(2013/02) March 2013

beanbean hope we get over it soon

i also burp the whole day hahah but evening is quite bad like really indigested and i will try to sleep but i will keep waking up to burp the whole nite zzzzz
i still have some food aversion hehe
sbb: u can eat ar? lunch packet 2 pack? i barely cant finish my lunch leh...
everyday feel bloated leh... so sian...

when is ur next appt with dr ang?

tis few days i took train got ppl give up seats to me..
what is food aversion?
u try sleeping at the side to see if it is better? for me, if i sleep flat on the back, difficult.. but i keep on fang pi.

my son keep telling me.. mummies, your pi is so so smelly. haha..

u power leh. 2 pack of lunch! me too, barely can finished my lunch leh..but teabreak got eat kueh.

ur tummy pertruding?

2nd time mummies,
any of you travel in your previous pregnancy and everything is ok? long haul or short haul flights? travel for business?
i also had been burping alot, like alot of gas inside. evening time even worse, feeling very bloated. most of the time, i got no appetite for dinner. only eat 4-5 spoons of rice then cant eat already.
haha.. yes i can finished now i think since last week. i was surprised too. i tot i cant finished. have to packet 2 - 1 for lunch 1 teabreak ma. if i didn't eat at teabreak, i will gag ah.. later more jiatlat.

my appt with lawrence this friday leh.
u neh?
sunflower, i only travel once during my previous pregnancy for holiday to london. that time should be 5-6 mths preg before the 3rd trimester.
Sunflower: I travelled for both my previous pregnancy and current one as well. Just came back from holidays .. Take it slow and rest more should not be a problem. I'll be going for one last trip in dec before popping cos it's hard to travel with 2.. My gynae is totally ok with me flying even though I had spotting issues .. Just can't carry heavy stuff and walk too fast/much
that is only 1 but don kw whether good or not. i also got reply last time from confinement agency. that one i have to search for u.
Jessi , HJ,

thanks. i noe its safe to travel especially 2nd trimester.. but i have been hiding from this fact since my first pregnancy, avoid all travellings. this time round, i cannot run away anymore..but if i need to travel alone, definitely need to carry heavy luggage.. and its not for leisure, very hard to go slow .. haiz
sbb u good appetite ! i also can only eat 1/2 of my lunch but will take something for tea break.
dinner i only manage to drink a cup of cereal only
ok mummies.. i let a channel to vent it out.. i'm facing extreme stress to guide/teach a replacement staff within my team.. trying to keep my emotions down but i failed to. easily pek chek. step-by-step work manual is available yet the replacement staff is not taking it seriously.

feel like crying already..

my close gf kept telling me not to be pek chek during pregnancy else it will affect the bb character. but........ sigh!

sorry for the long posting.
Mummies mummies!!! I have been puking so bad I havent log on much!

My puking seems to have tailed off these 2 days but I am only 9 weeks plus ... That's worrying me too ;) different symptom different worry sigh... Told my hubby I rather puke cos then I concentrate only on puking ;(

Anyway can we see gender so fast? I tot at least 16wks? Heee I won't be going for Oscar cos in any case I have decided not to let go of bb unless baby chooses to leave me ;)

Have you all started Fb group already? I was trying to find our link cos my edd is 1april which means my bb is most prob march baby ;)
sbb, oic.. thanks.. actually i haven't talk to my mum about getting a CL this time, don't know how she will think about it. my hb and me was talking if we should hire a maid instead, so my mum can help to do my confinement and the helper help with the household chores and my #1 cos after my maternity leave over i will need to have a helper for my mum as i don't think she can cope with 2 kids. so many things to think about.. sian..
sunflwoer: Jonas say my tummy can be seen leh.. haha.. i look at the mirror ok lah.. can see but can't campare to my colleague who is 3 month preggy, her tummy is totally flat.. while mine is consider big...

how is ur MS? ok liao?

if i got $.. i would wan to travel again before i pop... v hard to travel with 2 kids...

sbb: my next appt still far... 21 sept...

usually lunch, i try my best to eat finish then tea break will eat something light...

is gd, if u got shld a gd appetite..
sunflower, you travelling for work? maybe can talk to your boss if you can skip travelling when you preg now? if not then you have to pack light and be more thick skin to ask for help from people around, like asking the guy beside to help carry the luggage down from the belt or get the bellboy to help with your luggage when you are at the hotel. usually people more willing to help or offer to help when they see you preggie.
Re : Travelling
Need to ask abt this travelling.
U kw we need to go through this x ray scanning right. Since we are pregnant, can we avoid that.
I used to see a show where the lady was saying, we can actually inform the airport to avoid that since we are pregnant. Else the x ray will not be good for bb.

