/04
Jerald (Lyn) 24/06/04
Elyse (sahm) 30/06/04
Ashley (B2B3M4) 30/06/04
Aloysious (Jaz) 05/07/04
Ethan (Emily) 08/07/04
Ashrel (Sanrio) 15/07/04
Tyra (Hazey) 17/07/04
Edison (Soyabean) 19/07/04
Randall (Val) 11/08/04

I hv added our nick. Hope I got them rite. Otherwise, pls amend.
Wah!, so busy here. Me half-absent yesterday and so many postings...
shook, absolute, yes, it's best you do the training yourself. Because you need to be assured by monitoring the crying personally.

shook, people say that when you leave bb to cry they will get wind. I think that applies much more to very young babies (like 0-3 months). But actually, I'm not sure what 'wind' is. How do you tell if a child has wind?
We actually let Sarah cry quite a bit even at a couple of weeks old. Don't see any other symptoms different from babies who were not left to cry.
Hi gals!

sahm, I saw your posting liao... didn't know Emily sent us the photos liao... hehehe... Ian looks small next to Ethan... and Ethan is one month older!!

Emily, thanks for the photos! Went to Moms In Mind showroom with Ian on Wednesday and learnt how to use the sarong carrier finally... otherwise mine collecting dust at home.. also bot 2 tops... hey, I also wear XL!!

Pringles, I am in Bukit Batok.

Westerners, think 13th and 20th may be out for me now... hubby just informed me abt meetings with his friends... someone else has to host and I see whether I can pop by? Many apologies!!

Hehehe, home at last... Ian not used to it... woke up 7 times last nite... Daddy jetlag also couldn't sleep.. now Mummy also very tired out... we did so much cleaning yesterday... house so dusty after 2 weeks. *argh* I was trying out the front-facing position of the sarong, and changing the dustbin liner, then Ian fell head first into the empty dustbin!! Think he was too shocked to make any noise.. I couldn't stop laughing cos he looked so funny!! Bad mummy hor...

Great dat Aloy likes porridge water.
Din know Aloy is on fm. Can he b lactose intorlerance? My mum bbsat a boi who is lactose intorlernace he puke after every feed. In the n he wz given soya powder n ok. Hv u ever give Aloy soya powder?

My cousin is a sham. Now she gets my sil to "work" pt for her doing hse chores n play wif her son. wow u tong w/o pt help. Salute to u. U r a great mum
Does your hubby carry your son when he gets home? Is your son ok wif carrier or sling?
Ya the way u described of getting porridge water is correct. I dunno wat is the benefit of porridge water but old ppl always give porridge water to ppl (children n adult) who r sick or no appetite. I think rice is the basic stable for Chinese, so porridge water. Bsides porridge water easier to digest yet get the carbo = got strength not lumbei

Wow can put on hipster, v envy. I weighed myself yesdy, I still got 6kg to shed. Boi. I sick not enuff sleep still so fat. C wat I mean by swallow saliva oso put on wt.

I hv no chance to practise the cry till sleep method coz either my mum or/and hubby is there most of the time. My hubby did it twice actually.
Chen Chen spit out milk, has tummy ache @ times n breaks wind v v often. My mum said there is wind in his stomach

Wat Ian woke @ 7 times @ nite? Pratically no sleep @ all. Poor boi "falling" into dustbin. Hope he is ok

If u all dun mind, I can host the next gathering @ my hse on 13 or 14 or 15 Nov. My little cottage @ Sengkang. Heh heh, another NE gathering. Juz let me know. Tml I go n c if the function rm is availble n on which date (if availabe) then we can hold the makan n sitting in circle to get to know better b4 proceeding to my love nest?

