(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

My boy will settle for the whole life plan but for my gal....I headache.......I want something ready by 18th yr for her but nothing seems gd enuf
Tot JHcock has but urs oso matures at 20th yr only. Tks alot for ur sharing...appreciate alot!

IL plans is middle-risk plan.....it is interesting, small risk takers' plan but for education, it can be a little uncertain kind of saving lor.

Yapp....my friend stays v near there, hop by weekly basis n mentioned abt this wk's shipment not too nice etc but most time, it is rather ok....considering the cheap px. Pyjamas? I didnt get to see any when I was there! Hahahahahah...........r we referring to the same shop?

My limbs weakened when I hear u going into A&E dept..........I faint.....I cant see blood, lots of blood, I weakened!

Not only she shd envy ur wonder bust, but also envy the wonders ur BM brot to Randell....he is so cute n round, well nourished!
...if HV is too far n out of pl, then U go check out Foxkids 1st lor....their px range ok n affordable n design seems nice too....

Do it at ur own pace n comfort lor. BBs too small I dare not bring out too long or at too early an age..........scare of germs!

No worry.....it is easy to bring infants out...they r ok. They r light enuf to be carried ard easily n u do your own shopping. In fact I like to go out wz my 3mth old gal, go to aircon pl shop shop. She v excited, kick n kick, smiles at passerby. At home, v stuffy n boring........weather nowadays!
pringles, i hvnt decided which plc to visit in NZ - cos i'm not familiar n my intention not there to shop - so i probably find a nice farm n sing OLD MACDONALD with jerald for a wk or so :p
btw, that's his fav song after london bridge.

PV, i tot AUST n NZ now hving summer??!! can suggest when is the best time to visit?? not too hot not too cold?!?

such gd idea to put out bb pixs on calendars!! really regret jerald n i cant make it to last gathering
Hi hazey, the pix are all so cute hor? I can't help smiling too. But too bad none of them got Vane's face.

Hi jul, heehee I can't make it on 27th Nov cos I got Family Day on that day.

Hi sahm, I think the endowment plan got 18yr maturity one but I opted for 20 yrs lah.
Hi sahm, hazey,
u wants the fotos in original resolution, it will be a big file sending over.

Hi soyabean, i have name the babies with giggler help...if i'm wrong, mummies pls correct.

From Left: Matt(nat), Aloysious(jas), Ethan(emily), Elyse(sahm), Ashley(b2b3m4), Ethel(pokpok), Elyse(kis), and lastly Tyra(hazey)
hi mummies, wow, u all post so fast, can't really catch up....

i'm not sure there's a cinema around the hawker centre, but there's a ntuc & town council beside it...

one drop enuf meh? i put one drop b4 but after rub rub on hand, b4 i can message on aloysius stomach no more liao leh, so i hv to put again.
njoy ur trip with matt...

yes, u r rite, the one u referring to is chen chen. aloysius is the second one frm the left, beside matt...

ya me too. my arms ache like hell after carrying aloysius tat day...hehe

can i hv sanrio's yahoo id too...tks

me oso bring aloysius out when he's only 2 weeks old. carry him on my arms only without carrier or stroller...
my mum looking after him so i m very fang xin..
hi all, think i will email u the pics with lower resolution lah, cos it really takes a long time to upload and i also dun want to jam ur mailbox : ), so anyone who wants to print out the foto using high resolution, let me know and i send u the original ones. okie?
I oso got wedding dinner on 20th. Hmm...r we attending the same dinner? Hehe...

True tat there r some risk involved. 50% of my investment r on bonds, which r quite safe. It really depends on ur portfoilio. Actually I m a risk adverse person, but by looking at the projected return, my hubby say get the investment rather than life.

I m ok on 27 Nov.

Giggler & Jaz,
My arms hv not recover fm sat carrying.
lyn & Pringles, Aus & NZ 's seasons is opposite of US, Europe, Japan, China etc. Right now is actually spring. It's beautiful at this time of the year...lots of beautiful flowers, daffodils everywhere, cherry blossoms, cute little lambs etc. Summer is hottest in Jan/Feb but it's not that hot lah. NZ is surrounded by the ocean so the seasons are milder. Early Dec is a good time to go because you can avoid their own summer holidays when there are too many people travelling around (harder to get accomodation). Or else late Feb - March, when their school starts again, and the weather is starting to cool off a bit.
Hi jaz, what's Aloy's weight now?