I tot my appetite is ok only cos appetite over the last few weeks has been bad. Haha..
But this does not applies to night time. Night I only eat 2 spoon of rice with little vegetables and im full. No more. Else puking.
Cos I scared to puke. But my bosses have realized that im putting on some fats recently and eating a lot. Haha..
My immediate boss knows im preggy liao le but the other ones also need to kw. Cos they are the one deciding my pay. Haha..

Hey, I truly understands when trying to teach someone. Cos I have been through.
I used to taught my ex new colleagues at work about the working procedure and etc. its simple and yet they seems not to understand and absorb, until I pek chek cos I also got my own work. Keep asking questions and do not want to write down notes.

There’s a tactic I always use when they ask me questions.
I always ask them back their questions and they replied me. Why not u try this to see if they really understands or not?
I already tot about it before im pregnant already.
Already inform her before Im preggy and she still haha.. unhappy with our decision. Cos u kw, their health came first of all things.

So probably u got to discuss with your mum first and than see what she says and discuss with your hubby again.

Normally my apt will be sat if nothing goes wrong like last time go for injection.
But hope to see u, if u happens to pop in by sat. haha..
After lunch , my tummy can be seen too.. at nite its even bigger, then next morning punctured. i find 2nd pregnancy easily kena tummy because of the spare tyre leftover from #1. MS calmed down except for evening still a pain.. u? Actually I don’t mind travelling with 2 kids..i love to travel with family and kids, lots of joy to me.

I managed to convince my boss not to travel on my 1st pregnancy. This time hard to convince. Ok will try to be thick skin.

Good point on the x-ray, will take note of that.

I always thought foot massage is not safe throughout pregnancy because some accu points can affect blood stream flow . not too sure about it, but I will not risk it.
From my understanding airport screening is not x rays but a metal detector with electromagnetic waves. Only our luggage undergoes x ray screening. For a person to undergo x rays even for screening, signed consent is required im sg .. This is what I know from friends working St the airport
@sbb : yeah, i'm always replying her with questions instead of giving her answers. i can still remember which part of her notebook she jot down what i've taught.. best part she dont refer! *vomit*

and my immediate boss has been telling me, 'patience is the key'. goodness!
I think it's generally safe to travel.
Sunflower, if u need to travel alone, ask the ground staff to help with ur luggage, that's what I always do (even when im not preggy yet) when my luggage is too heavy for me to manage. There was once my luggage was 32kg! Haa!

Hj, better to not do any form of foot reflex coz I read that
there's a point need our ankle that will cause contraction.

Looks like many of us feel worse in the evening. Hopefully this phrase pass soon.
Foot massage is ok but u have to inform them that you are pregnant.
the pressure will be different and also, some points they can't massage. will cause miscarriage.

threw the questions back at them. when they ask me, i always ask, what did i told u?
i ask them go and think liao than answer me again. haha.. that was when im so pissed that time. haha..
Saw bb yest during the oscars yest, bb very uncooperative, thruout keep turning away showing us his/her backside. I had to turn left, turn right then sono had to move my stomach abit to disturb bb and get him/her to turn... i dunno in the end hw the sono managed to get the measurements coz to me the wholetime i only saw the bb's back. My sono nver say anything at all, in fact she was quite expressionless thruout the scan. It was later when i went down to my gynae's office then he did another scan for me. This time bb in better position. He measured the nasal bone n the neck area and told me based on the measurements shd be low risk, so now just waiting for the blood test results.

I also paid ard $480 for the oscars and i think another detailed scan at week 20? its like a pkg.
The blood test is charged separately at $60.

My next visit is in 4 weeks time... sooooo loong! haiz but my hb secretly relief coz each visit is burning a hole in his pocket haha. Gynae say next visit shd be able to tell gender if bb is cooperative.. hee
jolz: I'm also training a new staff now, and i realise they tend to take us for granted. coz i seating just beside mah, so easier for them to straightaway ask me then to refer back to their notes. But this new staff of mine still not too bad lah, at first also ask alot of qns but nw slowly she is able to figure things out herself. Think we have to give them some time.

