(2002) Any 2002 babies?

Hi fz

I've checked out the MMI Math program and it looks interesting.

I've checked out the MMI Math Programme at the centre near my home but they will not have any new class starting now(new class starting only in July).


Any math enrichment centres to recommend? I've check thru MPM and Kumon and I don't like their method of teaching as the child are only given worksheets to do. It sounds boring.

Chicken Little

I just let my girl try try, for the fun of it lor. She said it's very easy, all pictures, no addition subtraction or anything chim. She got a rubic cube as door gift today

We will receive a personalised report based on her test result.


I don't have any recommendation. My girl is not attending any Maths enrichment
my boy has been to the first lesson today. i have mixed feelings. the same class has kids as young as 4yrs old up to 7 years old. their emphasis is on foundations. so today's lessons, save for the teaching on Odd and Even numbers (which my boy said their explanation is easier to remember than my explanation to him when i taught him odd and even numbers earlier), my boy said that the rest are too easy for him. He did comment that the manipulatives are interesting and told me that perhaps it is the first lesson that is why it is so easy. as the course runs for 12mths, the last month will be in Feb 09. So when you consider signing up, do bear in mind that of your kid's added activities in P1. MMI have this 'unfair' policy of forfeiting your deposit if you do not finish the 12mths course.

i have also read about Kumon, MPM, Enopi before, and have the same sentiments as you - not too interested in worksheet based training. but i guess this is the only feasible way if you are looking at letting your kid learn and progress at his own pace. At MMI, it is all the same pace.

that's the thing I don't like about '1 size fits all' enrichment classes such as Berries or MMI

For Chinese, I let my girl progress at her own slow pace. I can adjust her pace at home versus sending her to a K2 level Chinese enrichment

'1 size fits all', the child cannot progress faster or slower. If she is faster, she needs to wait for her classmates to catch up. If she is slower, she might feel demoralised

MOE system, bo bian because that's how they differentiate the better students

At least for enrichments, I would prefer those that allow the child to progress at her own pace.

Yet to find a replacement Maths enrichment for her since dropping Kumon

ya..i do see the limitations in such classes. but i guess the only 'learn at your own pace' programme are mostly similar to Kumon, MPM, which is worksheet based. i use this opportunity to reinforce in my boy on why i 'made' him do 'tough' P1 assessment, so that when the time comes, it will be a breeze for him, like how he felt right now. :p

Berries is ok for me, cos its' standard is higher than mine. :p

You mean you have drop kumon for your dd? Why ? I saw your previous posting on Kumon and it has been a good comment from your side.
Hi Mummies

I've hv read previous thread & discussion on kumon. My girl in K2 this year and have not attended my math class yet, was undecided between Kumon or abacus. Any mummies with experience on abacus, wld appreciate ur imput.

My son same age as your girl had been in Kumon for about 1 1/2 year. He is taking English and Maths. Now he is doing level C maths. If I did not read your previous message wrong , your daughter is doing level D maths right? The teacher had pre warn me that when my son reached level D - (die level) he will feel that he is giving up, she told me a lot of children give up in this level.
I also scare my son when reached that level will give up, I am a working mum, so Kumon is a way to let me know where my son is progressing to, furtehrmore I still have a 2 years plus girl.
your boy is very bright!

my girl took 3 years to reach level D. She passed her level C just before we withdrawn her.
your boy only took half the time

I'm in a dilemma too. On one hand couldn't find another enrichment to continue to stimulate her, on the other hand didn't want her to be feel burnt out so soon

your boy is willing to do worksheets? don't have to nag?

dd1 was with Kumon. dd2 (4 years old) is taking abacus.

I feel that abacus is suitable if your child doesn't know addition & subtraction yet. Otherwise quite hard to unlearn what she learnt previously & convert to the abacus way of counting
Kumon parent go thru a cycle...initally my boy always pride to be name as a Kumon kid, then about few months later, he hated it and we managed to overcome it ... then come the multiplication part, he cried and tell me he do not want to go Kumon. So I highlighted to the incharge to go back to the basic multiplication until he regain confidence. True enough, he is now back on his track but off course still need to nag at him. But once he is holding his pencil he is able to finished it at required time frame. As long as there is no more than 10 mistakes in the entire worksheet and timing is not too far off. I am still okay after all he is just 5 years old.
So to him he spend only the most 1 hrs to finished off his English and Maths and I think it is okay lor. Beside that he got no other enrichment class except while in the childcare he got science and speech and drama
have any mum here try the thinktank before? Is a math enrichment class too.I also come across this school mosaic learning centre is it something like kumon as i think the price quite reasonable as compare to kumon
Hi mummies

