(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Hihi fellow June09 mummies, I saw an ad in TODAY about exchanging milk tins for Gain IQ.

"Simply bring an empty tin of a non-Abbott# children milk formulation (700g to 1.8kg) to exchange for a Gain IQ/ Gain IQ Kid 400g and enjoy attractive in-store offer.

15 May 2010 11am to 7pm at:
-Fairprice Bukit Panjang
-Cold Storage United Square
-Cold Storage Compass Point

Please bring along mother's original NRIC and photocopy of child's birth certificate for verification."

#Specialty formulas (eg HA, LF or Soy formulas) and Infant formulas (eg 0-6 mths) are not eligible for this redemption exercise.

Abbott Careline 62786220

For your info :p

i fed jayden hard boiled egg yolk from 10th mth. gave him some to try and some into his pasta. last week just filter the egg white with the shell throw the yolk into pasta with some white sticking to it.

thks for sharing. aiyah y most brand got some promo friso so bored one..

alamak u sotong mummy dont feed ur girl on wkend meh hw cm didnt notice she drink fast already. is she still chubby chubby like we met at xmas?

i also bought sm new teats leh wondering shd i give him bigger hole.. cos he already drinking v fast n everytime he finish he will cry for more but 210ml is alot already i think, so i'll not inc again for him until he like 2+ yr old.. i think he just habitual cry not becos still hungry.. cos he even after a big bowl of porridge/pasta see milk he will still cry gencheong wanna have it. he's the type that whenever he eat he want food fast in his mouth no pausing.. think too well train at IFC haha
wow jayden loves his milk so much sia. so envy.

i tried once at my mum's plc.. fed a bit of egg yolk to J but he gave me dat frown. since den haven tried it yet.
Createjoy, Ahnetsan,

thanks. Was thinking to do so or not. Last week a friend of mine came to visit. I was so amazed! Her daughter ate very thick porridge, with broccoli, carrot, egg yolk and tofu. All cooked together. And she ate 1 big rice bowl for lunch! I was so shocked! Her daughter is even younger than my boy! Sigh. My problem is he is on porridge strike. Cereal ok, porridge, he will gag. So fedup! Think I will try egg yolk tmr!
<font color="0000ff">RE: EVITAMINSTORE

They hv shipped out only the puffs and melts and issue a credit for the cereals

Shipping: Super Saver Rate
Shipping cost: $56.75
Total cost: $247.70
Credit (Credit Card): $68.52
Final total: $179.18

Which after recalculating, the costs should be around:
Puff - S$6.10
Melt - S$6.30
Cereal - S$7.50 (local)

Please note that I only hv 6 units for each flavour of puff and 8 units for each flavour of melt
LFB, kaelyn has also tried hard boiled egg yolk since she turned 10 months. we mix it in her porridge, and it smells really nice...

how do you ladies cook pasta? i bought pasta stars from bellamy's but don't know how i should prepare it for her... pls share... tks!

bbPotato, let me know how much to pay when the items arrive... tks for organizing!
tinybubu: Nanny tried cooled milk, but my boy also dun like..

I'm getting fat now! And a friend just reminded me why! Cos now I no longer pump! So likely those extra milk fat has find it's way into my waist, thigh...etc

Anyone going to Robinson sale tomorrow? It starts today
bbpotato- thanks! Do let me know when I shoild pay you for the melts n puffs! Appreciate you organising!

Cassey- think will order from your cupcake lady! THanks alot for the recc. Her pics looks pretty enough for my girl's 1st bday!

re: pasta
Dovey- I prepare simple soup pasta. Just chop carrots, brocolli, cook the soup with meat,corn and a clove of garlic for flavour. Then cook the pasta seperately, drain. When bb wants to eat just add minced meat to the soup, boil and mix in the pasta.

My girl doesn't really like my cooking though.. haha

I've tried some beef pasta recipe I found online too but she doesn't like it too. Don't know if its my cooking or the pasta. She is getting very picky recently and will shake her head vigorously when we give her something she doesn't want. She will then close her mouth very tightly and point to what she wants!

