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  1. N

    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    Hi , Just want to share coz charing is caring. My sis in law gave birth last mth and she is under the care of dr tan heng hao. But he wasnt ard during her delivery. Another dr was sent. He was also not ard during post op. Another dr was sent. My sis in law opted for B1. For my case, when i gave...
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    (2012/11) Nov 2012

    Hi all, happen to read ur thread about chemical pregnancy. im from MTB Sep 12 thread. I juz want the mommies to know that its ok and the hope is still there. I had my chem preg in late Oct 11. My gynae said there might be some problem with the chromosomes. It was a down period for me. But i...
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    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    Im just worried bout my girl attitude. Refuse to share anything with anyone. Even when we go to the zoo and she was looking and pointing at it , then comes a young boy who stand beside her, she will wail and cry and push the poor kid. I mean,even that she cant share. I need to work that attitude...
  4. N

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    Gina& m- thks for the well wishes.Im two mths preggie. For those mummies who are currently toilet training their child, dun give up. I started too early when she is just one and half year old. Initially she peed everywhere when not using diaper. then when she reach two, she start telling me...
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    (2012/10) Oct 2012

    hi ccharis, I used to smoke like a chimney too but quit when i got preg with my first one coz i heard a lot of horror stories. My first one is healthy and strong even though i think i smoked for the first few weeks coz i dunno i was preggo. Now im preg for the 2nd time. Didnt touch a stick for...
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    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    Hi black angel, I used to see Dr Irene Chua at Ang mo kio for my number 1. The charges are the same as TPS. The service is very fast though cause not many people but the machine for you to see the bb is not as clear as the one in TPS. That was two years ago. Im now seeing Dr jasmine in TPS. I...
  7. N

    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    Hi krazimitzi, ur appt is on 22nd too? Wat a coincidence right? Mine will be at 7.10pm @ The private suite.Hope all is well with our babies aite. Can some kind hearted soul add me on fb group? I would like to know the happenings from now till we all pop out and till our beanies become toddlers...
  8. N

    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    hi Krazimitzi, im with a female gynae too. My first born is with Dr Irene Chua but she had moved to glen e. My company only cover restructured hosp so i still have stick to KKH. Now, im with Jasmine Mohd. have yet to see her. My first appt is on 22nd Feb. No worries. Im used to female gynae. If...
  9. N

    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    today i really feel like no appetite but i had my lunch for the sake of eating something so that i wont have gastric. Really feel so bloated now. my tummy feels like bursting. I havent tell my boss yet coz im scared it might not happen as i had a m/c three mths back. maybe after my gynae appt...
  10. N

    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    i was about to flush the toilet bowl when i see blood. Red flesh blood but not much . I go to o&g 24hrs right away. Wah, really panicked. Lucky the gynae say that my bb is still there and he gave me some dydrogesterone tablets to strengthen my pregnancy. I had m/c three mths back and it was...
  11. N

    (2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

    Hello everyone..Long time, never visit this forum. My two and half year old daughter is being taken care by my mum. So far, im quite happy with her progress. I will make time to read to her every night without fail. I even bought those tracing alphabets books but shes too young lah to...
  12. N

    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    Hi everybody, So happy listening to all of ur good news. Cant wait for my gynae appt nx nx week. Everyday i drink avocado smoothie even though my appetite is very bad. Just for my bb. hehe. I hope this pregnancy turns out well for me.
  13. N

    (2012/09) Sep 2012

    hi all, Nick: nurisyardini Age: 29 Baby #: 2 EDD: To be cfrm Gynae: Dr Jasmine Mohd Hospital: KKH Ive tested positive on CYN. Ive m/c somewhere in June and i really hope this one works out. I have a two year old daughter too. Unlike the first one which is smoothsailing, lately,ive...
