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  1. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    god's child - yup we were given probiotics too. That's the only med to take home. At the clinic Xavier was given suppository to stop the vomiting. The watery poo started 2 days later, but not as bad as Liz and Chole. About 3X a day. Now only 1 - 2 poo a day. I think partly could also be his...
  2. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Muddypaws, hope Liz gets well soon. Today my boy did a watery poo. So watery that it flows out from the back of his diaper and stained his romper. Got me worried for a while coz he's still having slight stomach flu. Roz, congrats on the crawling. I had wanted my son to learn crawling so...
  3. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Sam, you tried feeding her milk or water with a spoon before? Maybe it's not the taste of solids, but getting used to using a spoon?
  4. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    leelee, muddypaws - hope Jovan & Liz recovers soon.... Re: toys Mine doesn't play with the toys too. He just puts them in his mouth, throw on floor, repeat with another toy. Maybe they just aren't at an age to appreciate the toys yet.
  5. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Stefie - that's only for Organix he can eat a bit more. Then hubby and I gotta take turns to feed. He sees new people feed him he think it's funny so will eat a bit more. Else he gets bored so easily and will cry to be taken off the high chair. Ya hor, maybe plain porridge will work for him...
  6. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Aiyah... i missed the gym class trial thing. See, must really read forum every day... klitz, Eon, Leelee - Thanks! He doesn't seem to be in much discomfort. Still very active. Yesterday didn't throw up at all (yay!). But this morning he had his first watery poo. The doc did warn...
  7. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi hi... Yesterday was out whole day so didn't read forum. The past 36 hours has been the most horrible experience since my son has born man... Xavier was started to cough and vomit on Sunday night while he was asleep. Every 1.5 hrs throw up once. We kept changing his clothes, wipe him...
  8. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Thanks Jialing! My hubby has checked out Zion babies - he doesn't like it. Thinks the teachers too aunty-ish, and they couldn't speak English at all (my hubby not very good in mandarin) As for Cherie Hearts at harbourfront, general review online ain't good, so strike off too. But the...
  9. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Thanks stefie. We tried asking the next nearest which is strathmore but they already have 10 babies on waiting list. Oh well... No we didn't go. Went for the avent weaning class instead. Plus so far lehh. But glad u enjoyed it. Saw the teachers preparing for the event when I went to pick my...
  10. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Thanks stefie! I stay near great world city and work at comcentre (Somerset). But around this area like no good ones leh. Currently bringing my boy to my first Skool at telok blangah. My hubby works in MBFC and those IFC near there very difficult to park and send him in. Sigh..
  11. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    good morning! I just got to know yesterday evening that ALL 4 IFC teachers at my boy's centre have resigned. Most of them will leave early July. The most experienced teacher will leave mid July. Cham ah... must really find another IFC for my boy already. I seriously dun think they can find...
  12. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    dec mum - Totally agree. We must spend time with our own kids to nurture and develope them. Unfortunately, kids who are in child care/infant care spend most of their awake time with the teachers, so no matter what, have to choose the centres carefully. whether you have time to spend with your...
  13. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    oshgosh - my son is in my first skool infant care. His infant care teacher told me that when she covered the K1 teacher one morning, she discovered that the kids don't even know basic ABC. When she checked the curriculum, she found out that the teacher just let them play the whole day, didn't...
  14. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Juliana, The tuina is especially for babies and young kids. called xiao er tui na (小儿推拿). I went to Yu Guo at Kembangan the first time round, and was quite put off by the sheer number of babies and kids there waiting. So i went to this current one at Havelock. Near my place some more haha. The...
  15. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    bbribena - ya, that's what I'm afraid of, so have to check what is the usual amt that we should feed. Think it's best to spread out the 90 - 100ml throughout whole day instead of at one go (my boy's IFC gave him that at one go... sigh) re: Chuan Bei Pear Soup Sorry I remember someone...
  16. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    bbribena, hmmm 100ml... okie okie. I thought 90ml was too much. At least now I got benchmark :P My boy is water tank one. He can refuse to drink milk, but when it's water, he drink like fish.
  17. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Juliana, My boy used to be like that. Everytime drink 30ml then stop le. So we worked on this strategy to help him drink more. Now he can drink 150 - 180ml every 3 hrs, and finish within 35mins. You see whether it will help your boy? 1. Changed bottle to MAM brand. Realised Pigeon bottle...
  18. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    muddypaws - Liz look so happy with her new bunny! So tempting... I shall go find a more boy-boy version one for Xavier. PSH - Dun be sad. Things happen. I ordered a playgym for Xavier 2 mths ago, and I thought I had a very good deal. Din know the shipping costs more than the playgym coz of...
  19. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Whisp, baby should be able to attend bah. In my email to them i stated 2 adults + 1 baby. They never write back say cannot.
  20. L

    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hello mummies... All this talk about crab is making me hungry... *slurp* I"m going for the Philips weaning talk - Roz and Whisp going? I want the bunny too! But have to go home ask permission....:P
