(2011/08) Aug 2011

Hi mummies,

I am from the June 2010 thread.

I am now doing my 3rd batch spree for Sophie & other brands, the products can be seen on www.sophie.sg. The discount is 20% off price listed on the site.

To order, please send me a PM directly (I will not be referring to the thread postings). I will close orders on 17 April at 3pm. On 18 April, I will contact all mummies to confirm the orders and ask for payment to be transferred before 19 April 11am. Stocks will be available for collection from 20 April onwards at Pinnacle@Duxton or Tanjong Pagar MRT.


Hi mummies

Sorry for gate crashing. But I have a really great deal to offer.

I have a Medela Swing (Singapore set) bgt last year. Currently still under warranty till Nov 2011. Used less than 5 times as I plan to use this whn I m outside. Bt in the end I didn't really use it cos my supply wasn't really fantastic. Letting go full set with original packaging at just $210. As gd as new, can't even tell it has bn used b4. To make the deal even more attractive and worthwhile for MTB, I will b throwing in a brand new pk of Huggies NB diapers at my own expense.

Grab it b4 its gone! PM mi for the unbeatable offer.


tot of changing gynae to MtA.

any super gd recomendation frm mummies here?

r : that's what i'm not sure too... cos i think maybe no more further discount from what i read. if buy that plus the $49 mattress, will be 200+ already... so was thinking shd i get ikea instead cos i've heard from so many that bb dont like to sleep in cot, hence dun want to spend so much.

has anyone else bought a cot yet? can share what's good?

hi Changni

Yst i called up metro and asked them abt the cot. they said $199 is no further 20%.

I am still researching around. Also thinking of buying during GSS. Maybe the price will be more attractive.

r: oh i was going to call to ask too... thanks for sharing.. like that then order online better leh... from palmax.biz.. if got more ppl can get another 5% discount. same cot. if ur still keen we can order when we decide bah

i also tot of GSS, but i;m already soo tired lately.. i dono how i'll be feeling in june.. so was thinking to buy all necessary stuff asap then can rest... cos i'll need to pack my home stuff for moving out too....

changni: i have not even bought a single item for bb yet. haha..

I feel tired too and sleepy as well esp at work when i listen to boring mozart prenatal music..

Palmax online discount ended last month.

I hope I will feel ok enough to shop during GSS. Also by then I would have completed compiling my bb shopping list. So I plan that it will be a go and take what I need kind of trip and not so much of window shopping.

Hi All!

What brand of baby shower foam do you mummies buy? Which is good? Or are all about the same? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Carole,

Elizabeth here! Kindly add me in the table. We're expecting a baby boy, first baby, EDD Aug 25, KKH (Dr. hendrix) thanks!!

same here, i hv not buy anything for bb yet..

i was troubled by some family issue and the amnio test. now everything has cleared so i will start to look ard

when is GSS going to start?

Cutie: GSS will start from 27 May 2011 to Sunday, 24 July 2011 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yippie !

good afternoon mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow, the baby girls r catching up with the boys!

BBQ, wish ur hubby a speedy recovery -- u stay strong for hubby and baby!

cutie, congrads on ur "hao" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now u can start shopping!

re: cot

it is up to the parents to train bb to sleep in cot... my #1 slept in cot since birth till now... from 6 weeks old, she sleeps in the cot alone in her room [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i bought my cot from robinson -- think ard $299 for cot + mattress(with holes to prevent SIDS)... #2 will be using it as i will be transfering #1 to toddler bed soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Gals,

To those wanting to go thru Antenatal classes: I asked opinions of my ofcmates and consesus is TMC's antenatal classes by Mrs Wong are way better than KKH..but have to book early. Can enroll in TMC even if you're not giving birth there. I also compared the topics covered and TMC's is more comprehensive.

I called up TMC and no more slots for May for Mrs Wong. Since my EDD is Aug, they recommended I start by June. Anyway I signed up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

details: http://www.thomsonmedical.com/facilities.htm#childbirth

Found out can register and pay online to avoid hassle to going there just to pay: http://www.tmc-sin.com.sg/pwr

Good luck!!

changni : which sterilizer have you bought ?I have narrowed down to Pigeon rapid steam sterilizer and Avent. Have not made up my mind to go for which yet.