Sorry to switch subject. Can I know if you all share with your kids the news of the escaped JI fugitive? Are your kids affected? My dd has so much fear in her that it has affected her sleep for one night. Problem is she got to know this through my sister and I do not how much she shared with her.
My gal only reaction is I will call police when I see him. But I told her she should quietly go to her teacher and not shout. Dun think she realise how dangerous this man is
Hi fz, my ds is still with abacus. He's progressing well and started on multiplication now. For mental addition and subtraction, he has to focus when it crosses the tens else he will get the wrong answer when he forgets the ten value to add on to or minus from.

Hi hippo, wow - your dd2 is 4 yrs and started with abacus? Is she in K1? My dd is K1 and I can't imagine when she can start abacus basic! When do you intend to let dd continue with abacus till? I'm thinking of cutting down when ds starts P1, maybe by end of this year.

dd2 started last year. She's 2004 kid. I intend to let her continue till she said she had enough

Teacher said many kids gave up once they reach multiplication. dd2 is still at addition & subtraction. Don't know whether she is willing to persist by then
Thanks for your input.

already quite certain that i'll put my girl in abacus class, only fear that she refuse to practise as she's is the lazy type.

I happen to find out this centre Just Education. They have this Mathematics enrichment class. Any mummies sent yr child to this centre for the Math course or any comments about this centre?
Hi Mums,

I am new to the forum n in the same dillema as evryone. Stayg at Queenstown planning to send my d to CHIJ (kellock). Any views on this sch?
Hi hippo, your dd2 is amazing!! My dd 2003 kid just learnt to write numbers legibly this year. Am looking out for abacus basic for her but secretly hoping that it will be later so that she can "catch up" when the course starts.
PressuredKid (pressuredkid),
I showed my boy the sms from spf. he is quite amused actually probably cos this seldom happen in SG. :p

my boy stop at multiplication. have to memorise the multiplication table before teacher proceed to teach on multiplying by the tens and hundreds. worried that as he has stopped using mental abacus to do his abacus add/subtraction sums, he may have difficulty when the teacher proceed to doing the mental sums by the tens and hundreds. so we stopped.

Just Education having math enrichment? the last time i check with them, they are having English and math 'advance teaching' for K2. timing not suitable for us cos my nearest centre only have Sunday class. class ratio is 1:18. Think there are some short discussion in the archives.

abacus will have lots of homework. be prepared to nag unless your kid is real interested in numbers. :p

sorry, no comments on CHIJ.
Thanks Chicken Little and fz for sharing.

I'm kind of worried with her (over)/reaction. Don't think it's normal for a 6 yr old to have so much fear in someone she has not seen or known. Haiz.
hi just realised that mosaic is for primary one.

my girl is in cma abacus now but not much homework, only 2 to 3 page per week, in half an hour would be able to finish it.
Thk u fz. Wht abt the rest any fdbck or gd schl near queenstwn would appreciate ur time on this. My girl not going for any enrichment just coaching her at home with workbook and worksheet. Is that ok? Getting worried to hear that most of the children are being sent for classes. I thought children will b blogd with lots of homework and they are young too cope with this. Any suggestion?
thanks for your info, shall get myself mentally prepared before my girl say no to me

was watching cma video and very impressed. don't mind if i ask how long has she been there & is your girl happy to go there?

my girl have been than half year, she like it, but quite difficult to say as my girl very funny she like to go school even though some parents complain cma quite bored but she say she like it.Even at home, she is the one who keep asking me to let her do assessment book haha.For your info cma will let you bring one cd back after every lesson so you need to watch it. For me i dun see any result of addition but the teacher told me will not be doing much addition now is only foundation.

dd2 also doesn't like to practice. She still cannot remember the formulae well. I must sit right next to her then she dilly dally touch her abacus & write something to humour me


Is your girl taking any other enrichments besides cma?


dd2 can hardly write when she started. I let her practice writing numbers in an exercise book everyday.
Her handwriting is still quite illegible. I try my best not to 'hiam'. As long it looks remotely like some number can liao


somehow, just practicing assessment books at home is not sufficient. Maybe it's not intensive enough

I noticed dd1's Maths standard dropped after I withdraw her from her Kumon. Although I am making good progress with her Chinese

Furthermore, for enrichments such as abacus, not possible to teach ourselves unless we learnt before
Oops what is CMA ?

