1 bedder at gleneagles: how much did u pay?


New Member
hi.. i would like to check on how much u gals paid for staying in gleneagles hospital for one bedder after deducting medisave. thanks


Anyone who have recently gave birth in GlenE to share the cost of 1-bedder? Do citibank members have any special promotion?
mayday & Adel yee,

I paid a total of $4500 when i give birth in GlenE on Jan. Medisave deduct abt 2500 so i pay $2000cash. Mine is normal del with epidural & stay in 1 bedder room for 3days 2nights. If you are a citibank member, they give abt 10% which you check with them again.
wangwangboy, Medisave can deduct so much? isnt there a cap of about $1050? Pls advise cuz i would really love to stay in a 1 bedded rm so that i can have my hubby's rapport.
Hi wangwangboy,

Can share and advise? Thanks.
Hi Mayday

I just delivered in Gleneagles hospital and is still doing my confinement. This is my 2nd bb delivered there. I paid $3772 ( $1850 is deductable by medisave) and my bb bill is $ 1717 ( $1100 is deductable by medisave) If you need a brief breakdown, I can give it to you. Although the charges are quite expensive, but the service is very good.
Hi Ling,

Is yrs natural delivery with any assistance? Inclusive of doctor fees in yr bill?
So total is 4K plus (you & yr bb) Yes, pls if you dun mind can share yr charges wiz me?
You can email me at [email protected] if you find it more comfortable to mail me than post it here. Thanks
Hi Mayday
Mine is asst del with Epidural. Package fee ( $1928 )+ items not included in package ( $280) +Doctor Fee ( $1445)

My bby stayed an additional day cos of jaundice.
package fee ( $350) + additional accomodation( $127.50) + other charges ( $300) + Doctor Fee ( $667.50). The doctor fee is more exp cos my bb had a circumcision.
Ling, did they tell u upfront how much medisave u can claim? Cuz the price list stated can only claim $1050. Pls advise cuz i would really like to stay in a one bedded.
Hi Lilacz and Adel

I think we can claim $1050 ( for hospital expenses) and $800 ( for Doctor Fee, you must give them the bill from your gane). $1,100 is for the baby fee.
but den lets say if our gynae is attached to the hospital.. den do we stil need to ask the gynae for receipts to produce upon discharge? or they wil auto deduct out?
thanks Orchid - but den i jus checked with my SIL who delivered on 29th Aug hor.. she say no need leh..

apple - if u wan the cost for 2 bedded n c sect i mite b able to help..
morraine, don't mind if u can share with me the 2 bedded c-sec cost. I still dunno whether shd take 2 bedder or 1 bedder :p
no probs ~ my SIL stayed at 2 bedded den her she admitted on sun after 12am den discharged on tues morning..

deposit - 1.2K
upon discharge - mum's bill - paid 500+ n bb bills - paid 135+

not forgetting my SIL oso removed a fibroid during her c sect hence it cost her another 400+ which is oso inclusive in the amt above liaoz
morraine, your SIL charges only for hospitall maternity package rite? Not inclusive of Gynae charges yet?
My gynae charge c-sec itself $1.8k, daily visit not counting yet.
apple - Gynae charges she just paid $500 when she did the pre-admission and the $500 is paid direct to the gynae at his clinic

den the amount i mentioned above is wat she paid when she discharged other than the 1.2K deposit which she paid when she was admitted on the day itself
Oh..then your SIL's gynae charges is pretty low then compared to mine.

Err..if this is the case, probably my bill will be around $2-2.5k cash.
Dr KH Chan..Oh ya, gynae delivery charges also can claim portion of it fr medisave rite? I know the pre-natal check-up package can claim up to $430, not sure about delivery charges..so all the while I have been telling hb to prepare around $5k cash coz I calculate inclusive delivery charges.
hmmm.. i think even c sect hor.. u jus prepare like another $3K for the discharge payments shld b sufficient liaoz..
hi, anyone seen Dr Peter Chew Chee Tong from GlenE and been delivered by him at GlenE? I also going to deliver there and my due date is 7 Jan 2006. Considering staying at 2 bedded one cos thinking cheaper. Anyone can share her bill with me? Would like to see the breakdown like total hospital bill how much, gynae how much and total deduction from medisave cos a bit blur. Thanks
Congratulation to Rachel. And Hi Rachel. So yours is a boy or girl? So do you know how much you have to pay already?
Hi Rachel, btw i get information for another member from motherhood that GEH has promotion for citibank credit card holder so you may want to ask them for more information or go to their website to see in case you dont know about this information.
Hi all,

Quite confused abt the explanation on the charges above.

1)Can i check when do we need to provide the gynae receipt (both the anetenatal package and delivery )for the claim? Is it upon admission or during discharge?

