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  1. B

    IVF-low ovarian reserve

    Hi Sorry for the boo boo. I've made a mistake in the previous posting in this thread. Should've posted in other IVF related thread. I'm trying to find someone who is going thru IVF and is willing to assist by donating excess egg (subject to good response to the stimulation and good qty...
  2. B

    IVF-FET Support Group

    Hi Ladies Can I ask if any ladies here (under going IVF and has very good response and producing large qty of eggs) willing to donate your excess eggs to women who has poor ovarian reserve? I think I may not be able to proceed to IVF using my own egg so I may need donor's egg. Should...
  3. B

    IVF-low ovarian reserve

    Hi Ladies Can I ask if any ladies here (under going IVF and has very good response and producing large qty of eggs) willing to donate your excess eggs to women who has poor ovarian reserve? I think I may not be able to proceed to IVF using my own egg so I may need donor's egg. Should...
  4. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Ladies Can I ask if any ladies here (under going IVF and has very good response and producing large qty of eggs) willing to donate your excess eggs to women who has poor ovarian reserve? I think I may not be able to proceed to IVF using my own egg so I may need donor's egg. Should...
  5. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Cupcake Pls dont give up yet. You'll be fine! Gotta be positive!!
  6. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Dana & Babytiger Thanks for sharing. I think short cycle is better, not so long. But Babytiger, during the 10 days on Lucrin & GF, do you need to go down to SGH to scan? Pls advise on your exact schedule. For instance: CD1 - mens came call clinis and go down to collect...
  7. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Pandawife Can I check what is Saizen - the growth hormones? Why do you need it? Why must jab it 3 mths before? Were u on the growth hormones during the stimulation? When u in 2ww and currently BFP, r u still on COQ10?
  8. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Good morning! Dana May I know what is the Gonal F/ Puergon dosage you've been prescribe? Babytiger You were on GF or Puregon? What was the dosage when they put u on short protoco? Would you like to share the schedule/ timeline/ what to expect during the short protocol? How you know...
  9. B

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Ladies I've been a silent reader for the past few months. I'd like to congrats all ladies who've BFP and wish you all a smooth 9 mths ahead! For those in 2WW, all the best! I've just had a IVF cycle cancelled due to poor response to Gonal-F and this sat will be seeing Dr Loh to see...
