(2012/11) Nov 2012

Sweetycute, keke... mil still can tell me - you lucky to have a dragon baby.. ( my heart was thinking, I never say I want a dragon baby lei)

I ate Hokkien mee once, taste ok to me, also keep thinking of eating again.

Today I try kueh chap, the smell of intestines is too strong for me

Whenever I read of you gals having cravings for this food and and that.. so envious.. everyday I am racking my brain what to eat..

When-the, my menses are always not accurate, can 3 months come once. My gynea always measure the size of baby whenever I go and visit, my EDD keep changing also. Think it will be more confirmed when nearing due date.

If you worried your baby is still too small, you can talk to your gynea to postpone one week later, as long as before 14 weeks is fine.

dadnmum, poor thing, have to wait so long. Hope will be your turn soon.
Thks Shirleynn.. Yes so envy of those who hav craving n eat.. Every meal will hav a fight with hubby asking me wat I wanna eat..
sweetycute, earliest planned is sept to see gynae at NUH. have been checking out jetstar for a cheap weekend trip back in june but its so ex now...maybe cos of june hols.
Dadnmum: was there yesterday as walk in reach ard 8:30am. Reg done in 15 min and finish the whole process by 10:30 including 2 scan and blood test. Hope that you are out of there by now.

Shirleynn: my #1 is 8 this year. So I guess nobody here had such a big age diff. LOL. Was having dinner with my mum the other day when she commented that luckily that # 1 is in primary school now. # 2 will not have problem getting a place in the school even is year of dragon. " # 2 will be in secondary 3 when #2 go primary 1" I said. My mum looked very blur at me. I do the math and explain to her and she was like " OMG!!" I can't stop laughing.
U wanna to try mine? Dr Benjamin Tham @ TMC.

i been doing research since morning.
The popular ones are Natal Essential and confinementfood.com but i cant decide which one to go for. the ones i'm more interested, they don do delivery to Jurong. Haiz
haha.. congrats to those to know the bb gender..

i agreed boy boy is easier to spot in the earlier weeks than gal gal.. cos got something pointing out.. :p

during my last visit, my gynae also cant confirmed fully.. he just say 80% confirm is boy cos he scanned the birdie.. he will only confirmed again during my next visit.. LOL..
Juliana.. I googled and found a few more confinement food catering.. Chilli padi, Neo Garden, Auntie Li confinement.. Think some hv trial, so can order to try first..

I also looking ard cos I'm also not intending to hire CL, since I hv domestic helper and intend to fully breast feed.. Plus my house no space Liao.. Haha...

Do let me know if u find any others..
shirlynn: my menses also not accurate. I was lucky to have started tracking my BBT the month I conceived. In fact, I started taking the temp just 5days before I ovulated, so could have a clearer indication of my EDD.

oreodinary: did you check Scoot (the new budget airline).. they have good deals too.
dadnumum, every morning my hb will ask me what I want for breakfast, I can think for one hour also do not know what I want..keke

Pink, keke, same idea also..if this is my #1, I can tell you, may pull hair when go school. Since #2, easier, go wherever the gor gor goes. But I may want to look for cheaper alternative for childcare for #2. Currently my boy in learning vision. After subsidy, paying almost 1k for his school fees. So heart pain
Cannot tahan to have 2 going same school.

Darienna, I should be getting a helper, still debating of whether to get a CL, but worried too many people at home
Chilli Padi do not devliery to Jurong. Have call them just now, they are still checking if my area they can delivery a not.

Neo Garden, they don serve confinement food.

Auntie Li, They also don delivery to jurong. argh......
Pink: my colleague told me that it doesn't matter if #1 has already graduated from the primary school. As long as same school from #1, #2 will still be in phrase 2A.

But not sure if this ruling still stays when our dragon bb reach enrollment year :p
Shirlynn: I'm also thinking of getting a helper. Either that or putting the little one into infant care. Big headache.
hi pinkie,thanks. just checked scoot...seems they only fly to australia now. I'm in HK. will have to keep checking jetstar n sq for promos.

i'm also thinking of just getting confinement food catered since the CL I had for my #1 cannot do confinement for me. I read some forum that natal essential quality is not as good anymore but i guess its personal preference. Will probably ask for the trial when i'm back in sg end of the year.
Juliana Lee : Hi, thanks for your recommed?
Can i check with you how the package like?

sorry for that as this is my 1st baby..... lots of things not sure....

