(2002) Any 2002 babies?

congratulations to all mummies with kids gotten into their choice. So looks like these mummies are from Woodlands sia? no Sembawangers?

Congrats to all mommies whose children got into their choice school.

Well... My gal did not get balloted into our choice school.

So, now, I've the headache of what's next...


BPPS balloting for <1km. I reside within 1-2km. So on the third day of Phase2C, i already registered for the next nearest neighbourhood school.

Now eagerly waiting for orientation on mid Nov.
Dear Mummies,
Would like to get your advise on how i should teach my son to love his chinese. Am illiterate in Chinese for your info. Thx in advance.
now you need to find a nanny nearby ? Pri 1 and 2 in pm session. My niece is there now and they have maths online test during last school holiday
chicken little
I found one nanny at blk 352 (10 min walk to CCKPS, walk underneath the MRT track). I think still have to take sch bus. She has 2 sons from South View. She said can teach my son spelling. But I have not visited her house.

Your niece is P? On line test can be helped by parents at home.

The admin staff at CCKPS are friendly, especially the Malays/Indians. I noted half of the teaching / admin staff are non chinese. Not really a concern since they are better in English. My first impression is like, ha, so many non Chinese. One Chinese lady asked me to call at 4.30pm to check whether balloting needed or not. When I called and said I registered this morning, she immediately said no balloting with the tone of heaving a sigh of relief on behalf of parents.
My niece is in P2 this year. Another fren's kid is P1 this year.

Ya non Chinese staff is good. I feel I do not have interaction for full 10 years so a bit difficult when I started interacting with non Chinese in JC
Hi Juzker,

My son will be attending ACS next yr. Is yours going too?

I've not heard abt any pre-test. Getting a little stressed reading the posts. He's attending English and Hanyu Pinyin classes now. A little concern abt Maths though. Any mummies sending their children to Maths enrichment classes to prepare for P1? Any recommendations which ones are good?

Where is your boy taking English &amp; Hanyu Pinyin?

Can he can do addition &amp; subtraction?
If not yet, I think good to try abacus

If already know addition &amp; subtraction, maybe you can consider MPM or Kumon.
Heard Enopi also similar concept


I sent her to Berries for a trial before. She cannot catch up, didn't really recognise the words, only read from memory

Now I'm teaching my girl Chinese personally. She needs one to one coaching. She noticed some improvement in her standard so quite motivated now
&amp; less resistance to Chinese language

Either try enrichment classes or get a private tutor, depending on your boy's Chinese standard
Thks sleepy resolutions,

He's taking both English and Hanyu Pinyin at cc. I read from another thread that there is a Mr Chung who teaches English at CC who is quite good. Found him and put him in his class now. He enjoys the class. Now, he pays more attention to how he pronounces the words so it's quite good.

He's ok with basic additions and subtractions but not problem sums. He's a little confused with all these 'more than', 'less than', he'll ask me whether to add or subtract when he sees these words. He's simply trying to find a formula so 'more than' means add, 'less than' means minus, which may not be correct as it depends on what the question is.

I understand that Kumon is twice a week and it might be too much for him (and us) with all the daily exercises as well. He's now attending full day child care as I'm working.
Will check out MPM and Enopi.

I'm now trying to look for an after school care for him. I've checked out Pro-teach as saw in earlier post that they are quite good but they are all out of the way. I'm more in the city, nearer to Vivo or Orchard should be fine as well since that's near his school. Can any mummies give any recommendations? Thks!
wah u so fortunate, know chinese word at least she is improve under ur supervision while me .... <haiz> .....

my girl used to attend classes with Mr Chung too, at Admiralty Garden CC. He's good but the CC he teaches is not anywhere near us since we moved house

my dd1 attending Kumon. We choose to go once a week, just collect one week homework lor.
hehe, I have no patience to wait long long outside the center
Hi Felixcat,
Great to hear That! Orientation is on 31 Oct too?? Which area u staying?

We din send him to Maths class..my hubby coach him. Language is more difficult to coach + we will run of patience wif him!
Hi hip,
Yes, those assessment bks.. need to revise with him how to count $$ and tell time too. We bght the bks frm Popular.

I realised that they dont remember what the teachers taught them in sch...Arrragh..
Hi juzker,

Yes, orientation on 31 Oct. You'll be there too? I'm staying at Bukit Timah. What abt you?

I understand what you mean, I'm not the patient type. Sometimes I will get so angry with him and then I regret later...

Will you be sending yr son to after school care? Any recommendations?

Sleep resolutions,

What's yr feedback on kumon? Is it good? Maybe I should look into it again.