I modify the list for Sanrio's Ashrel's birth date
Allison (Absolut) 28/05/04
Vanessa (Giggler) 28/05/04
Chen Chen (Shook) 29/05/04
Matt (Natalie) 01/06/04
Alicia (Pringles) 01/06/04
Elyse (Kis) 08/06/04
Ian (Jul) 09/06/04
Sarah (PV) 12/06/04
Ethel (Pok) 23/06/04
Jerald (Lyn) 24/06/04
Elyse (sahm) 30/06/04
Ashley (B2B3M4) 30/06/04
Aloysious (Jaz) 05/07/04
Ethan (Emily) 08/07/04
Ashrel (Sanrio) 14/07/04
Tyra (Hazey) 17/07/04
Edison (Soyabean) 19/07/04
Randall (Val) 11/08/04
shook, so 'wind' is if there is excess gas in your baby? Don't think Sarah had that problem even though we let her cry. She only had wind once after I had eaten too much cauliflower. All babies will spit up, fart and burp from time to time, right? Also I think they equate colic with wind, though the western medical practitioners would not dare to say what causes colic cos even some babies who are not allowed to cry have colic.

So your hubby was successful 2x in letting your baby cry to sleep? If so, excellent! Then maybe your task will be quite easy. Perhaps Chen already knows how to do this. Probably he'll just cry for 5 mins and sleep. Must practice this skill.
Hi sahm, okie, will bring my swim suit there, if not much pp, then i go for the jacuzzi. Not all free lah, still have to pay seaport tax, and it has increased to $66 fr. $52 this mth! and will be paying for my parents too. Good idea hor, but u will need to grow another extra hand to take care of the 3 little ones liao!!

Hi shook, thanks, will tell my mil to take note of Elyse's poo, hee.

Hi jas, dun know y she's been drinking less, but she drinks more when she is asleep. Last time even worst, she will scream when we cont. to feed her (after drinking 1oz), and now she getting smarter, will push away the bottle, close her lips tight, use her tongue to push away the teat, and scream.

Hi jaz, lyn, sahm, my mum also been giving Elyse porride water at times.

Hi val, ur hair started to drop so early, but u do look good with short hair too. At least ur hairstylist looks "womanly", mine look abit "kiddish". Yah, agreed with u, all mummies will really xi shen a lot for our bbies, all those back aches, hair loss, stretch mark, sleepless night etc etc, endless list...

Hi jul, so now u r the expert to use the sarong sling. I bot mine, but use less than 3x. dun know how to carry her leh. Does Ian likes to be carry using sling? Can teach me if we meet? If not using, I'm thinking of selling it away.
Hi to all mummies,

I'm a mummy of a 4 mth old bb girl. I have been following this thread since I'm pregnant but have always been too lazy to post.

Have been enjoying seeing all the photos of your bbs ...especially those from the gathering... all ur bbs very adorable!!

I have the same problem as well. My bb also refuse to drink milk and each feeding time is really a nightmare ..she'll cry n cry and sometimes will cry herself to sleep without drinking. She also went for about 10hrs without milk. Sometimes when we finally managed to feed her ...she'll throw up the entire feed, very very heartache. My pd gave us the lactose free formula, but she hates it and will spit out every single drop of the milk.

Now she no longer throw up after we change to the pigeon peristaltic (spelling??) teat. We realised that she's throwing up the milk cos she's drinking too fast. With this teat the flow of the milk is slower.

For her feeding problem, my MIL and sis-in-law said its due to wind, so we giving her Infacol and her feeding is getting better now. Hope this helps.
jul, gd to hear that you got the sarong wearing training done. Hehee... u bought 2 tops? XL? Hmmm... bigger more comfortable yeah? ehehee... at least can hide some of our tummy too... and when we are slimmer... we can swim in those clothes.. hehee...
did u check out the web-site before going down? should check out the 'lelong' sale items... I bought so many of those coz more value for $ and they are just so stylish as well.

Pls take gd care of Ian... poor thing... hope he is okay. Remember to at least hold bb with one hand when bending forward... this applies to both sarong and bb carriers. Did u check that he is okay? Gosh! Reminds me of Ethan falling.

Shook, I don't mind having the meeting at your place... ehheee... what to do... I North-Easterners too.. heheee....
Think we better get the votes from the Westerners coz politically speaking they are the hosts of this meeting and we are just guests.. ehehe...
Westerners, can we have the votes?

