1 bedder at gleneagles: how much did u pay?

Hi Evon,

I am also using her since year 2002 my first child.
Now i now pregnant with my second one..very comfortable with her.


I am going to due in Jan06. Will share with you my bill since we are using the same gynea.
When are you going to due?
Babylon, I won't b able 2 access MSN only on weekends or weekday evenings.. so u may only see me on weekday mornings if i m on leave or mc. =p
Hi Mummies delivering at Gleneagles,
Just did my pre-admission today and got these info to share :

For those who are delivering at GHL, if you're taking the hospital package, you don't have to bring diapers, baby wipes and maternity loops as they are included in the package. However, you may want to bring some of your own adhensive maternity pads in case you're not comfy with the loops.

Pricing and deposit:
The deposit payable for citibank holders is $1788. Max claimable from medisave is $1500 ($1050 hospital+doctors fees and $450 antenatal, need antenatal receipts). If your bb is admitted by the paedetrician, then you can claim another maximum of $600. Do ask your doctor to include their bill in the hospital bill so that you can claim the maximum of $1050.

Admission times:
The hospital starts their clock at 12 midnight. Patients warded to the hospital before 12am will be charged one full day extra. (ie, try to admit yourself after 12am)

The hospital serves 5 meals a day (3 main + 2 snacks). Patients will be given a menu of chinese, western, muslim and confinement (for mummies) to choose from.

You can buy 2 one-time exit passes for $5 if you park your car for more than 3 hours (which will cost more than $5) at the hospital. This is not season parking. It can only be used ONCE when exiting the carpark.

Husbands or anyone can stay overnight with you in 1-bedded rooms for $75 a night, incl 5 meals. Even if your lodger does not take the meals, $75 will still be charged.

Excess charges will not be credited back into your card. The hospital will send you a refund cheque 1-2weeks later.

Lastly, the 1-bedded rooms are very small compared to TMC, KKH and MAH. The 2-bedded rooms are miserable. Comparable in size is their deluxe room but no packages are available for deluxe rooms. Typical charges for deluxe rooms for 3 days 2 nights will be about $4k to $5k. However, husbands get to stay overnight for free at deluxe rooms.

For 1-bedder and deluxe rooms, your baby can stay with you in the room 24hrs. For 2-bedder rooms, visiting hours are stricly 9am-9pm and babies will be taken back to the nursery.

If you decide to bf your bb full time, and your bb is in the nursery, the nurse will push the bb to you every 3 hours for feeding, even in the middle of the night. If you don't want to be disturbed, you can either try to express milk (pumps can be loaned from hospital or BYO) or ask them to formula feed bb at night.

Anything else you want to know?
The hospital have in-house lactation nurses who will guide you on your breastfeeding. No charges while you're their patient. However, after discharge, they'll charge you for consultation. Also, they're only there on weekdays. Try not to give birth on weekends. Kekeke. The postnatal classes are also available on weekdays only. Weekends no class.
How to try not to give birth on weekends??? IF Elsy wants 2 pop her head on Sat... then bo bian... =(

Heehee.. anyway ... great.. at least i noe.. will ask bb Elsy 2 do so on weekdays then her father can oso take leave 2 accompany me instead of burning the weekends to rest.. =p

There is postnatal class?? What's the difference btw postnatal n annenatal class we go 4 @ GlenE or other hospitals?
The postnatal classes are to help new parents learn how to take care of their newborn (bathe, feed, etc). Its only free when you're their patient at the ward. Once you're dicharged, you'll have to pay something like $30+ per session ( cant remem exact figure)
Hi Wendy,

Just to check..if i am going to have normal assisted delivery + Epdi. ALready paid deposited of $1788. how much can we claim from our medisave?
Understand that we can claim up to $1500 for normal delivery
Hi Babylon,
The amount we can claim for all natural births with or without epidural is $1050. To maximise claim, ask your doctors (Obstetrician, Anaesthetist and Pedaetrician) to include their bill in your hospital bill. Another $450 can be claimed if you produce up to $500 worth of antenatal receipts. The $600 neonatal can only be claimed if your pedaetrician admits your baby (ie, ICU, etc) after your discharge.

