(2001) calling all 2001 babies

Aiyoh, my son's math teacher told me he can't relate division to multiplication. He's also not good with his times table
Is there a VCD or DVD that teaches math for lower primary children? Anyone can recommend? Tks!
just get a multiplication table poster, paste it right in front of his desk

let him refer to that table everytime he does his homework, no pressure to memorise. He will remember eventually, goes into subconscious mind afterall
sleepy resolutions, there's one poster in his bedroom but he doesn't look at it at all. He's a very playful boy, prefers watching TV & playing with his toys. Since he learns well from TV, am thinking of getting a teaching math dvd for him to view. Anyone got recommendation, do let me know. Tks!
I teached my son mulitplication by picturize the problem..

For example: "2 groups of 2", i told him u can draw 2 squares for the "2 groups" and each sq means for 1 group and then u draw 2 apples each group/sq, so from there ask him to count how many apples in each sq. This is to let him understand the meaning of "2 groups of 2" therefore, tell him that 2x2=4
Mummies, I just found this thread. Gosh, I already feel very stress when going thru all the postings regarding studies. My son is also in P1 this yr. I would say it is honeymoon yr for him. No homework, no assessments & NO EXAMS!

Can I know how do you do revision with ur kids? Go thru the textbooks from pg 1 to current? Or sit down & do assessment books with them?

I look at my son's text books, I dunno where to start. I mean the lessons inside are very simple, what's there to revise??

Pls share your revision strategy.

Thank you
Re multiplication
My son learns thru the Montessori method using beads. I think it is easier for them to grasp the concept if they can see how the concept works.

Most importantly, the kid must understand that multiplication is actually an extension of addition, that is e.g. 2x4 is actually 2 + 2 + 2 + 2. So with the help of the beads, the kid is able to physically put 2 beads into 4 groups.
Hi itsy bitsy,
For me, I don't go through text bks with my son. As he has to sit for 2 tests and 2 exams a yr, I just find out what are the topics to be tested and get him to do a revision paper. From there, I can gauage his standard and oso which are the topics he is weak in. Then, I will get him to do practices on his weaker topics. I normally choose and pick questions from the assesment book for him, instead of asking him to complete all.
Hi itsy bitsy
Normally, I'll let him do the assessment books and also go thru his testbk. I'll ask him which questions that u r not sure and i'll revise with him once again..

He also hv to sit for 2 test and 2 exam a yr. When exam near the corner, his teacher will give them a set of practice paper to do and that paper is similar to their coming exam. Therefore, i'll pick up those questions that he is weak in and let him practice..
itsy bitsy, it's good that your son has a relaxing P1. I don't think it's good that kids that young get stressed with lots of homework & exams. Not to mention, my husband & I are very stressed with his school work too!
Yah manz, seems like my son is having a good time comparing that u mummies having to help prepare your kids for 2 test and 2 exams
I'm only concern that he will become too lax, then he'll have problem coping when the stress comes.

Re. teacher's day:
I think it is up to individual. Maybe just get your kid to do up a nice card? I still remember when I was in school, we will buy flowers for our favourite teachers but now the flowers are soooooo expensive kekeke
BTW,if u mummies are interested, here's a link for pass yr exam papers of the top 10 Pri schools.


I've printed some, but keep forgetting to let my son do
So much for revision lor hahahaha
Thanks for reminding about Teacher's Day, I intend to buy chocolate. If any teacher/ex-teacher is reading, pls tell us what kind of small gifts you would/would not like to receive. eg. Flowers will make you look popular or you like mug because it is practical or maybe you don't like cards because you run out of space to store.
RE: Teachers' Day

I am an ex teacher. For me, I used to tell my students that if they are thinking of a gift for me, then a handmade card would be most preferred. And of course good behaviour and excellent results will be my best present! haha...

Personally, I think its a waste of parents' hard earned money to buy flowers, mugs, photo frames or ornaments for teachers. They will probably end up in some boxes or store rm. If you really wish to show some appreciation, stationeries like pens and note pads or chocolates and candies in small quantity will be good enough.

I like to add a personal note in the cards for my kids' teachers. From my own experience, when parents thank me for a good job done, it really makes my day.
Thanks Wah Wah for the great tips.

About stationery, I always wonder whether the school provide teachers with red pens for marking. After all, I get all my office use stationary from company.
Hi biyan,
I am not too sure abt other schools, but for my ex sch, teachers are not provided with any pens only whiteboard markers. We can only ask for stationery that are meant for classroom use not for personal use.
Schs are celebrating Teacher's Day on 29 Aug is it? Means our kids will give the gifts on this day? Yah, WahWah, I'd never thot about the personal note too. That's a good tip.
Hi mummyto2,
Yes, most schs will be celebrating Teachers' Day on 29 Aug cos its the last day of sch for term 3.
I have a question: for enrichment class teachers that only meet once a week, do the mummies here also give teacher's day presents? Tks!
hi mummies,
Was just talking about revision last week & guess what.... my son is having his CL2 assessment TODAY!! Gosh, I didn't know what to revise with him over the weekend though his teacher had indicated that they should go thru Lesson 6 - 10.

How did you all help your kids prepare for assessment in Chinese?
Hi mummyto2,
We do give presents to enrichment class teachers, because my kids actually adore them more than their school teachers!