ZC : I signed up for Mdm Wong's class too ! Starting my first lesson on 26th April. What about yours? I attended a TMC BB seminar at suntec over the weekend and Mdm Wong was one of the invited guests. Hubby and me like her !


thanks for sharing yo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thx yo but will let 2nd bb to wear jiejie's clothes 1st, wont buy so much lar..

we lent a passed down stroller to a col but that col doesnt seem want to return to us leh.. sian.. coz we dun want to spend so much liao..

thks changni.. can pm me ur gynae?

im seeing dr yvonne chan at TMC. but i find TMC staff abit lacking.

they forgot abt me after my amnio! i was left in the rm for mre than an hour. they discover me only when sm1 came in to clean the rm. then she say 'har! u still here? Oh! haven do the scan yet har? ok,u wait, i go look for sm1.'

i was like....'WHAAAT?'

aw, my 1st experience with TMC oso not tat fantastic, tho Yvonne Chan is really gd. too bad she doesnt deliver in MtA.

r: i wanted pigeon but cos i saw a good deal for avent at mothercare sale so i got that....

my tmc class start may 8 :D

cutie: go hog ur col for it.. not v nice of her when u lent her n she keeps it... aiyo.

sungrapes: mine is benjamin tham from tmc.. it's in the list [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] quite a few mummies with him here..... he has a thread in smh, so can go readup on him

Re: sterilizer, we very traditional haha..

boil bottles 2-3 times a day then juz leave them in the pot wf cooked water hehe..


we asked le, that col say still need to use wor.. i was like huh.. then cant expect me to spend few hundred bucks to buy right.. a bit sianz but i m gonna ask again..

cutie: jus tell that col, "i are gg to give birth soon, hence i want it back. if u still need to use, then go get one urself. otherwise, i sell u as second hand and the price will be based on the condition that i lent it to u.'

cutie: u tell her... if she need to use, she go and buy herself... cos that one belongs to you. aiyo cannot belive these ppl so thick skin leh.. i cannot tahan these kind of people--- elephant skin ah??

Thanks Changni, Joyjoy, Karen_Ong, Sus, Nitestar, Pipi, for all the words and encourgaement.

I still quite forbia to see my hubby sleep or idle or not answering me. Every now and then, i got to check on him, so my life still like a mess. Just bought some more clothes for my bb, coz my colleagues warned me to prepared everything by 7 months, coz she said she got few friends and herself have early delivery. My mum said the same. So, now, I just order watever i see online or even get colleagues go Tangs to grab the stuff and send to me when they come to visit me.

I still lack of bb's bath tub, Pigeon sterilizer, breast pump (which ordered in FB SS), NB diapers, wet tissues, and some medicine on standby.

I have got almost all the clothes needed, which include receiver blanket, bibs, bath towel, hand towel, PJs, short sleeve, long sleeve tops, short pant, reusable diapers and a jacket for myself. I think quite complete liaw as my TOYOGO plastic racks are full now. I even washed and dried them, coz I worried my hubby's condition will turn bad or suddenly I need to be tied up again on some other cases. Recently, too much family issues.

Sorry, as promised last time to mention abt the BP from KidsNGifts, here is the link. Think the CK sleepsuit is running out, gals one still got some. If u gals interested, contact her directly bah. I have no time to coordinate. Sorry ah.


Enjoy your shopping... if u think of something that i might be missing, pls tell me here, very much appreciated. Very lost in FB SS and during day time, can't access as connected to office network, the site is banned.

Sorry to the Buangkok kakis, not yet got time meet up for drink hor... let's wait for my hubby's condition better, then we can meet up. Now I need to rest whenever i can as nite time, i hardly can close my eyes.

Oh ya... forgot to mention abt adv_sports, cac. Thanks for the words. Will take good care.

Pipi, thanks for the sharing of the class's lesson. I don't think I will join any looking at my hubby's condition. So, for those who attended and have info to share, pls feel free. I now just solely depends on my understanding of the book only.

Our forum seems very queit ever since we have FB SS. But too bad, I didn't access that often as only can access after i finish my work and household chores, by then, no more energy le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


see blue answers:-

I still lack of bb's bath tub you can buy from NTUC Xtra/Kiddy Palace/ikea,

Pigeon sterilizer if you are getting CL, get her to use traditional Method, who knows ur colleagues will give u enough vouchers to buy a steriliser. hb's colleagues given him lots of vouchers during #1, we bought it like 2nd or 3rd week after popping,

breast pump (which ordered in FB SS), NB diapers you can buy it from Fairprice online, and they delivery together with your wet wipes., wet tissues, and some medicine on standby.

i had also just sign up for Wong BB's antenatal class.

can't wait to attend the 1st lesson on 30 Apr. =)

Wong BB classes really very hot! wanna book wkend noon classes but too bad all fully booked for apr and may classes.

luckily still manage to book sat night class on tue.

Just had my detailed scan last week.

It's final. I am expecting my dear princess. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Carole, can you update the list? Thx.

Karen, I'm also attending Wong's class on 30-Apr. Anyone else going too?

Anyone nid Avent milk bottle / sterilizer / warmer? I think quite good bargain.

I have a friend working in Philip and they have staff sales today. If you want the full attachment, PM me your address, I will send you the attachment. The only thing is must get back to her by today... very rush, but i think i will get 4 or 6 more bottles of different size.