PV, I definitely cannot do the 'let bb cry till they sleep' training method. I too sim tia to let it happen. But u are very strong-willed... so the method may suit you.
I am with absolut too with regards to this method... coz we employ maids at home... cannot let the maids use this as an excuse for ignoring the bbs.
hey jul, yahor, u dropped Ian. That's remind me tat yesterday Elyse also nearly had a fall down from our bed. Me bad mummy here, trying to video cam her "crawling" and "changing direction", and when she nears to the bed side, i'm still trying to see if she can "change direction" anot (cos she stops at the edge and ma chiam thinking which way to go)...and suddenly, she flip and lucky i manage to hold her halfway, orelse, she will hit the floor, and this bad mummy will get scolded by daddy.
I was holding onto Ian's arm so he didn't fall all the way in lah.. hehehe... just up to the neck level only...

Emily, not that I want to buy XL to make it look loose, but the rest are just too tight!! Dunno why..
Clever girl, yes, do bring ur swimsuit/hb's trunk along n only decide if u want to get into the jacuzzi there n then. U see pple in there n seems so shiok n lovevy dovey n so relaxing.......u also has the urge to get in. I was 5mth preg n full of hesitation...went back to the rm to change into my swimsuit but hb said 'oh gosh dear, too revealing' cos extra flesh n fat was hanging all over the place! So didnt go n this is my greatest regret, think the jaccuzzi is one of the best thing on board..........ENJOY dear.

This week I m super tired....handling my boy all alone.....holidays/trip strike me too but dun know how to get away with 2 kids ard.......pathetic hor?

U dann jialark......wat a fright u let Ian had! But hor, like u, I find it so comical....LOL too. b v careful lah dear......u also just know how to use the mumsinmind sarong wah.....then want to handle hsechore at the same time!!!!

U wearing XL? U got so big meh.......must look closer at u at the next gathering liao!

Hey...is that ur hse.....the furniture that ian lay on is so sunny bright n nice........I like leh! My hse...haiz...machiam pig sly....high chair/bicycle/stroller/masar/torn books ard.....

Ur posting sala....ian is one mth older, not ethan! Ian looks like u izzit?

Can tong then tong lor.......my sis always says my aunt's hb a sailor, always not ard.....my aunty also do re mi, every year 1 bb....look after all by herself.......me lousy in this aspect............

Yah...tot ur short hair look chic too! Cant imagine u having long hair!
hi sahm,
yup, my posting sala, hehehe... u so sharp...

That yellow thing is a yellow star by mogu.. u know those bean cushions. Taken at my mum's place. I have yet to buy high chair leh...
Tks for enlightening me on the porridge water....

My hb not only carry him, he wrestles with him....they always have lotsa fun n laughter together.
U can imagine chen chen n his doting papa next time!

Yes, I use sarong sling all the way for my 2 kids...if not dun know how to do mkting. BB Carrier cant find my size........
High chair..........haiz........white elephant, space occupying at home. My boy refuses to sit there after awhile (confined/restriction). Want to climb out.....so risky. Hope my girl will be refined enuf to sit in there!

It is more advisable to buy those plastic/pvc seat...easier to wipe. Mine is those evenflo cloth type......aiyo......dirty so easily...where got time n energy to wash so regularly as meals are taken daily?
kris, i oso dare not wash my hair daily, only on alternate days!!

shook, i bought him teether n teether toys but maybe he find them too hard - so sometimes only a few suckle he dun wan. the teether is one with sterilised water not the plastic type he oso dun wan??? only wan his hands - he v.greedy likes to put both hands into his little mouth till choke...mummy duno to laugh or cry :p

btw, ever since i fallen sick sometime back i only let him latch on every 2-3 days slowly reduce 1/wk till now i nvr let him latch on. I oso stopping my bfg, now i only pump when i feel engored.

and if u hosting another gathering...in SK - hopefully i can make it!! afterall SK is definately nearer than Jurong for me

jas, gd to give bb prorridge water b4 u really start intro solid - that's what my mum taught me and she hv bn giving jerald prorridge water on top of plain water.

sahm, jerald taking prorridge water jus like drinking water lor?? except it's a bit milky n got rice flavour. I saw my mum cooking whole pot of porridge and she took only the water for jerald. But note, we cant add anything (salt, soya sauce)..flavouring to the porridge. JUST PLAIN!!! i said her intention is to intro the taste to jerald. she bb know wat adult food taste like?!

val...glad u still managed to pull up ur hipster.. i've sold my on auction...looking at it makes me more vexed!!

