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  1. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    Thanks bbjun for the encouragement! I think Aug's eating style is very western. He seems to like most food that is NON-Asian. He doesn't like rice or porridge. I am just trying different foods, hoping he would like some of it. Aug likes pasta with cheese. He doesn't like tomato based pasta...
  2. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    looks like many mummies are having problems feeding their bubs. I have a picky eater in Aug and its a constant struggle trying to feed him. I always have to think up of new food/recipes to make him eat and I think he is not a big eater as well. He clams up his mouth after eating only half the...
  3. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    Seems like a lot of babies comin down with flu but don't worry they will get well soon.aug was down with flu some time back and he recovered after a week.they r rather resilient so don't worry.just that mummies have to suffer when they r sick.wake up more often,make sure they have enough...
  4. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    skineybeenie, you dont accept PM.
  5. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    cassey, i am using california baby super sensitive head and body wash. Actually i think it works fine for him cos he only has the eczema on his ear and its only 1 ear. the other ear is fine. how strange. So i thought i will need to get a good lotion cos we dont really wash the inner ear with the...
  6. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    anyone has any idea what cream/lotion is good for eczema? Aug's ear is becoming red from all that scratching and the rash doesn't seem to go off. Im hoping to use something natural for him. Tried the california baby lotion and calendula cream but doesnt seem to alleviate it.
  7. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    Aug usually throws tantrums when he is tired and when he is eating. He makes a lot of noises during mealtimes, as if protesting against eating. Sometimes he will blow raspberries to show displeasure too. The other time that he usually protests is sleeptime. Nowadays it takes me 1 hour to put him...
  8. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    TubbyM, i have a picky eater in Aug too! So i share your frustration abt feeding! For me, its a daily affair. He fusses abt the food each time i feed him. I have given up feeding porridge cos he doesnt like it. Now he is eating soft rice with soup (meat and veges cooked in it). For breakfast, he...
  9. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    dolly, your boy is really like mine in so many ways!!!He also likes to put his fingers in my mouth when he latches and i will just hold his fingers with my lips. I think he finds it comforting=) Nowadays he also poos when he is eating his solids. He actually looks cute when he is trying to push...
  10. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    Tinybubu, Aug doesnt wanna eat anything but fruits as well! But he has been a fussy eater since he started solids so im still cracking my head on what to feed him. Today i fed him cheese sandwich and he seemed to like it. But my boy's mood like the weather so hopefully this liking stays. He...
  11. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    Creamer, i think even if Aug sleeps later he will still wake up. I think his latching at nite is habitual, not influenced by sleep or food. He goes to bed with a fully tummy-porridge and milk but he still wakes up. Aug sleeps abt 2-3 hrs in the day usually but lately he has been sleeping less...
  12. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    wah the forum is coming alive with this birthday thing.Thanks bbjun for adding Aug's birthdate. June Bday Bash Time: open for sugg Venue: open for sugg 1. ecmom + baby Cayden (first week of July) 2. serene22 + hb + Sofie 3. superbee + hb + danelle (4th July) 4. createjoy + hb +...
  13. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    wow everyone is talking abt our darlings' 1st birthday now!I have booked a venue for Augustine' birthday party but i havent bought any party deco or ordered the cake yet. I will prob email Pine Garden for the cake pix and prices. I am looking at a Sesame Street theme actually. I wanted to buy...
  14. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    ok i will forget abt the spritzer then. Today Aug finished his porridge without much fuss...yoohoo!!!!But I have to admit that i had to put in some banana to make it a little sweeter=P and then he was super hyper for the rest of the day, refused to nap. wonder if it has anything to do with the...
  15. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    Bluedream, I have put sweet potato in Aug's porridge but it still doesn't do the trick. When the spoon of porridge goes near his mouth, he will shake his head, telling me no. But I have adopted a new technique of feeding him. That is to put some fruit puree together with the porridge on the same...
  16. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    baby porridge: I'm also having a hard time making Aug eat his porridge. He only likes the fruit puree because it is sweet. Im trying to thinking of ways to make the porridge more palatable for him since he has a sweet tooth! Im thinking of adding corn to the stock. Anyone has any ideas???
  17. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    TubbyM, thought of buying the California Baby cold/flu spritzer also but im wondering how it works cos spritzers are drinks? How do u use this one? Is it a spray? Im tempted to get the bubble bath also cos Aug loves bubbles! S is already sleeping thru the nite rite? It ia great that she is...
  18. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    Thanks mummies for the advice on the stuffy nose. Penut, I can't use the nasal aspirator. Aug refuses to let me put the thing into his nose. He will yell and cry. so what i do is try to use the wet wipe to wipe his nose, sometimes the mucus comes out. This stuffy nose seems to occur only...
  19. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    poor sleeper: Aug has always been a poor sleeper from the start for the naps and nighttime sleep. He has improved a lot for his naps, sleeping abt 3 hrs for naps usually but there are times when he gets by with 1 hr nap for the whole day. At nite, he still wakes up for feeds 2-3 times, usually...
  20. B

    (2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

    Im keen to get the cake from either ecreative or pine gardens. anyone else keen? I received my Beco carrier already. Tried it out at home earlier. seems fine but i think the real test would be to use it and bring Aug out for a day=)
