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  1. T

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi jess, thanks for your detailed explanation on the ivf procedure. sorry to hear about your news, meanwhile, tiao for 3 months n jiayou! have faith! not sure if i will required e same (self jabbing seems so scary) as mine is a male problem. will book an appt with dr loh and embark my...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi sade & abple, thanks for the recommendations. jess, have went thru fertility checks n was told that ivf was the only option as initially we were considering iui as DH is frequently travelling. can u girls share how is the process of ivf like? im so confused with all the terms even...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi everyone here, I'm new to IVF, hasn't started anything n i dont even know whats the first step I should do. Any IVF doctor to recommend as I'm not going back to my gynae. would like to have a doc major in IVF to start with.
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    janjan, i tot preseed can help e sperms to swim faster? pls correct me if im wrong. sometimes they r just like big baby, need to coax and praise to encourage them to be good. lol bearge, hope u get a BFP [IMG=] Amy, dun worry...
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    windy & peapea, i didnt test as i had a strong feeling its not bfp. anyway, it came today already [IMG=] first time c menses so happy. cos im usually 30days cycle. this time, it came on CD42. completely haywire...
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    thanks nnyl [IMG=] am oso ttc for #1, married for half a yr liao. i hope we can have some gd news from those who r in 2ww, to give us some encouragement. Dolma, did u tell ur friend tt u dreamt of her giving birth? my...
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    I feel like giving up already or mayb I had already gave up. Hubby rashes is getting from bad to worst due to e supplements gynae prescribe. Nurse at e clinic told me one of e med(neuro b) is e cause as the brochure of this med did mentioned rashes as side effects, but e gynae insist is not...
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    Jas, CONGraTS!!! Like what Amy say, faint line is still a + line :p Dolma, new cycle new hope [IMG=] Redgin, u n bb will be fine [IMG=] KWXY u will be able to...
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    KWXY, do takes lots og care, *hugs*, just sound out here if u need listening ear okies [IMG=] Jas, im not greedy, hope that can strike through IVF, IVF is not that scary, but failed IVF is scary as there is 'no next step' to look...
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    BearGe, good sign! My fren was fever on both occasions when she's pregnant! Bb dust to u!!
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    Diamond, jiayou! We r here to support each other [IMG=] mind to share y doctor suggest SO-IUI? Cannot try naturally iui first? I gonna embark into ivf journey soon. Think on e bright side, inwas devastated too but thinking of...
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    Dolma, really? I tot something was wrong w me. Anyway keeing relax is impt for those in 2ww, jiayou! Aren't asleep At this hr?
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    hi peapea, how many days have u been having mucus? i had been having it for e past one wk, nv tested opk as not trying at the moment. jus wondering y having so many days of egg white.
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    Jc, omg, she got day like nv say lidat -_- hahaha. Where is this gynae?
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    Jc, yalo. I'm thinking whether I shld continue w her, paying pte price yet waiting time so long. Peapea, since which day u notice ewcm? Normally ovulation occur towards e end of ewcm. Eg, I normally have 5 days of ewcm so ovulate on e 4th or 5th of ewcm.
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    Jus came back from seeing doctor, 3hrs of waiting and seen doc for 10mins only -_- doc didn't say much, kind of repeating the test results to hb. Prescribed 4 supplements, vit e, calcium, neuro b and Q10 for hb. Wasn't told what r e supplements for. End of April gotta go for another SA to c if...
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    Twoormore, mayb u can test! Af no report still got chance!
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    Peapea, ya, really -__- friends even bring me go c pram all these and they decide who will buy what if I'm pregnant. Relatives even touch my belly during cny as I had put on some weight n asked m I pregnant n I said no, they said must be u pregnant until u duno. Lol Jc, thanks, I will go...
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    Jc, dun worry abt ur results, it's gonna be fine [IMG=]) which tcm u seeing?
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    (2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

    Windy, thanks! I guess mayb due to stress. Doc said try for a yr if dun have den go checkup. At least ur mum understands, my mum only Noe how to stress me as both my sis n cousins all gt pregnant before or just after married. Even Hb relatives and frens around r all asking. I could only fake a...