Kumon is good if your boy is the diligent type, doesn't mind doing homework daily

for me, I find it a struggle to nag nag nag lor. My girl tends to drag her feet when doing Kumon homework. I get frustrated if I have to remind her repeatedly
recently she asked to swtich subject but the center instructor managed to talk her out of it. I think she does worksheets until very 'sian' lor

Plus point is the child can move quite quickly to next topic since Kumon allows progression to next level once the child completed that stipulated pile of worksheets. She's doing fraction now, considered P5 equivalent in Kumon

However, you must still continue with Maths assessment books since a lot of MOE syllabus not covered in Kumon like weight, time, money, problem sums
Wah, sounds quite 'xiong'. My son's not the diligent type. So it will be a nightmare for me I think. Btw, how much is the fees?

Do you know what are the Maths assessment books I can look for, which uses MOE syllabus? Thks!

Am fairly new to this thread as I usually just read but seldom post. But very informative thread, esp since most of our kids embarking into P1.

Wow, when I read about all the enrichment, I get very stressed! I am also coaching my daughter who is going to P1 next year myself. But as I am also a FTWM, the time to coach is very little, esp on weekdays.

If Kumon does not cover MOE syllabus, it may not be that useful? What about those enrichment Maths courses with MOE syllabus? A lot of kids go to Learning Point, so I wonder if it is good...
Hi Felixcat

I am staying in serangoon area...hv already source for one after school care for him near my hse.

I guess We will "see" one another at the orentiation! hehehe

Learning point is more for English, right?
I heard LP started off with English. Only Thomson branch has Mathematics

Others like CMA, MPM, Enopi also do not cover MOE syllabus. These are enrichment centers.
Tuition centers will cover MOE syllabus


I think all assessment books are based on MOE syllabus. Must flip through one by one &amp; find one with situable level of difficulty for your child
Cannot be too difficult otherwise lose confidence. Cannot be too easy too otherwise not much value add

I usually bring my girl along so that she can help to choose. I see until my eyes got stars
Learning Point only at 2 locations. Can you shed light on its charges?

I saw their web, they have Eng, Maths &amp; Science.

I haven't come across any suitable Maths programme.

I enquired at Simei branch. The manager said only English leh. Must go Thomson for Maths

Fees $330 for 10 lesson 1.5 hours
class size 12 if I remember correctly
Hi mummies,

Do you think it's better to go for Maths classes before P1? Don't really know the current standard and if we need to do "preparation work" beforehand or not...
definitely have to prepare for P1. Since no suitable maths programme in the market, have to teach on our own. But my boy can't sit still type, so a little difficult to teach. Plus he comes home only during weekends.
That's expensive. If 12 in a group, it is not learn through play type.

I only know Maths Buddies do have some mathematical equipments to help the children learn the concepts. Their class size is around 6, about same price as LP. But not preparatory for P1.

why don't you grab a P1 assessment book to assess his standard? see how much gap you need to bridge

if he's weaker in certain topics, can start teaching him now.

Nowsaday, teachers 'teach less' leh so parents need to double up as tutors


How much is the fees for Maths Buddies?
Is there a website?
Hi hippo, you are right about teach less...but supposed to learn more?! Defeats the purpose right when exams still cover full syllabus and academic results are still important. From the recent news, the way of teaching will be changed again. sigh..such a headache.

yeah lor. The concept is good
teach less (less spoon feeding &amp; drilling), learn more (through self-learning, independent studies)
But the end result is teacher don't teach, parents have to resort to hiring tutors to bridge the gap. Execution problem leh

I think they should cultivate the passion for self-learning before implementing 'teach less'. Unless the child is motivated &amp; has initiatve, otherwise how to teach less?


I think standard varies a lot from CCs to CCs. Depending on who is the teacher
chicken little
I saw this gifted learners website. I suspect one teacher from this centre keep advertising this centre in the forum.

I still prefer nanny coz student care do not provde dinner. Also I want full 2 hr nap if in morning session.
your boy is still taking nap? what time does he sleep at night?

yeah lor, all these goodies not applicable to SAHMs
My boy comes home only during the weekends. At grandma's house, I think he sleeps around 9+pm. He is very active, so he uses a lot energy. Need to sleep to recharge.

During weekends, he sleeps around 11pm. And wakes up around 9+. I would also ensure he naps in the afternoon.

Even my girl now at P5, I also insist that she naps. Else I could not guide her sch work at night.
chicken little
Can you introduce your friend whose child is in CCKPS? I would like to ask following questions:

1) textbook
Eng - Celebrate or In Step or what?
Maths - Shaping Maths or In Step or what?
Chinese - I guess all sch are same - Primary Chinese

2) uniform
Is it purchase on orientation day?

3) sch bus
roughly how much

4) breakfast with principal
fruitful? comments?

Thank you
