(2002) Any 2002 babies?

4 yrs age gap...so the fighting is minimal as the young one 'still' idolise the older one.
actually it's ds1's persistence of wanting a sibling that confirmed our decision to have a second kid.


dd2 also idolise her sister. She thinks her sister is prettier & cleverer than me!


same here. They argue often. one minute lovey dovey, the next minute arch enemy, then patch up again within 3 minutes
hippo / jan,
Did you try the speech and drama camps at CC? Quite good. My kids went for English camp last year and this time, will let them try Chinese camp. It's 3 full days and at the end of 3 days perform for the parents. For the price of it, can't 'hiam' lah.
we tried the cc's speech and drama last jun and dec. last jun, my boy likes it cos the teacher is good (i think its conducted by the 'head teacher'). then in dec, he dislikes it, and from the performance, i dislike the way the teacher handle the kids and the performance. then i wrote an email to them to feedback and they did not even bother to reply me.
no more speech and drama camp from them anymore!

yes, my girl attended twice. Tried both their English & Chinese camp. It's by Magic Moments, right?

Didn't sign her up this round because I was too tired sending/fetching her to CC workshops during first 2 weeks of school holiday

she said Science workshop is more fun than speech & drama. I think she doesn't want to stick with the same group of kids for 3 days
Last time, my kids tried cooking class also qt fun. My kids make siew mai and cakes. My son just stand and look cos he is quite paranoid about cleanliness. But on the whole they enjoyed very much and I get to eat the siew mai, It's cheap and good compared to private cooking class outside cost a bomb.
PV mommies

please share here if you have received the PV letter or received notification to collect PV letter. Thanks in advance
Hi Gin, no didn't try S&D as can't afford to take 3 days leave to bring him for the class, if falls on weekdays. woes of FTWM...sigh.
Hi hippo, I received a cert of appreciation from the school I volunteered at last year. Counted? Anyway, my hours were documented in file so that should be ok hor.

I don't know how it looks like. I heard from a teacher the principal will issue PV letter

I have not received any letter from the school so far
bukit panjang pri.
2 yrs back registration intake 420 (dragon yr), last year registration intake 360. this year registration intake 300!!!!
already need to ballot.....now even worse!
Hi Mummies! I'm new to this platform. I'm registering my girl under phase 2C this year. Could anyone tell me more about the following schools: CHIJ (Bt Timah), Bukit Panjang Pri, Zheng Hua Pri. I'd like to know more about the school culture, homework load, teachers' attitude and basically anything that cannot be found from the school's website. Thank you in advance.
Hi Mummies,

im registering for my son under phase 2C. Am gg to MOE tmr for Statutory Declaration coz planning to enrol him near parents place. Any1 like me??

Think all mummies like me getting stress out now. Worried abt our son/daughter cooping with sch work etc...

Can I ask is it too early to engage a tutor?
D's mummy

Is your boy attending any enrichment classes?

If he's progressing well, I feel that there's no need to engage tutor
Hi hippo2002,

I only enrolled him for phonics class. He's good in math but surprising though we speak English at home, I noticed that he actually picks up Chinese easier & faster than English so kind of worry he will have difficulties in reading English.
Any mummies have kids who read Geronimo Stilton?
If so, any titles to recommend?
And how about Roald Dahl's books...is it suitable for 2002 kids?
So far, I only read for my kids "Enormous Crocodile" and "Magic Finger". Roald Dahl's other collection seems more suitable for P1 and above as the plot is more complicated, the books quite thick and has more smaller words. I try not to let my dd read books that are too lengthy cos afraid that it's no good for her eyes.
Hi all,
Just realised I din introduce myself.. I hv a 6yr old boy and a 3yr old gal and is a working mummy.
New to this place.. but found alot of useful info.
I too have this thought of preparing snacks for my son to bring it to school next year. (Pri 1) I went to one of the school visit with my son's childcare and realsied that the food the cantten sell is expensive and a lot of process food.
Me also also got a 6 year old son and a 3 year old daughter, am also a working mum.
Germs Inc
I oso feel like doing lunch box for my gal. Because she very no sense of urgency and i tell you by the time she bought her food probably recess over.