So, if u want, do order by 3pm, i will get it for you.

125ml PP Bottle (twin pack) - UP 23.90 - Staff price - $16.00

260ml PP Bottle (twin pack) - UP 25.90 - Staff price - $18.00

125ml PES Bottle (twin pack) - UP 29.90 - Staff price - $21.00

260ml PES Bottle (twin pack) - UP 36.90 - Staff price - $26.00

330ml PES Bottle (single pack) - UP 23.90 - Staff price - $17.00

Electronic Bottle & Baby Food Warmer (no fill) - UP 76.00 - Staff price - 53.00

Electronic Steam Steriliser (no fill, 1 tongs) - UP 149.00 - Staff price 104.00

Thanks Carole, for the useful info. Will surely adopt those... thanks ...

I trying to compare what is the diff between the 125ml PP bottle and PES bottle. Then found it on Philips website the following.


All specs are same, the only diff is

item code = SCF680/27 (125ml PP Bottle (twin pack))

item code = SCF660/27 (125ml PES Bottle (twin pack))

1) Bottle Material: PES is BPA free, Highly durable; PP is BPA free

2) Bottle design: PES is Easy to assemble, Easy to clean, Easy to hold, Wide neck

PP is Easy to assemble, Easy to hold, Wide neck

3) Functions: PES is Anti colic valve (One piece valve); PP is Two piece valve

So, i decided to get the one with PES.

Baby shower foam : most if my colleagues using sebamed

My frens asked me to stock up baby items now as gss is v crowded n by that time our bunny Is huge n heavy Liao will b v tiring for me

Jus spoke to my fren shd attended kkh n tmc antenatal classes b4 any she strongly agrees tic is much much more better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] by the way how much is the one at kkh n tmc what's hd price difference ?

yes melody, chiong ah!!! =P

hi mummies,

why not donate your bb's cord blood? to save lives?? and if any of your kids ever need it(choyx3!!!), you only need to pay minimal fee, even if u only donate for 1 kid. and they'll inform u if yours are needed.

i would encourage mummies to seriously consider abt donating their bb' cord blood and help your bb to save lives! dun throw away just like tat!

to read/know more:


do call and arrange early as it takes some time for administrative works to be completed.

babydreamyqueen, can you help me get the following :-

1) 2x 125ml PES Bottle (twin pack) - UP 29.90 - Staff price - $21.00

2) 2x 260ml PES Bottle (twin pack) - UP 36.90 - Staff price - $26.00

try to PM u but u dun accept PM... can PM me your bank details so that i can transfer the $ to you. thanks!

melody1281, you are saying that OG got discount for Avent bottles? Where ah? i click on the OG link but didn't see ler? How much is it comparing to the Philips staff sales?

Adv_Sports, your order is taken. No nid to transfer me, see if my friend manage to grab for me today, then i let you know.

Gilera, didn't realize i can't receive PM... *shame shame* Ok, changed liaw... can you try again.

Let me know once you PM, coz seldom check yahoo mail during office hrs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi BabyDreamy, if you can't open Shernie's link , you can go to OG.com.sg

They feature Avent PP bottles. After discount only $6.45 & $6.87 each for the 120ml & 250ml respectively.

Philips staff price is $8 each for PP.

Since you looking at PES bottle, it's better to check out OG first ya.

It's really good buy at OG [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry sorry melody1281.. my eyes too small...now i saw it after i open my eyes BIG BIG...

The 10% additional for OG card members, means 10% further from the discounted price, correct bor? (After lunch symndrome, can't think straight)

EG: 120ml PP tripple pack bottle - NOW 21.50 (UP 32.90) --> OG with OG member card = $19.35 / 3 = 6.45 each.

Phillips staff price $16.00 for 2, each is $8.00

so seems still OG one more worthwhile, correct bor?

If like that, adv_sports, you still want yours or not? I will stick to mine coz i want the PES series, not sure if OG there got this offer or not ler? Anybody went to OG le can enlighten me a bit here? Thanks in advance lo.

haha.. yup yup..

I am going to OG tmr afternoon to get the bottles [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies..

need to find out from you :

I am concerned about my bb movements these days.

Last few weeks I seems to feel bb movements quite frequently when I am at work and also at night.

But this week seems like I don't feel bb movement any more..

So, do you feel your bb movements everyday ?

Hi Yufeng,

Antenatal class:

I paid TMC class for 267.50 (with gst, it's more ex cause am not giving birth there).

KKH for non patients is abt 150 (not sure if gst included).

Hi Mommies,

Does anyone have a list of what we need to buy? I'm quite confused cause some ofcmates and MIL said I shouldn't be buying anything until my 7th month. superstition or for practicality?



i can feel bb movement nowadays.

hmm.. almost everyday esp when i m hungry

movement now may not be so much, later on will be more and more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