Eggs- Think i fed my girl biscuits with eggs for couple months and she seems to be fine. I share my ice cream with her, my frozen yogurt, cakes, everything. Not too good my mom says. Thats why I spoilt her appetite.. haha, but she's very happy everytime I share food with her!
I let A tried the ziplock bag thingy. It seem very difficult than u described. Has S started to feed herself?

bbjun, did you demo your boy to play with the shape sorter? My boy still not so keen. Now playing putting in and out of the box only.
Potty training:
If baby is on routine, you could tried to monitor how long does the interval your baby take to pee. The quickest way is to let him wear only shorts (without diapers). Monitor for at least 2 days. This way, the baby can also know that the sensation of peeing is getting wet.
hi there

does anyone know of any good places having huge discounts for strollers??? i broke mine when i stepped too hard on it...
egg yolk
Had been giving Dylan since he is 10months old. Just add to porridge and he likes the taste.

Dovey, I used annabel Karmel's pasta recipes (think there are 2-3 of them) and improvise on my own for Dylan.
here's one of them.

creatjoy, jayden feeding pattern sounds like Dylan's. Finish one bowl of porridge, see puffs, want puffs, see milk want milk. Like a bottomless pit. Have to control lor.
Have increased his teats size last month n he is drinking faster than ever. But he seems happier cos the previous teat size was tiring for him.

bluedream, yes I demo to him. usually, I take the cover off the box and lay on the floor. I slot each shape in and it stays visible instead of dropping into the box. He is always excited to see the different shapes and colours fitting into the slots. So now he wants to try doing it but of cos, never correct and always rather violent... thinking that more strength will squeeze the shape thru. LOL.

Potty training
Wish I have more time this week to do more effective potty training. Working from home half day, taking care of mom cos she went for a minor ops on top of taking care of Dylan. Am half dead already and taking a breather now before I start work again. However, so far, he is getting more receptive. Now, I can usually get him to pee when placed on the toilet seat about 2-3 times a day. I think he enjoys it becos he is looking fwd to washing his hands at the end of it.

Dylan's porridge has been thick since about 7 months. Occasionally, I make it more watery and he doesn't really like it even though he didn't have any teeth then. He is eating one rice bowl now as well.
LFB, your fren cooks porridge like me. So many things to go into the porridge... not forgetting the fish. I add in minced pork or chicken every other day.
Will try tmr when I am at home the whole day and when I get my hands on some eggs. Thanks everyone. My son is super picky these few weeks, so I am cracking my head what to feed and cook for him.

amk_gal, I got mine from babykingdom(something lke that)during Taka sale. $99, super duper cheap. But if you travel to M'sia, the stroller there lagi best! Think $50 have quite good ones.
createjoy, haha didn't notice cos during the wkend i lazy, so just latch her on. she slim down quite a lot liao. mil keep on telling me must feed her more. secretly want to add cereal into her milk some more. haiz, found out when i told her i change back to size 2 teat then she say why change back, she wants to add cereal. anyway told her that it's more holes not bigger holes, so also cannot add. so u changed the teat size liao?

Cassey, haha noted. think my gal more interested in getting saliva all over my face than grabbing me. she thinks she's a tiger and open her mouth big big to attack our face. haha.

re: egg yolk
same same. also mixed hard boiled egg yolk in porridge. currently one third egg yolk. my gal likes the taste a lot.

re: porridge
R eats abt 1 rice bowl porridge thick porridge too, still once a day. never got to increasing her food intake and she suddenly didn't wake up so much in the middle of the nite liao. only once instead of 2-3 times.
I'm selling extra milk that I don't have use for. My baby is 1 and I don't drink mum's milk any longer.

1) Nan Pro 2 400g (1 tin)
2) SImilac Follow On 400g (1 tin)
3) Mamil Mama 900g (2 tins)

Do contact me Abigail 90086345
Mummies with playpen,

R you still using the top changing layer of the playpen? If not, is it possible to sell me? Mime has wore off. Please pm me the price and the collection place. Thanks.
<font color="cc3399"> junies, no worries. I find her service quite good so far too. And ahnet, l'tulips and some other have also gotten in touch asking me for the recommendation. So no doubt a few of us will be ordering from her, I believe. I really like her work too.

Re: Pasta
I've heard that the bb pastas aren't very cook friendly. I just use regular alfabeto (alphabet soup/pasta) and Kyle takes it just fine. So those of you who want to try pasta and haven't order those baby ones, just use those. They cook up nice and soft pretty rapidly. I heard that the baby ones have to be boiled for ages and then the insides stay hard though the outsides are mushy. *not sure if this is always the case*

BlueDream, are all playpen changing tables inter-changeable? I'd offer mine, but it's in storage at the moment and I'm not sure which box it's in. Sorry!!