By the way, mummies, not sure if it is my gal only but she has no sense of urgency.

Like she can take her own sweet time to do her own things, day dream, no matter how to motivate her , reward her or punish her she also not affected.

Like for example, if she eat slowly then she will miss the computer lesson, she will still eat slowly though she likes computer. Then we tell her if she never finish this worksheet then she cannot go watch movie, she noted but she will still do it slowly. Any idea how to teach ?
i think interest plays a part on whether the kid will do exceptionally well in the subject. my boy is super relieved when i decide to withdraw him from abacus...cos no more pages of homework!

your replies are pretty funny.

care to share which 'standard' your dd1 stopped at kumon eg doing fractions etc?
I agree that doing assessment is not enough cos at times i wonder if my boy understands what i am trying to explain to him, or he just take my word for it or just follow the examples.

Chicken Little,
CMA is an 'upmarket' abacus training centre that specialised in 'two-hand' abacus.

urgency wise, my boy will rather forgo his tv time cos he is not keen anyway. but he is quite particular about punctuality probably cos he enjoys all the classes that he is currently attending. maybe your kid has not face any 'consequence' of being slow yet, so she can't relate to the urgency? my boy knows that he will try to finish as much work in school as possible so that he has lesser homework to do at home.

if you feel that your kid is able to cope, i guess doing assessment for exposure is ok. 2 schools of thoughts...to stress the kid now so that they can transit better into P1 curriculum OR to let the kid enjoy play now and worry about P1 later. which group of parents do you belong to? :p
today i call tuition centre to check for the rate, For tuition by A level student is 200 per month for 12 hour. They will cover whatever subject we required.

Any recommendation for swimming instuctor near west side, wanted to start my girl swimming.

my girl also attend zoophonics and berries. She wanted to learn ballet but i heard ballet when they grow older leg will not be nice, dunno true or not.

how long have your son joined abacus before you withdraw him. I thinking of withdrwing my girls from CMA too as she dun really count well , dunno is she slow or the method is not suitable for her. Now looking for math enrichment.

Spending $200/mth on tuition seems a bit too much for P1 level.

Will PM you on the swimming enrichment.

Ya. heard about the ballet 'myth' too.

withdrawn my boy after 1 year.

my girl completed level C which is division. She started on level D while we were serving withdrawal notice so didn't finish level D. I heard from her level D will be doing fraction.

I am seriously considering restarting her on Kumon (Maths only) since doing assessments is not intensive enough for her. She should be improving, not taking 2 steps backwards. That's what happening to her now.

I think she will be required to repeat the whole level C again since we took a few months break. But so 'sian' when I think about the repetition

Chicken Little

I also face the same problem & no solution yet. Nag until I nearly vomit blood. I was so frustrated that I withdrawn dd1 from all her enrichment classes last year
i guess that is the commitment when doing kumon...long term. else can't really justify the time and effort spent previously when have to do all over again. kumon is well known for maths.

Don't give up on Kumon. I have mentioned before my son cried a few times when he first contact with multiplication, the vertical type. I find out what is his problem by talking to him. When I realised the problem. I ask the icharge to repeat to the begining again. Although this may affect on whether he will be getiing gold, I tell myself never mind, most importantly is he must know the basic first and this is also a character building stage - meaning to show him is alright that he can't do it this time round, now he need is to go back to where he started and do again, he will succeed.
So when he succeeded, he is so happy that he brad that he actually can do it! And he regain his confidence.
what's your view?

It was raining this morning when I brought dd2 to see doctor

When we reached home, I told dd2 'see, mommy took good care of you, brought you to see doctor. how did you take care of me today?' (just asking casually)

She replied 'yes, you had the bigger half of the umbrella, I was wet'. She went on to elaborate which part of her body is wet. That my umbrella didn't shelter her, that I got the bigger half

(just to set the record straight, I didn't get the bigger half. There's a height difference between her head & the umbrella I was holding so the rain splashed on her. My lower legs were wet too)

I felt quite errie, that she is constantly assessing & measuring how well I took care of her. In this case, she felt I didn't take good care of her & she got wet.

