
  1. P

    Malay couple seeking for a child to adopt

    Hi, I am genuinely seeking anyone who is interested in placing their baby for adoption. My husband and I are Muslim and we are truly sincere to adopt. We have been trying to conceive but I believe God has a different plan for us. If any of you know someone or have any leads, please send me a...
  2. L

    Looking to Adopt a Baby or Toddler Boy

    Singaporean looking to adopt a baby boy or toddler. Please do get in touch if you have any leads.
  3. @

    Looking for Baby Adoption

    Hi, We are a married couple for many years. Had a few heartbreaks from miscarriages and now looking to adopt a healthy Chinese baby. We are a happy family and will ensure a good life with love and care. Kindly PM me. Thanks!
  4. W

    Looking for Baby Adoption

    We are a married couple with no child, hoping to adopt a healthy Chinese baby. Please contact us. Thank you.
  5. P

    Looking for Adoption.

    We are an Chinese local couple. We are looking for a healthy baby for adoption, please DM me. Thank you (This is not a SCAM!!!)
  6. Q

    Hoping to adopt our second baby/ Open adoption

    We are a happily married couple who have adopted our first child and we love our child more than we have ever imagined. The joyful parenting experience has made us very convinced that -we want to adopt more children and provide them with lots of love -our love for children is regardless of...
  7. Q

    Hoping to adopt our second baby/ Open adoption

    We are a happily married couple who have adopted our first child and we love our child more than we have ever imagined. The joyful parenting experience has made us very convinced that -we want to adopt more children and provide them with lots of love -our love for children is regardless of...
  8. L

    Single mother desperately seeking for an adoptive parent for newborn baby girl

    I am a single mother and I am desperately seeking for an adoptive parent for my newborn baby girl . It took me time to come to this conclusion of finding a good and caring home for my newborn baby. If you are single willing to adopt or couple I wouldn't mind provided you , you will open your...
  9. I

    Love for Adoption

    Looking to adopt a baby girl . We are mixed races marriage . Singaporean Chinese & Caucasian . We like to have a Chinese girl or a mixed race girl to add to our family . kindly drop an email to discuss . Looking forward . Thank you . [email protected]
  10. M

    Any home wanting to adopt a baby ???

    was seriously wondering if any one out there is willing to adopt a baby ? we are searching for that home fill with love , care and affection for this bouncing lovely little one , please any home out there willing to offer a life for this little one should please pm us ( [email protected] )
  11. A


  12. B

    Adoption: Looking for Malay-Muslim baby/child

    Hello. May I know where I can look for a Malay-Muslim baby/child for adoption for myself, a single 30-year old Malay-Muslim woman. Not looking through agencies though. Anyone who has contact with any families looking to give up their baby/child for adoption, do let me know, thank you ❤️
  13. C

    TTC 2020 Grp Chat

    Hi Ladies, I've been ttc for almost 3 yrs+. Unsuccessful IVF, IUI & even miscarriage. I'll be creating grp chat in WhatsApp for ladies. Pretty sure "we" ladies needs a platform to share with each other feelings/encouraging each other/giving some recommendations. Let me know if anyone keen in...
  14. B

    Looking to adopt a baby

    Singaporean couple looking to adopt a healthy baby, please contact me if you have are looking for a loving family for the baby.
  15. S

    considering adoption??? please read

    This announcement goes out to lovely and caring homes out there willing to offer a life for a child We arr considering to give out our lovely baby to any caring and responsible home willing to give this child everyrhing and a guarantee future Please leave messages to...
  16. R


    My wife and i are Singapore indians living in the United States and are looking for a baby from Singapore to adopt. I'm an American citizen, doing well in the banking industry and my wife is a home maker. I'm in my late 40s and my wife just turned 40 and we do not have any children. Any help...
  17. N

    Overseas Singaporean adopting Singaporean child

    Hi, Wondering if there are any couples out there where one partner is a Singaporean and the other is of a different nationality, lets say Australia and they both reside in Australia, who has adopted a baby in Singapore ? Just wondering what the process is like. I've tried contacting MSF for...
  18. D

    Hi couple looking to adopt a chinese baby boy

    Hi im married i willing to hopin to have another children but sadly the doctor didn’t recommend me to have another one because im a high risk pregnancy mother with incomplete crevic and preeclampsia. My last pregnancy my baby is 33weeker. I willing to adopt a baby for our family because i really...
  19. S

    Couple looking to adopt a 2nd Chinese baby

    Hi, we are a Chinese couple looking to expand our family. We have previously adopted a child, and we enjoyed being parents so much that we wish to adopt another Chinese baby. Pls PM me if available.
  20. Z

    Looking to adopt.

    Hi there. My wife and I are currently looking for a baby boy to legally adopt (anywhere 0 to 1 year old). Preferably malay or mixed heritage as our family is mixed as well (I am Thai/Malay and my wife malay/indian). We are 40 & 38 years old, and so looking forward to finding a little one to...