HIGH FIVE!! Emily, me cant bear the sight of jerald crying/wailing/drama/wayang!!! my mum/hb said i spolit him to core!! esp hb - he can actually walk out in mist of his cries!!! OMG!!! Several times this lead to arguement - n worse he forbid me near him - saying that boi cant always cry - dun behave like a gal - b strong -....blah blah blah...yak yak yak.... Feel like asking him go fly kite - treating my son like tat!!!
thanks for your advise... i was thinking of getting the Evenflo one!! Thought plastic would be uncomfortable... hmm.. now the IKEA one comes into mind...
I know wat u mean........every mum wants best for their kids. I also tot those PVC/plastic type look uncomfortable n filmsy. But at the 1st pl is ur kid able to sit in there for long? Evenflo is cloth cushion padding type, shd be comfy enuf but so wat, he does not sit long. It is also a headache n eye sore to me to see food stain on the cloth!

So if i were to choose now, i will get those simple PVC/Plastic type...easier to clean n maintain n also more economical to your pocket.

Ok, think i will gif my girl porridge water too once she is abt to go on solid..........
.....tks for sharing
hi jul,
ai yo..ian almost fell into the dustbin, gd tat u caught hold of him. oh oh..gathering not in ur place ah.. my hse too small for so many pple leh.

tks for correcting ashrel DOB on the list. gathering at ur place shd b okie for me. jus hav to bear w ashrel's screaming fr west to north, keke.

may not b nappy rash then. ashrel has those tiny spots at his groin area wen he was abt 1mth old. pd gave 'combiderm' cream. v effective. was told to use cotton wool n water to clean instead of wipes if skin is sensitive. oso use barrier cream n change diaper often.

jaz n foreverfriend,
aloysius may not b lactose intolerant if he doesnt hav diarrhoea / persistent loose stools af drking the milk.

my reflux is ok if i watch my diet n posture/position ie. avoiding bending, lying down af a meal. it was bad during my pregnancy. so i believe aloysius wil b beta once he is a little older.
wat is pd's advice for him?
did u try the pigeon teat n milk flow regulator? do u hav a pigeon bottle? i can pass u a brand new milk flow regulator.

i beta go cut my hair b4 i turn bald..

dear mummies,
i remb someone mentioned Desowen cream? can i noe wat is it for? any of ur bb has little dry 'patch' of skin on the face? any gd moisturiser to recommend? pd said can use a little of olive oil but i was tinking is it too oily for face?

hi viv,

u look great now, no need to slim down liao. like tat then look like a mummy..
u can check out 'farlin' brand of high chair. saw it in many magazine. it's the pvc/plastic type n looks ok n not too ex.
my girl always have either red patchy skin or dry patchy skin not only on her face but also her body as well ...got it from me cos I hv sensitive skin. I use a cream from pd for her face, for her body I use Mustela moisturiser. I like Mustela products, they have a moisturiser specifically for bb face but I hv not tried it out yet.
tks. for the face i oso dun 'dare' anyhow apply cos he oreadi has sensitive skin, oso like me.
u noe pd lah, when i ask her wat to apply, she said moisturiser contains quite a no. of ingredients n evy bb may or may not b sensitive to the ingredients. so she said try little bit of pure olive oil, somethg natural. shd i???

Sorry...dissappeared for a while...Matt got his 2nd jab on Wed developed fever...super "bo eng" carry and carry till my arms peng san. Pt helper lucky was around to help out.

Thursday is a different helper ..so once a gain all by myself.

Lucky his fever is not that high. Besides we didn't have to go to MIL's place. YippEE!!!


you need help ah?? email me [email protected]


Good news...I'm going to pick up the photos today.. excited about how they'll turn up.

Go to run... Matt fidgeting already.. PT helper washing toilet.
eeeeeee, i dun in flavour of olive oil leh....machiam v greasy leh....dun u think so?

My fren swears by Klorane bb moisturizer...I am using....nothing fantastic, maybe no major skin concern, but no adverse effect too. So if it's for normal moisturizing routine, can try. $16+ for a tube i think. One brand 4u to check it out lor........bb range, can consider.
13th date for what??? gathering?? hope we are back by then!! Matt's beggining to sit up...a bit shakey and like to flop down...thought I'd share this..

