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    Amazon Spree *New collection places fm Yishun, Khatib, AMK, Bishan St 25, mail or $5 courier!

    Oh! :( thought it says free shipping for over 35us$. How to know if it's eligible?
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    Amazon Spree *New collection places fm Yishun, Khatib, AMK, Bishan St 25, mail or $5 courier!

    Hi, can I place order for this?
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    Mayuki(Tokyo Fashion) Fast Spree - Waiwai

    hi, just tt payment to you and sent you an email with my contact.
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    Mayuki(Tokyo Fashion) Fast Spree - Waiwai

    Hi, my order: 1) Item Name: 配色條紋金釦外套 Price: NT 199 Color: Black (0008953) If OOS: White (0008952) URL: 2) Item Name: 燙鑽羅紋棉質背心 Price: NT 180 Color: Black(0012865) If OOS: Purple(0012869) or Light Brown(0012870) URL...
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    hi gals.. how much of cereal are your kiddos taking at each meal? sanrio.. im amazed that your boy is taking so much milk! my boi of 8 mths+ is only taking 120ml per feed
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    wat is this bumbo u gals toking abt? wat's the purpose? dunno if u gals still rmbr me.. once in a while i pop by before delivering my baby.. now my boy is almost 5 mths liao
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    hey.. 1 way to prevent milk from flowing out after a loud burp is to quickly let the baby lie on his back.. this works for me..
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    hi gals.. besides playing music for bb.. wat else u did to stimulate baby? so far, i've onli been listening to music during day time at office.. btw, can anyone explain to me what is colic?
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    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    how to train baby to differentiate between day & nite?
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    angie.. so which hospi u wil be delivering? TMC or Mt. A.. heard TMC has a full range of equipment for pregnancy & childbirth..
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    gals.. having the white discharge doesn't necessarily mean u r ovulating.. it's just to tell u it's ur fertile period.. usually on day of ovulation, u will feel drier than the days with the EVCM.. then followed by wet days again.. normally, the soldiers can survive in ur womb for abt 3...
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    angie.. when's ur next visit to gynae? now when u go for scan.. u see nthg.. maybe onli the embryo which does not resemble a baby at all.. but when u go during ur 12th week... u'll see a great difference.. and u'll be veri excited.. be sure to bring ur hubbie along so that he can share the joy..
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    angie wat abt u? which gynae & which hospital? actually i was told that it is still safe to have sex in the 1st tri leh..
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    angie.. this is jas.. i think i lost my passwd.. so registered a new a/c.. under stress arh? ur ILs pressuring u? these type of things have to shun qi zi ran wan mah.. haha.. so who's gonna help u look after bb next time? will u quit ur job? for me.. my MIL will help me when i return to...