Hi Val, you very kua zhang leh. Your arms still not recovered? Heehee

Hi lyn, you planning to go for holidays? When?
tks received liao...

intend to shave him to botak when he's 4 months old..

u too, after carrying randall for the whole afternoon, still aching???

aloy's weight is 6.3kg, how abt vane?
SAHM, Sanrio, Priviledged and all sahms,

Sometimes,have u all ever felt like giving up being sahms and get someone to help look after ur bbs? Today, I felt just like that. I know next morning, I'll forget how tough my day was with Alicia but its really damn tiring being sahm alone. Today, she was so cranky from afternoon onwards....and I felt so tired by evening....couldn't tahan anymore....when she's awake, need all my attention and wants me to be with her always....step aside for awhile and she'll start crying.....leave her alone and the crying gets louder....leave her longer....and the crying becomes hysterical....sigh.....i know of bbs who are quiet and docile...but my bb is definitely not..she's very energetic and alert....i wish i can be recharged as easily as with batteries but im human after all....how do you sahms handle things all by yourself? Do u guys face such bad days too? Contemplated getting part time baby sitter....but still uncertain.I already have part time domestic help.

U mean no need winter wear for bb during summer in Auckland? Really? So i need not spend on woollen caps and stuff?


27th Nov sounds good.
Those Ladies..about my trip (no pen paper n tired scroll to see names..sorry)

Yah will come back with stories. I think need it'll be more about my MIL though. Can add to the book as it is "My Life with my MIL" (her ears must b itching now)

I think I move house too SAHM, everything but the kitchen sink.


I tuition teacher.. but was SAHM for about 3 mths. Then now after the O levels...again SAHM.


I know how you feel, when my pt helper came..It's like a breath of fresh air. Chores done, someone to hold baby a while, teach him Chinese and a bit of time even just to sit in toilet to answer call of nature. Can't your helper double up as both?? How much do you pay her?? Wasted you couldn't come on Sat, I brought my pt helper there. You could have met her.

If you seriously consider being SAHM...then one advice is when baby zz...you also zz. Hubby also got to help..esp evenings just for a few hours bonding.

Matt is so used to daddy put him to bed at night now.. must smell his "bahu" before zz. That day even put Chen to zz too.

I really appreciate the pt helper...I started with 3 times a week alt days. I was at home and saw Matt often...then slowly I increased days and longer time being away. Matt now can be carried by anyone and zz anywhere but he still reserve the special smile for me when I get back.

Pringles..have you sort of charted Alicia's timing?? I did for Matt. I realised that he zz more during the mornings which is when I run and top up milk in milk dispensers, sterlise bottles, and even take a quick bath. After his bath he's zz again at about 11..that's when I have lunch. On cranky day, I eat with him and he watches me till I finish.

Have you tried just lying with her on bed and play?? Matt likes it when he's cranky and it forces me to rest..
I do have my bad days too...........just that now i too tired to share..........

I fully understd wat u r going thru........we all luv our children but we r human afterall. It is normal 4u to feel this way once in a while n if u really need relief, pls ask for it.

I am a sahm of 2 kids.........almost turned insane handling the 2, one terrorist toddler n another nb n all the never ending hsechore.......v man chang n worst, the more I want to be great doting mum, the more I want to be gd wife....n not wanting to lose my gd old healthy self etc......I find it terribly hard to stay afloat! Finally, i 'outsource' my girl to my mil, my boy remains in the childcare till 2005. Hopefully by 2005 n when they r older, I will try to handle both of them myself again...........keeping my fingers crossed.

Message trying to share is I do feel how u felt for today...............n if u need breather, pls ask for help! We need to be happy/recharged/sane to take care of our bb n family................
Hi pringles,

Pls do take care cos u sound like u're going into depression. Get help from family. If not, look for PT help. A few hrs away from bb wil do u gd.

Soyabean, valencia, privileged, giggler, jaz n sahm,

Thks for sharing.
Guess wil start off with some place nearer... then slowly progress to town etc. But like wat sahm said, me over paranoid. Scare of germs.

All ur babies r so cute. They all look so healthy

working mums,

Seems that most of u have mums/MIL to care for ur bb. So u mean, u take over the job of looking after bb once u reach home from work, incl night feeds? If that's the case, won't u feel tired the next day?
The 3 May bb can celebrate birthday tog
Whole life policy u bot for Vane is $728.83 per yr or per mth? Which ins co u took the policy fm?
The photo wif sleepy Chen Chen starting fm the left
sham's Elyse, b2b3m4's Ashley, my darling Chen Chen, Kis's Elyse, Hazey's Tyra, Val's Randall

