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  1. B

    (2015/01) Jan 2015 Mummies

    Hi Jan mummys! Can I join the fb pg pls? My (internet calculated) edd is 10 jan
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hallo mommies, so many posts today! Milo, u're a brave mom, i think i will faint if doc wants to draw so much blood...I pray for stength, peace of mind and good results for ya test! Crown, dun fret over sil...emotions may affect precious baby..i,l pray tt things get better for u...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    hi elmo, do u know roughly when u ovulated, if u do, easier to count when to start testing, i understand how u feel, i tried 3 preg kits in 3 days when i missed my period...and if really preggers, dun need to go gynae so early, cos may not be able to see anything yet, just take folic acid first..
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    hey moms, thanks for the advise on pumps! din know abt rental services, but yar, wat u guys said makes sense, i wouldn wanna spend so much den find out i got no milk. Dew dew, i also crave cherries! weird... i love salmon too, but only in sashimi form as well as raw oysters but i'm scared tt...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    hey mommies, thanks for making me feel welcome. muddypaws, am in my 14wk, my gynae told me tt if the cramps are bearable, and there is no bleeding, everthing shld be ok cos uterus is expanding...but if u're really worried and if it persists, see gynae for peace of mind. anyone here...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone, I'm Erin. EDD 1 Dec 2010, first child. Anyone can teach me tricks on how to swallow pills, the only one that i take everyday is folic, i have snapped cal pills into 2 but still have probs swallowing...