<font size="+1">Re: Baby Room A/C Temperature Setting</font>
Hey girls, Kyle's new PD (a friend of my parents) clarified this for me. He says keep temperature about 25 or 26. You should NOT feel the chill when you walk into kid's room. Just cool but not chilly. My niece sleeps in 26 degrees at med fan and is in sleepsuit and blanket... Sheesh. I think Kyle must be pretty cold at night! I'm turning up the thermostat to 25 tonight!
hi cassey,
great that you checked with the PD! Its been puzzling me why the books and mothercare sleepwear packaging state that the ideal temperature for babies is 18 degrees. Still scratching my head wondering how this can be possible.

i'm so vexed these days. My girl takes more than an hour, sometimes even one and a half hour to finish each meal AND needs the DVD (favourite ones too) to get her to open her mouth for ALL meals. Have a feeling here that i'm slowly failing as a mother the more tv i let her watch! How long do your kids take to finish their meals? What sort of entertainment do you provide to keep them going?
re: room temp
yeah my PD got tell us long time ago that the ideal temp is 26degC.

mil still added cereals into my gal's milk anyway. got to know when i came back yesterday. even though i told her that morning no need. how to know if bb is getting enough food a day? R is definitely getting must slimmer. think can go back to XL diapers.
my son never got to watch TV from start, so he always eat with no entertainment. Can't help much. My friend claimed that she starved the baby, no cereal and no milk, when her child refused her meal. So when the meal timing is up, she will feed again. She said her daughter used to reject food, but now don't dare. The baby is only 10mth plus.

I was told by my PD that 3 meals plus milk plus snack are sufficient. My boy usually takes 3 cereal/porridge meals(half to 3/4 bowl), 180mlx4-5 times and 1 snack(biscuits/puffs). I also dunno too much or too little. All I know he will stop eatin when he is full and I will stop feeding. Again, my PD suggests feed on demand.
hi all, i have 2 vouchers for a $5 discount when you purchase a 900g tin of Enfagrow. It expires on 22 June 2010. Please PM me if interested and I will mail the vouchers to you.

I dont need the voucher as Sophie currently takes either fresh milk or Pediasure.

newmum : Sophie has the same problem when eating.I was just telling toffeecat about it a few days ago.We bought a highchair toy from Kidzloft.the toy has a suction cup to be put on the highchair tray or anywhere for that matter.so the baby is entertained whilst eating.

but for dvds,sadly its a must for our family.we travel like crazy people so the long car trips and airplane journeys are always more pleasant when she's watching her elmo dvds or babytv dvds.
Toffeecat: Yeah!!! I receive the letter too! Can't wait to move in lor! I saw that they have started painting the blocks already!

How are all the babies and mommies? Just few days our precious will be 1 yrs old. That's so fast lor. Just visited my friend whom just given birth. Aiyo... Miss the breastfeeding lo... Miss being pregnant lo...

Trey is still stucked with 2 tiny teeth onli. So slow... He can say mama, papa, clock, bird, dog, duck, ball. But of cos not very clear pronounciation yet. Fav. word is mama, bird
Fav. tv. the babytv first bb songs. Fav. song. If u happy and u know. No fav. toys. but he love his flash cards.

Any bb started walking tiny steps already?
thanks for the tips on pasta... i shud try one of these days...

toffeecat and maryg, which cluster in punggol do u stay? me also waiting, but ready oni Q4 this year...
wow MaryG,
trey can talk???!!! so fast!!

eh is everyone's else bb talking alrdy?
mine can only say mama leh... din even say papa... haiz..
MaryG, Trey is really clever hee
Skyler is trying to hold the edges of his playpen and trying to walk, but i think it's better for him to crawl a little longer hee hee i love crawling babies!

mine only wants to say PAPAPAPAPA... when he sees papa.. sometimes he will say mamama, when he is in a good mood. He can point to things though.. like asking him where is umbrella, or where is light.. he will turn and point to the direction
Had a good mind to starve her too, but Baby won the Battle today. I had a small victory too, since i did speed feeding and cut down the time to one hour....

sadly toys don't work anymore. Once placed on high chair, baby will purse lips until we say 'ok dvd!' Pray sophie doesn't get to this stage.. life was pleasant until i actually counted the total time she spent in front of the tv everyday!

good thing is, she has already started talking and repeating words after me like bird, boat with many other jibberish sounds and of course mama papa. i will introuce the word beat soon..haha
i cant even make out wat words is J talking. he will babble alot, point here point there, hold ur hand and point to where or things which he wants.
he understand wat we talking abt, but jus din speak the words out.