This is what I understood from GHL staff. BTW, mummies, don't forget to ask for information on baby bonus during your pre-admission so that you can hand in the form immediately upon discharge.

I'll attach the Gleneagles Citibank Package that I've typed out to this posting so that you can have a look. This is the same as the one I received from the hospital but I've typed it out so that we can share information. Please do not hold me liable for anything in the document.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

gleneagles citibank promo.doc (45.6 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Hi Wendy,

Thanks for the great info!! But can i check what do they mean always mean by separating the mother bill and bb bill then? Any advise? Always read from the thread, say wat separate the bill can claim more?

Blur liao...

Hi Kiki,
I think they meant in case your baby is admitted by your PD, ie, your baby goes into ICU or does phototheraphy, etc, while you get discharged. If that's the case, then you can probably claim up to $600 more for neonatal charges. If you're still unsure, join the hospital maternity tour on tuesday and ask during the Q&amp;A session. They'll be glad to answer all your questions
Hi Wendy,

Do u know if i want to take one bedder with my husband staying over, how much will the bill be? I dont think i want to take up the deluxe room, so expensive! Wana compare to see how much is the diff.
Hi Lilacz,
I was told its $75 a night, inclusive of 3 meals and 2 snacks. Even if your husband does not take the meals, it is still $75. Only thing is your husband gets to choose what kind of food he wants from the nemu (Western, Chinese, Muslim). For mummies, can choose between these 3 and confinement food.
Hi Wendy, i mean the overall bill staying in a one bedder...do you have an idea roughly how much will it cost? You think if everything is fine, Baby is healthy, and im going for natural birth with epi, will $3K be enough?
Hi Lilac,
If you're thinking abt the extra cash portion, $3K should be enough. Overall bill wise, I'm not so sure. Maybe, maybe not. It depends. However, you better clarify with the hospital to be more sure. I've read in other threads that most mummies who gave birth at GHL paid about $2k cash during discharge. I think it means they paid $1788 (deposit) + another $2K upon discharge (bb's bill + doctors' bills + misc). So, if this is the case, the you'll need a total of about $4-$5k, including deposit.
Wow, i thought if the bill for deluxe rm is about 4-5k, the one bedder will be cheaper. Think the diff is not great, better opt for 2 bedder in case got a shock upon receiving the bill! Thanks for the info Wendy!
I went for the hospital's maternity tour and have seen the 2-bedded rooms. It is very, very small. Unless you're not expecting more than 2-3 guests to come visit you (including your husband, I'd advise against the 2 bedder. I even find the 1-bed room very small but at least, your guests can stay late and the room is all to yourself with more privacy. As for deluxe room, $4-$5K is only the estimate for room ONLY. If u include doctor's fees and misc and baby's bills, it'll probably come up to about 6-7K, or maybe even $8K.
I dun find the single bedded room small, and I find the layoutof the room beta than TMC. The bed is nearer to the window whereas for TMC room, the bed is smacked in the middle of the room which causes some constraint in movement for people.

FYI my bill was $3.8k before deduction, after deduction, if I rembr correctly, it was $2.2k. And this included me staying extra nites but I can't recall how many nites and my boi staying two nites due to his jaundice. Hope this helps.
This included my hb staying over as well. I think only for the last nite, I asked him to go home to rest.
Wl be in again for my second pregnancy to deliver in about 2 weeks time....

Yeah, the two bedded room looked rather cramped... I think for first delivery, u wl expect a lot of visitors so I feel single bedded is beta.
Actually i find 2 bedded abit inconvenient, as i will expect quite a number of guests, and correct me if im wrong, we will have heavy blood flow and may need to use the toilet quite often right?

If the bill (including docs fees, BB fees, room, delivery fees) is not over 2K after deduction, i would prefer to take up the 1 bedded. However, Glen E staff is not able to give me an estimated figure...thats y its very diff for me to make decision. Thanks styloBB for sharing, and congrats on your NUmber 2! Arent u feeling excited now? I cant wait to see my baby in March!
I think u can put it to be around $2K. Two bedded wud be cramped, and also with two babies around, dun know if the mummies get any rest... just my thot.

Hmmmm.... I think I'll be relieved cos I'm carrying twins and my tummy is super stretched and big...
Yours is boi or gal?
Hi gals!

can i check, when do we need to make booking for the hospital bed? Do we do this via our gynae or we have to do it ourselves?