Chen Chen scratches his head till there r railway thread on his scalp

My mum has the same knee krob krob problem, dr asked her to eat food rich in calcium. So I eat yoghurt n cheese
My hubby is a rice barrel. I cook juz 1 bowl of rice 4 him.
I send u the original size photos over 4 mails as the size is very huge
I oso thot of bringing Chen Chen for cruise when he is abt 1 yr old

Ya boi, Matt like wanna kick Chen Chen outta his BMW, so fierce

wa pian your MIL going to m'sia wif u. Pray for u
Your hubby's bahu drank bb

My co nobody bf. I m like alien
I sent u the photo wif Randell

I think I know which hawker centre. There is 1 stall dat sells finger licking gd satay beehoon
my mum look after Chen Chen. When I go home, my mum still help to look after Chen Chen when I eat, bathe n wash milk bottles. 9 feed I do since I bf
westerners (soyabean, giggler, sanrio), please decide if 13th or 27th is better for our gathering....hehe, all other mummies invited too
Pringles, I used to have that kind of feeling when I first came back from the US, when Sarah did not know how to fall asleep by herself, & she used to fuss & cry, But my hubby was so supportive and we resolved to tackle the problem together (mostly me, with his support). We also reminded ourselves why I was a SAHM...the greater goals. So I take each day as a challenge, and I challenge myself to teach Sarah all the time, as long as she's awake. We trained her to fall asleep on her own too, and take long naps (2 hrs at a time). So now I don't feel that way anymore.

I know it feels dreadful, but remind yourself why you became a SAHM. I found that I couldn't imagine passing Sarah on to anybody else to look after at all!! I'm too attached to her liao.
skyblue, Snugli is a brand name for one of those front pack infant carriers. You know those you wear like a back pack, but in front. You can look in the internet to see the variety of them. It's made by Evenflo. Don't know where to buy them here. We bought it in the US. You could pehaps try Toys 'R Us or those children's products warehouses in Kaki Bukit. Robinsons has one called "Pierre Cardain" I think. If you have lots of $$$$, I believe you can get the Baby Bjorn, reputed to be really really comfortable. My friends have a "Chicco" brand one, but may not be so comfy cos they seem to have stopped using it.
Pringles, no, no, no.... no need winter stuff for Auckland in Feb. You may need to bring a waterproof jacket or umbrellas in case it rains. Just bring a thin WOOL cardigan for going out at night and early morning, and a water/windproof jacket (thin one will do). Thin long-sleeved sweatshirt in case it's cold at night during sleeping time.

Last time I went in early Dec, brought my jacket but didn't use it even once! Feb is about the same as Dec.

lyn, I'm partial to the South Island as the scenery is much much nicer. Do you have contacts for farm stays? You may be able to book one through an agent here, or else go there then book. The visitors information centres of each town is the most impt and helpful place. Must go there. They can book for you or help you book all these things.
Hi all,
Sorry so long never post. Have been too busy with office work..
Now to answer some questions.. cannot remember from who:

I think the calendar thing is a great idea. But I don't have high resolution pics... I think can ask from Nat coz her hubby using gd camera that day.

skyblue: I have full-time domestic help Filippino to help me when I am at work. She's gd and I trust her completely. She seems to be getting along very well with Ethan and my family and follows my instructions well when it comes to bb's care.

Ethan is fine after his fall now... but he seems to know that if he cries hard and long enough (which is about 1-2 min), mummy will come running to take over from maid if she is at home... so, he has been quite noisy now. And when I carry him over he smiles.
He has also 'learnt' how to wake up and fuss in the mornings when I am preparing to go to work. But I just ignore him and go... or else I'll be late. But when I come home, I always see him happy and laughing/smiling.. so I know that the day was gd for him with the maid... he was just trying to get my attention.

Sanrio, my helper has trained Ethan to use the toilet... so he does all his business in the toilet bowl and she's glad she doesn't have to wash the blue basin again...

Sanrio, pls teach me about the GD system soon... have to start and make use of the cards bought... or else waste $$.

jul: gathering again.. wow! great!
westerns let us know the dates, okay!
Hmmm... have to be soon... think it will be very difficult to get the bbs to sit and take pics like the last time once they learn to crawl!

To all mommies whom I owe pics to: sorry lah... I will do it tonight. Hope ur mailboxes will have enough space coz I don't know how to resize the pics.

