(2002) Any 2002 babies?

Happy new year to all and welcome to new mummies!

I don't have accounts for the kids and all angpow money has been kept by me. With ds going P1, thinking of opening a bank account for him but haven't gone round doing it. Has to start at some point (soon!) to teach savings and value of money.

i usually go for distance first, cos i need to take my ds2 along during send/fetch, and can be especially difficult if dh is working, busy or sick. as for whether it is good, so long he learn some stuff, and enjoys the lessons, i am contented. the enrichment is also pretty cheap, so i have no complains.

has taught my boy to read time during the previous holidays. taught him in 15min interval first (eg 10.15, 10.30, 10.45, 11am) before breaking it down further into 5 min interval. also used self-drawn worksheets to revise. everyday just ask him what time is it or ask him when the long hand is at where and the short hand is at where, what time is it etc etc, to practise.

my son still have not grasp the concept of money well enough yet..keep mixing up 1cent, 10cents, and 1 dollars and 10 dollars.

Hi Gin / hippo, I told my kids not to follow bad behaviour. Challenge them to be a leader and set good example for others to follow. Of course, the best role model is ourselves, so must practise what we preach!

Recently my ds has been more defiant and prefer to do the opposite of what he was told to do. Yesterday, he said he was one of the K2 kids being asked to go to the principal's office for running around in school. Told him to behave in future and not repeat it but he said it's fun to go to the principal's office becoz they were told a story and it's aircon inside. *faints*
did your kids watch the recent screening of 'I not Stupid 2" on tv? my boy did and i emphasize that if he does not do any naughty things in school, he need not worry about being disciplined. :p

my emotional boy actually shed a tear during the scene when the younger boy confess to stealing money so that he can pay for an hour of the dad's time. :p

I watched 'i not stupid 2'. one statement particular meaningful: 'There are no kids who cannot learn to be good, only parents who didn't know how to teach them to be good'


my girl told me her teacher praise her everyday. But I heard a different story whenever I met her teacher. Teacher kept complaining that dd1 is very slow motioned until I feel so paiseh

I don't intend to open any saving account for my kids. I teach them value of money by differentiating 'wants & needs' whenever the opportunity arise. Hopefully they can use their judgement when they start primary school. I will be angry if they waste money on stickers & erasers at the school bookshop

my girl is only taking Arts & gymnastic once a week. Nothing academic at the moment. I am planning to start her on creative writing. Seems to be quite a challenge to write compo, I don't know how to teach writing skill

She can read time if it is straight forward like 9:00 or 10:30 but not complex ones like 8:55. I use P1 assessment book to teach her. Usually there is a whole chapter on time

my girl is confused when 80cents add 20cents became $1

sometimes the line between 'needs and wants' is pretty blur. they may feel that they need it, but we feel that it is a want instead. overdoing it may also result in an over frugal child. parenting indeed isn't easy!

i will emphasize more on the benefits of saving.
my strategy (to be implemented when my boy goes P1) would be to do a dollar-for-dollar matching (dh said i act like govt :p) for the amount of $ saved at the end of the month, cap at a certain amount in relation to his daily pocket $$ (ie, if pocket money is $1/day ie say $20/mth, i will match max $8-$10 a month so that he will at least bear to spend some on food). after matching, 70-80% of the money will have to be banked and the remaining for his spending the following month.

yesterday, i gave my boy my loose change of 10cents and he asked me to keep it for myself! i remember last time i have to earn my 10cents from my mum....

did you buy <font color="119911">hospitalisation plan</font> for your kids? from which insurer?
now we are insured under AIA but thinking of either switching to Aviva or GE. Any advice?
we got one recently from Aviva...think we get for ourselves and the kids one are free. not too sure cos husband handle all these stuff...so can't advise.
Hb working in Aviva so most of our policy from there. They are good in their products and claims too. Me working in medical assistance company so knows that they are quite generous in terms of approval for evacuation etc.
chicken little

Aviva rider doesn't cover the $3K deductibe while NTUC rider doesn't cover 10% co-insurance. So these 2 not 100% protected although their riders are cheaper.
Plus point is their healthshield plan have unlimited lifetime limit.

AIA &amp; GE healthshield plan have limited liftime limit but their rider (more expensive) covers 10% co insurance + $3K deductible so 100% protected in that sense, don't have to come up with a single cents

dilemma leh

what do you think?

my exisiting AIA plan is not 'as charged' so I wanted to switch to 'as charged' plan
Just would like your views on the school.

