(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

qsg, that's why dun make too much. the most i keep for 2 weeks.
wash, soak overnite, pour away water, soak again overnite, sundried, pan-fried (no oil), then grind into powder. just like the brown rice.

ladies, no time to read posts nowadays so I just browse through to know what's going on here lah.

eureka, your mil is still taking care of Elyse for you? I thot Nestle's brown rice is not really good cos it contains cow's milk. Vane cant take Drypers too, she got nappy rash after using it.

jo, u driving? Then it's not too bad lah. I dont drive so I got to find somewhere near my office or home.

brenda, I feel that I lack of calcium too. My nails keep peeling nowadays. Heard from the fruit-seller that black black ones are ripe ones. You went to the Giant at Pioneer Mall? I still not sure where's Jerome infant centre leh. I only mop twice a week leh.

Val, I just add avocado to brown rice cereal and Vane loves it.

soyabean, I cant catch up too so I just read the latest postings, that's it. Heehee.

QSG, lots of pple advised me not to take the pill to stop bfg leh. They claimed that it made their breasts smaller than before.

piggy, same case for me. If I send Vane to infant care, I'll be the one to suffer cos my hubby works long hrs too. Also it's so ex Now I hope that my mom can handle both bb after my sil gives birth. Got one new infant care by NTUC at Jurong West but a lot of pple warned me of NTUC leh.

Val/QSG, what make u want to stop bfg now?

shook, did u take any tonic for your backache? My sil bought a tonic for me but I stopped taking it liao.
lyn, i realised preparing bb food really alot of work, quite tiring..like last weekend burn the whole weekend just to prepare brown rice powder and some applesauce.
Giggler, its past 6 mths already my target plus i am getting more and more tired of pumping and washing also dun want to inconvenience my boss too long. Sometimes he will come back lunch early and so pai seh must wait outside for me. Then there are times when people thought he inside come and knock on the door. Btw, everyday carry this PIS backpack till even the guys including my VP wants to know what's inside
when you stopping?

You got no backache anymore?

Eureka & Giggler, i read somewhere that if your bb has been exposed to formula milk then no point avoiding those products like cereals containing cow's milk but dun give cow's milk direct to them till 1 year old.
giggler, dun think too much...when you come to the bridge, either you cross or u walk a detour to ur destination....dun think too much...after all can be like brenda and jo, send bb to playgroup lor.

qsg, yes, i find it troublesome!! now that we know brown rice cause constipation, we dun do it so often already, and we feed only once every 2 or 3 days.
but for applesauce i find it ok lah, wash, peel, cut, wash then work up and down the grater.
Wow, so many posting in an afternoon!

Hey, how to make applesauce? must heat it up? Pls share.......

huh, normally i just scrap to n fro on the apple itself n feed!

Actually, u can choose to make bb food simply. I find it really hassle free...does Dana really like applesauce anyway? I ever tried once blending apple/pear and after that, realise that Alicia only takes a few bites....now, i don't do that anymore. If i need to cook her fruits, i just stew/steam it....anyway, for bb less than 1, its still advisable to give fruit juice diluted coz it can be too acidic. Simply boil chopped apples in a pot of water and bingo.....after that, u have both soft apples for her to chew as well as apple juice for her to drink! No need to grind rice powder or watever stuff, especially since u are working....u can ask the chinese medicine halls to grind it or just let her have white rice lor...anyway, the veg will give her lots of fibre already and meat give her the protein....so i don't think need overdo on the fibre part.
QSG, I also used the PIS, but I don't carry it with me everyday. Only carry the cooler bag. y can't u leave the pumps in the office? I feed direct at home and if I really need to pump at home, then I will do it manually. This works better for me... can't imagine you lagging the bag every day! Pai fu pai fu!!
Just a thought...

We all know the adv and benefits of breastfeeding. I have read the posts and noted that many of us here want to stop breastfeeding. This is a personal choice and I respect that. However, I think we really need to weigh the cost-benefit of breastfeeding before we just decide to stop. Coz... once it stops, I don't think we can pick it up again.
QSG, Im still dragging lor. My new target is a year but I dont think I can make it lah. So I just try as best as I can. How do u make applesauce?

Lyn, right now Im sourcing ard infant care centre first. Just in case, my mom cant take it, I still got back-up lah. You also making your own applesauce?

Eureka, youre not aloneK I feed apple directly too.

Pringles, youre expert at preparing bb food liao.

