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  1. S

    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Hi Mummies, I'm keen to join the gathering on July 7, but what time will it be ?
  2. S

    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Hi Darienna, pls add my details below nick: Sasha11 Gynae: Dr Judy Wong Hosp: TMC Baby#: 2 Edd: 29 Nov 2012 Gender:TBC Thank you
  3. S

    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Heartburn, how to avoid? By eating smaller meals? But by doing so, I wake up often at night feeling hungry and keep snacking in the office. Thank you hui, happy mothers day to all of us here!!
  4. S

    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Can't wait to knock off, today really terrible day.. Glad I can come into forum to read and distract myself
  5. S

    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Charmaine, Thanks !! So we can't take honey, have craving for ice honey-lemon. hehe... Angelic Me, anti-nausea medicine didn't help for my #1 too, but for #2 now, it seems to keep my MS away. Try to keep the mood up, I kept telling myself its a sign my baby is growing strong inside me...
  6. S

    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Enid, my #1 is 3 yrs old. How old is yours ? Amanpp : Cheer up yah, will get use to these symptoms soon !! For #1, I had MS till the very last month ! Trimester 2 usually gets better. #1 & #2 preganancy feels different, mainly cus #1, I could rest without much worry. For #2, even though I...
  7. S

    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Enid, same here, don't feel as happy this time round. Tired all the time, and always waking up middle of the night feeling hungry. I feel guilty too, as I didn't spend much time with #1, weekends are mostly sleep and rest now. Hopefully trimester 2, we will all get our energy back. Giddy...
  8. S

    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Mrs Chua, did you poo? If yes then prob it's from your poo? If the blood is fresh blood (red) and quite alot, better go see gynae, they may prescribe hormones pills (daphaston or something). If its dirty blood and not a lot, maybe it's one off, observe, rest and take care yah!
  9. S

    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Haha...My son also wants a didi! I guess a boy wants a didi and a girl wants a meimei. Lol Finally end of working day
  10. S

    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Hello All, Happy Labour Day ! A good day for us to rest. Been a few weeks since I came in, glad to read everyone's progress Weird taste in mouth, its very often for me and I had to pop sweets, dried orange skins to get rid of the taste. Realise I get thirsty very often too. Any idea if we...
  11. S

    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Getting insomnia, so reading the forum at this hour =P Just a question, when do you schedule the 1st appt to see gynae ? Mine said best time to visit is at 7 weeks, but I'm going holiday when I'm about 6 weeks. Should I see her before my trip ? Regarding babyplus, I used it with my #1...
  12. S

    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Hi foxinthesnow, Yes, I feel bloated yet hungry at the same time, guess due to the hormone changes in our body.
  13. S

    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Hello Nov Mummies, Just tested positive last night and this morning, clearblue digital says I'm 2-3 weeks preggie *Keeping fingers cross*, gonna call Gynae for appt tomorrow, most like EDD is end-nov.. Hope to join the fun in this thread