Hi itsy bitsy,
Any idea what the assessment format will be like? For Chinese, this is how I revise with my son.
1.Turn to 生字表 (last pg of the textbook),make sure my son can write all the 识写字 and must know the number of strokes of all these characters.

2.Make sure he can read all the 识读字, and also the hanyu pinyin of all these characters.

3.Practise word order, cloze passage, sentence construction and comprehension using assessment books and papers from other schools.

Hope this helps.
Thanks, your tips are great help. I didn't know they have sheng zi biao & shi xie zi at the end of the text book
(Just goes to show how clueless I am).

The problem is the teacher didn't elaborate what is the assessment format. I'll go check with my son tonight how he did for the assessment.

Hi Mommies,

Have anyone tried out the EyeRelax2 for Myopia and longsightedness. Any results after using it, does it improve the eyesight?
Thanks mummies
I know I can count on this place for advice!

Another silly question I have: tonight there is one enrichment class, I give the present tonight? Is it too early or shall I wait until next Tues?

re: eyerelax machine.

Attended a seminar which was trying to promote this kind of machine a few years ago. At the seminar very convincing leh. Somemore do eye test after using the machine like seem to improve.

Spent a couple of hundreds to buy the machine. But my girl's eyes did not improve leh. Finally we brought her to Spore Nat Eye Centre because her myopia worsening. Put on atropine drops which effectively controlled her myopia progression.

I almost wanted to throw away the machine but my friend wanted. So gave to her.
Hi All P1 Mummies

Need help to get a good tuition teacher to teach Maths and English in Tampines. Any good recommendations?

any idea what to expect during P1 orientation? besides touring the school compound, do we collect booklist & buy uniforms too?

how do the school segregate kids into different classes?
Hi sleepy resolutions,
I think each school conducts P1 orientation differently.

For my son's sch, booklist were sent to us earlier, we could purchase books and uniform before Orientation Day.
On the day itself, the pupils were informed of their classes upon arrival and brought to hall to gather. I think the pupils are segregated on random picks as the sch only conducted ability tests when school term started.
Then, there were talks by the P and VP for parents and at the same time P1 pupils were brought on a tour and played some ice-breaker games.
Be prepared for the long queue if you intend to purchase books and uniforms during Orientation Day.

I have heard that some schools do conduct ability tests on Orientation Day. There are also schools that require P1 pupils to report in sch uniforms on Orientation Day.
Hi All Mummies,

I have a boy in P1 this year. Notice his comprehension is very poor. Can anyone tell me how to improve his comprehension skill? SA2 exam is round the corner. So stressful...
Hi Jessie

Your boy is not the only one. Mine also. Only thing to improve is lots of practice lor. Buy comprehension assessment book to practice.
Hi Jessie

My son comprehension also poor too, he is weak in writing and answering those questions. I've bought him some comprehension practice books for him to practice and at the same time i encourage him to read more story books and reading i'll asked him what is the story all about the story all about as just to make sure he do pay attention to the story.
Hi spanielpups and Fion,

Thanks for your advice. Looks like I have to do the same as what you are doing. But very pity those children now, must do homework still must do those extra assessment from us. Did both of you notice that nowadays the comprehension is not like last time just pick from the passage and copy down the answer. Some may need to use your own understanding of the whole passage and write down the answer.
Hi Jessie,

Yes, not the copy blindly type like our time. Some of the question needs common sense! Some even asked students to express their thoughts of the situation! Goodness!!!!
Hi Jessie

Ya, comprehension is not an easy task for our children. I'm also quite worry if comprehension cant manage to do well, how about composition??? hahah even tougher!!! Anyway, there's only a way out.. practice make perfect.
Hi spanielpups,

You are right! If the child cannot express their thoughts in writing proper sentense then die lor.

i hv a P1 boy. his chinese is super "lan". any good recommendations how to improve? any good books to read?

there are some shops selling top 10 school papers, are they useful?

Hi Shirley,

Actually u can consider to use Wahwah's method to teach ur boy. I'm also using this method to teach my son Mandarin and it's very useful.

Turn to 生字表 (last pg of the textbook),make sure my son can write all the 识写字 and must know the number of strokes of all these characters.

Make sure he can read all the 识读字, and also the hanyu pinyin of all these characters.

Practise word order, cloze passage, sentence construction and comprehension using assessment books and papers from other schools.
Hi shirley,

Your boy's chinese is 'lan' in what sense? In terms of word recognition? Writing? Speaking? How is his hanyu pinyin? Does he speak the language? Is he very negative towards the language?

I believe in using the language in order to improve in it. One has to speak, read, listen and use the language to make improvement. He is only in P1, its not too late.

Regarding the top schools' papers, I bought them for my son to practise. From my point of view, these papers were set by school teachers, they are the ones who are familiar with the syllabus. It is a very useful guide for me to guage what kind of questions will be set in exam and which are the popular questions asked.

Hope this helps.
hi wahwah,

he is no gd in all, word recognition, speaking, reading and writing. his hanyu pinyin still not too bad. he dislikes chinese but not to the extend of showing negativity yet.

where did u get the sch papers? i heard can get it online. any idea?
