(2002) Any 2002 babies?

juz me

you interested in MPM?
no worries, that branch is not anywhere near the East


my girl took 3 subjects including Chinese for 6 months last year. I feel that she was overloaded because her concentration waned after she began 3rd subject & it had been downhill since....

I have placed her back to Kumon recently. Only doing Maths now.

Your boy completed level D already?

My boy is near ending C only. He had started

the basic division only.

Ya that what I worry. So I did not put him

for the Chinese subject. Like what you mentioned

about procastinating, my son recently frequently

does that...and the thoughts of what you

mentioned in the forum came into my mind. The

problem is that he know his work but he just

don't want to do it. So when I force upon him he

actually can do it. That's what make very angry

with him. I am thinking of another way, which is

let him do 1 worksheet first then he can go and

play and a hour later come back to finish

another worksheet. At least he can have a break

in between doing the thing he like. Afterall

they are only a kid, they can't spend too long

on doing something. Hope this will work.

My son is able to speaking well in Mandarin

but he is no good in reading not to say Han Yu

Pin Yin. I did not expose him to any Chinese

book nor enrichement class on Chinese. So now I

am pressing the panic button.

Mummies with kid going Pr 1 next year can

give advice? Is Han Yu Pin Yin a must know


I think hanyu pinyin is a must. I glanced through some P1 assessment books, most have hanyu pinyin. My girl's kindergarten covers hanyu pinyin so I leave it to her teacher to teach. My hanyu pinyin quite hopeless

I panic too. My girl's Chinese standard is similar to your boy's standard although her hanyu pinyin seems better than mine. She attended a trial at Berries last year & I realized she still couldn't recognise those words taught. I guess she couldn't catch up with the existing students so I am coaching her personally this year, hopeful in time to salvage her Chinese standard

I heard P1 must write 5 sentences compo & P2 write 8 sentences. My girl cannot even write one sentence. Stressed....
Hi Germs,

My son started on Math & chinese for one & half year first before we add on English.
Yup, his time schedule is very tight right now as he has many classes daily.
He has short breaks in between his work sheets.
We allow him to cycle for ten or 15 mins in between. Or we will just tell him that he has to complete all his worksheets if he wants to attend his favorite judo class.

By the way , his math is not so advance. He is only at addition & subtraction level. Sometime he seems to be able to do it really fast but sometime he seems very confuse. He will just look at me & told me he had already forgotten what is 25 -5 or etc...

Chinese & english are fine as we started daily reading to him 2 years ago.Read about 8 books to him everyday.Ha ha.. also forced my husband to read before my son sleeps at 7.30pm. So i can take a break.

He is quite a active kid but he seems to enjoy completing the worksheet. I guess it is a chanllange for him sometime. By the way, in order to save more play time for him, we hardly bring him to the center nowadays, we collect worksheets by the week. He will just go there & do his correction. He will only visit the center if the teacher wants to test him.

Basically, by next year when he reaches primary school, i doubt he will be able to take 3 subjects. He should be in morning school in Primary one. So he will only have about 4 hours a day between Monday to Friday before he sleeps at 7.30pm.

Han Yu Pin Yin- Yup, according to my mum who is a chinese teacher , Han yu pin yin is very important. She told me that most of the children from Primary one are struggling with pin yin.
She has to cover the syllybus withtin a certain time . For those weaker student, they have to stay back once a week for revision class. She was the one who taught my son pin yin since he was in k1. My pin yin not very strong as my mum didn't teach me during my childhood time... ha ha.. She left it to the teacher to teach me.

Hope my info helps.
I didn't know they are supposed to write 5 sentences by P1... Wow.. English is still easy but chinese a bit tough as each word is different.