But if they really ask repeatedly or nver listen to what u teach previously then i think u shd be stern with them, dont let them take u for granted.
Hi all,

First time here. Also first time as mummy. :D
EDD date: 28 march 2013. Now the MS sickness seem serious, vomit whole day long. Hopefully can pass thru the first trimester.

When is save to start pre-natal message? Currently having lower backache ready. Thinking to go for a message to ease the backache.
@winnie : wah winnie. your sono so good! i also wanna heart bb heart beat!!!

Thanks C Yang and bean bean: wow thanks for informing. hehe shall try to request 3d scan in next appt at 16 weeks!

hehe this thread is going so fast. i v slow in catching up wor...

celtbaby! my sono also ask me lean to my left becos bb position difficult to measure neck hehe! i did my oscar at sgh. consult, oscar everything cost about $480 too
i went to phuket when i pregant with #1, to kuching when i pregnant with #2.
now planning to go taipei.. by then should be wk 20.
Yen: I have that problem too with certain types of food. I find that I don't digest chicken well and it will make me feel uncomfy and puky. Only after vomit out then feel better.

Sbb: I realise that I'm like you too. I cannot be hungry. If hungry will vomit after I curb the hunger. So i try to keep snacks with me at all time. Just bought Wan Zai Xiao Man Tou. =)

I'm also starting with lower backaches. Should we be experiencing lower backaches in such early stages? Mummie's with backaches, do not apply those medicated plasters or medicated rub. Not good.
@celtbaby : yyaya, i agreed with you.. she's sitting behind me only, always rolling her chair over asking me every single question.. -.- zzz

anyway thanks mummies! i felt so much better whining to you girls..

just had duck rice, not satisfying, now got hunger pangs again. :|
yes, they took us for granted lor.
i only came across 1 new comer, u taught her once and she already kw how to go arnd the system. the rest, really ask without thinking or going through their own stuff.

Re: Oscar scan
wow.. so expensive ah this scan. haha.. i think this fri better ask more $$ fm my hubby cos he not gg with me. satu orang to clinic and hospital. think he is gg to be so shocked for just this type of scan. i think the next one x one should be the detailed scan liao le. hopefully everything turns out fine.
hunger strike is not something to be nice for now for sure!

but u have to try to take it easy for now.. breath in and out ba..
@sbb: thanks sbb! *hugz* jia you for your fri scan! keep us updated..

@crystal : hello! my EDD is a day earlier than you.. not sure abt pre-natal message maybe other mummies can fill you in with more details, but i know salon pas + yoko all these are not recommendable for preggers..

RE: Oscar Scan

approx cost is ard $500? haha.. i didnt know so ex! $_$
@sbb : Good luck for your scan! yah the scan very expensive.hehe how come ur hubby will be shocked for this type of scan wor?

@lovebye: i also feel the urge to vomit when i'm hungry! have to keep wang wang in my bag. LOL..
oh no i didnt know cannot apply medicated oil. in my first tri.. i put alot becos of my morning sickness. feel so regretful now. my backache is pretty bad now.. i use alot pillow to sleep. i dont know how to cope with it ?
Re: Prenatal massage
this can only be done best from 6mths. but there are brochure from this baby bellies said can do from 5th mth.

cos he never thought just normal scan so expensive. last time we never do oscar scan wor.
@sbb : orh oic. i think not everybody suitable to do the prenatal massage. heard some will cause contraction too.

ya oscar v expensive. bcos it's my first bb, i think maybe next time i wont do.. hmm. but me n hubby also v kiasu one. LOL
Maybe you can try using warm water in a hot water bag. Make sure not too hot and always use a towel to wrap round. Heat soothes for me sometimes.

I'm hungry again!!!!
I'm going for NT scan onli, as per instructions from gynae... think around 138 at TMC..... if the results not satisfactory then will do other scans.......
I sniffed Mee Siam just now while I was at the canteen and did contemplate eating it but had some guo tie instead.... not gonna keep me full for long!!
Sbb! Im looking forward to the days when I can finish and enjoy one bowl of food! I'm still eating at most half portion now. But am glad at least food stays in.

Babydreamy, I think medicated oil is allowed only medicated plaster like salonpas, yokoyoko is to be avoided. So don't worry ya ;)

My colleagues are getting suspicious these few days why i'm eating another set of "LUNCH" during teabreak. haha..

Suppose to buy Mee siam one just now. so tempting but in the end opts for laksa.

don worry. will soon finish in one whole bowl de. give ourselves sometimes. but i kw i cant take sweet stuff. i will gag.
