(2012/11) Nov 2012

Sweetycute, my son keep saying he wants a didi.. but we tell him we do not know whether didi or mei mei .. so he ask me.. is it we dun know whether he gal or boy until he was born... We just nod our head...kekeke

Wan to check with those mummies with spitting, what ate the symptoms that u all had? I jus found blood stain on the toilet Paper when I wipes after going toilet..
<font color="0000ff">Shirlynn: Hmm my girl is 6 this yr. Not sure if she is easy to bluff or nt. She's already acting like a little adult hahaha

Mrs Chua: It's not normal to have blood stain. Is it spotting? Tink better to let the gynae take a look leh!</font>
Haha...My son also wants a didi! I guess a boy wants a didi and a girl wants a meimei. Lol

Finally end of working day
Mrs Chua, did you poo? If yes then prob it's from your poo? If the blood is fresh blood (red) and quite alot, better go see gynae, they may prescribe hormones pills (daphaston or something). If its dirty blood and not a lot, maybe it's one off, observe, rest and take care yah!
Mrs Chua: I had cramps den following by red blood (a lil, pantyliner wil do, dun nid pad), den next day become dark brown spotting den 3rd day was light brown. Only saw gynae on 3rd day cos he was closed on d 1st day and 2nd day hb bz..kena scolded.he said if spotting must c gynae immediately cos it means that bb is nt stable..was given hormone pills (duphaston) to take twice a day and told to bed rest. After another 4 days or so, totally cleared..but nw i dun reali dare to carry my ger too often cos she's 15kg. U beta check wif yr gynae..

Shirlynn: the yellow liquid is bile juice..super super yucky taste..i stil remember too! hope u get beta real soon!

QP: i haven't really tell my ger that there's a bb inside me cos I read fr bks dat actually more advisable to tell them say mid 2nd trimester or 3rd trimester cos for kids, they gt no sense of time so if u tel them early, it's actually quite a long waiting..besides, very dif for me to explain cos tummy nt visible..but we did ask her she wan didi or meimei and she said she wan gorgor!! I told her not possible lor but she kept saying she wan gorgor..buay tahan..

RE: constipation
Those mummies who can stomach down water and fruits, beta take as much as possible cos i had constipation prob for #1 den ended up wif piles =( had to insert sm medicine lor..super painful..

Piggie: U can go c gynae or pd for medicine..I was down wif high fever, sore throat and bad runnning nose during week 5 and was given sm medicine dat was safe for preggy but becos it's more mild, you wil take longer to recover too but at least it helped.
Rin: my boy also 15kg and always wan me to carry too.. i got no choice but to carry him.. very headache.. MS not getting any better still hav to take care of him.. really not easy for the 2nd pregnancy when there is a young one around cos no time to rest well..
QP: totally agree, esp since i'm nt working and taking care of my ger on my own and nt to mention, hb works long hrs. But wat i do nw is if i'm nt well, i'l just play wif my ger on my bed. She's ok wif my lying down but must stil continue to talk and play wif her can le..so we play lego and some toys..she tinks it's fun cos i nvr allowed her to take her toys fr the playrm to our bedrm last time..and nw, i let her watch more dvds..she's hapi lor cos i used to restrict the timing. How old is yr boy? Maybe u shd try nt to carry too often..
Rin: My boy is 2 n a half yrs old.. i'm working in retail so sometime i reach home late he already fell aslp, if i reach home early he will wan my attention and acc him.. he can stay on the bed but not long.. i always find girl more obedient n can listen to intruction given (hope my 2nd one is a girl although i will spend a lot)
my boy is very stubborn..
QP: when I had my #1 boy I wanted a girl so badly! Then I had #2, a girl and omg.. It was then I realised my boy is an angel!! Hahahs!! So not necessary that girls more
now #3, I secretly hope its a boy again. Girls are a little too whiny and crybaby! I cannot stand it!haha. Very teh also. But that said... As long as healthy will do.
Cindy: ya i agree the most important is healthy.. lol.. aft i gave birth to #1 i say i wanna stop at 1.. now i got #2 accidentally and make me so tired.. i really salute those tat can mangage so well with so many kids..
pinkie: getting prune juice is at the top of my list... just that i couldnt get it yesterday, went home late and after a long time, my vomitting returned thrice yesterday. feeling depressed. hope i dun end up at the hosp again. Maybe the vomitting has something to do with my constipation. Cos what went in, didnt come out, so what tries to go in, comes out.
Hi ladies, I just reach tmc to do oscar. I counted there is about 13 couple in front of me. Oh dear!!

