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  1. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi ilovebabies, I like to join in too, have email you my photo & my bb photo....thks
  2. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    emma, hee, i not sure leh, i ask the doc he say it is okie to give a little bit of water if the bb wan every time after every feed, i will let her drink a little bit of water...
  3. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Joon, hee, normally mona will measure for me after every u will see for yrself the result too...
  4. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    emma, my bb so far nver cry...she will just drink watever i give her so far....
  5. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    BabyJo, wow yr girl so big cute too... hmm....mona will collect the payment only at the last far i still have not done the thigh wrapping as my wound not recovered yet..will only start doing on my next 5 session....i heard she will apply her slimming cream and wrap...
  6. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Emma, oh, u feed yr bb abt 55ml every 3hrs? for mine is only 30ml every 3 hrs...i also not sure if it is enough...
  7. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi BabyJo, oh, yr second one? congras...guess u will have more experience than me on handling the bb...hehe.. don worry mona is really good, everyday when she doing massage for me, her phone is ringing and ringing...have to book her really early...
  8. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Joon, choice for me tat is the only time i am allowed plain water.. hmm...mono is cheap and good, i cant believe my result too...i lost 3 inch on my tummy and nearly 5 inch on my waist...she herself cant belive tat i could lost so much on my waist too...hehe...
  9. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Joon, Thks for the link, will check it out....
  10. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Emma, oh...u also having around 30+ml every 3-4hrs? are u having TBF? really hope our flow will come soon.. u feeling giddy? me also have thalassemia, and I am now still taking the medicine...maybe u don have enough rest also....try to rest more if possible....
  11. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Joon, hehe...thks for the compliment on my bb... doc did not tell me leh....whether he cut a not..sigh... hehe my mum and hubby also don let me drink water..but i always use the excuse to eat medicine and then drink lots of water as that is the only time i drink plain...
  12. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    BabyJo yes...leg swollen maybe not small case, but i still find he is super KS...his staff all same with him lor....sure ask u to listen to doc more next time.. btw when is yr EDD?
  13. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi BabyJo, He is super KS....he wanted to induce me abt 3 times and I rejected him till the final one then i give bb not big, 2.955kg, he wanted to induce me coz he say i got bad swollen leg lar which i find it should be quite common among pregnant lady...only the final one when my...
  14. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Joon, Oh, btw pardon me for being a mountain turtle, wat is episiotomy? For me I cant walk properly, and even when lie down i cant sleep on my side as once i move my leg, it hurt down there....I also would like to know wat we can do to speed up the healing.... oh wow u can pump so...
  15. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Angeline, Thks for the info, reading it now...
  16. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi BabyJo, Dr Yeo was recommended to me by my col, overall still okie, but I am sometimes quite frustrated as he is quite KS, always wanted me to do lots of test and I find his charges very exp, I have spent almost 2.5k on the consultation plus test excluding the delivery charges...and he...
  17. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi ilovebabies, hee..thks for the compliment on my bb.... Oh u using the Medela Dual Electric Pump? I got my husband to buy it but he bot the mini electric which i find it is not too good...maybe should get him to change it... btw can we drink plain water beside the red dates drink ? coz...
  18. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi gals, Wow so many posts within a few days. Been busy with my gal and hardly got time to come in. Btw got some question to ask all mums who delivered.It has been nearly 10 days after my delivery but I am still having pain down there, how long did it take you all to recover from the wound...
  19. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi ilovebabies, Me on TBF, but my baby not very keen, she keep sleeping the whole day, not interested at all, is this normal for the first few days? she tried to suckle but only for a while then fell asleep, it is so tiring...but seeing her face really melt my heart, so I told myself not to...
  20. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi All, I have delivered on 31/8 through induced and just discharged today from the hospital. Melissa can help me to update? Natural/induced & assisted (forcep) delivery w/epidural. Also my baby named has change to Baby Chloe. Below is my birth story, pardon me for the long story...