Shirlynn: really up to u.. For my first, I only hire the day confinement nanny cos it was during CNY n prices were really steep.. She mainly jus help me to bath baby, cook my meals, boil my herbal bathe water, boil my tea, wash baby's clothes and watch baby while I got my post natal massage.. I mostly fed baby myself and look after at night..

This time round hv helper at home, think my helper can help me with most of it except the cooking.. Plus I stay with my in-laws, so I hv extra pair of hands to watch my #1 as well as baby while I do my massage. Plus the fact that I don't hv space for the confinement nanny to stay overnight is another factor.. So this time around, will just order in the food.

Of course u may hv other considerations as well, such as how much u trust the helper, how u will settle ur elder kid's school routine, whether u think u will need extra pairs of hands around, how much confidence u hv in urself to handle baby (given that ur #1 was awhile back and will need to relearn stuff), whether natural or c-sec (since c-sec need more recovery time etc..

Haha sorry Shirlynn i so lor sor... But guess that was my own thot process before deciding too.. Hope it helps u somewhat to make up ur mind..

Juliana: Neo garden dun hv confinement? Hmm thot I read somewhere hv.. Mabbe I remember wrongly.. so many don't deliver to Jurong? Oh dear.. Then ur choices quite limited... I'll still search around for more and if I find any I'll share with u...
First three month no package. On your week 12, can sign up for package for $600.
This is my number #2 with him. He not those type that keep asking u go back see him one lo. He will help u to save too. My first three month, i only get to see him once a month or 3weeks after the first appointment.

U can google and see internet review abt him.
Ya lo. I also don know why so many caterer don delivery to Jurong. So now i call up caterer and first question to pop to them is "Got delivery to Jurong a not'? wahahaha....

U seen the Richfood ones? The menu seem not bad wor. Moment me see the menu, i would like to trial it.
Pinkie, last time my boy was looked after by my mil. But now mil need to help to look after sil twin gals with one maid. If I want to gate crash mil side, I also will need to get a maid

Darienna, first one basically I also looked after myself, mil help here and there during the day time and cooking dinner for me. Breakfast I take bread and lunch I normally packed from outside.

Mil sounded that she will cook for me, I think lah. Bcos she purposely go and get containers and say can pack food for me during confinement.

I was thinking since got maid to help to do cleaning all these, should be fine, just more worried on the bathing part, since first month they say dun touch water so much. We normally shower them twice a day.

Hmmm.. who is more lor soh.. me or you..kekeke
Juliana: u r right.. The richfood menu Really looks not bad.. I think the aunty Li one also looks not bad, but pity they don't send to Jurong... I think I'll call them for trial mabbe sometime later in 2nd trimester before confirm...

Shirlynn: haha.. It's a necessary mummy trait. We hv all turned into our own mothers liaoz... Hahaha... But think better cfrm with ur MIL... Cos the CL if u want think muz book Liao... Dragon year, many of the good ones hv been booked liaoz...That also includes the massage ladies. I called the one I hired for my #1 up and she says lucky I call early she still hv space for me.. She is already fully booked to sept liaoz...
Darienna: Me narrow to three caterer le.
Natal essentials
Will arrange for trial soon ba.
As u also know "dragon' year le. better to be
kaisu than no food. wahahaha

But if other mommies got recommendation, please let me know ya.
Josey: I tot that the sibling must study in the school during reg . Nvm still a long way before that phrase .

Talk about craving, I drove all the way from bukit batok to middle road just to have Nasi Padang .
priya, yes yu can go for facial but u got to let the beatician know in advance, some treatments are not suitable for preggies..but normal facial is ok jus cannot your back.

for mani and pedi also ok, but no gelish pls and cannot hit your sole when doing pedi...

we need to pamper ourselves!! =)
Hi all, I also worry ant the schooling issue in 6 years time lol
But it's a bit early though to worry..anyway my baby has chosen to come in dragon year so no point worrying too much!