Anyone have problem brushing teeth. I had the problem even when I had #1. I need to use a electronic brush. The brushing action trigger me to vomit. Is a battle in the toilet every morning. Now with #2 I don't have that problem because I had been using electronic ones but the toothpaste is my problem now.

My primary 2 daughter is having her exam starting from today. I am feeling very guilty now as I had not done any revision with her. I am very tired , no energy for her. Feeling very very guilty now. Haiz. Hope that she can do well.
Shasha.. Is not from poo. Is jus normal pee.. 

Rin.. Mine not fresh red, jus reddish brown &amp; onli will c it when I pee after wipe.. Ytd already went to kk see those 24hr doc, she say is normal &amp; bb has heart beat.. Given me the hormones med to eat but hubby still worried, ask me go back see gynae beta.. Now after Ytd case, I oso date not carry my 12kg boy.. But he v clingy to me so will wan me carry him.. 

QP.. I can feel u too, ms not getting beta den still have to take care of my boy who is super clingy.. Making everything even worst.. Super tiring.. 
Mrs Chua: could it be UTI? I had some blood in my pee the other time when I had bad UTI. Take care.

Priya: I also need to get a new bottle myself. Not good to keep straining. And I read that it's normal to have constipation during pregnancy.

pink: How's your oscar test? I don't have probs with brushing, but couldn't floss since the nausea started. So glad it's getting better these days.
Hi mommies, my friend has been unfairly dismissed by her employer before her 3rd mth so that they do not need to pay her the 4mths maternity benefits. Any of you happen to Hv any letter format that she can use to write in to MOM?
Pinkie: I think is ok. Was told that all the measurement and reading seem ok. Manage to do that only during a second scan. But I am glad that all the test finish by 10:30 am.

I can't floss as I can't open my mouth too wide. I will puke.
hi mommies, just back from gynea check &amp; he said mine is 80% boy...but he said dont announce to my mil first, in case it's false alarm cos might be too early now to tell...hehe he's always so funny..
now me only week 14, im surprised if he can really tell the gender so soon..
guess im the 1st here to roughly know the gender
Sweetycute, I thought my age gap is big ( my son is 5 yrs old), yours even bigger...keke..

I missed the movement in my stomach after I delivered my boy..

Rin, I always try to drink something, luckily.. so its tastes bitter sweet ...yucks...

Pink, I always feel like vomitting when brushing my teeth, last time I use oral B is ok, this time round, also cannot stand...
<font color="0000ff">Chrisq: Woo....ur MIL looking fwd to a boy? Yah....tink u are the 1st leh. Is this ur no. 1? I hope to know my bb's gender in 2 weeks' time

Shirlynn: Yah....I have been trying for a while and din get. I actually din want the gap to b so big de. Luckily it din get bigger hahaha. Thankfully I was pregnant when I was about to give up!

Yah I really missed the amazing feeling!</font>
Chrisq, your gynea no confidence ah. For my first boy.. also around 14 weeks, my gynea draw arrow to point at the penis and wrote on screen - It's a boy. After that print out the photo for us.

I was telling my hb, the gynea so confident, if wrong, use the photo and shoot him back.. keke.. but later detailed scan also show its a boy.

Sweetycute, I already give up years ago. Especially when my gynea tell me my PCOS came back, and last year they brought their cousin fibriods to stay.

The feeling is that you are not alone, everytime I alone, can feel him kicking at night

My boy last time in stomach also very active, keep moving till got hiccups..come out baby time same pattern.. keke
Chrisq: the sonographer and gynae confirmed gender for my #1 when I did my OSCAR at 12 weeks.. Usually boy will cfrm earlier cos it's very obvious.. Haha
I think I very bo chap this time around. #1 I was so careful with what I eat and keep reading up what to expect and what to look out for. But #2, I eat anything I fancy (Not that I can eat lot anyway, I will be lucky if I ever have any appetite).