My bb just says papapapapa everyday. But sometimes will imitate after my words. Actually during CNY she could say tiger but suddenly stopped when CNY was over and no more tiger pictures around. Can sometimes say bus, car, dog, baobao. Once she was crawling towards the door and my mom ask her,' where are you going, ann?' And she shouted back very clearly,' GO OUT' Hahahha, we all had a good laugh. Most of the time she just blabbles. SOmetimes complaining when we does something she dislikes. And she will complain for a looonng time.

She is also very fond of pointing at everything she wants. Now she knows about toys existence she will point non stop and sway her body towards them til we go towards it.

BB kiddy ride-

She likes to point at kiddy rides and will pretend to drive it for at least ten mins before we can whisk her away.


I learnt my lesson about aircon. Set it on 25degress on tues without blanket for bb and she woke up on wed with runny nose. Thurs down with cough/phelgm. Today seems feverish.. Think cannot on aircon cause air very dry even with humidifier. Must live with fan and mosquitos at my MIL place..

Cassey- I am trying to decide on the designs. Too many to choose from. And also the quantity since mine only a small party of 25?? And I want a cake on top too.
Wall socket cover: thanks caramelle! Will go check out hardware stores. Ahnet, good point hor? I didn't think about her flipping it up Maybe they sell something that can snap shut in some way...? Make my hubby go look. Men like hardware stores anyway right? Haha

Hand washing: I wash S' hands with my shower cream (Shokobutsu) haha. When out, I wipe with Pigeon hand &amp; mouth wipes (the yellow pack).

Teat size: S is still using size 1! Wahahaha! She drinks her milk very quickly, finishes 180ml in around 5min using size 1 teat. I initially gave her one with a bigger hole (can't remember what size), she gulped down her milk in less than 2min, and cried her eyes out wanting more milk, cos she prob thinks she hardly got anything haha. I reverted to size 1, and now she's happy after finishing her milk. With her, it's all about how much time was used to drink up the milk. If she's having 210ml, I will let her use size 2, cos a bit more milk can afford to let it flow faster haha. For her bedtime feed of 240ml, I'm still using her special feeder which I can control the speed. As she is nearing the end of the bottle, I turn it down to slow flow to drag it out a bit. Still finished within 5min though.

Egg: also gave hard boiled egg yolk, have not given whites yet.

Bellamy's pasta stars: The most irritating pasta to cook so far. Exactly like how Cassey described it. Not sure if this is happening only to me, maybe it's the way i boil it? But other pastas I cook are ok what.... Oh well, will not buy again. Prefer Bellamy's macaroni, I think they cook better.

Meals: S has suddenly decided to reject food on alternate days. Very frustrating. Sometimes she'd humour me and take 3-4 mouthfuls before clamping mouth shut and shaking head violently while using hands to swat spoon away (causing food to fly all over the place, argh!). Other times, she won't even take the 1st mouthful. And it's not because she's not hungry, cos her last meal is just milk, 3hrs ago. And it's also not a new food item. I've cajoled, I've force fed, I've used distraction, I've pretended to eat her food (ending up really eating it since she doesn't want), I've used other foods to camouflage, I've let her play with spoon and try to sneak food in when she tries to chew on her toy spoon.....everything. I get angry when she behaves like that. I don't have patience to wait 1hr for her to finish her food. I've only ever given her a 5-10min break, and if she's still rejecting when I return to feed her, that's it, meal's over. I will not be held ransom. Hrmph. If she starts rejecting EVERYDAY, I think I will starve her too...

Tantrums: S has now taken to sitting down hard on the floor with a thump, then throwing herself forward until head hits the floor, and she'll rub her face on the floor (or rug), practically trying to dig her head into the floor. This is in addition to her screaming. Where do they learn these things from??