Ha ha i will find the simplest one. Like sausage , cheese and bread all poke together with toothpick. Or I will use cookie cutter to cut shapes and spread with jam, put with ham and cheese etc.

what is the good age to start abacus ?
Thank sleepyresolutions,
Ha ha i want to start for my younger son since I feel too late for my 2002 gal liao.

Any mummy register for nanyang here ?
Hi Chicken Little, you registered for NYPS? That's a super popular school!

Re abacus, can start when able to write numbers legibly. My kids started when they are in K1. May consider stopping for my son when he starts P1 next year.
Hi Mummies,
Thks for sharing.. I bght those cookie cutters frm Diaso last wk. It was kinda of fun as the kids can do hands on and eat their "masterpiece".

I was contemplating to get a food steamer and occasionally prepare some mini man tou for juz.
hi, chicken little.

put my gal in an abacus class last year.
initially, she enjoyed the class, but some lessons, she started to find the calculations rather confusing.
that's when i decided to stop the lessons.
i want her to have a strong foundation in arithmetic, not to confuse her.
chicken little, juzker,
Same here. I thot of preparing food for my gal when she starts P1. Probably bring for first few month then see if I should continue. Simple to prepare Food like sandwich, muffins, fried rice/noodles would be the best. Subsequently, can let her try to buy food on her own on certain days. So excited... Mid nov will be the pri school orientation for all the kids.
my boy had already told us that he prefer to bring his own food, so he that will not have to worry about receiving the correct change, finishing his food on time, and/or spilling his food. :p
I think probably will need to make heavy breakfast for my gal as I think I need to drop her off early at school before 6.50 to avoid jam at the school.

Just to share a simple dish my fren taught me. Cheese sausage with roti prata

I haven't called the school to confirm but I think I got into the school of my choice!
from the statistics, seem like no need to ballot for PVs within 2km

everyone done with P1 registration? who's going for 2C?
Hi mommies

Seems like everyone here had already registered. Mine is under Phase 2C. Any mommies here putting your child in student care?
I am waiting for Phase 2C. The competition is very great this year due to the reduction in vacancies.
Hi, I'm new to this link, I'm also waiting for Phase 2C, going to register my kid in Sembawang area. Wish all mummies good luck and get all the school choices.
Hi Linda, I'm putting my child in student care. Yours too? I planned to put him in this centre which is 10mins walking distance from the school and feedback from parents was positive. Then just in July, a student care opened in the school. Which do you think is a better choice?
Hi mummies,
Wow.... so many postings on P1 registrations!
I am done with the P1 registration and i think i am more excited than my son. I hv started to plan his bf, what kind of sch bag to get for him, stationary as well as sourcing for after school care for him. Will put him in one near to my hse. Actually, my mum can look after him, but i guess he will idle most of the time at granny's hse..

test before orientation? wow, school intend to stream them right away from P1?

how did the school inform you about test & orientation? via phone or letter?
Hi fz, hippo,

Test is to help allocate the kids to their classes. Maybe not all schools have it. Will be notified of the date via letter. For orientation, the date is fixed already but I suppose will get reminded again nearer to date by mail.

Hi all
This test is new requirement for all sch, according to a man who sells children educational CD roms (A-Star Interactive). He said that every child is given a passage to read to ascertain where he stand and to put them in classes of same ability. I don't know exactly to what extent is the scope of test.

Starting this yr, MOE introduces foundation and normal subjects at P5. They do away with EM1/2/3 and replaces the system with foundation & normal. In line with this thing called foundation (which I equate what the man said and what I know as I have an elder girl at P5), they introduce the test to identify which children are not prepared for P1 and who are. As some of you may know, one must be able to read before doing maths problems. Different classes enable the teachers to focus on the children with different ability platform. The children on foundation classes would be bridged to normal contents eventually.