I think my MS is over. Starting to get hungry and can eat more now. I suddenly develop craving for the hokkien mee! I think I recall that it is not good to take the yellow noodles. Is it true?
my #1 is a girl, but im hoping #2 for a girl too so that they can have each other as playmate...i think his mil comment is funny cos typical mil will hope for boy &amp; of cos my mil too, my mil keep telling my girl inside is didi since day 1 she knows im preggie, so irritating..
the gynea always dont dare to confirm one, that time my #1, he also told me 80% girl-ish, until i went to do the detailed scan..but just now i really saw the little penis during the scan..
guess everyone here must be very looking forward to ur next gynea visit
Wah you guys found out bb gender so early! I'm seeing my gynae next Monday hopefully he will be able to tell me the gender. If not the next visit will be a month later..sian. My hubby keep asking when will know the gender. He really wants a gal this time round.
<font color="0000ff">Shirlynn: Yeah! We are 2 lucky gals!!

Josey: Same here leh! I was on total strict no caffine for my 1st one. Now I will ocassionally take some tea hee.

Not that I know of leh. I also ate hokkien mee recently. The one at Whampoa market is just yummlicious!!

Hahaha your hb also so excited ah! But lucky you, cos yours is next Mon. I gotta wait for another 2 weeks! Long wait!

Chrisq: My girl also hoping she can have a mei mei. Oh that really sounds irritating but if it's really a boy, then your MIL would be very happy. My gynae couldnt see when I did my OSCAR at 11th week. I supp that's too early? My colleagues all guess it's a boy hahaha but I dont have any feel whether it's a boy or girl :p</font>
I also hoping for a gal this time round so that I'm not outnumbered, since #1 is boy.. Plus.. Gals got so many pretty pretty things to buy... Already "invested" in the essentials for #1 like cot and breastpump etc... So now i can use the $$ to spend on nice pretty dresses, hair clips, shoes.. Wahahaha...
Josey: im also keep having cravings for hokkien mee!! &amp; yes agree with sweetycute, the whampoa market hokkien mee is really yummy....now the craving starts again..hehe

Sweetycute: i went OSCAR scan at 11week but also cant see anything..guess just have to wait a few more weeks..yeah..my girl also keeps telling me she wanna meimei, but still i still have 20% chance it's a girl! hehe
<font color="0000ff">Darienna: Yah man! Cant agree more! My girl has more clothes than me! Every few mths, she sure hv photoshoot sessions. Her investment on these wu ah bo things, I tink can cost me few k per yr hahaha :p

Chrisq: Yah now I feel like eating that hokkien mee again hahaha!

Usually boy a bit difficult leh. Unless it's the finger that is there hee. Else, have a no.3??</font>
oohh...I tried the hokkien mee at Kovan beside Simon Road last night. They fried it dry, first time I had this type and I love it! Keep thinking about it today. I think I will drop by and tabao later :p

I asked my boy if he wants didi or meimei..then he babble didi, meimie, gorgor...gave up. I don't think he understands it yet. Partly my fault..He is the youngest among the cousins so everyone calls him didi. Even my helper and me are guilty of it and he also call himself didi. I guess he got confused when I ask the question haha
Hi all,

Been a silent reader n decide to join in. My edd is 2 Nov n tml is my 14 week. Envy those mummy can see gender le.. The sonographer say the sex organ too small to know is boy or ger durin my Oscar last tues. this is my # 1 so am aiming for a boy so that will not be stress when trying #2. Hope I could see something when I next visit gynae at week 16.
Sweety: I also like the whampoa hokkien mee! But I eat until scared already.
I've been stealing sips of english tea these few days. Think I better stop. :x

Welcome &amp; congrats Sabelle!

Anyone using Dr Paul Tseng here? He doesn't have packages, so we're wondering how much money we should factor in for the whole 9mths worth of consultations and scans.
piggie: did i type pd accidentally? I meant gp. It was normal bill leh..ard 30+ but the second time wen I went cos I had a very bad runny nose so he doc ask me if I wan those nasal spray or medi. I chose nasal spray den the bill was higher cos dat one is ex, but total bil oso ard 50. I feel that at least gt medi wil feel beta..

Chris: Yup, i heard that boys usu can tel earlier..my fren knew hers@12 wks!

Josey: Congrats dat MS is over for you..I tot mine was over but it's bk to haunt me..lol..but stil bearable la..nt too sure abt yellow noodles but maybe just eat in moderation?

Darienna: Girls reali alot of thgs to buy! and I realised that girls clothes are cheaper than boys..as in, u can pretty nice stuff at cheap prices..and nw dat my #1 is older, i like to dress her in similar style as me..very fun! haha..