Yes...i am v excited to see ur photo. Somemore u using those traditional camera...photo shd look sharper n better resolution. So u will be scanning n showing us here?

Nat, ur helper has no regular hrs with u? Meaning she is more or less like at ur disposition? She is so nice n understanding if it is so. Cant seem to find such helper...all want me to commit on regular basis!

U know wat happen ytd? I met one lady at hawker center n she kind of give me those 'know me' look. I smiled n tot she looks like ur pt helper...so went up to her n said 'u Nat's helper?' she blur n i further mentioned 'sat u went to the gathering'...she somemore said 'mei you, wo mei you qi!'.....think i blunder, so just bid bye n went off........hahahahahhahha! u mentioned thursday u had different helper.....not her I met meh?
yap i stay in a condo but unit v small not like b2b3m4's hse. so better hold round table summit in function rm. If function rm not available then hv to winzip all mummies, daddies n bb n food

My hubby did twice after dat he revert to carrying n singing to Chen Chen. Gd thing Chen Chen's sleeping pattern much much better than b4

agree wif Kis, u look trendy in your current hair style

Who take care of Elyse since your parents r going wif u? So nice got free trip. Fm lucky draw?

Oh boi, I hijack the Westerners' chance

u oso wanna hv doremi? U consider v gd. OMO handles 1 bb 1 tod. I only 1 bb find difficult to breathe @ times
So your hubby can relief u bit bit when he reaches home.
U bet, Chen Chen loves playing wif his daddy
U use moms in mind sarong or the traditional sarong w/o ring?

Did u put the teether in the fridge b4 giving to Jerald?
Chen Chen loves sucking his hands too. My mum got him a watermelon teether. My mum said Chen Chen turned the watermelon vertically n wanna swallow it into his mouth!

Ashrel screamed? Din hear dat in b2b3m4's hse

how come u got another helper?
looking 4ward 2 c the pic u took
Chen Chen likes 2 lean 4ward when put in rocker
yap, a gathering in my little cottage on 13 or 14 or 15. looks like response no gd

Me too got sling..just used it on Wed..in fact I've tried accessing the CD rom...can't leh..any idea how??

I need to know how to carry Matt side sling..
Hi Nat, Can PM me ur helper's contact? She is only available on certain days or wat? Paid hourly? Does she cover the whole island or only certain areas?
Nat, I've got the CD rom and it works.. but I think it's not very helpful... I couldn't do it after watching it 3x... okay, maybe I'm a bit slow.. heehehe... can always lend you mine. I can watch both on TV and computer leh, no probs. I dunno how to do side sling.
Shook, sahm

thursday helper is same as Sanrio n Val's helper. She specialised housework like ironing..but she also takes care of Matt for 2-3 hrs if I'm not around. Mon, tues, wed n Fri...is the nice lady you met on Sat.

Yah she's on irregular hours....when she's not cleaning house in morning she'll come over earlier. She's not calculaltive..she said she enjoys Matt's company. Well unless I can get her some assignments..

Anyone needs help?? Few hours?? Weekends?? Need some lovey dovey time with hubby?? She'll also help with housework if Baby zz.


Alamak...you didn't hear screams?? It was soooo loud..like the first time I visit Sanrio at Hosp. You must have been watching Chen zz and drunk with my hubby's "bauhu". And watching Matt stare so hard at his BMW in jealousy. PT helper still talking about it. Can't believe Matt so young can jealous. Hubby said better quickly get another small one so Matt not so possesive. Told me to work on it..

14th 15th should be ok...should be back from trip then...

My central gathering will be in Dec...Christmas time...maybe a week earlier. First Christmas for all the babies. besides my place then will be cold and windy..

so far she stays near woodlands...afternoons is at my place in depot road for a few hours except Thursdays. Mornings n nights she is available and the weekends. if you need her at certain times can let me know...I'm very flexible cos I can always arrange my timing of classes. She's by the hours. But she not calculative one. I usually give her extra cos she does a good job w Matt n the house.

Her contact:

qiu qing (tell her tai bao bao de xiao jie intro)
Hi Naty, thanks, i'm up north too! But dun need her help now, maybe in the very near future. Eh..her name is Qiu(1) Qing(1)?
Hi Jaz, what did the doc say abt aloy's condition?