2)How much can we claim for gynae delivery fee? If we are paying half by half for the gynae delivery fee as mentioned above, how is the claim like?

Sorry, also very blurred abt what i asking... Pls advise!!!

Hi Wangwang and Ling,

The 2k both of u mention u have to pay in cash includes or excludes the 1.2k deposit? Also, did you have to pay upfront when doing the pre-admission papers at 36 weeks or pay the deposit only when u admit to give birth? The 4.5k or 3.8k total both of u mentioned includes baby's bills as well or only your bill?
<font color="blue">Dear kiki80

Ur questions I asked my gynae's clinic b4.. tix was the answers they provided...</font>

1)Can i check when do we need to provide the gynae receipt (both the anetenatal package and delivery )for the claim? Is it upon admission or during discharge?
<font color="blue">Ans: During admission only anetenatal package. Claim up to $450.</font>

2)How much can we claim for gynae delivery fee? If we are paying half by half for the gynae delivery fee as mentioned above, how is the claim like?
<font color="blue">Ans: Assuming we claim the anetenatal package, only the reminder which is 600 on the gynae delivery fee. If u didn't claim the anetenatal package, then a sum of up to 1050 can b claimed.

Hope it helps.

That's y I'm oso querying on the hospital stay 4 me n bb n bb's pad fees can be claimed under hubby's medisave. If can, how much?

I just called Gleneagles and spoke to Helen. A bit of the corrections....

Apparently it seems like we can claim up to S$1500 for Medisave for normal delivery w/o complications. 450 - annenatal package (muz ve receipt during registration) n 1050 to doctor's fees n delivery charges (later).

Then if there are complications on bb, there is an allowable of $600 claim on Medisave for 2 nites.

Helen informed me normally it is better to split the bills so that both me n my hb can claim > for Medisave when complications arise.

In addition to this, a deposit is required during registration of delivery.
For 1 bedded, deposit $1938 and for 2 bedded, deposit $1200. If you want to take Citibank promotion, you have to highlight during registration, the deposit for 1 bedded is $1788.

Sadly, Helen did not indicate to me the offer for 2 bedded.

If you want hb to stay @ our side /w a bed 2 sleep in, a charge of $75/night (includes 3 meals and 2 snacks).

If ur hb drives u to hospital n parks his car in the hospital, ur hb can go to nursing section to get an application form for parking concessionary form to fill up n go to Customer Service (during office hours) to apply for the card. Tix offer is valid for delivery only. Each patient up to 2 cards. Charges of the card is $5. Quite valuable if car is parked > 3h (normal charges'll b $6.50).
Np.. me 2 desperately lookg 4 info as well.. as me n hb too want to ensure we ve enuf cash savings set aside instead of using reserves or credit cards when bb comes in April.
the free limo service is only available if u discharge during weekdays..i was discharge on a sat, dont have this service=(
I tot must pay for the limo service? Does it drive us all the way home or to certain place only?
Hi Evon,

I thought the $1050 is the medisave claim for hospital charges?

I think you might make a mistake...

Hi Evon,

I just do my preadmission on last sat..took the citibank package with 1 beded. Think 2 beded are not having promotion.
Forget to ask them, so if my hubby wanna to stay overnite there..we got to pay extra $75/nite with meal?
what if he wanna to stay overnite but do not want the meal?
Hi Babylon,
I'll be doing my pre-admission papers tomorrow. I can ask for u cuz I also wanna know the answer to your question.
So wendy, when will you be delivering.
my EDD is 12 Jan...
are you taking 1 beded or 2 bedded.
Think it will be pretty expensive ($75) per day to stay over since we already paid for 1 beded.
my hubby told me if going to pay, he will sneaked back to the hospital in the middle of the nite.hahahaha
Don't think your husband can sneak past the nurses la.. they sure to notice him one. If not, just ask ur husband stay with u until late at night then go home sleep and come back early in the morning lor.
Hi babylon, didn't ask them on that.. guess can opt 4 w/o meals n it'll b cheaper.

Wendy, do let us noe ya??

BTW, I heard that electric pumps can be rented in some hospitals..
Does any moms noe if GlenE has tix? And what pumps re available 4 rental?

Forget to ask on tix question...

kiki80, not sure leh.. accordingly to the lady I spoke /w... i ever double confirm /w her leh.. She gave me scenario as such that I will claim 450 for the prenatal package tat I've taken up /w my gynae n then assuming my bill (/w gynae's delivery charges n hospital bills came to $2300, I can deduct 1050 using Medisave; thus paying cash of 1250.) This cash amount can b deducted from my deposit... say I get a 1 bedded n put a deposit of $1788 (Citibank promo). When leaving, hospital will refund reminder of deposit.

Something like tix lor. =p
i heard it there is reminder of the deposit, they will actually credit back to the card.

I think i will still ask my hubby to stay over...