Emily, you still bfg? Think I got to stop soon cos ss low and also work getting busier. I weighed the cost-benefit of bfg and thats why till now I still preserve. I really hope I can pull it through and manage to bf Vane for a year.
Hi mummies, managed to repair my PC and download Vane's recent photos. But I cant seem to post her pix here leh. Sob...sob...
1st time I use the milk storage bag. V messy. Check wif u do u need to plc the bag in a bottle to pour ebm in the bag? How do u secure the bag?

Chen Chen wz like dat when teething. Worse, he woke up every 1 or 2 hrs, next day I still gotta work
I oso gave up grade 8 exam. @ least u keep your piano, mine sold off liao coz dun wanna waste $ to tune piano half yearly. Now can't play piano already

Only if my hubby is like yours, can hi n bye in 10 min. We travel fm Pasir Ris to my IL's hse in Telok Blangah, everytime stay 2 to 3 hrs

I had backache during confinement due to sitting too long when bf w/o back support. My mum boiled tu zhong (like zebra skin) for me

U intend to bf for how long? Do u reduce no of times u pump now dat Ethan is on solid n dd for milk reduces

I put the bag in a cup and then secure it with bag clips. Avent sells it but you can buy from Ikea coz it's cheaper.

I finished Grade 8 piano but can't imagine how the examiner passed me coz I super ga-bra. Think he took pity on me. haha! Anyway, good in the sense that we can teach our children the basics but will prob need good teachers to cultivate the appreciation for classical music.

How come your breast never increase size? Mine increased 2 sizes and I was super irritated coz it was too big and I couldn't fit into my normal tops without looking obscene. Worse thing was I'm slimmer everywhere but the chest! Think it's finally reducing in size. Managed to fit in a blouse that looked bad on me after I gave birth. How come you asking abt medicine to stop bf? I finally went to Mrs Wong, LC in Thomson and she helped me massage to clear out the blocked ducts. Said I cleared the back of the breasts but didn't clear the front well so milk was stuck in the front. Was considering taking medicine to stop bf but my friend said it might affect my body's ability to produce milk for no. 2 so better avoid.
hi mummies,
i just started my new job last mon after spending 7yrs in my previous co.I was forced to resign.
Initially,i was happy bcoz this job offers me abt 40% more than my previous pay.
Yet,i found out tat I nid to be away for 4 to 6wks for project implementation y'day.I was shocked.Bcoz it wasn't indicated under the job advertisement & the mgr didn't highlight to me during the interview.

Though the mgr did say i nid o do a bit of traveling,i interpreted a "bit" as 2 to 3days kinda thingie.

I am lost,don't know what to do.Being a mother of 7mth old baby,i can't afford to be away for such a long time.Now,it's still left abt 3mth away fr. the actual travel(end June).

The worst is i am hired under "contract".If I would to resign within the first 3mth,i hv to compensate for a mth of my salary.
Which section in Ikea sell the clips for secuing milk storage bag? Wat is the price n wat is the quantity they sell in a bag? I read fm forum can use those wire thread (for securing wire etc in newly bot equipment), I used it last 9. Messy n feel not really well tightened. Do u remove the bag fm the cup immediately or remove fm the cup after your ebm is frozen?
I failed my grade 8 exam. Can't handle both studies n piano lesson. Everytime zz when I practise piano pieces. My mum suggested dat I give up 1. So I gave up piano. U still play the pieces regularly?
My breast size din increase much. How to clear breast in front n back? Use diff style of bf or ?? U stop bf?

Lionel like thinking of some1 in the 1st shot. He looks like a little doll in the basket in the last shot. So cute. Wz dat a trolley? I put Chen Chen in the push cart when go NTUC. He seems happier than sitting in stroller. Can c more things in the cart I guess
Nowadays co dun wanna state clearly wat is your job scope in appt letter n during interview. So they can ask u to do wat they like w/o restriction.
aioy away fm Lionel for so long. Can't bear it hor
hmm....maybe u can consider this trip again...

if u have confirmed not to go for this trip, you can talk and explain to the management nicely. management may understand and excuse you.
sanrio, my Sarah has also been having disrupted sleep. It has been going on for the past 2 months!!! She sleeps through the night (9 hours) about once or at most, twice, a week. She used to sleep through the night regularly before, but not regularly anymore. So sad. She has woken once or twice screaming, but not so often. Mostly she wants to play.