If you son speaks mandarin well, he should catch up w the subject quite fast if you coach him on reading / pinyin. My gal's kindergarten doesn't teach pinyin but they have 8 - 10 words ting xie every week and revision on all the words at end of term. So that covers the writing part. Berries, on the other hand, focus on word recognition..... lots of reading every lesson and hanyuPinyin. Berries has a year end (December) 5-days hanyuPinyin crash course which my friend said is very effective. Her dd went for the crash course only and could cope well with Pin Yin in P1.
Yes , P1 chinese mostly is Han Yu Pin Yin . So need to make sure the kids know Han Yu Pin Yin before they entered school . When I was at a school doing PV works for P1 , saw they need to know Han Yu Pin Yin more than knowing the words .
I am new here and I have a 2002 gal too. With regards to Hanyupinyin, my gal's childcare teacher shared with me that MOE actually discourage the pre-schools from teaching cos many students went on to P1 getting confused between Phonics and Pinyin. The P1 teachers had a hard time correcting the kids.

In fact, her childcare only teaches basic HYPY for less than 1 term. For P1 only first semester textbook in HYPY, 2nd semester all in words with HYPY as a guide to help them read the words. Her childcare focus more on word recognition.

My elder daughter was from the same childcare last time and she is now in P3. So far, she gt no problem with her chinese.

just sharing
That's wat my dd kindergarten Principal tells us too i.e. MOE asks schools not to teach Pinyin in kindergarten. It's my dd's enrichment ctr, Berries, that teach Pinyin.

My opinion is that learning Pinyin is alright but the child must already have a strong phonics foundation. If learn phonics and Pinyin concurrently, more likely to get confused. I tested my dd on the sounds of a e i o u and the different strokes - / \ , she was quite clear and didn't get mixed up at all.
Thanks all mummies for the suggestions...

Apple & Gin

I was also infd by my childcare about the same thing that they were discourage by MOE to teach han yu pin yin. All my friends were shock to hear that!! At first I thought the teacher was bluffing me. Now I knew it is true in a few childcare centers.
I have bought a couple of Han Yu Pin Yin book for my son a few days ago, so far he is progressing well. Hopfully I can persist and finsihed couching him before he goes to Pri 1.
So meaning Pri one my son will also learning Phonic? Frankly speaking, my son did not go thru phonics very intensively meaning I did not send him to any enrichment class trageting specific on Phonics. I send him to Kumon (few lessons on phonics) and was suprise that even he did not go thru intensive training he is able to read most of the word he come across for the first time.
I think by reading a lot, it will also helps thus Phonics is not really a must.
my girl started learning hanyu pinyin, before she learned word recognition. She became over reliant on hanyu pinyin to read. Took a lot of effort to correct her.
I feel that we should only introduce hanyin pinyin after the child is comfortable with Chinese characters

However, she didn't confuse hanyu pinyin with phonics even though she learned both at the same time
I agree with hippo2002 regarding word recognition. I feel that it is more important to teach the child the correct strokes for chinese rather than hanyupinyin.
for me , when my gal is around 4 , send her for phonics lesson and this help her in reading and so far she progress well . For chinese , teach her word recognition since young . Only childcare teach her Han Yu Pin Yin this month onwards . So far she is ok and did not mix the Han Yu Pin Yin and phonics .
i just found this thread for 2002 babies.
just want to check how do u knw the progress of your kid hanyu clss? i sent my son to chinese enrichment class, but I have no idea how he is progressing because there is no homework. now I m doubting if the class is doing him more harm than good. any advice any one?
hi mummies
my son has started learning HYPY from his chinese enrichment class beginning of this year. So far he has learnt "sheng mu", "yun mu" and abit on "sheng tiao". I don't think he is confuse with both HYPY and phonics even though he attends both classes currently. As for the chinese word recognition, i think flashcard is quite useful. I make my son write a page of chinese words daily to make sure he learns and rem what he has learnt in school.
hi mummies,

I have been away from sg for more then two years now, just wonder if HYPY still being taught at kindergarten as part of the curriculum? what kind of expectation is required for a P1 student for english & math?
Hi, my kids' childcare doesn't teach hanyu pinyin. They learn word recognition (from nursery onwards) and writing (from k1 onwards). I'm very impressed with the chinese teachers for being able to teach the correct strokes and perfect pronunciation.

I used to think hypy is not taught in schools anymore but learnt from friends with kids in primary schools that it's in P1 syllabus.
hi mommies,

starting to panic re P1 registration.

we are still considering which school to enrol him

Catholic High Primary
Holy Innocents (within 1 km)

any one has feedback about the 2 schools? hubby is an old boy at catholic high but the chauffeuring (with the extreme jams at hougang/AMK) is the main hindrance.

appreciate any advice. thanks.
My friend's son is in Cath High. Seems like they have a lot of HW.

