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  1. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Claire, Hahaha....xr so funny. Really cannot help it, my boy also pick up naughty words from the 2 older ones like idiot, stupid. Just have to keep correcting them not to do it.
  2. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Re : Work Agree with Mashy and Etelle that it will b difficult to go back to full time work. I am thankful that I don't need to get up early and come back home dog tired, then still gotta put the kids to sleep like b4. For me to start all over again will be very difficult. Most likely will...
  3. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Etelle, I have J when I am 34 le, hehehe. No worries one lah. My advice is decide how many you want, then faster finish and close shop. Now, my kids are in 2 camp, one the computer crazy, other still play thomas. Difficult to engage all the kids in 1 activity. Pacifier, When you know this...
  4. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Re : Pacifier My boy is a tutu addict, I dun think he will forget if we dun give him for the nite,he sure ask for it. Any good suggestions without being too hard hearted. Re : Toilet training He is toilet trained in school, pretty easy when the teachers toilet train them as they like to...
  5. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Vonvon, Read about Marcus. My heart goes out to him. Can the dentist do anything? like fit a fake one or something. Marcus is a smart boy, mayb he feels the diff b4 and after, realising that he lost a tooth and became conscious? If not, you shold continue to encourage and assure him that it is...
  6. J

    Calling ALL Thomas TRain FANS!

    Hi, I didn't know there is a Thomas fan thread boy is 3 years old, very crazy over thomas. He has lots of thomas die cast trains, and battery operated ones on blue track. Clothing also very choosy now, all must be Thomas shirts, underwear and shoes. He is outgrowing his thomas...
  7. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    stella, I prefer the 8.30-11.30am slot as they are very fresh in the early morning to absorb everything in sch. Just nice after school come back, take lunch and nap. Train ethan to sleep early like 8pm+ so he can wake up early. As long as 1 day he sleeps around 10-11hrs, should be alright...
  8. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Jerry's birthday also over. Did not celebrate in CC as they want us to provide a 3kg cake for 60 kids (whole sch)! So meaningless right? So we took him on his favourite MRT (Thomas the train) ride and bought Thomas the train cake from Polar to celebrate at home. Simple affair. Sunshinekid...
  9. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Hi, Gong Xi Fa Cai to everyone! Etelle, Yes, you are right. We cannot stop our kiddos from learning all the undesirable behaviour from other kids, we just need to continually tell them cannot use violence, cannot say vulgar lang, etc. It is going to be a on-going process till they grow up...
  10. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Hi mummies, so long never log in. So many 2nd time mummies le. Congrats! Anyone know where to get thomas the train sandals? My boy already got 1 insists on having thomas the train sandals to replace for CNY and not other designs. Keep saying bu yao bu yao when we try others for him. Help!
  11. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Jappooh, Any reasons why you feel like crying? Are you worried or feel miserable? If it persists and feel so very bad that you cry everyday and cannot get thru each day properly, it may be pre-natal depression.....hope it is just fatigue. Take care.
  12. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    I have never bought the white rabbit candy before for my kids till 2 weeks ago, I bought 1 whole pack at those titbits stall at Bugis, basement.Thank God we haven't finish the whole packet.....
  13. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    violet, It is a blessing to find a good nanny that you can trust. They took on the role of our mum/mum in law to care for our little ones. Summer, Actually, Hong Kong is just like Singapore, very cosmo type, just that the place is not as clean and more cramped. Bringing our toddlers...
  14. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Koli, girl ah? hmm....Natasha, natalie, nicolette.....
  15. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Mashy, I share the same feelings as you when the govt only motivate those who contribute to the economy but not the sahms. We also need some candies as reward In general, sahm made the choice to stay home because it is the most ideal for the family, but that also means we have to depend on...
  16. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Etelle, Don't think so negative, our kids are tougher than we think. My boy cry 1st 2 days, never cry le. Now, just run in, got no time to say bye bye to me. Esp boys, we must be tougher with them. We are paying money for them to play, not suffer. Probably, if you think like that, you will feel...
  17. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Etelle, What is GOON? Never hear b4. As for Edward train, I search Isetan(Scotts), toyrus(Forum/Tampines/Suntec), Takashimaya, OG, Kiddy palace(Century Sq), all no have. Today, I happened to go to Century Sq, went in kiddy palace to search again, got 1 sales assistant saw me search like maid...
  18. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Thumbs-up for huggies Ultra. Really good leh, Jerry can last thru the nite now without any change of diaper. Thanks to the mummies who recommended. Anyone come across battery operated thomas the train blue engine, Edward, that runs on the blue track, price $29.95 can let me know? I search...
  19. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    Claire, That was very scary indeed! Thank God she is alright, I can't imagine what will happen if your mil is any less vigilant or even any min late. I think all kids should learn how to swim, look at all the drowning cases because they cannot swim. I don't even allow my kids to go swimming...
  20. J

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    VS, PM you liao.
