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  1. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    oic.. ok, thanks BDQ. tonight shall try ur method out. hopefully no more painful calf =)
  2. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    BDQ: wow.. u bought so many diapers already ah.. i haben buy one pack yet.. yesterday went to JP NTUC, the size S already sold out. and NB is not under the promo offer (if i did not see wrongly) lately, during sleep, my calf cramp is getting worse i think. when i want to massage to ease...
  3. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    This morning woke up with my left calf aching.. Think kena cramp again.. Been like that for the past few days =( Can I use medicated oil to rub and massage my calf and feet? Any impact on baby?
  4. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Mamy poko promotion includes NB pack? how much?
  5. K

    *** Anyone been to Prenatal Classes?? ***

    did anyone know whether lessons for TMC (AMK Hub) on 07 May will be postpone due to Polling Day (public holiday)? i have a wedding dinner that night and i wonder if i can go to other timeslot for that day lessons. any advice?
  6. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    i had also just sign up for Wong BB's antenatal class. can't wait to attend the 1st lesson on 30 Apr. =) Wong BB classes really very hot! wanna book wkend noon classes but too bad all fully booked for apr and may classes. luckily still manage to book sat night class on tue.
  7. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    BBdreamy Queen i'm sorry to hear ur predicament =( but do stay strong and take care too. ur hubby will surely get well soon. dun worry too much.. ~hugz~~
  8. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    hi mdm chin, i just received call from my gynae clinic. the result show normal. thanks for ur concern =)
  9. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Mine is at GlenE. yup, very ex hor.. i read up before that TMC is ard $300. so, i had a shock when the nurse explain that it will cost $500 more for express result. total cost for the test is ard $1200, deduct Medisave $750, i still need to pay $450..
  10. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    hi Mdm Chin, no news yet.. i assume my results will be out in 2 more wks.. i did not opt for express results cos that will be another $500 more.. very ex..
  11. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    gd nite =)
  12. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Wow.. Carole, u very efficient!! Already update my new EDD Thank you : )
  13. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Hi Nora effendi, Me too.. My side and hubby side dun have any history on down syndrome. But my down syndrome result of 1:25 really looks disturbing to me =( actually before the test, I feel worried abt my BB's health. But after the test, I dun feel worried. In fact I feel relaxed now...
  14. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Anyway, just to share.. Today I went for my amniocentesis test. My result for down syndrome is only 1:25. So my risk is quite high.. =( other test like Edward syndrome and neural tube defect = low risk. So, to have a piece of mind for the rest of my Pregnancy, I decided to go ahead...
  15. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    I bought one tin of similac mum too when I found I'm preggy 3 months back.. Dun really like the taste.. And totally give up after drinking for 1 wk I think.. Hubby then keep on reminding me to drink and hinting that the tin of milk not cheap.. Hahahaha Joyjoy, Hope u r doing fine.. Do...
  16. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Mdm Chin glad that your gynae told u not to worry.. which means your result still ok.. dun worry too much =) hopefully my gynae tell me some gd news when i see him tml
  17. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Mdm chin I think if u wan to have a piece of mind, it's better to go for the amnio fluid test.. Did u go back to ur gynae for your triple test review and what your gynae advise? For my case, I received call from clinic last fri that my triple test result show high risk for down...
  18. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    what is "mong ku zhen"?
  19. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    wow.. the ratio of boy: girl is 2:1 so many princes!!
  20. K

    (2011/08) Aug 2011

    Carole, pls add me to ur FB. i had add u as friend