Giggler and Val: what's the weight of your bbs now?
good morning mummies!! gd news to share!! my little jerald erupting teeth aready!!!!

y'day evening was told by my dad cos my folks 'brush" his gum every now n then after his meal - can feel a little bit of sharpness - and when he smile can SEE A BIT OF PERALY WHITE oready!!!

and 2nd pc of good news - he can flip frm tummy to back
but not the other way round

ok enough of good news - let me finish my morning tasks - be back later to chat.
Wow, Ian's birthday easy to remember....696969696...hahahahahhahahah

Birthday that I off hand recalled :

Ian 09/06/04
Elyse 30/06/04
Ashley 30/06/04
Matt 01/06/04
Aloysious 05/07/04

Wow....teeth erupt liao....tat's fast! Flip oso! Hahahahah.......welcome to the nitemare mama's club!

Yes...u wont be able to imagine if Sarah is detached frm your care..........

Just 1mth b4 my labour, I sent my son to childcare. I cried daily for days......dun know bcos of my pregnancy hormones then or the attachment thingy. both. When i sent my gal over to mil's pl, I cried badly too but with my boy ard, his screaming, his demand of attention, the absence is better cushioned off..........

HB n I think this is the best arrangement for the time being. I cant imagine carrying my NB to n fro the school with my boy demanding me to carry him as well...........Now my girl is older n 'tougher', it is abt time i bring home to be under my care soon.............me full of anxiety! WOnder can I survive with 2! Dun know whether i will sink into depression.......

BRING BRING BRING....................when I was 5th mth pregnant with my girl, hb n I went on cruise without my son.............regretted! On board, u can see many bbs ard! N it is possible n easy to handle bbs on cruise.......somemore, heard that it is free for bbs under 2? Check to confirm hor.

tks in advance.....clearing my mailbox now for U!
when i look at our bbs' photo, i kinda glad i went to the gathering. Me still waiting to see Ian's foto...knock knock....emily.....nat!

Ur westerner gathering I am keeping that in mind too....me a v impromptu kind of person....shall keep u informed if going hor.

Tks for the invitation. Me no west, no east, no north leh.............so will go anywhere!
sahm, altot my folks said he can flip but i waitied for 2 evenings he dun wan to flip for me to c!! last nite i waitied till he asleep dan i pry open his mouth to c his gigi!!

no wonder he's bn drooling a lot - biting his teether n whatever he can get hold on.

BTW, does green stool occured oso b'cause of teething??

why?? are we organising MASS B'DAY PARTY for our precious?? Jerald's on 24/06/04

shook, u also going away?? guess u duno whether to bring chen along issit??? no matter wat MUST BRING HIM ALONG!!! that few days while i was away in bbk - missed him the very miniute i board the plane!!! call back hme to chk when i touch down!! MUST BRING otherwise as sahm say - u regret.

giggler - got ur mail. no prob, whenever u r free.
Our bbs are due for jab soon. Ur ashley is small in ur eyes, mine is small in my eyes too.......

She is 5.65kg/63cm at 3mths2wks+....hw abt ashley?
U so noti mummy, pry open Jerald mouth while he's sleeping! hehehehehehe.....

Yes, drooling is a sign of teething.

Green stool, I read n confirmed with PD it can be due to viral infection or 1 mum mentioned it is due to too much of dun know foremilk? (?)
When bbs teething, their frequency of stool may go higher n it is loose too. Some parents or old folks say teething cause diahorrea...not true. It is the hands/fist/fingers of our bbs that must be kept clean to avoid loose stool/diahorrea. Later, they will even bite any toys/blocks n put inside mouth...so loose stool or poo often will occur, having contact with certain amt of bacteria.........my son was likewise n I quickly read/ask ard to confirm if it is normal. I also busy cleaning/sun dry the toys often then..........bo eng ah!

Going holiday ah..............I only adventurous enuff to bring them to cruise leh.........I went cruise n check things out. BB-friendly enuff to go........If flying or driving, I still scare scare leh....cRanky screaming bbs, I scared......then my holiday mood will vanish to nowhere.....
Hi Jaz & Emily, Vane is abt 7.6kg.

Hi Nat, now I remembered you were telling us that your students' parents are very nice to you while you preggie rite?

Hi skyblue, I take over once I reached home from work and of course that incl nite feeds. I don't feel tired though VT needs to be fed abt 3times during the nite.

Hi shook, ya lor the 3 May bb can celebrate their bday together.
I paid $700plus yrly for the wholelife plan and bot it from JohnHancock.

Hi jul, I can only make it on the 13th cos I've co event on 27th. My Vane's bday is 28th May, same as absolut's.

Hi lyn, wow your bb is early teether!

These are the few bday that I can add on:
Ian 09/06/04
Elyse (sahm) 30/06/04
Ashley 30/06/04
Matt 01/06/04
Aloysious 05/07/04
Jerald 24/06/04
Elyse (Kis) 08/06/04
Allison 28/05/04
Vanessa 28/05/04
Chen Chen 29/05/04
Wow, lyn, Jerald getting teeth already? That's really fast! You can be our consultant in teething problems now

skyblue, don't forget to get the type which crosses at the back. Those that don't cross will keep slipping off your shoulders. No use.

