1 bedder at gleneagles: how much did u pay?

I told my hb to prepare at least $5k cash coz mine gonna be c-sec case..will be >$1k compared to natural birth.
Scary after seeing all the bill charges. Better be prepared rather than panic rite?

styloBB, when r u due? going thru natural birth or c-sec since u r carrying twins

Hi Teenie,

My EDD is 21st Jan 2006. Its a baby girl

After reading through the postings again, I think alot pple have mistaken some things regarding the bills. Allow me to clarify, according to my understanding. Please correct me if I'm wrong..

I think what mummies meant here by saying "bill after deduction is $2K" means,

Total bill (hospital package + doctors' fees + baby's bills) minus their medisave deduction ($1050), minus their antenatal claimable ($450), minus their initial deposit ($1788 for citibank, normal delivery).

In other words, after all these deductions, they still have to pay another $2K cash upon discharge. Therefore, in actual fact, they had paid ($1788+$2000) cash, assuming they are normal delivery without epidural and assistance.

Am I right?
Hi apple
I am in dilemna to take 1 or 2 bedder
If everything normal & my bb ok of cos I have no problem to take 1 bedder
I just thinking of wht if I need to stay more days or ....
so till now I cannot decide

Hi Wendy

How you get to know the bill cost so clearly, dorothy explained to you or go to the counter & ask, have u went for hospital tour?

You are a great help for us, Glen MTB

Wow so nice u got a bb gal, you can count down to your EDD, nervous or not?
I went for the maternity tour last week after seeing Prof Ng. Asked all the questions I needed to ask during the tour and during my pre-admission. The hospital staff were quite patient to explain to me. If you got the time, go for the maternity tour on Tuesdays and ask all the questions you need to during the Q&A (comes with great snacks too! Had durian puffs, tuna and eggs sandwiches, swiss rolls and orange juice). The thursday tours have no Q&A sessions so no point going.
Hi Gals,

HB called the clinic & cfm wat we asked the other day.. well, seems like hb "u-long".. haha!!
The $500 is the gynae's pkg at 5th mth onwards, b4 tat wd be per time basis.
For detailed scan, depends on his discretion, mite or mite not nid it.

Felt qte reassured to know the price roughly.. coz no idea how much we wd have to pay for everythg.

So GlenE has a maternity wards tour? Do we have 2 sign up or anythg?
Wow.. seems like most of u's EDD pretty soon.. me still long way, now only 9wks+.

Yeah.. but I think only for the Tuesday tours cuz of the Q&A session. The durian puffs were quite nice.. initially, most pple tot its ordinary cream puffs, only took 1 each. Then when they realied its durian puffs, they were snapped up very fast. LOL.

The vanilla swiss rolls were also very nice. The tuna sandwiches, egg sandwiches and cheese sandwiches business not so good though.

You can go to the customer service counter to sign up for the maternity tour but its generally recommended for mothers who are closer to 30 weeks as their package pricing may change?

Anyway, I went for the tour a little late cuz most mothers there were 6-7 months pregnant and I was the only one who is due soon.
Wendy, u can request to have seperate billing for baby. This is what my colleague did..so that u can file seperate claim fr medisave. For her case, she claimed up to $370.60 on bb's bill.
Or else they will lump together with mummy bill which only allow to claim $1400(natural with epi) + $450(antenatal package)

I think for those mummies who r not clear, can make appt with the cust. serv officer or join their maternity tour to get further clarification. FYI, their maternity tour has to book in advance.
Hmm.. I was told bb's bills only claimable if baby is admitted for extra night. So, if your baby discharges with you, it doesn't make a difference. Only if baby stays extra night at hosp, then can claim up to another $600 (I think) for baby's bill.
Wendy, regards to "I think what mummies meant here by saying "bill after deduction is $2K" means,

Total bill (hospital package + doctors' fees + baby's bills) minus their medisave deduction ($1050), minus their antenatal claimable ($450), minus their initial deposit ($1788 for citibank, normal delivery). "

Think you are rite. That was what I asked the customer service when I called them the last time as well. =p

Wow.. urs oso girl.. =p 21 Jan... muz b really excited..