Does the $1788 Citibank promo includes doc fees?)

I am with Dr KH Chan...anyone with him?
The packages, whether its citibank or the hospital's normal package, does not include doctors' fees. You still have to pay for your obstaetrician (gynae), pedaetrician, anaesthetist fees and other misc fees. THe package price only includes room charges, food and some standard items.

When you are 35-36 weeks, your gynae will give u a booking slip stating some instructions (who your doctors will be, what kind of rooms, facilities, etc) for the hospital. You then take this slip to the admissions and do your pre-admission booking for the hospital room so that you don't have to do the admission papers when you're in labour.
Evon/ Babylon,

Is Lisa Chin good? wana get some contacts ready before pregnancy, a bit kiasu.
if i wana do checkup (body checkup, ultrasound), any idea whats her charges like?
Hi, Koori, I dunno how to justify ur good on her.. =p U c, I'm 1st time mtb n ve only seen dr vincent lee n her so practically i found her rather patient n motherly. I was stunned at first time apptmt /w her.. in a sense that she started "feeding" me n hb with answers that questions we not asked yet... n then she provided us some common info on her package n GlenE information so that we went home n thought of list of questions to ask her on next visit.

Personally, I felt if u want her to spend > time /w u... dun go on Saturdays. She has lots ... really lots of patients on Saturdays.

I didn't do body checkup /w her so not too sure on the cost. Ultrasound scanning was slightly cheaper by $10 as compared to Dr Vincent lee's..

Anything else u want to find out? Preparing now 4 pregnancy huh? U not KS la .. at least u did ur homework unlike me. =p
Hi Gals,

Have juz went for my 1st apptm with Dr KK Chow @Gleneages. Have any of u heard of him b4?

The clinic nurse there has informed us that detailed scan cost S$500. What kinda scan is a "Detailed Scan"?
Asked her abt the package, said wd only discuss during the 5th mth or so.

Can anyone share wif me? Thanks!
Hi jazzyjas: I had my detailed scan at TMC and it costs less than $100. Unless his detailed scan is those 3D or 4D, I think it is very expensive.
Hi MH, Wendy &amp; styloBB,

Thot so oso..
The nurse din explain much wat it is either.. tat's y am "2nd thots" if i sd continue 2 go 2 this gynae.

Would like to deliver @Gleneagles, 1-bedder oso.. tat's y when my GP intro this gynae, so we thot we gv it a try.

But wat exactly is a "Detailed Scan"?
jazzyjas: detailed scan check that all the organs are there and will do some measurement of the baby...

U can try another gynae at Gleneagles, e.g., Lisa Chin. Some gynae (not in hospital) also deliver at Gleneagles. You may want to check them out oso.
My gynae, Prof Ng, is also a private gynae at Gleneagles and delivers at Gleneagles. He sent me to do the detailed scan at NUH cuz its cheaper to do it there instead of gleneagles, which costs double the price.

Even so, it will not cost $500+, unless they're talking about a package of 3 scans. I had 3 scans altogether. One at 12 weeks, one at 22 weeks,and the last at 32 weeks. However, even after adding up the cost of the 3 scans, it's still less than $500.
Hi MH,
Ya, i have seen the comments on Lisa Chin from above. Would talk to my hb later abt tis. Coz 2nd apptm is on later this week.

Hi Wendy,
Oh.. i din know tat detailed scan is not done in the clinic.. since if like tis, we better call &amp; cfm wif the clinic.

Thanks gals for the advice.
hi jazzyjas,

u can try Dr Lee Keen Whye at Level 8
he dun force pple to take unnecessary tests or detailed scan unless its necessary to do so (meaning if he detect bb may have prob)

his antenatal package i think is $400 for 10 visits, include consultation, urine test every visit and ultrascan every visit (does not include print out for u to take home)

u can call up and check with his assistants @ 64711233
Hi Wendy
I am having the same gynae as you

I only received a piece of pink slip on the charges of 1 or 2 bedder room but I do not quite understand. I will go down for the hospital tour ist &amp; see the citibank charges too

So can share with me, which pkg u took &amp; I need to do pre admission myself at counter or prof ng's side will arrange everything.