Val, wow, you're a ballerina, huh? I always admire pple who can keep up their ballet past school days.

avocado, lionel has that scholarly look! The one in the basket is so cute!

When we can afford it, my hubby & I are getting a good piano and I'm hoping to start teaching from home in due time. Anybody want piano lessons? Hehehehe. (I have a degree in music and a teacher's diploma in piano. Paiseh. Don't want to show off) Right now, since returning from US, we're quite broke with settling insurance arrears, furnishing the house etc.
Thanks Sanrio, looks like i've been worrying for nothing.

Anybody tried using vinegar and water to mop floor? I've been doing it for months, hopefully nothing will happen to my granite flooring.. don't dare to try it on wood floor though. Not sure is it good for baby? Personally I find it not sticky and floor feels alot cleaner, don't hv to rinse with water too, but got to bear with the smell for a while, it goes off very fast.

Val, my son also moves in the walker same way as your son. Worries me in the beginning, tot not so good for his legs. But after some time, he started to move his legs like in normal walking. I let him wear soft shoes or socks whenever he is in the walker, to protect his toes and also to keep his feet clean. He has the habit of sucking his feet too.
The reason for me wanting to stop bf more or less the same as QSG. Working really really inconv.Furthermore, I weaning Randall away fm breast so if wanna go out long, still need to bring pump.And I intend to hv no. 2 oso. If bf for too long and not able to do the same for no. 2, I feel tat its very unfair for him/her.

I either pump directly to the milk bag or pour into the bag after pumping. Not necessary for u to put the bag in a bottle if u can manage. I use the avent clip for the milk bag.

Actually a bit regret for giving it up cos till now I still love it. I got deform looking toes due to repeat blisters fm wearing the pt shoes. If I hv a girl, for sure I will send to her learn. Hey, I dun mind letting Randall to learn fm u if he do show interest in music. Hehe.. Got charge cheaper fee or not? :p
lyn,those ikan bilis you used to grind, do you buy those already deboned (head and stomach,etc removed) or those normal type? Thinking whether i should walk to Hong Lim later to buy.

Shook, the ikea clips are very useful comes in one big pack of 2 sizes. You can use to clip other stuff at home also. If i remember correctly you should be able to find it at the section they sell those kitchen stuff at the ground floor. Should be a couple of dollars.
hi shook,
that is a laundry basket

I am working near to ikea,mayb can meet u up one day when u go there to buy clips.

hi Jo,
my mgr left for biz travel on the 1st day i joined in.I hvn't hv the chance to tok to him yet.I really miss my ex colleagues & regretted that I left my previous job.
can i hug hug lionel?? he looks so doleful in the first pix

wah.. 1 month plus a bit long hor... but do u personally enjoy this new job? if yes, try to arrange something w ur family lor. However, i think u should take this example to clarify the frequency of travelling required for ur post.

Hi Shook,
u can get the clips from the kitchen section at ikea, ground level. It's much easier to use then the wire.. like hairclips. One bag for 4 to 6bucks with 30 to 40 clips? very worth it cos i use it at home.. used to think i dun wan to get cos quite big bag... but after misplacing a few, i like 'whew' we have extra

think ur l'il sarah should hv the title 'priviledged' instead... got such a wonderful mummy that can teach music
hi gals..

how much of cereal are your kiddos taking at each meal?

sanrio.. im amazed that your boy is taking so much milk! my boi of 8 mths+ is only taking 120ml per feed
sahm, giggler, my applesauce dun nd to cook, just peel skin, cut wash work up/down on grater got sauce and juice liao!! feed directly.

shook, why must go IL plc everyday?? tot ur mum is taking care of chen??? if he insist i go everyday to show jerald to IL!!! even u chartered the whole boeing 777 also NO DEAL!
u put chen in the trolley during NTCU Mkting...issnt the seat too big??

pvl, didnt know u are a piano teacher!!! i dun think my fingers that soft again to take up piano!! but hope jerald can complete the task for me when he's older
must charge cheap hor.

qsg, must buy the clean out type. no head..etc.

avocado, aiyo - can talk to ur mgr or not??? tell him/her u bfg...lie a bit...etc to escape travelling lor??
lionel so cute in the basket!! the basket is part of...bicycle, mkting basket??

looks like a few of us can play the piano...but me totally 4got abt the basic even fingering already....
how r u?i still rememb ur wedding photo
that is the laundry basket.I just put him there & push ard.

cute hor?now u know why i can't leave him to biz travel for a mth.
lionel is a cheerful baby.play a lot,smile a lot,move a lot..hyperactive.

frankly,i don't really like this job coz I nvr like to deal wf IT stuff.I am working on a biz processes for call centre which uses siebel.It is a bit diff fr. what i did previously.

actually,I hv been looking for a junior level job which is less stress & i could knock off on the dot.Unfortunately,they didn't call me for interview.