Adding Sarah onto the list, and rearranging:

Allison 28/05/04
Vanessa 28/05/04
Chen Chen 29/05/04
Matt 01/06/04
Elyse (Kis) 08/06/04
Ian 09/06/04
Sarah (PV) 12/06/04
Jerald 24/06/04
Elyse (sahm) 30/06/04
Ashley 30/06/04
Aloysious 05/07/04
sahm, giggler, pv, jerald took after me but he still a bit slow - i was only 3mths my gigi v.visible liao - in olden days those old folks said its not v.auspicious thing for bb to hv teeth so young..blah blah...etc.

n i agree with sahm abt bb hving loose stools not really caused by teethings - it's bcause he keeps sucking his hands, toys...etc - so must really keep these clean - now i wash his hands now n then and his toys at the end of the day. i no longer put lotion on his hand still he likes to put in his mouth so often!!

no choice lah - he keeps his mouth shut purposely dun wan to let me to so got to wait till he asleep lor.

so there's another gathering coming up soon!! where?? near jurong mrt or now?? i kiv 27/11 on my calander liao - will make a point to go.
Heehee...my turn to kaypoh....

Allison 28/05/04
Vanessa 28/05/04
Chen Chen 29/05/04
Matt 01/06/04
Elyse (Kis) 08/06/04
Ian 09/06/04
Sarah (PV) 12/06/04
Jerald 24/06/04
Elyse (sahm) 30/06/04
Ashley 30/06/04
Aloysious 05/07/04
Ethan 08/07/04
Ashrel 15/07/04
Tyra 17/07/04
Edison 19/07/04

For Ethan to Edison, if i made any mistakes, dun scold me hor....
Hi sahm,
Yah, Ashley is due for her next jab again... Haiz... very scared she got fever again. That's what happened the last time. We have a hard time feeding her Panadol. Where do u bring Elyse for her jab? I did mine at Hougang Polyclinic.

My Ahsley look ang mo. Heng ah!!! Got people say i got Indian trait (bcos of my sharp nose), some i tot from China or Jap (that's what happened when i was in Bali). We both pure Singapore Chinese lah!!! All our life study/live/eat/play in Singapore. Yah... got people ask whether i graduate from overseas... Sigh.. dunno why.

Hey i know what u mean abt the frustrations of being a sahm. i agree u need a break at times from the baby. Is there someone else who can help u?

I remember u mention your PT-help is available when u r away. Think can help Pringles?
pringles n mummies,
i m feeling exactly how pringles feel as a sahm. when ashrel gets really cranky, i feel like giving up, almost burst into tears each tx. mummy is a 'soft' person but ashrel is a 'loud' boy, ai yo.. hence din come in to post for a while. he was so cranky since monday. sometx i wonder did i make the right choice to stay at hm? pple ask me abt no. 2 but it's really a phobia to me. i saw a lot of babies so guai. went to visit my frd's bb at her 1mth. she sleeping most tx n cry oso soft soft. i remb ashrel was screaming almost the whole day during his 1mth celebration (the nurses at kkh ward at day 1 oreadi told me ashrel is the loudest bb in the entire nursery, ask nat who visited me). ashrel is v active, alert n notti. i 'an wei' myself by tinking, thou he's notti, he's alert n learn thgs fast, beta b thankful tat he's healthy. he can flip fr back to front at 2mth n can flip both ways at 3mth. but many tx trying to tink positive is easier said than done. really 'so bu liao' at tx!
sori mummies, i grumble so much here...

ya i m interested in the calendar u mentioned, how to go abt doing it?
ashrel DOB is 14/07/04. randall is born in aug but i cant remb the date, mus ask val.
perhaps we can add in their wt n ht too.

i m fine w 27 nov. at least i can put him on pram to go ur place n 'avoid' car ride

all ur girl girl so sweet leh..
we plan to brg ashrel to australia wen he's abt 1yr old. still a long way...

i m on yahoo IM. oh, i mus go HV then. but i noe sure more girls than boys stuff.

my hubby said mus learn fr u. evytx ashrel screams, we give in.

aloysius has the nicest hair among all. u wan to cut him botak ah.. i wish ashrel has his hair, keke..

i saw the lucky bb carrier, the clip seems vy diff to open, or is it i 'bo lak'.

i wld love to read ur 'MIL' book, hehee..