Lucky my mum will take care of baby when I go back work and cook confinement food for me..so less worry too! Luckily DH will take a month's leave to spend confinement with me..I already assign him to look after baby at night lol
Btw I only intend to bf for 2-3 mths during my maternity leave , should i buy a breast pump for such a short period? Or should I just latch on? Actually just latch on is ok? Will cause engorgement? Hope experienced mummies can give me some advice
Hui: me do full latch on only. Oops. Sorry For my bb haha!! But I am a super lazy person, hate the hassle of pump, wash, sterilise... So for both #1 and #2 I only did pure latch on. It was okay. Cause body used to the amt of milk produced. #1 I bf fully for 6mths and then intro fm day time and night time bf again.. Took no pay just to do this... #2.. Only bf fully for 3 months then intro fm day time and persisted for night bf till 5mths. Haha... #3 nw.. I kinda lazy... So ... Think again. Haha
hui, normal polish is ok...
if u jus intend to bf few months dun waste..but is scare u got engorement den have to pump out to ease it..u can use ur hands tho, but abit hard...buy second hand one?
Hi Cindy, so full latch on wont get engorgement? baby will clear all the milk right? But if bf after 3 months want to stop, then how to stop? just stop and body will stop producing milk?
I tink im also lazy mother haha and a selfish one coz i think even though bm is good, but fm cant be that bad..i intend to introduce solid food after 6 mths too...
Btw, i want to sell off my clearblue fertility monitor..but i cant post in " want to sell" coz i haven registered for more than 1 year, any mummies can help me to post? I will provide the details and my email...so i just need a kind soul to help me create the listing...
Hui: won't have engorgement. Cause body used to the amount that bb takes.
I didn't have this prob. Plus bb will keep feeding. Like 1.5 to 2 hourly... So... Hahaa.
Yup! Charmaine's right. Premature cannot bf....

Charmaine: why cannot hit the sole during pedi? I also wanna go do pedi. Pamper a bit. Facial I also a little apprehensive.. So for 3 months I didn't go Liao!!
cindy,i also duno my manicurist say so jus listen loh..
facial ok la..the only bad thing about my pregnancy is outbreak in the first trimester..so die die must go!
Hi mummies, r u all experiencing giddy spells? On Fri, I almost blackout while going to work, lucky my hubby happened to be with me! For this#2, I feels much weaker and my flu never recovered- it is the 3rd week now!
My appetite is also very bad! This #2 - I don't feel as happy as when I was having my first one! Anyway who has more than 1 is feeling the same? Just hope that as I move to my 2nd trimester, my appetite will come back so that I can start to enjoy my pregnancy,
Enid, yes i'm experiencing giddy spell too and once black out on the bus when i'm abt 10wks.. This is my second pregnancy too n i'm like u, dun feel happy and very tired cos still got to work n take care of my 2 and a half yr old boy..
i'm now 13th wks but still no appetite n still throw out very often..
Enid.. Same here..my appetite was bad this round.. I rem i love to eat when i had my #1..

Can i ask wat beverages do u drink in the morning? My this bb in my tummy seem to love milk tea.. I kp wanting to drink so only drink like half cup.. But after tat i had heart palpilations.. Coz of the caffein.. So would like to ask what r u all drinking for breakfast??
QP: I can totally feel for you

I drink milo or warm milk for bf.. I only dare to touch tea or coffee once in a while.
yan yan, can try soya bean milk?

enid and QP, me too..very tired for this 2nd one..and tho i dun have ms, but i realise lately, i can b very hungry but eat abit den the lil one inside dun wan, so choosy!!totally diff from the kor kor...
Qp hope u get better soon as most ppl ms end ard 14th week latest. I'm waiting too!!! Wad do u eat most of d time? I always Hv prob with wad to eat. Aarrgghh!!

I also no appetite to eat but very hungry. Nw gastric Hv problem. I can't drink Milo, ovaltine and tea. Only milk and few mouthful of horlicks b4 body rejects it. Gg to try soya milk next
Enid, same here, don't feel as happy this time round. Tired all the time, and always waking up middle of the night feeling hungry. I feel guilty too, as I didn't spend much time with #1, weekends are mostly sleep and rest now. Hopefully trimester 2, we will all get our energy back.

Giddy spells, I experience when I had #1, was alone that time, so I quickly sat down and closed my eyes.

Seems like we have lotsa #2 pregancy here

For my mornings, I take a cup of fresh milk. I wonder if we can drink honey-lemon?