My hb 2 getting > n > excited.. he was saying after CNY then bb b in her 3rd trimster..
Hi Evon,
Yes.. getting close liao. Another 3.5weeks to go. Getting worried and excited too. Hubby also cant wait to start cooching baby. Haha!
I don't think so. I also don't want baby to come out too early. Just develop inside tummy until she is ready to come out. As long as my placenta is still functional, its better for her to stay inside and grow
Hi wendy
has yr baby turns head down position?
when does prof ng asks u to visit him wkly? Mine now is 3wks time
Hi teenie,
You'll be seeing Prof Ng every 3 weeks until your 35th week. Now, I'm seeing him every week.
My initial EDD was 27 Jan but now approaching 37 weeks and gynae says ok to have c-section end of first week of Jan. She says considering I'm carrying twins, am doing well.
The lower twin's head is down, but the higher twin's head is up... looks like she does not have space to move much either...hehe.

Re the bills
Actually, not to worry, think the hosp will advise to separate the bills for the mother and the child.

Also u all can choose the register the bb's birth while still in hosp.

The other thing I read is that we can also start the process for the bb bonus while in there.
styloBB, wow so good, one boi 2 girls, perfect!So you have family history of twins? I was hoping my first preg will be a twins, but it didnt happen.:p So im just hoping for a BB gal if i ever want to get preg again. 2 kids for me is enough cuz im not so good with kids, kinda worried if i can handle just one boi.I cant even sing nursery rhymes!Its only 2 weeks to end of 1st week Jan!Take care styloBB, hope you have a smooth delivery ahead!

apple, your colleague's bill is so high!Makes me think twice abt the one bedder again!Haiz, headache!Im thinking if its worth it to pay so much just for 2 nights stay in hospital.Anyway we will be lying down most of the time, so prob just make do with sharing toilet.
Yes, my grandmother was a twin...
Yah, yah, v good but these last weeks have been rather tough for me... cos tummy so big, can't sleep well, on hosp leave, and yesterday I had to go back to office to hand over work to temp staff.. in the end I was so tired... ended up so painful down south... and cud hardly walk..

Haha... u also want twins... beta tat first born is a singleton otherwise u will find it so difficult to handle two bbies at the same time.
When are u due???

Thanks, wlbe confirming with gynae the date for the c-sec when I see her tom.
Lilacz, I would say if u have the extra cash to set aside then no worry of getting 1-bedder. If u think it is not worth speding the amount, then book the 2-bedder room. Somemore ur case is natural birth, only 2-nite stay.

Hospital bill size is depends on individual and also gynae and PD. If your gynae and PD charges is high, then obviously the bill is more than what others.
For my case, I already knew that my bill gonna costs us a bomb. Gynae c-sec fee very high, plus the PD that I choose also charges quite high which my colleagues has been bringing their children to see him.
styloBB, I also wanted a twins but no sign of that
my hb is one of the twins. Well, my gynae told me the gene usually follow maternal side. Look like I don't have chance to get twins got my family history don't have any twins!

Wow..u haven't decide on your c-sec date ah?? I tot is pretty close already. Hmm..u take care, don't stress up yourself.
U can still have identical twins as identical twins 'appear' at random. But identical twins, if in same sac, can be considered more high risk.

Will confirm with gynae when I c her tomorrow....
Glen E packgae.

Just my 2 cents. My wife in week 34. At week 32, she had an incidence of early contractions.

Gynae asked her to stay 1 night for observation.
Cost $580 ($300 deductible from Medisave)

My gynae is pretty generous I think did not charge doctors fees but imagine for that night we stayed to eat meds and use the CTG machine cist almost $600.

anyway I spoke to the Glen E billing dept. Since we were in danger of a premature birth & baby may need to be admitted to Baby NICU, they said package no longer applies if baby is warded in NICU. everything is charged ala carte.

so in essence, the $1400 for the package no longer applies...approx for birth with epidural will be $2000 Plus plus plus.

I am not too sure of this but did not probe further, mums2be may want to ask at the Q&A session about this.

So far my bill has gone higher and higher given my wife's last trimester issues.