I am having a headache in choosing school for my son.

St Hilda - will be under phase 2B but outside 2Km means subject to balloting.

St Andrew - Daddy is ex-student hence getting there is okay BUT school bus comes at 5.45AM to pick up my boy (1st to pick up and last to come home). 5.45AM is really very early.

How? which school? Is distance really a concern?

hi juz me,
yes, distance is of great concern. ds1's sch is single session - 7.30am to 1.30pm. we stay within 1km and he's the 2nd last to board sch bus and 1st to alight. the sch bus picks him at 6.40am and reach hm almost 2pm.
if u send your son to st andrew, he would likely reach hm abt 3pm! that is 9hr away from home, equivalent to working adults!
juz me

my number 1 consideration is distance. Any nearer school besides St Hilda's? outside 2km is still far (in my opinion). I will only consider schools within walking distance. 6 years is a long time. No joke to travel to &amp; fro
juz me,
My friend's kids study v far away from their school but she drives them to sch so it's alright. If on school bus the kid is v poor thing. Besides next time there is CCA and he may have to take bus home himself.

Any recommendations for assessment books for our K2 kids? Have anyone started on P1 assessment book yet? I find the part on short compo and comprehension quite tought to explain.

Please share
i just bought the EPH 'take off to Pri 1' english. just started and so far is simple enough. have not start on compo...comprehension only giving those for MCQ one..not writing out type.
my boy about to finish justeducation math for P1, not so good cos got a couple of errors in the questions.
still sourcing for chinese assessment books.

what have you go so far?

I bought 3 from EPH, English practice papers,Excel in Mathematics and Maths New syllabus CA and SA papers. Just started her last week. I also bought a stack of 10 sets of English exam papers (its stated with higher-order thinking skills). After browsing thru i find it quite simple so i let my daughter try. She is able to only score 40/50. She didn do well on the comprehension.

There are so many to choose from. Though people recommend EPH but under EPH itself already have so many to choose from.

Can let us know should you find any good Chinese assessment books? My daughter very slacken on her Chinese as we speak mostly English at home. So worried that she cant cope in P1.

your descriptions on insurance policies very chim leh. I dont ask my agent all these details. I usually will only ask for hospitalisation, will i be able to claim all $$ back, thats my major concern.

So far, my dd2 has been hospitalised 3 times and we were able to claim back all cash paid though medisave not able to claim back all, and all 3 times we were put in single ward.

They used to call it Premier Health Plan but heard they changed the plan name recently.
Thanks all for your sharing

Haiz! we prefer to send him to a mission school. I know its really no joke of taking school bus at 5.45am!

But St Hilda is so popular and we may or maynot able to get in due to balloting. If can't get in, there will be real headache...
Hi fz, thanks for ur warm welcome

Any mummies stay near Theresa Ville, Bukit Purmei or Telok Blangah area ? Can let me know wat's the name of the school opp Radin Mas ? Thanks.
have your brought your K2 kids to dentist yet? my boy is slightly worried about the 'black' spots on his teeth and (to my surprise) suggest that I bring him to the dentist. was thinking about going to a child friendly one instead of the normal ones cos it is his first experience.
mine goes to GPA since 3 years old. Like the United square outlet. Dr Tay is good but exp lor. For me can claim lah. But I feel first experience very important. They let my gal wear sunglasses and watch her high 5. dentist will wear a kiddy robe instead of the normal white one, the room is more kiddy one.

Alternatively my fren says NUH Betty Mok is very good. You check her out

another mommy recommended School Dental Service at Outram
cheap lah, $9 per filling, $9 consultation, $9 cleaning
But you cannot choose dentist, they will assign randomly

one of dd2's fillings dropped off after a few days. Depend on luck which dentist you get that day

PM me if you want the contact # &amp; address
My dd went for School Dental Service at SGH premise at 4yo. The clinic is only for kids and strictly by appointment. So everything is kids size including the dental chair. Since they dun entertain walk-in, there's no waiting at all. In half hour, we were out of the clinic. V good. Fuss free and kid friendly.
interesting email forwarded to me

Interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet

There was a one-hour interview on CNBC with Warren Buffet, the second
richest man who has donated $31 billion to charity.

Here are some very interesting aspects of his life:

1) He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering

2) He still livesin the same small 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha , that
he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything
he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.

3) He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security
people around him.

4) He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world's largest
private jet company.