Bluedream, S is very motivated to open ziplock bag when it is the container holding her puffs that's in it haha! But she doesn't know how to close it back of course. She tries very hard though. She can't really self feed yet. Is A doing it already?
S is able to get cutlery to her mouth, but she can't balance food on her spoon, so I hold her hand and do it. For forks, I poke the food then hand it to her. Once she's pulled the clean fork out of her mouth, I have to wrestle it back from her, cos she loves waving the stupid fork around, which makes me worry that she'll jab her eye out. Must find a fork that's less sharp. I have a Nuby fork, but that one is too blunt to poke anything haha!
ahnetsan, babbles are music to oue ears too

junies,can try sleeping bag. i prefer aircon to mozzies

u sound desperate.. have u tried dvd? ;p
it works perfectly well with mine, sets her off in a mouth-opening trance so much sometimes i stop feeding her myself as i feel she has had too much. Gets them eating but u get another set of problems with tv later haha
hello mummies,
always want to post but the stupid com always hang on me.. just type a long post but got deleted again.. really busy and a lot of things all not going according to plan.. so xian

re my pregnancy, my gynae had difficulties in reading the ultrasound scan for the heart.. so he referred us to a specialist.. the specialist took some time too.. abt one hr to scan for the heart.. though he can see the 4 chambers.. 2 of them appear to be weaker than usual and he doesn't know why.. there may be problems or maybe not an issue at all.. we can only tell when baby is born as he will have to go for detailed cardiac tests.. nobody knows abt it except hb and myself.. don't have the heart to tell my parents.. we are still hoping that all will be fine.. gynae suspects it could be due to the position of baby or worse position of the heart in the body..

today i just had another issue.. confinement lady who came highly recommended by my friend backs out and claims she need to take care of a premature baby for 1 yr.. she recommends some relative who only did once in singapore.. hb and my mom think we should drop her completely since she was so unethical.. never even call and let me know.. so now i have to either look for a new one or get my mom to do it.. but after last time, i doubt my mom can cope.. esp when my gal is so sticky and requires constant attention

so mummies, any good cl to recommend? my edd is end jun and i contacted dolly's cl but she has an early june job..

seems like i am falling sick every 2 wks.. now down with cold again.. my bro down with hand foot mouth caught from army camp.. so worried that my gal will get it..

really suay nowadays
hi fat_mom, seems you could do with a hug. take care girl and go easy, it will all work out okay? *smiles*

today, i brought A to her 1st class and we both really liked it so i signed her up at My Gym. brought her to m.parade branch but tampines is nearer so will go for the classes there instead. she was not cranky at all, which i'd prep'ed myself for, but nothing, no tears or screams. she was quite happy to be swinging on the bar and crawling all over the place! i was just worried about her getting sick cos she's not so exposed to people outside on weekdays - partly why i'd like her to socialise abit more. im not sure if the other classes by other centres are more fun, but for me the distance is a real plus point.

anyway, have a good sunday ahead mummies!
TubbyM, i have a picky eater in Aug too! So i share your frustration abt feeding! For me, its a daily affair. He fusses abt the food each time i feed him. I have given up feeding porridge cos he doesnt like it. Now he is eating soft rice with soup (meat and veges cooked in it). For breakfast, he usually gets ebm with oats or millet and fruit. The fruit is a must for each meal now cos he refuses to eat anything without fruits. I have tried pasta, cheese, yoghurt. Now the favorite food seems to be yoghurt. But I cant be feeding that every meal...sigh...im wondering if he hates fish. cos he always gives me that yucky face when i feed him fish.He also shakes his head vigorously telling me he doesnt wanna eat each time i feed him. The mouth is also clamped shut. Although i dont believe in offering toys during mealtimes, i have relented and let him fiddle with something so that he gets distracted and not protest so strongly against his food! Im thinking of just getting him to eat at the family table after he crosses the 1 yr mark cos its so frustrating planning his daily food menu!!!! And he hates sitting in the highchair too. He would fuss whenever we wanna put him in. I think he hates the whole eating experience...headache man...He still enjoys his bm though and yes sometimes he bites...or yanks too hard. I just shout out in pain cos its really painful and he looks at me with an innocent face, like he is wondering what he had done...hmmm cheeky boy.
Hi mummies,

hectic week for me, with my mom down with surgery, hb down with cough, nanny not free and tons of work. Now I am having bad monday blues becos I am missing my deadlines. Still I need a breather from work.