Hi skyblue, I guess cos Vane quite guai every nite. She only makes some noise when she wants milk and she'll sleep while drinking. So at the same time, I can also close my eyes and rest.

Hi shook, the coverage for life is $50k. You really have a hard time taking care of ChenChen and trying to pump out milk for him hor? So poor thing. You also take care of yourself ok?

Hi emily, quite a good idea hor? I thot of bringing Van to Star Cruise when she's one yr old. Wow, 8 times of loose stool sound a lot leh. Hope he's getting better.

Hi absolut, you're rite. Ally and Vane are the oldest ard here.
Has Ally start teething? My hubby discovered that Vane has some whitish at the back of her gum. Prob she starts to teething. You also having problem pumping during your course? I thot of stop pumping once my gal reaches 6mths too. But another side of me quite she bu de leh.

Hi Jeslyn, your gal also got Beckham's hairstyle hor? So cute.

Hi jul, hurray!!! I can join the gathering liao!!! How come you wear XL? You so slim leh. I bot the PVC one thot that it'll be easier to clean up when bb having meals on the high chair.

Hi sahm, we won't boot you out lah. We learnt from your experiences too mah.

Hi lyn, Vane loves the Dumex rice cereals leh. Think diff bb got diff taste hor?

Hi Kis, Vane getting better liao. At least, she poos everyday for this week. Aiyo you better be more careful next time leh. So Elyse can crawl liao?

"Hi Nat, me eager to see your photos too.
I like your comic.

Great for her too, I'm away from 5th to the 12th..maybe give her a call and try her out first I suppose. Yah it's qiu(1) autumn qing(1)gold.

finally saw the cd rom...click on tthe wrong file stupid me...aiyah..she make it look so easy... even with the 18 mth boy she also can manouvere about.

I think I go with the snuggle or the head resting opp of the rings. My pt helper also saw the video with me..she says this sling good v good.. can use till so old kids. She ask me teach her so she can do more housework for me..hehe hehe. She also likes the bumbo. She puts him on the table and lets Matt watch her hamg clothes..or have lunch..


Long time I never post hor?? Still remember the preggie ones??

Emily (is it??)

The photos no scan la. All converted to save as jpg on cd rom. So those who wants one set let me know...I ask my student burn.. Give him $1 each..so got extra pocket $$$ for sch hols... kek kek. Wait first let me go collect and see my "standard" can match those on web or not. Maybe should invest digital lo...got kang tao let me know hor??!!

wanted to share something about vomitting, Matt so far only spits out excess milk (posset??)3x..

On the 28th September, we were out to celebrate FIL BDae and play lantern. Dinner was at some hotel(forgot the name..near river..old already..)
Anyway, Matt threw up...MIL was frantic.. said Baby not well, better bring AnE immediately... say don't know what my pt helper feed Matt etc etc.. went on and on... insist go home immediately.

You know what? After Matt threw up...he was his normal self...smilely, chatty active, bounce bounce like tigger..

Hubby calmly told her if baby got something wrong sure to be listless..no smiling...sleepy.

My FIL who was fed up with her nagging told her to shut up... and use common sense.

I also try appease MIL say that maybe the ride made him sick, ahe was holding him all the time and he was fidgeting.


Any idea how to "shuo fu" MIL to let Matt zz in car seat on trip to Malaysia. She kept insisting to carry Matt for the journey..she also said wanna make kapok pillow for Matt so he can lie down in her lap. I damn stress about this trip already...going to "peng san" I run out of things to say already..


I'm also like you and Em, can't tahan Baby crying...partly cos in first month, my "kan cheong spider" mum-in-law will rush into the room and see what's up.

Just to re-cap this is the same MIL that stand and watch you struggle to BF/latch on your baby.....and then say hurting things like "you got no milk ah?? See you try to let Baby suck better feed baby formula milk" Everytime Matt tried failed so he'll cry a bit and stop and then try again..the LC said he very patient.

I'm now a bit dissappointed I never full swing BF Matt. I thought I could after he came back from hosp after Jaundice..but she was even more agressive, she will sit in a chair in the same room and stir everytime Matt makes wheezing noises.

In fact to this day I blamed my MIL for my non-ability to long term BF Matt. However, I very glad that I can say I totally took care of Matt from day one of his life..