Since I started work last mon,I worked like a zombie.To keep me awake,i drink abt 4 to 5cups of coffee per day.I am basically taking over this project fr. someone who left.
In my previous job,i enjoyed the job & my colleagues.I was forced to resign coz my job was being outsourced.
Applesauce (Use Gala, Braeburn, Rome or Macs)
1. Peel, core and cut apple into slices/chunks
2. Place slices or chunks into a pan with just enough water to slightly cover apples
3. Boil until tender; be sure to check on the water level.
4. Reserve any left over water to use for thinning out the apples
6. Place into your choice of appliance for pureeing and begin pureeing.
7. Add the reserved water as necessary to achieve a smooth, thin puree
8. Add cereal (if desired) to thicken up the
Toddlers in child care fall ill easily but not babies. So it is actually better to get an infant care centre where there's no toddler i.e. not childcare combined with infant care.
In infant care, the staff are actually pretty strict. A slight raised temp, u have to take BB home. Otherwise need letter from dr to certify BB well to come to infant centre.

Wow! Avocado must really taste very nice. Ashley don really like cereal. Got the Heinz banana cereal. She prefered brown rice. Think i will try the avocado with her cereal, hopefully she like it.

So many mummies play the piano. Ashley loves it too. Maybe we can gather tog one day n have a piano playing session!!!

I work very near Ikea too. I can join u ladies!!!
Pringles, dunno if Dana really like applesause, first time she took it she gave a bitter look, subsuqently she quite okay. Actually i dun have any medical halls around my area to grind the rice so grind myself since i got the food processor. She haven't started on meat yet as PD said cannot since she got ezcema, so no protein? anything i can give her for protein besides meat?
She don't poo every day after she started on solids so quite concerned. Any advise? she takes abit of water and fruits but still don't poo everyday.

Emily, i have to bring the PIS back bec i don't directly bf anymore. She dunno how to latch on anymore also and it takes too long to feed her as she is the "take own sweet time" type when comes to drinking milk.Its really heavy but what to do.
Giggler & Shook, I am still breastfeeding and intend to continue until I cannot do it (ie Ethan doesn't want me anymore... sob sob... or I can't produce anymore).

Shook, the other time, my ss went down (when ethan was abt 4mths+) he depleted my stock in the freezer coz I was staying late in the office. Then I introduced solids to him. Now, at least have stock in freezer and am still building it up. I pump the same number of times in the office (ie 2 times). When I just started work, I used to be able to get 400+ml a day at the office, then ss went down to 200+ml, now, am able to get abt 360ml(+-) a day. But ethan's consumption a day when I am in the office is about 260ml only - 280ml the most. So, I am still able to meet dd.
What about u?

Avocado, your situation in the office doesn't sound gd... so sorry... I don't know what I would have done if in your situation. Is it possible to pack your bb and a bb sitter overseas with you?? U can pay for the accomodation etc yourself... at least u will still be able to be with him daily. Are u still breastfeeding? I think I would do that if I were u. Don't think I can ever leave my bb while I am overseas... so heart-pain.

Val, so u were learning ballet? I was doing ballet too until I had to leave overseas to study.

PV, u piano teacher?? Hmm... so if Ethan wants to learn next time, I'll look for u!
oops, cant remb who ask me wat cereal i feed ashrel. he takes 'healthy time organic bb brown rice cereal' n 'heinz plain rice cereal', both no sugar n milk added. once a while, i mix w a bit of nestle plain rice cereal (little sugar n trace of milk). so far, i add vege like carrot, brocolli, pumpkin, n avocado to his cereal. apple, kiwi, pear, banana, he dun like.

i kind of agree w pringles. i make apple sauce etc n realise he onli take v little bit dun wan liao. all my effort wasted.

my boi is a big big milk drinker.

lionel looks so cute in the laundry basket. can undstd how u feel, dun tink i can leave ashrel to go somewhere for even a short period. can ask ur mgr whether the trip can b shorten..

ballerina! wah..