On contrary to most mommies' frustration, D is good when it comes to food. It's usually not enough but he has learnt to stop eating when he thinks he is full. Distraction is only required if we need to slow him down and it's actually super frustrating to feed him when:
- TV is on
- MIL is around cos she keeps doing funny things, saying nonsense to distract him
- at a restuarant where waiters and waitresses are distracting him or there are too many pp around for him to see. He would turn his whole body in the high chair just to face a group of aunties at the next table and starts to babble with them, as if participating in their conversation.

He loves his high chair because he equates that to food.

He knows mum mum (food), Mama (only when he feels like saying it and it's definite when he is in distress), papa (sometimes, not a frequent word) and ja! (for peekaboo, his fave game).
He definitely babbles a lot that I have no idea what's he talking, except for the chinese word "hua" for flower which he pronounces it wrongly in a high pitch voice. LOL.

-Knows who to do the twinkle little stars action when I sing or when he hears the song.
-Puts his hand to his ear when he hears "hello" as if he is putting a phone to his ear (and yes, he loves phones)
-wave bye only when he is in the mood
-do the gong xi action till this day and still doing it every day
-either hides and crawl out to play peekaboo or use his blankie/towel to do that with us.
-crawling super fast becos he thinks it's fun playing catching with us
-Stands without support pretty well but he doesn't want to walk these days. Guess he thinks crawling is the fastest way for now. Of cos, he cruises along tv console, sofa, feature wall.. etc.
-Likes music and will move his body when he hears a tune he likes.

fatmom, all will be well. stay positive ya!
CL - cant' help cos I don't like my CL either.

Don't think I will have a chance to log in for the week. Have a good week ahead, mummies!
good afternoon mummies, sorry to interupt.

i have a gently used walking wings to let go(used 2 time only) cos my baby learned to walk overnite!

RP is about S$50. Asking for $35. Collect at Bedok or Alexandra. Can deliver if timing and location convenient. Pls text me at 9029 7390 if you are interested.

Thanks for reading!

What is Walking Wings?
Walking Wings helps baby learn to walk balancing more naturally, hands-free, and experiencing fewer falls. This unique padded support vest easily fastens around the chest of the baby and has two adjustable, detachable straps with padded handles for your comfort. It's healthier for baby's shoulders (no tugging on little arms) and kinder to parent’s backs (no more bending over!). Pediatrician recommended for babies learning to walk.

Product Details:
New! Improved Design with more support for baby and increased control for parents
Adjustable parent's straps have padded handles for greater comfort
Straps detach, so you don't have to keep taking Walking Wings on and off baby
Padded vest features adjustable hook and loop closure and safety buckle for secure fit
Avoid the back pain associated with teaching a baby to walk
Walking hands-free helps build self-confidence, babies feel like they're walking independently
Minimizes the number and severity of falls
100% Cotton
Machine Washable, dryer safe
Recommended Age: 6 months &amp; up
Vest fits: 19 - 26 inch chest circumference
Tubbym, agree with you. Will never buy the pasta stars again. I still have a big packet left.

Meals: we will just turn on the DVD. Otherwise he just keep figeting about. No choice sometimes. ....

The weather is getting hot and mozzies are attacking. Do you mummies have any recommendations to rid of them? I bought 2 electric repellent that uses high frequency to repel mosquitoes but they are not working!
hi mummies,
thanks for the support and encouragement.. bb got hfmd, started high fever yesterday since then, refuse milk and cereal etc.. only like to eat bread.. today went to pd.. pd said she is very fat (@10.6kg) no need to eat for 3 days also can!!!

re CL, looks like good ones are all taken up.. backup plan is to do in my mom's place again.. can't imagine squeezing 6 adults and 2 babies in a EA.. haven't include hubby yet.. btw, any one has any recommendation for confinement food catering? in case i cant get CL, i will cater for food so that can concentrate on my bbs

thanks in advance
hello mummies,
any idea where can I bring Cayden to weight beside clinic?

