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    Excess breastmilk

    Hi mummies, lI have 40 bags of 150ml each of frozen ebm starting from mid sept onwards which I kept them in chest freezer (can keep for 4-6mths in chest freezer) to giveaway. I'm non alcoholic, non smoker, been eating multi vit, calcium and fish oil daily. Anybody interested to collect them...
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    Frozen EBM to giveaway

    Hi mummies, I have 40 bags of 150ml each of frozen ebm starting from mid sept onwards which I kept them in chest freezer (can keep for 4-6mths in chest freezer). I'm non alcoholic, non smoker, been eating multi vit, calcium and fish oil daily. Anybody interested to collect them at Siglap or...
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    I have been following my mil method by using bath water with face cloth to clean bb eyes n face since day 1. :p
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Thanks all mummies. I will continue to wear binder then, but worry it will touch on the wound since no more bandage on it. Petrina, what kind of gel type bandage are you referring to? Can we purchase it from pharmacy? Btw, do you mummies face problem on the milk leakage while you sleeping or...
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    C-sect wound I was told by the Gynae to remove the waterproof bandage after 14 days and to apply the anti-biotic cream daily. However I still dun find it safe to remove the bandage and the binder after only 14 days. May I know wat did your Gynae advice you for those who have undergone c-sect...
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Shuyi, congrats!! Have a great bonding with your little one!! Apparently, I have no cl to help me out. My mil is helping me with housechores and my confinement meals. Priscilla, I'm using Lansinoh cream which is pretty good. Hope it will help to heal my nipples fast. If not, will get...
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    I'm currently using nipple shields now to prevent any further damage to my breast. So I won't have so much worries that I did not do any proper latching. With the nipple shields, I can continue to breastfeed but not on pumping. Maybe of the wrong size of breast shield was used lastnite hence...
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Shiyi, all the best to you. May you have a smooth delivery. I was discharged yesterday and it's my first nite at home with my bb lastnite. Start of mine and hub sleepless nite. She can wake up every 1, 2, 3 or 4 hourly to drink milk for 15-20 mins. Omg....really hard to predict her feeding...
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Nattan, you deserve a good rest now. No worries about the latching. My princess dun wanna much latching the first day either. The 2nd day onwards which is today, she been drinking non-stop. Get the painkiller if you r still in pain. I have been taking it since yesterday too. Happy bonding ya!
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Congrats Nattan, hope you feeling better now. Have a good rest and enjoy bonding with your little one. Your bb is lighter than mine. Which ward are you in now? Convenient for me to go over later?
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Nattan, I'm discharging tomoro if nothing goes wrong. See you soon!! Breast feeding: The LC did help me to do proper latching but my dear girl suck really very hard, causing my sore nipples. She told me to apply some of my colostrum arnd my nipple after each feed. It will help to sooth them.
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Nattan, all the best and may you have a smooth delivery later. Btw, I'm staying in ward 3161. May be able to see you this afternn then. Cassandra, all the best to you too. I have been latching my dear princess for 2 1/2 hrs earlier. Dunno if I hv done a proper latching. My nipples super...
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    A cuddly little bundle, my baby girl Abby Tang weighs 3.7kg and length 55cm has safely arrived on 23rd June at Parkway East Hospital via emergency c-sect after 12 hours of unsuccessful induction.
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Nattan, I hope so too...without having to go into emer c-sect. Hope that everything goes well for you on monday too. Pumping: She was told to pump every 3 hourly to stimulate supply as her bb is a big eater...can nvr feed her enough and her supply seems to drop instead. I kept thinking that...
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Nattan, no way I can stomach another cheeseburger at this time...still feeling very Having another BHC again. How I wish it's the real contraction now. The last time I checked last week I'm not dilated yet. She weighs at 3.7 - 3.9kg this week hence the doc advised me to go for either...
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Sunbelle, thanks. I had all my desired food except for the double cheese burger which I'm supposed to have it for my dinner tonite. Mac packed the wrong item, of cos hub never checked which normally we won't open up to check either. End up had chicken mcgrill instead. Thanks Liligal, I'm at...
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    I will be admitting to PEH tomoro morning to induce. Hopefully bb will come out fast fast...praying hard. Nattan, we might meet in hospital on monday.
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Moi, congrats. How I wish I will have a fast delivery too. Have a good rest and happy bonding!!
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Nattan, I totally agree with what Moi has said. Dun give up hope to go for natural birth...that's the reason why I opt for induction instead of c-sect. Both of us have a huge bb and moreover I'm of smaller build than you. I will do my best this sat....hopefully everything will go smoothly...
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    (2012/06) Jun 2012

    Adeline, Smilezz and Sunbelle....congratulation!! Have a good rest and happy bonding with your little ones!!!