But still, I prefer Catholic High, will have higher chance when he choose school at P6 in future.

my girls' kindergarten voluntary closure since last Fri. School holiday started one week earlier

Have you lined up any holiday programmes for your kids?
Sending my gal back to childcare during the holidays. So she will be attending some workshops which the childcare has signed up. All held at the national library.

Now should have some drama by act 3 etc. Which is good for them.

Does the shopping centre has any upcoming event like those show ? Are they too old ? Still bringing my gal for barney show
the booklet only state the date for different phases of registration and the schools in each area. basically can see from the links that Wahwah posted.
Hi Mommies,
anyone hear of I Can Read program ?
Any comments?
or any recommendation for enrichment K2 English? thanks.
I am always reading this thread quietly....but guess, with the P1 registration coming up soon, this thread will be exciting. Can't believe our kiddos are reaching P1 soon!

Catholic High is good. Heard a lot of people wanna go in but can't. So, since your hubby is an old boy, should grab the chance! But understand totally about the jams...

Rest of the mummies,
Which primary schools will all of you be sending your kids to?
I heard I can read is good. My own kids are in icreativelearner also quite good.

Would you consider moving house? I agree with Linette. Many pp want to get in also can't so really dun waste the chance.
Cath High is my choice school if I stay nearer. Though alot of HW, but still it's a mission school.

Anyway, am now considering between the 3 schools in the north.
Hi Iwg,
yes I have heard of ICR, but i heard the kids actually have to start with them at 3 yrs ?
do you have the contact which I can call them?
Can try www.icreativelearner.com
There's a contact no. there. To my knowledge, need not start at 3yr old. S'times the class may have vacancy and then you can join in. But at middle of K2 now, the kids are qt advanced in their progress - writing essay, learning grammer, dictation etc. So your child has to be able to read and write simple sentences in order to join in.
i've marked on my calender too...but undecided which day to go yet. if most parents think that the first day is crowded and then go on the second day, then the second day become very crowded...:p
so excited....
mentally gearing up for balloting too...hope we even get a chance to ballot!

Have not drop by for a long time...

Calendar marked for those special days. My choice have changed though. Have decided to put DD1 at Beacon Primary.

Good luck to all!
Hi fz,

Thanks for the list :D

The P of Beacon Primary was from Pasir Ris Pri formally. Good luck to you too.

it is pretty difficult to predict the demand for beacon primary school cos there is no past statistics to fall back on. so your backup plan will be.....?

Was she good at Pasir Ris? Didnt hear anything about this principal other than her being an IT specialist.


Do you mean backup plan as in 2nd choice of Pri sch? I live very near (within 1km) so i hope my chance would be higher. There is also no PV for this reg. Do you live around this area too? Whats your choice of school?

oic...within 1 km should be pretty safe.

i live at the 'edge' of bukit batok...so i am going for bukit panjang pri. need ballot cos 1-2km. those good ones like Princess Elizabeth and Keming, i am out of the 'balloting' distance...aka too far.
how's school holiday? chaotic?

my dd1 attended 3 Maths workshops, 1 science workshop & 1 dance workshop the last 2 weeks. All organised by CCs. hmm, didn't seem to learn much, more for fun. ok lah, for that price, cannot hiam

brought my girls to watch 'kungfu panda' today at Downtown East. nice leh, I enjoyed the movie too.
Cathay mums & tots promotion, buy one ticket & the child gets in free

we also watched 'high school musical' at united square. so so lah

no programmes for my ds1, cos he doesn't seems keen in any. so its just cycling and swimming (more playing water) and shopping during this holidays. i have up his daily dose of homework load and intro him to handheld games.
he does adhoc handicraft/drawing as he wishes and plays those toys that has been tucked away for ages. best thing is that he can entertain my ds2 and leaves me free to surf and net and/or watch TV.

Hi hippo, yah same here. I took leave to bring ds to one of the cc science workshop during March holidays and find it so-so. Rather let them spend a day outdoors.