There are other incidents too. This is not the first time I was taken back by what went through her mind. I felt so misunderstood in those incidents. Why would a 4 years old have such thoughts?

even though we are close physically (I kiss & hug her many times everyday). She is my favourite baby. But I feel that there is a barrier between us, I can't read her mind like an open book, like the way I can read dd1's mind

dd1 thinks the best out of me. Always interprets my action positively. Why did dd2 interpret my action negatively?
Different character and jealousy ? I dunno. For me I will buy lots of stuff for my girl she will acknowlege that yes she does have all the best things but her brother does not. But sigh when it comes to attention which actually I have much less with my son, she will say you always spend time with didi, only didi can do this and that
She will always remember things that I cannot do for her but she forgot that when she was in the same age, I did all for her also. Sigh, kids nowadays so difficult to deal with and now I have to find ways to counter her "no sense of urgency".

Dunno what situation can drive her to wake up her idea
a similar incident yesterday. My girls & I were caught in the rain across the traffic light from our house. Only 1 umbrella. dd2 kept stepping on dd1's shoes when 3 of us shared the umbrella

Since it's only a few steps away from our block, I asked dd1 to use a book to shelter her head while dd2 & I shared the umbrella. When we reached our block, dd1 was giggling that she's wet & need to bathe when she reached home.

Never once did dd1 interpret that as I wasn't taking good care of her. She didn't hold it against me at all. I am very sure the thought didn't even cross her mind
maybe dd1 has the benefit of your 1-to-1 attention before dd2 was born while dd2 is constantly sharing you with her sis.

actually i find your dd2's replies quite witty. perhaps you think too much?

From the way you wrote, it seems to me that yr dd2 is very matured in her thinking and as such she think very widely, whereas your dd1 I should say is a very contented child, the way she behaves or think I believe is the way all kids her age should be thinking, I don't know how to put it but she has that 'tong zhen' in her.

I've the same problem with my dd, all of us felt that she's too matured in her thinking for her age and sometimes when she doesn't like to do something and I forced her to (like practicing on the piano), she'll quarrel with me and say she doesn't like this family and she wants to leave the family. Faintz...
my boy is not with CMA.
my nephew was withdrawn from CMA cos i think my sis worries that the boy is only learning the techniques of abacus counting and not actually appreciating how the counting works.

I withdraw my boy from abacus cos he is insistant on using number bonds and normal counting (in his head) to do his arithmetic instead of mental abacus (eg 4+5+6+1+9, instead of going by sequence using the abacus method, he will add 4&6 and 1&9 and then 5 to give the answer of 25). i feel that he can't proceed further if he doesn't learn the 'proper techniques' and will face difficulties when the teacher go into bigger digits arithmetic sums.

i also have the same reason with your sis, so now looking for good maqth enrichment before i withdraw her from CMA. Received your contact already. Thank you. But i am looking for swimming instructor that can come to my premise to teach.
Hi mummies

Since the hot topic now is on Maths, and I also noticed alot of mummies are self coaching their kids at home, not sure if any of you will be interested in this workshop? I got the flyer from a MPM centre near my place.

My apologies for if the file turn out blur as I was trying to resize it to fit the attachment size allowed.


Thanks for sharing your view. I feel better

fz, Pin

what do you mean by 'not actually appreciating how the counting works'? please elaborate more. thanks
I thought if the child can solve sums like 52+17, 200-117 means can count liao?
for eg -9=-10+1...the boy will only know the formula, but dunno what is -9 and why must -10 and then +1 to get the answer. when he initially start, he will just do the sums using the technique and even when he used it wrongly and get answers that is ridiculous, he don't have the 'feel' of numbers that the answer is incorrect (eg 4+5+8-2 when he wrote 5 instead of 15, he has no feel at one glance (without using calculation) that 5 is not possible cos 8-2 is already 6).

i feel that large number addition/subtraction vertically gets to break down the numbers into smaller parts (eg ones and tens) and is easier to understand how the addition/subtraction works).


I see what you mean. yeah, dd2 also like that, she just accept whatever number on her abacus, she didn't realise even when she made an obvious mistake
