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  1. S

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    dunno gender, expecting to know tomorrow... already have a few bets will be boy, see how accurate my friends' guesses are. I keep getting stitches, maybe should let doc know. but i find it weird sometimes tummy gets hard on and off, like a solid ball.
  2. S

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    i have felt little bubbles before, thot it was gas. perhaps it was bb, but everytime i feel sharp pain like stitches kinda pain, i get worried, coz can't be bb rite. now all the info i get also from internet and some mags only hehe, tomorrow have scan, pretty excited.
  3. S

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    SG_SC: yeah exactly. i asked my gynae many times, he say i kan cheong. i only started package with my gynae last mth, he doesn't seem too enthused to inform me more abt the classes. guess i gotta approach the hospital myself. Everone already felt bb? I haven't...
  4. S

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    I honestly thot that blood banking is beneficial more for #2 than #1. my girlfriends are going for it, but coz their hospital recommends it... it's now double the expenses half the resources, so you're right lor, perhaps insurance would hold more priority. Want the best for bb but resources...
  5. S

    Single mummies support group

    Hi MLB, i'm a single mtb. is anyone chatting here?
  6. S

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    lynn, juliet: yah i heard/read a little abt CDA. I'm a single mom, so very tricky, dun have alot of benefits [IMG=] hi cellow: think i misunderstood [IMG=]
  7. S

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    curious, did anyone here sign up for blood banking? i was almost gonna sign up but thinking twice, very very expensive also. yup this is my first baby, i don't really know much till now except for anything i've read online and taking pre-natal vitamins.
  8. S

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    hmm.. i see, here already have groups. thanks anyway.
  9. S

    Support group - Single parents who needs a pair of ears or help i am here for anyone of U

    Hi I'm 17 weeks now, single MTB. My story abit loh soh, don't know if i should put it up. But anyway, good luck to all single mommies!
  10. S

    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Hi I'm new here. EDD on 15 April, Gynae is Dr PS Lui, currently i'm showing slightly, but haven't felt anything yet, also don't know gender.
