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  1. C

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    hi, bb and me enjoy the trial. thanks to tamms for the arrangement though i din manage to c u cos was late for the 330 trial. i was the last to drop into the pool for those in the 330 trial *waves* hi joanne and bb joshua guess din manage to get to knoe other babies cos the class was...
  2. C

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    hi tamms, thanks for adding me will pm u my details later. wat do we need to bring har?
  3. C

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    oops.... i think tamms is the one organising the trial right? sorry read too fast.
  4. C

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    hi ypg, if no one taking the 330 aquaduck trial, can i join? I intro myself quite a while back but the thread really moves too fast for me to constantly follow.... my baby is born dec too...
  5. C

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    hi mummies, i just chance upon this thread and been a silent reader of this for a while. my boy is born in dec 08 too. find tt the discussion here is always so related to wat my boi is experiencing. do u mind me joining the discussion? however, i might not be able to check the posting tt...