I also have my NT &amp; Detailed Scan at NUH
Hi teenie,
Prof Ng will give u the booking slip once you've reached 35/36 weeks. If he has forgotten, remind him. All you need to do is to tell Dorothy what kind of room you want then take the slip to the admissions counter and do the pre-admissions. I'll be taking the Citibank Single bedder package, therefore, I'l be required to pay a deposit of $1788 upon admission as I did not pay during the pre-admission.

BTW, I've posted a document I copied and typed out on the Citibank package earlier on this thread before. You may want to take a look at it for more details.
Detailed scan is erm, detailed.... they will check on everything, eg fingers are ok, distance between eyes, nasal bone, all the organs are ok.

Yes, NUH charges cheaper for the scan, mine was done at Camden Medical Centre.

If I rembr correctly, hb/I went to the counter to do pre-admission for my boi that time. Also to settle whose medisave a/c to deduct the charges from.
soh1dful, I'm with Dr Chan too.
The nurse in his clinic will filled up the room booking for u when u r around 20wks. They will do the pre-booking, but u can still change anytime thereafter until u do your pre-admission on 32wks onwards.

$1788 is deposit if u take up Citibank promo.
Hospital package and Dr fees are not included yet. U have to pay for gynae + anesthetic + PD in addition.
If u r not clear, check with Dr Chan's nurses..they will give u the hospital maternity package as well as Dr Chan's package for delivery. Anesthetic fee is 1/3 of Dr Chan's fee.
styloBB, im having a boi. : ) Congratulations on your twins!!!!So are they same gender? Boi/Ger??? So fun to have twins! That makes you mother of 3 already!

If 2k is enough, then most likely i will go for the one bedded. We will be making appt with the sales staff at Glen E during my next gynae visit, she said she will explain in details about all the charges and show me ard the wards.
Thanks for reply.
Yes now ttc, but no news for last 2-3mths, bit demoralising, tot i wana go checkup if i got problem.
Gals - u all think i shld go ahead with checkup?
COngrats on having a boi!
My firstborn is a boi, coming to 2 years.
Now I have two gals, non-identical.
Hiak..hiak..hiak.. collecting bb bonus for 2nd/3rd child too...
Yah fun...hehe.. but tough to carry twins leh... cos tummy super heavy and big, going for c-section once I hit end of 37 weeks. But thankful that they are growing well. At 34-35 weeks, each is already more than 2.2kg....

I shud think that 2K shud be enuf... considering for my case, hb stayed over, I stayed extra nites and my boi stayed 2 more nites due jaundice. Tis time round, I agreed w/ hb that there is no need for him to stay over as he wl be with our boi.
For u, since it's first born, I'm sure the grandparents and relatives wlbe excited and will be visiting u, so 2-bedder may be too cramped.

THink it's good for a check-up. Your menses is regular? Feel stressed?
U just started ttc???
Hi Wendy

When you delivering? boy or gal?

Can I check with you, if we chosen one bedder if after giving birth we wanna downgrade we are not supposed to rite?
teenie, if not mistaken, we r not suppose to downgrade. Upgrade is permitted if u opt for 2-bedder first. And also depends on availability. U will be surprise that 1-bedder usually fully occupied!
styloBB, ur twins are big..no wonder u said very heavy..keke
U were talking about $2k cash top-up shd be enough on top of maternity package and doc fees rite?

I got a rough idea of my colleague's bill. She delivered in Aug'05, natural with epi..total bill was $5328 before Medisave deduction in 1-bedder room and bb's bill is total of $590.74 with extra night stay due to jaundice.
My twins big ah?? My boi came out v big last time so maybe my expectation for the gals are at least above ave, of course, not easy cos tummy is v stretched now....keke

WOw, ur colleague's bill is quite hefty. Did u check what did she have to pay after medisave deduction??

Yes, I meant my bill after deduction was around $2.2k.

styloBB, she got her bill and bb's bill seperated for medisave deduction. Her deduction is total of $1400+$450(antenatal package) so the cash portion still $3478. And bb medisave deduction is $370.60 so still have to pay $220.14.
Her bill is higher probably due to extra 1 nite stay bah..she was there to accompany her bb gal.