Brought jiejie see doctoc, I carry Cayden and weight, he seems like lost lots of weight (abt 1kg+) bit worried.
hi ecmom, i use my own digital weighing scale at home. Weigh yourself while carrying baby, and without baby. The difference is baby's weight. Very accurate.
fat_mom, hope ur gal gets well soon. maybe can add cheese or fish to the bread so she can get more nutrients. dunno any CL though cos MIL did for me.

re: meals
my gals's got the irritating habit of putting her legs on the high chair arm rest. so unladylike and she'll make noise each time we put it down for her. no dvd during mealtimes, try not to let her play anything too, at least when i'm ard during dinner and wkends. so far still ok. only let her watch tv while we are eating to keep her occupied when only 2 of us ard. recorded ch8 sat morning mickey mouse and doraemon. when we are outside, we'll have to take turns eating still cos she's easily distracted. almost always have to carry her at the end of our meal cos she got impatient. haha maybe we take too long to eat :p

re: talking
R's favourite word is still mama, mum mum. recently been saying papa when papa is not ard. haha. and bear bear. and sometimes when i point out to something and say what is it, she might repeat after me. just sounds very blur and rounded. like "octopus" becomes "olopo".

tubbymummy, ya Rouxuan has been throwing tantrums more and more recently! for her, when we take away her things, for try to pull her down the chair, she'll throw her head and weight backwards and shake her head vigorously! so scary and naughty. really wonder where she learnt that from. and how to stop her from doing that.

dovey, our flat is at boon keng ;) also getting in Q4.

MaryG, ya so happy :p looking ard for id now. haha my gal hasn't even stood without support yet not to mention walking. oh well. think cos we don't let her crawl in the house so her muscles not built up. and she still has no teeth! been peeking at it since bbjun mention will suddenly pop out. haha still nothing yet.

feel quite bad cos i think i've been starving my gal. on sun when we increase 1 meal of porridge and shifted cereals for breakfast, for the 1st time, she slept through the whole nite without waking up. now she slimmed down so much, can feel her bones when carrying her. even my mom also says she slimmed down. sigh..
newmum0109, haha I'm terribly impatient. Currently, my distraction tool is my cats. She loves the cats, so I'll either call for a cat to come, or just keep talking about the catss, so she'll look left and right for the cat, and open her mouth without thinking whenever the spoon touches her lip haha!

fat mom, *big hug* Hopefully it turns out to be a false alarm, and there are absolutely no problems with baby's heart. Pray hard... you'll be in my prayers too. For A's hfmd, S just recovered not that long ago, PD kept drilling into us to hydrate her well, cos he said hfmd is not a big thing, but complications start when they reject food/drinks cos of mouth sores, so even before that sets in, must give lotsa fluids. She'll be ok in no time. But YOU be very careful not to catch it from her ok? I caught it from S, and suspect I had it worse than her.

bbaug, if only we could just feed them their fave foods everyday, every meal! If I did that, S will only be eating cheese, banana, melts, puffs and Petit Miam yogurt. Over the weekend when we were eating out, I noticed that she will flat out refuse her food the moment ours was served. I think I might be on to something. She either has to eat what we're eating, or I have to feed her before our stuff come along. I've tried cooking stuff that S can eat too, e.g. chicken soup with potatoes &amp; carrots, but cos I don't add salt since she's eating, hb's complaining about it being horribly bland. Somehow adding seasoning AFTER the thing is cooked is just not the same... Sigh.

Skylermum, is it our area har?? (are you still living closeby to me? hehe) At one point, not sure last year or early this year, I was getting bitten by mozzies everyday. There was one Sunday, we killed 4 mozzies in one day! I was on the verge of complaining to NEA, then decided to try those high freq insect repellent thingies too haha. Did you buy thru BP?? I wanted to buy from that BP, but decided at the end to buy from HomeFix. Used it for a few days, and I still get small insects flying in, but strangely, the mozzies disappeared! Dunno coincidence or what...

toffeecat, their tantrums very frustrating hor? S did that at Gymboree, that arch back, shake head, kick leg thing, then followed by flop forward, rub face on floor thing. So pai seh.
Hi ecmom,
saw a bp on baby weighing scale.. but cost $68.
maybe you can bring baby to hwa xia to 'test' the scale? You need not buy it after testing ;)

Hi dear mummies:
I'm having a headache planning for my boy's b'dae party.
Can someone enlighten me whether we have to prepare gifts for guests who come to the party?
Do I have to prepare red eggs or any traditional things for 1st birthday?
Many mums have been talking abt cupcakes, what are they for? as gifts or part of the buffet?

I'm quite do-do in such things, never planned a party in my entire life. My boy's first month celebration was quite a disaster in the end.
So I hope the first b'dae party will be better :p