If no issues your bill shud be..i think

Gynae package(approx diff gynae diff charge)- $500
Hospital package(2 bedder with epidural) -$1400
gynae professional fee -$900
Total -$2800
Medisave -$450 + $1050= $2800-$1500=$1300
anyway even with medisave deductions..the $1500 belongs to you just the diff is the cash effect.

My 2 cents is
- if costs are a huge concern..give KKH some consideration. WHY? if your kid needs a premmie birth you can choose 4 bedder or 6 bedder at point of delivery. Kid will follow mum's class of ward. Kids NICU bill can addup to $20K or more depending on length of stay. I heard for about 4 days in Gleneagles can cost about $5K

- Everything costs a little or quite a lot more at PTE hospital...do your sums. If you have the budget..I recommend PTE but seriously KKH not too bad..many mums here can attest to this.

-waiting time at my gynae also can be quite long...remember they do deliveries, expecting mums come in all the time without appt for urgent issues, mum come late etc etc.

Honestly if i had a choice i wld go KKH given the circumstances my wife is in & also my calculation done on if everything goes well, we are now slightly over our budget and praying baby is born not premature and with no problems.. no need NICU or jaundice treatment etc.

Good luck & all the best for your deliveries
hi alex,

ur wife can still go to KKH even nw if she wants to.
they wld still attend to her.u definitely have a choice.
Confirm I'll go for c-section on 06 jan, by then 37 weeks, good enuf for the gals to be out a/cding to my gynae.
Wl keep u informed...

All the best to u/ur wife, hope she can tong till at least 36 weeks.
Is she under regular observation now?
Hi Alex,
KKH is only cheap if you go under subsidy, meaning you'll need a referral letter from the polyclinic. However, you'll be attended to by a different MO every visit. I used to be under KK for my gynae problems before I was pregnant and my experience from it is, unless money is a big issue to you, don't bother with it for the following reasons :

1. Expect to spend about 2-3 hours every visit. Most of it is spent waiting. Waiting to see MO, waiting to pay money, waiting to do tests, waiting to collect medicine at pharmacy, etc.

2. Most of the time, the MOs who see me don't even know what my problem is. They just flip through my thick medical file and ask me what's up. They are also quite impatient and not very willing to answer your queries as there're just too many patients waiting outside. From my experience, I feel most of the MOs are very inexperienced. Occasionally, I got lucky and got to see an experienced MO.

3. I was told that I cannot choose which doctor I want to see. If I choose, they'll take me away from the subsidy and I'll be considered a private patient. That means I'll have to pay the full price instead of subsidised rate of $20 per visit. Full rates at KK can cost betweem $60+ for a junior MO to $80+ for consultation of a senior doctor. Scans and medicines are billed seperately. If I have to pay so much to see a gynae at KK and yet be made to wait till cows come home every time, I'd rather pay to go to a private gynae, which I did.

4. I remember being told before that full paying patients are not entitled to class C ward. The minimum u can take is 4-bedded B ward. You can always call up their customer service to enquire about this to reconfirm.

5. After checking around, I feel the charges for KK is not that significantly cheaper. In fact, they are charging more than my current gynae.

6. I have heard horror stories from mothers who delivered there under subsidy that their babies were not delivered by doctors. The MOs who delivered their babies don't even know how to stich their tears after delivery.

7. My current private gynae at Gleneagles is very experienced, very patient and reasonably priced compared to KK. I used to pay $50 for consultation and $30 for scanning before I bought the package during my 22nd week. That's cheaper than KK already.

8. If you don't want to deliver at gleneagles, try TMC or Mt Alvernia. I heard they're very reasonably priced for private hospitals and the service is good.

In fact, I have alot more to say about KKH but, I'll skip it to keep posting shorter.
styloBB, i will only be due end March, still long way to go...
Wow 6 Jan is only next week!I feel so excited for you!Have you got everything ready? BB stuffs, the BB cot, your hospital bag....but dont bother too much about these stuff now, ask your hubby to help, you need to rest and relax to welcome your little ones into this world!