1 day i will go n complete my exam, wat a waste hoh else i can b a full tx piano teacher. next tx me n ashrel go to u for lesson lah.

can i noe wat bb biscuit the mummies here give to ur bb?
avocado, gd job/boss hard to come by - take times...the wedding pix - is the only motivation that made me want to diet!!

pringles, will try out ur applesauce this wkend. tks.

qsg, can use soyabean to prepare stock. good source of protein.
hi b2b3m4,
i'm glad to hear tat
btw does ashley go to
infant care? or do u know of any good ones?

hi qsg,
i give my boi gerber prune n apple juice daily, pd says ok. i mix 1 oz w 2 or 3 oz water. he'll poo almost everyday. actually my boi poo more often after he started cereal n brown rice porridge. previously he would poo once every 5 or 7 days! pd says he's ok if his stools not hard.
hey, all my potential piano students, Ok lah, aunty PV will charge discount lah, but you all must practise then can.

qsg, Sarah also doesn't always poo every day. Sometimes if she misses a day, the poo is really hard to come out. She'll yell and struggle, and hold on to me really tightly, like giving birth! I tried to give her some prune juice yesterday, but she ended up vomiting up her half-digested lunch, all over my toes!

In fact, I tried giving her scraped apple a few weeks ago, and she also vomited her lunch. She seems to be vomiting her lunch more these days. Could it be that she has eaten too much too fast? I think often she may have air that cannot come out. She'll fuss a lot towards the end of her meal although she'll still open her mouth to take the food. Then if we're not careful, she sometimes will throw everything up after she's finished eating. It has happened about 4-5 times already so far. So now I prepare slightly less porridge for her. Any idea what is the cause, and what to do? I know that if she does burp in the middle of the meal, there is less fussing.
lyn, how do you use soyabean to prepare stock?

sanrio, Sarah doesn't like biscuits at the moment. She's not really teething yet, so maybe that's why she's not interested in any. I tried her on the rock-hard Heinz teething rusks, melt-in-the-mouth Farley's rusks and Healthy Times maple teething biscuits (organic), which is in between, and she doesn't really care for any of them for now. So I have 3 opened packages of biscuits at the present time. Hope when she teethes she'll use them instead of chewing on everything else in her path llike she does now.
shook, you also know how to play piano? I thot of letting Vane learn musical instrument if she's interested when she's older. Vane prefers to sit in trolley to pram too. Guess they can see more and maybe they sick of pram liao.

avocado, Lionel looks different leh. I notice that most of bb looks different now hor? What is the pixels of your pix? I tried to post Vane's pix last nite but cant seem to do it. So what's your decision now abt your new job?

absolut, no leh my breasts didnt incr in size leh. I'm not the one who asked abt pills to stop bfg lah. I'm advised not to take pills cos it'll cause our breasts to shrink a lot. So you continue to bfg since you've cleared your blocked ducts?

PVL, can I chop you to teach Vane when she's older? How old do u think our kids shd start learning piano?

Val, you planning for No. 2 soon? How do u wean Randall off your breast? I cant bear to wean Vane off leh.

lyn, your method of making applesauce is really simple.

B2B3M4, its difficult to find infant care centre without child care one leh. You let Ashley play piano?

Emily, I only able to ss Vane one feed of bm in the day and got to supplement with fm for the other milk feed. But I still latch her on once I reach home after work and during weekends. Really love the feelings of bfg so cant bear to let go.
oh yah... i just remember one mummy has been asking me whether the infant centre jem's attending always hv sick babies. Issit u, giggler?

anyway, it's hard to answer the qn. I do find a few mummies bringing along medications for their babies.. but as most is around the same age as jem, so it's like it could be just paracetamol for teething period etc. But jem alone seen doc twice for his 6 mths stay at the centre... once for viral infection n the other due to teething discomfort.

Thks for sharing the applesauce recipe. Jem dun like apple juice nor scraped apple. Was thinking of stewing already but dun noe how... u r a wonderful mind reader.

Is it stated that you are required to travel in your contract? if its just verbal, then insist on no.. if they cannot accept, tell them to terminate u instead... who noes they hv to compensate u

yah, i agree should look for just a junior post and knock off on the dot if financially ur family can cope... and dun drink so much coffee!!! it hinders ur vitamin and calcium absorption. no good no good... switch to sunshine juice aka orange juice!!