5) His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one
letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the
year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis.

6) He has given his CEOs only two rules. Rule number 1: do not lose any of
your shareholder' s money. Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.

7) He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time, after
he gets home, is to make himself some pop corn and watch television.

8) Bill Gates, the world's richest man met him for the first time only
years ago. Bill Gates did not think he had anything in common with Warren
Buffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half an hour.
But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates
became a devotee of Warren Buffet.

9) Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his

10) His advice to young people: Stay away from credit cards and invest in
yourself. Remember money doesn't create man but it is the man who creates

Live your life as simple as you are.

Don't do what others say, just listen to them , but do what you feel good.

Don't go on brand names, just wear those things in which you feel
comfortable in.

Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; just spend on what you really

Thanks for sharing this very interesting and meaningful article.

It does knock some sense into me and will certainly share it with the people i know. I think everyone should read this.

There is just too many "want to have" in life..

Any mummies here enroll your child in MPM? Any comments on the teaching?

My ds math is weak so thinking of enrolling him in MPM.
thanks Hippo, Gin and CL for the info on dental. guess i will see if there are any around my area first (west).
i am finally dropping my ds1 off abacus cos he is resistant in using 'abacus' method to do his homework as he said using normal and/or number bonds method will work just as well. he even said one of his classmates threaten to tell his teacher that he did not use abacus method! :p

starting him on MMI math this saturday. hope he enjoys it.
My gal started since Jan. I feel it helps her but she hates it because she hates to sit down and d work. So now we are forcing her to sit down and finish it herself.

You know I cannot believe my gal is still using her finger to count. Headache headache but from MPM the techniques is so fun and at one glance actually you know the answer it is grasping that concept
Hi All

I'm new to this forum, hope you all don't mind me joining.

Chicken Little
Pardon my ignorance but I thought that's the way they are thought to do their sums? My dd in K2 also uses her fingers to count and sometimes I even make fun with her and ask if she needs to borrow mine.

By the way, my dd has attended Jelic for coming to 2 years and once she complete all 7 levels, which the teacher said will be mid of this year, she'll progress to MPM. Not sure if it'll be too late then?
Hi hi PressuredKid

Ha ha this is the way we are taught but actually once they used the finger quite difficult it will hinder them a bit. I feel lah I maybe wrong. Like when it is 8 + 3 , they should quickly associate that 8 + 2 = 10 so left 1 = 11.

We should work more on number bonding I think it will help them in modeling later

I always lost patience with my gal when it comes to Maths. I am like how can she be so bad in maths. Then I also feel it is plain laziness she juz does not want to think
From my understanding, MPM doesn't follow MOE syllabus. Kumon, Enopi also do not follow MOE syllabus.

dd1 attended Kumon. dd2 attending abacus. Both method do not allow finger counting
They use mental arithmetic

dd2 still ok lah, not resistant because she only knows 1 method, the abacus method. so bo bian, must count this way
But simple sums like +1, -1, I noticed she play cheat lor, didn't use formula
I'm not sure cos first lesson is this sat. once a week. 1 hr per session. $110 per month. it is a 12mth course.

i have yet to get the syllabus from the centre, but quick check from the net only reveals that it should be something in line with the following...

The Montessori Mathematics Program

Children learn basic Maths concepts through play. The “Hands On” approach helps children apply such concepts in their daily life. Well-researched Montessori Mathematical Apparatus present mathematical concepts in simple and logical ways to facilitate easier and faster grasp of concepts and achieve better retention.

Numbers Clock Number Bonds Shapes Addition Subtraction Multiplication
Division Decimal System Fractions Skip Counting Odd/Even Numbers Ordinal Numbers Money
Hi mummies

I'm getting a little worried after reading some of your posts on the way mathematics is being taught.

My dd did learn the number bonding concept but now she has started on vertical sums as well. I am not sure if the way she computes the answer is correct now. Take some simple examples, for 9+5, she'll say put 9 in your brain, then she'll start by putting out 5 fingers and she'll count 10,11,12,13,14. For subtraction sums, she'll count backwards, like 9-5, she'll again put out the 5 fingers and count 8,7,6,5,4.

Can anyone tell me is this the correct way? She did not have any academic related enrichment classes, if I were to start her on maths now, will it confuse her more, like what hippo say about using the abacus method.

she juz started this year and ha ha teacher already complain we pamper her too much never drill her. How can join ? Go "throw face"meh. Later the first child to cry in competition or day dream or sleep in there