Sabelle: Welcome! Usu wk 16 can tell le unles bb nt cooperative..hee.
Hi all! i am a newbie here. Can feel all the excitement from fellow mummies! =)

Details as follows:
EDD: 16 Nov 2012
Age: 29
Gynae: Dr Douglas Ong
Baby: #1
Hospital: Mount A (Thinking to change to KKH thou)
Chrisq: congrats!! So envious... I also wanna know the gender!!

Rin: it's true! Boys we get to know faster! I got to know my #1 is a boy when at 15 weeks. My #2 girl had to wait till detailed scan to be doubly doubly sure... No birdie. Hahaha!!

Feel like eating icecreammmmm!!
good news everyone, I finally clear my bowel system today. Feeling fanatastic.. :)

hey, has anyone visited TMC dental center before? I really think i need a good clean up, with all that vomitting and stuff, my teeth kinda looks corroded. umm.. yellow plagued...
Now at TMC for Oscar test.. Omg it going to be a long wait.. Reached at 8.45am and there still a lot of ppl quening for registration..
Wonder when will it be my turn..
yo priya... i dunno about facials and stuff.. def. u can go for dental, just let the dentist know that your preggy...

BTW, i am preggers too..
Dear mummies, need your advice on this.

3rd Apr: met up with gynae 1 and was told that my edd is 26th nov based on last menses date
23rd Apr; met up with gynae 1 again and edd has changed to 5th Dec based on fetal size of 1.42cm
3rd May: decided to change gynae and gynae 2 is now telling me that EDD should be 20th Nov as fetal is already 4cm.

Based on 2nd gynae's advice, I would be 11 weeks into pregnancy but if based on gynae 1's advice, I'm only in 9 weeks. If I were to based on pregnancy calendar, I'll bf in week 10.

Problem is I have to go for Oscar Test next mon/tue, which I'm
Probably in my week 10-12 (depending on which school of thoughts I believe in).

Do you gals think its fine and accurate enough to go for Iscar Test in week 11????
When_the: think most of the mummies here hv gone for their OSCAR in week 11. Based on what the websites say, OSCAR is done btw wk 11-14.. So shld b ok..

For dating of pregnancy, my gynae projected EDD initially based on LMP, but as the growth was not where it was shld be based on LMP, he moved it back based on fetal size. He mentioned that LMP not accurate since it is possible u ovulated earlier or later. I would take ur EDD as per ur 2nd gynae.. Jus my personal opinion..

Hope this helps ease your concerns somewhat.. And meantime, welcome to the Nov forum..
Hi When: my gynae told me it is most accurate to go for oscar when you are 12th week where baby has reached a good size. My gynae usually count base on last menses date and won't change the EDD even though my bb size is bigger than what it should be at the time of scan. When I was at 11week, the fetal size shown that it should be 11w6day. He just commented that my bb maybe a big baby, same as my #1.

Maybe your fetal has reached the ideal size that's why your gynae arranged for Oscar test for you. If you are still worried, just give your gynae a call and ask him about it.

dadnmum: I did my oscar test at TMC too. Do you have an appointment or walk-in? I was a walk-in case and waited 1hr just for registration. But the waiting time for the scan was pretty fast. About less than an hour and scan took less than 10mins! Hope you don't have to wait too long today!
<font color="0000ff">Pinkie: Yah....hmm shld I eat hokkien mee this weekend again? *Craving* As for English tea, sometimes, no choice leh! Got craving for it hahaha, so I just take but usually small cup. Hmm you eat until sick? Cos u stay near Whampoa?

Oreodinary: Yeah....good thing abt Spore is the yummy food. When will u b back? But HK also got nice food hee

Priya: If u go for normal manicure or pedicure without putting on nail polish, I tink it's fine but if u need to apply nail polish then I tink better nt since there is the chemical in those nail polish.</font>
Hi Josey.. Yes I m at TMC... Registration took me abt an hour n was told that I have to wait till 12.30pm.. It a nightmare.. I m already so tired n hav to wait for so long..
Hubby n me decide to go out for breakie any go back at one.. Cos the lady say 12.30pm still hav to wait.. Another two hour to go.. I miss my bed... Yawnz...

When_the: you mentioned baby is 4 cm, so next week should be bigger ard 5-6 cm?

I did my Oscar ard 12 week, baby was 6 cm, if you are not sure, no harm waiting another week till you are 12 weeks!
