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  1. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    hi all, haven't been posting for a long time but 'silently' following this thread all the while. hope everyone is well! it sure is quiet, everyone must be busy with their kiddies am trying to bring in these lovely beaded slippers so i can stock up on x'mas gifts for my friends' little girls...
  2. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    <font color="ff6000">fussiecat</font> i think i totally understand what you are going through. about 1mth back, my girl had the same thing. it was so stressful cos she was sooo itchy and i am expecting baby #2 (any day now!) also, so it was hard to monitor her and stop her from scratching all...
  3. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    <font color="ff6000">stephz</font> maid - had a talk with her after the last time i emailed you, asked her if she's happy here (she said yes) and told her she needs to focus more. last week, there was a VAST improvement, very on the ball. then 5 mins ago, she just told me she's sorry and that...
  4. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    my girl has been sick 3 times since july (1 cold, 1 fever and 1 stomach flu), before that she's never been sick in her life (i stopped BF in june cos i am expecting). i guess getting sick is inevitable but now i am super conscious of cleanliness. i make sure she washes her hands with soap before...
  5. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    <font color="ff6000">car seats</font> by right, children should never be in the front seat, many countries have this rule but i've been reading the s'pore traffic police rules and we don't seem to have such a rule here. anyhow, here's an article i read...
  6. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    i too am probably heading down to go go bambini this sat at 10am, hubby suggested it as he wants to make up for lack of time spent with his daughter this week! i think he secretly likes the big playscape hahahah <font color="ff6000">tanwawas</font> thanks for sharing the recipe, i LOVE...
  7. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    <font color="ff6000">shylyn</font> go go bambini opens at 10am on weekends. it usually is pretty crowded and a lot of birthday parties going on. very very fun for the kids despite the crowds but for us adults, can be super hectic. would advise you to go first thing at 10am or late afternoon.
  8. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    hi all, i have one brand new Baby Signing Times Vol 1 DVD for sale, please see here: and let me know if you are interested. Thanks!
  9. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    hi ladies, so sorry i was not able to make it in the end. i was all geared up to go (bag and socks packed!) then my girl woke up with a fever and then vomited after. i am quite worried but apparently it is just stomach flu and there is a bug going around, so please take care. it seems like ever...
  10. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    hello rach, yes, thanks for taking the effort to organise this i will also try to be down there at around 3+, which is when my girl usually awakens from her nap. we will be the preggie mommy and chubby toddler with a loud voice.
  11. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    <font color="ff6000">babe</font> children under 3 pay $6 for unlimited play, adults are free, pay for food/drinks only. ladies, socks are a MUST for both adults and kiddies. <font color="ff6000">stephz</font> poor thing, i have had my fair share of headaches with my maid, will email you...
  12. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    hello! i would also prefer morning or lunchtime timing (can eat lunch there )
  13. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    <font color="ff6000">terrier</font> i understand how u feel! i went to go go bambini on sunday and it was packed, was seriously quite worried that all the kids running around would bump into my tummy!!
  14. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    <font color="ff6000">draik</font> believe me, the waking up time is trainable! at 1st she was waking up at around 6am. i had already used the "controlled crying" method to get her to sleep on her own so i knew it was kind of ok to let her cry a bit and she would eventually go back to sleep...
  15. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    <font color="ff6000">draik</font> sorry to hear about your difficult night last night, you are definitely not alone in your frustration, i'm sure all of us have felt this way at some time. totally agree with cheri that it would be good if you could somehow find a way to leave your child for...
  16. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    <font color="ff6000">koalarie</font> all new passports are biometric now. go here to apply: you have to take a photo of your child against a white background and there are some sizing requirements. i took a pic of my girl against a wall but found that it had a...
  17. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    <font color="ff6000">travelling with toddler</font> i definitely recommend getting a seat for yr toddler if it's not too expensive and esp if you are not on a short flight.this way at least he can have a place to sit for meals and for playing. also, you can have yr lap free, i'm sure most of...
  18. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    <font color="ff6000">yakult</font> my MIL started giving my girl sips of yakult a while back, i was not keen as i thought it was too sweet. but now, i let her drink it (she can sometimes finish the whole thing!) when i feel she has not had enough fluids that day. <font color="ff6000">table...
  19. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    <font color="ff6000">discipline</font> same as many mummies here, my girl throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way and out of frustration when we don't understand what she wants. like most of you, i sometimes ignore her and she'll stop or i'll give in if it's a trivial thing. when she's...
  20. M

    (2006/04) April 2006 MTB

    hi ruixiangsmom thanks for your feedback on the am and pm playgroups. i wanted to enrol K for the d'story club too but they don't have it at the pat's near my place, nearest one to us would be halifax. did shawn enjoy his d'story club session? would you mind sharing how much it costs?