How do you feel now? I wonder hows the feeling of waiting when the EDD draws near.:p
styloBB, wow u will be seeing your bb in a week's time
good luck and all the best.
Must be very excited to welcome bb to this world.
<font color="0000ff">Happy New Year</font>!
Me made it past 2005! Haaa.....

Yeah... another 6 days....

I have almost everything ready... hb just put up the second cot... other stuff more or less.. just gotta finalise all my hosp items.
Hb wlbe with me in op theatre as it'll be elective c-section.

I look fwd to it becos it has been pretty 'tough' these last couple of weeks w/ me waking up at weird hours and pain down south and not v mobile... cannot walk for long.
My boi also kinda sticky....

LiLacz, if urs is natural delivery, when the time comes, look for symptoms.
Since mine is c-sec this time, wl just mentally prepare myself to be admitted at 9am and have the procedure done at 12pm...
Dear Alex,
Ur sharing was great. My hb n I had actually such discussions b4. We knew abt tix finanical problems we may encounter if bb encounter complications during and after birth. However, like what Wendy mentioned, we were told that there would not be a fixed gynae attending 2 the pregnant wife and need to go thru' polyclinic 2 get the subsidy.
Stylobb and Wendy, can let us noe if GlenE will give any freebies such as bb bath tub at discharge?? Okay?

I heard that TMC has.
Hi Evon,
This is the first time I heard TMC gives out free bath tub. My sister who gave birth there in July only got the free glass bottles. She took a 1-bedder room. Anyway, I got another friend who just popped there on 25th Dec. I'll ask her if she got anything free from TMC. However, since hers is a christmas baby, it could be a different case.

As for Gleneagles, I'll let you know if we got any freebies after I've popped. GOt another 19 days to go and my gynae said I'm unlikely to pop early
Evon, don't think TMC or Gleneagles giving away free bathtub. So far only heard that Mt A will give back the bathtub that use for your bb during the stay. Well, actually the bathtub is already charged under the nusery bill..so not really FOC!
The last time I popped they gave me the nursury bag (some pastel coloured bag for bb's stuff) and I can't even rembr wat was in it, cos I passed it to my mil...hehe.... I dun think they gv bath tub. But bath tub is rather cheap right....
Anyway wl let u know since I'll be there tis week!
Hi Got my bill..i gave birth on the 28 Dec 2005

Just only natural birth....

mummy's bill

Package $1438
Item not included in package
Loger $75
Pharmacy $72.20

Hospital charges $1585.70
Gst 5% $79.29
Total Hospital charges $1664.99

Doctor's Fee $755

Total overall charge $2419.99

Amount claimable from Medisave $1500.

Pay cash = $919.99

Baby's Bill

Package $350
Item not included in the package
Equipment and suppply $$50

Hospital Charge $400
GST 5% $20
Total Hospital charges $420

Doctor's Fee $210

Total Charges $630

Amount claimable from Medisave $502.73

Pay cash $127.27

Tatal cash payment $1047.26

Already using VISA promotion paid $1788

Total credit back will be $740.74
Sure teenie. No problem. Don't worry la. I have faith in Prof Ng. My colleague's son was delivered by him 11 yrs ago and she said he very "JAI", very steady, not the panicky type.
styloBB, juz dun want to duplicate things that I can get .... it can b frustrating 2 see duplicates piling @ home. =p

Wow... wendy.. jia you. = )

Thanks, babylon for sharing.

Anything was given by the hospital?
Hi babylong, thanks for sharing.

So yours is a one bedded with no epi and your hubby only stayed for one night right? Looks like a reasonable amount to pay. Btw, your gynae charges you quite low, thats great. Mine is $900 (not inclusive of daily visits)
Hi wendy
I have a close gf whose twins was delivered by prof &amp; her sis who gave birth recently also by prof too

My gf was having c section so I didn't ask her on her birth story ...
she's the one who recommend me to prof &amp; told me prof has bb luck if those who want to have bbs
ya ..me went without epdi..no chance for it..already 6cm dilated. My hubby stay only for the last nite.

my gynae charge $800 for normal delivery but this is not included in the daily visit. Already pay $400 for deposit.

wonder how's styloBB?? Please share your experience with us when u have time. U must be real busy..gotta take care of your NB twins

