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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi mummies, How do I change baby's formula? I had my baby on Isomil for a month now. I wish to change to cow's milk formula. How do I go about switching his formula? Should I just start giving him the new formula or should I do a gradually, like one bottle a day, or half of each...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi, May I know where can I buy Essian Tot Baby Seat? Thanks in advanced [IMG=]
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi mummies, Piggy: Thanks for your link, it is much cheaper than retail shops lor. Fung: OMG, i just gave oral medicine to my son, and i have throw the nose drop [IMG=]. He still got plenty of phelm, I will bring him to see PD...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Piggy : Congrats!! May I know how to clean the playmat? I am considering between Parklon and LG. Yoti : SmallSmallWorld's retailers: 1) Cheong Choon Store 34 Upper Cross St, #03-132 2) Baby Hypersotre 69 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 3) Baby Kingdom...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi, Morning! Long time did not log-in to forum, been very busy since back to work. Fungfung : My baby just recover from flu, he is very cranky all the time, always rub his nose and eyes, and cannot sleep well at nite, he keeps on waking up due to his block nose, very pity of him...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Gerry : Ya, such a wasted I'm not to bf side I have milk No ler, I did not sack her, because I worried I can't get another CL during my confinement month, anywhere just pass the confinement month. My baby is 3 months old now. So, I have learnt my lesson, next time cannot treat CL too...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi, Morning! Gerry : My office don't have nursing room, so I have no choice got to stop BF. My mum said it is not good to baby and myself if I am not eating well then make the BM more dilute and lesser nutrition. charmaine/mum05 : He vomits quite often, that's why I asked the CL don't...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Fung: Thanks! useful info.
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    I feel very guilty when I decided not to continue to BF my baby [IMG=] charmaine : Tml got to work lor, so sad. Piggytoh : Yup, babysitter advised to give some water to baby if not next time bb reject to drink. My baby is...
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    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi, I am new member here, can I join you all mummies? Elmo : Yup, I feel my BM is more dilute, according to my babysitter, it is not good for baby's stomach, if the BM is more dilute, that's mean nutrients not so good, so i am starting to drag longer time to pump. Yup, agreed with you, it is...
