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  1. Q

    AUG 2018 Mummies

    Hello! Congrats to all mummies-to-be! 2nd one for me~ tested positive on Christmas Day! It's an unspeakable xmas gift for me and hubz~ based on LMP, should be 5weeks now.......
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    re:gender my hubz and mil wants a girl~ for me, as long as healthy can liao..... So sleepy after chicken rice lunch, this morning din have my usual dosage of coffee, had ice milo instead..... 1 more day to weekend~~!!
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    if you stir to take up the eggs, yes to get rid of the wind in the remaining pot...
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    if i remember correctly is put eggs in, boil and cool down the vinegar, 2 days later u eat shld be juz right texture
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    if u find too sour, u need to add sugar... ginger if u find the ginger taste too bland... eggs too hard is most probably cooked in the vinegar for too long.... usually 2 days b4 u wanna eat u add the eggs...... the boiling part is for u to keep without using a fridge.... everytime u stir the...
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    Celt: i try to ask my dad for recipe and pass to you..... although he alwiz say got no recipe de......
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    pig trotters!! YUMZ~~ I'm a cantonese, so irregardless of being preggie onot, i used to eat pig trotters in vinegar as and when my dad/mom cooks.... and yeah~ the longer u put the more yummeh it is... and we dun store it in the fridge at all.. but scoop out liao, cannot finish will need...
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    i think it's the weather~~ was feeling fine last week... over the weekend was hot and stuffy.. i din wan to walk out of the house at all~ going for my gynae appt tonite~
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    yen: I'm having alot of air in my tummy... and no appetite over the weekend..... keep gagging air~~~~ in fact it is worse than early weeks of pregnancy~~~ sob sob
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    I'm going for NT scan onli, as per instructions from gynae... think around 138 at TMC..... if the results not satisfactory then will do other scans.......
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    blueswimmercrab: my collics alrdy know! coz i got a major event that i cannot siam and i need to walk suntec convention hall up and down~ so i need to tell my collics to look after me and help me run errands......
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    i keep lotsa cookies and biscuits on my desk so that i can munch when i'm hungry.... will packet fruit cup back after lunch for teatime too.... jialat~~ keep eating non-stop....
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    jessi, my scan is at TMC... gynae clinic at tampines~ so go down also different places....
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    My NT scan is on my birthday! Sep 11~~ Seeing gynae next monday evening though~~ will be 11 weeks then...
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    today me alone with boss for my dept! so bored and sleepy.......
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    SAHM-i guess not all are suitable to take care of kids. I've got a fren who gave up after taking care of her son for 1 yr... she's so bored that she went back to work after she found childcare for her son... but i also got a fren who ended up taking of her daughter full-time and work...
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    for me~ i'll be taking full 3 mths maternity, and after that, she's suggesting that i go on half days alternate days and adjusting my work load so that i can go home on the dot n not much ot....
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    that will also have to depend on companies mindset... MNCs or Ang Mo companies tend to have better benefits for mothers... but if u talk abt SMEs, 1stly they cannot afford to have a staff not working full time... My parents and in-laws will not be taking care of my bb too.. as they are still...
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    Hi Mummies, Re: ND Rally speech I think LHL meant 4 mths for mothers is fixed and wun increase but for paternity leave, it's either extra given to fathers or extra shared by the father and mother Breast feeding-i'm worried abt milk supply also... but as for now, my breast has alrdy...
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    (2013/02) March 2013

    Hi Mummies, Finally got time to log in coz was super bz for co. event... Re: announcing to collics My whole co alrdy know! Coz co got a big event and I need to run ard~ so bobian got to tell them~ Cramps: I had cramps at night too~ and tum looks really round~~ I went for my 9...
