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  1. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Blue - sorry to hear that. Does Prof know why that has happened? I thought it was only common in women who have hd babies and delivered naturally? Good to hear it won't interfer with IVF so concentrate on the positives. Pink - Glad to hear you are back to normal life. I think the short...
  2. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Hi All, Had my hysetroscopy yesterday and all looks clear. Very painful procedure though! Bleeding seems to have eased off and hopefully it will stop soon. Blue - how did your appointment go with Prof? Pink - I was told NUH has 3 grades for embryos - 1 to 3, with 3 being the best. I think...
  3. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Serene - I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling so low and frustrated. I think we all go through these emotions and we just shouldn't be too harsh on ourselves for feeling like that. You need to time to grieve and clear your head/heart and I think it's a good idea to take some time out before...
  4. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Hi Blue - yes it is spotting on and off but it seems heavier today. I have already had my menses for April, so I am not sure what this is. I think I had better book an appointment with Prof and wonder if I too need a hysteroscopy. From what you describe it sounds like something called...
  5. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Hi Serene so sorry to hear the news. No words I say can stop the pain, but I hope that you can find some strength within and love from your family and friends to get through this. It's so easy to blame oneself and ask what more could I have done. I wish there were answers to these questions, but...
  6. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Pink - I am so sorry to hear about BFN. Lots of hugs to you. I really admire your positive attitude and like yourself I too made a list of all the things I want to achieve and focus on. I went on a meditation course and that really helped to focus my mind on the positive aspects of my life and...
  7. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Hi Serene I am pleased to hear that two of your cycle buddies have had positive results. Did they also have treatment at NUH? The nurse called me at about 11.00-11.30am after I had my HCG at 8.30am, then they arranged an appointment to see Prof at 12pm as my initial HCG was positive, though...
  8. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Hi Ladies, I've been lying low, but still catching up with your news. Serene, Pink - congrats on your ET. The 2WW is do so difficult particularly the last week. Try to hang in there and do other things to distract your mind. I never tested early as i was too scared to see a negative. I...
  9. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Serene - I hope ER went well Pink - remember it only takes one, so wishing you lots of good luck that you can have ET today. I did got out during my 2WW. I know when who go back to work, attend to the kids and other things and still get pregnant. As long as it's gentle I think it's ok. Blue...
  10. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Pink - I hope ER went well Serene - good luck with scan tomorrow. Hope those follies have grown. I too felt I was started on a low dose initially, I guess they don't want to over stimulate, so it's a fine balance Lovegreen - welcome. I hope that itching has settled down now and that you...
  11. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Pink - thanks for your encouraging words. Your scans results look great so hopefully you will have the go ahead to have ER this Wednesday. I would certainly take it easy after ER and ET, especially the first week but you could fly back to HK during the second week if you need to, otherwise stick...
  12. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Hi All, A lot has happened since I last logged in. Had a good break with hubby and also saw Prof this week. He is a man of very few words, so I often come prepared with a list of questions which he answers very patiently. Basically like with lovedd he said no one knows why chemical pregnancies...
  13. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Blue -- so sorry to hear about BFN. Take some time to cry and lots of hugs from your hubby. I really hope you can get some answers from Prof during your follow-up. LoveDD -- sounds like your follow-up with Prof went well. My level was low too, so I immediately knew that I didn't stand much of...
  14. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Hi All, Blue -- Wishing you best of luck for your BT tomorrow and hopefully it will be BFP (big fat positive). Urine tests are not as accurate as BT so stay positive. Serene, Pink -- hope all is going well with the gonal F jabs and those follies start growing nicely. Kittlyn -- how are...
  15. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Morning Ladies, Kittlyn - I am so sorry hear what you have been through with your hubby. Going through IVF is such a stressful time and we often are in need for more support from our partners. Sadly I think men deal with IVF in a very different way than women. They are much more pragmatic...
  16. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Hi All, Mrs Ha - thanks for your advice. Ca I ask whether Prof adjusted your 2nd IVF protocol or whether you stayed on the same one as the first round? Just like LoveDD I am wondering if a change in protocol may be what I need. LoveDD - so sorry to hear that's what happened to you. I know...
  17. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Mrs Ha - thanks for letting me know what to expect from follow-up appointment. do you know what a chemical pregnancy is? Blue - sorry to hear you feel bloated, at least there are no more injections now. Try to take it easy and relax during 2 WW. Easier said than done! Are you still tempted to...
  18. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Hi Ladies, Kittlyn - welcome to the thread. I have found it reassuring and helpful chatting to other women you are having treatment at NUH. Hoping your embie is dividing well and stay strong till day 3 Serene - Like the other say when comparing two clinics you need to really match the...
  19. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Thanks everyone for your well wishes. Blue - sorry to hear you have no frosties. I know how that feels. Just try hard to stay positive and remember the 2 inside that you are carrying. Fingers crossed. When is you test date? Mrs Ha - do I really need to wait for 6 month before my next cycle...
  20. C

    IVF at NUH--feedback pls

    Hi all, Sorry for my absence, have been having a few difficult days. Unfortunately this cycle hasn't worked for us and sadly we have no frozen embies, which will mean starting all over again. I know it will be a tough few weeks, but we will get through this and hopefully move onto our next...