Hi b2b3m4 and piggy,
yah... to add on, all medication must be from the GP/PD alas they will not accept. And temp. still taken daily...

so many of us work near ikea! me too me too!! can just imagine all our bbs sitting on the 24bucks ikea high chair or having their colourful rugs and soft toys in the playrooms ...hahahha
its me lah... i've been bugging mummies here about infant care stuff...

i'm the same as u leh... i latch ryan on at night, midnite, morning... the rest of the day he takes 1 cereal, 1 formula, 1 ebm n 1 porridge
ntuc infant care
i've seen 1 at sengkang, i find it quite pathetic
And its not cheap at $1100+ b4 subsidy.

all mummies,
my boi poo almos everday but he can poo a mountain!
n its vvv smelly! Does tat mean he's eating too much or the food isn't digested properly?
i let ashrel try the hard like rock heinz teething rusk n he got so angry cos af biting so long, nothing gets into his stomach, hehee. n he is ok w the 'take one' rice rusk but i try to limit as contain salt n sugar. he has 2 bottom teeth now.
same..gone are the days.. ashrel used to slp thru evy nite fr 9pm to 7am. now almost evynite wake up n cry so often.
many yrs back, my mum took care of my cousin who vomit almost af evy solid feed, b it v diluted n soft porridge. tink u hav to give smaller feeds n tink once she grows older, wil b beta.

if u need me to help u post ethna's fotos, jus email me lah

i hav 2 more b/w pic to share. sori hoh..i bo liao agn.. ashrel my model n the mummies my audience
hi sanrio,

i bgt earthbest teeting biscuit but haven't let my boi try yet. Its wheat free n organic. i'm particular abt off the shelves stuff i buy cos he's got slight eczema so i v kiasi... i thk baby bites got good reviews by the mummies here, but i didn't try cos its made in china... no offence to mummies who like baby bites.
lyn, how long you cook the soyabeans for the stock?

Priviledged, Dana also got vomit her milk sometimes and i realise its bec straight after she drinks she start crawling so maybe that's the cause. You allow sarah to crawl once she finish her meal or let her sit up a while first to burp?

so cute to describe sarah like giving birth when she poo
. I also dun like the taste of prune juice.

Piggy, so if dun poo everyday but stools not hard, its okay right? Do you still give your boi fruits if give fruit juice already everyday?
tink u ask me tis question right? why 1? for me, there is no caregiver. mum n mil both old n cant help. we not keen w maid. tink i may wan to go back to work wen ashrel turns 18mths (oso tat's wen my unpaid leave will end). oso hope to provide a better quality standard of living to ashrel. i totally agree $ does not equal quality, family, anythg or evythg, but jus som of our tots..
but really dun noe whether our decision will change, shall enjoy ashrel's company to the fullest now. he is my happy boi!
hi brenda,
nope,the requirements of traveling is not indicated in contract nor job advertisement.

I just spoken to the recruitment guy,he implied that it is both our faults(mgr & me) that we didn't communicate & understand well abt the "travel" portion.Even if the mgr admits his mistake & to let me go,I still hv to pay for the one mth salary as compensation.Reason being so long as I resign within the first 3mth,i've to pay for the compensation.I really don't know how to fight for this case.The only winning point I've is there is no black & white indicating there is traveling requirement for this job.

u work near to ikea too??I work at Alexandra.

hi Giggler,
pixel? can't remember..I oso tried many times to keep on downsizing the pic till the system accepts..
ya,lionel looks a bit diff now.Last tx,he is more chubby & face is rounder.

hi priviledged,
why not u try feeding Sarah other fruits such papaya?? I even fed lionel apple & he got stomach upset.I think the apple might be too acidic for his stomach.

hi sanrio,
u started feeding biscuit to ashrel??

hi Emily,
ya,u r rite..doesn't sound good.The persons here work so hard.they hardly tok & hv lunch 2gether.I keep on telling myself not to compare them wf my ex colleagues.if not,i will feel more miserable.
bb sitter? my mil takes care my bb.she has to take care my fil so can't leave wf me & my bb.

hi piggy,
is gerber prune n apple juice contain any preservative or colouring?

me oso ks cos same, ashrel jus 'recovers' fr his ezcema recently (it was n has been quite bad n keep recurring for quite sometx). i bought bb bites, but like u, i noe is made in china..so.. earhtbest sounds familiar? organic? where u bought it?
