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  1. T

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Ok ladies i am going back liao. Still thinking how to tell DH later. His eyes were already watery last fri when i told him i saw blood and thought AF coming.
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    I share my symptoms as reference ok? I think my most obvious was that day 12 spotting and breast pain and high BBT. Day 12DPO or 10DPET - Spotting about slightly more than 50cent coin, brownish not fresh red (i sneezed hard that afternoon so that might be the cause also) - Got some EWCM...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Strawbearbi, ya i will. Luckily got left over progynova and the insert in my bag, i went to take them all just now liao. When speaking to Dr Zou, she gently chided me for stopping everything myself since last friday too. I didnt know BT should try to ask for HCG level. If not for you...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Lina, no leh, she just say continue the inserts then wed replenish something else bah. Haze, ya i am very thankful. I just hope my BT this wed is ok too. Very nervous still. Abit on tenterhooks also. Wow Ju, thats fast. Thanks. Gonna pray thanksgiving tonite. Will pray for you all...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    I really feel like crying now. 4 times ET, 2 years, many many heart breaks and tears ... finally now my broken heart can heal and smile. Thanks gals for being here for me all these while. THANKS!!! from bottom of my heart! I guess still not stable since HCG level so low. I am still...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Thanks ladies, i am so nervous, feel faint now. Feel like want to cry but dont know how. Still abit in awe. My reading is now 73iu. KKH say got double so its good but still not their ideal so they want me to go back and BT again on wed. For now, i will just take very good care. I...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Sorry about above, am too nervous to post this
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    hi ladies
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Gals, my mind is in a whirl now. I am so scared. Cant take the day off as i have an important meeting to go to later. I am going KKH for my BT now and hopefully by end of the day can know whether its doubling or declining. So careless me, should have known better to not shop, eat sashimi etc...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Thanks Bambi, i am so scared now. Cos was already taking the blow last fri and now test again, if neg, its like leaving my hopes up for another blow. So so scared. But you are rite, if preggy, i ought to get supplements back soon, i actually stopped all inserts and TCM and even went shopping...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    hey Ruru, Haze and ladies who have done BT at KKH before, Is it the same everywhere how they measure BHCG level as in same "iu" and nothing else, no "miu" etc ... ? KKH is making me confused. They told me not pregnant base on fri BT cos must min 250iu but i was at 23iu. They want me to...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Oh i didnt know must ask about the iu, ok i ask KKH in a while. Thanks for enlightening, you gals know so much more than me!
  13. T

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Hey ladies How soon should AF report if BFN? I stopped my hormone supplements on fri till now AF is still not reporting. Usually 2 days after i stop hormone inserts, AF sure come. My last and only spotting was fri after i sneezed hard, then it cleared up on fri nite, nothing from sat...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Hey ladies, just to update, i think my case is a goner again. Sneezed hard today then saw brown stains. Went to KK for BT already, will know results tomorrow. I think this time is a flop again Oh well, but life has to go on.....
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Oh dear Rinoa. Sorry to hear that. Is it full flow, cos sometimes pregnant also may bleed abit. So, got double confirm? I just had a strong sneeze just now, now feeling like my womb has been dislodged like that.
  16. T

    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Ruru, i agree with you! I am also fretting over every bit of symptoms since 7DPO! And i also believe in if HPT shows nothing by 10 or 11 DPO, its likely a goner unless a miracle! I think i might want to do BT this afternoon so that tomorrow morning can get results then i have the whole...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Frankly, thinking about it, i feel scared and nervous, like butterflies in the tummy. You gals feel the same when near your BT too? I feel rather well, no apparent symptoms, just today abit on and off cramp and poo 2 times already. Dont know is it stomach upset or womb cramp lead to pooing...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Ruru, ya you are right ~ i transfered 2DPO embryos on 3 Mar so today the embryos should be 11DPO. Maybe this sat will be 13DPO, can try to test. But i thinking of skip urine test and barge in KK on sat for BT. Because i feel jinxed ley, everytime test on HPT see no lines, thinking maybe this...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Good morning all! Ruru, my BT is next Thu, day 18 but actually day 14 can test already right? I feel like testing this Sat, at least if bad news, i have the weekend to come to terms with it. If i have 'sunflower(s)' instead, i will post my code picture ~ a sunflower. Rinoa, how? We...
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Sarahttc, 36.1 and 36.3 is my highest you know? I seldom past 36.4 even after ovulation.
