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  1. L

    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hello Juliana, Glad to hear if the blog can be useful to readers Most welcome to visit anytime yaa... Jessie, Untuk kedua2 anakku, aku ga pake epidural, memang udah decide utk ga pake dari awal2 UNLESS ada complications dan mau ga mau harus epidural. xxx Leonny...
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    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hello Moms, Udah cukup lama belum2 nge-post disini ... Sibuk sama persiapan bday anakku yang kedua (umur 2), terus juga ada anniversary ortu, ultah opa umur 88, ada ini itu terus yg perlu dipersiapin bulan ini Hope all moms are doing well here ya!! Hashisan, Helo! Congrats yah buat...
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    A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

    Lin, The pics are beautiful! And so is the baby! So adorable! Love that photo where the big brother's gently kissing the baby sister!! Congrats! xxx Leonny
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    A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

    Hi Moms, Haven't been logging in to the forum for sometime now. Hope you all are doing great! Now is my turn to share my Aug2006 baby's recent 2nd birthday On the day he turned 2yo (20.08.2008), the four of us went out for dinner, but the actual birthday cake and get together was done...
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    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hello moms! Warm welcome buat yang baru join Jessie, Thanks ya buat complimentnya blognya Hope bisa jadi tempat dpt ide dan masukan, dan saling sharing juga antar parents disana Ibu2 ... most welcome to drop by and ikutan sharing pengalaman / pendapatnya di section commentnya...
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    Indonesian Mommies?

    Star, Nama anakku yg pertama 'Anya', yang kedua 'Vai' (gampangnya tulis nama panggilan mereka ajah krn sebenarnya nama full mereka itu 'Lavinia' dan 'Levi' ) Joshua exclusively breastfed ya ... Congrats! Semoga lancar terus ya ! Utk meet-up di Suntec (Sabtu, 23 Aug), itu rencananya...
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    Indonesian Mommies?

    Star, Iya aku rutin ke GRII dan tinggal di Bt Batok. Anakku yg pertama hampir 4.5thn, yg kedua minggu depan umur 2 thn. Kresentia, Thank you yah Selalu welcome to drop by the site anytime Eufrasia, Ga tau kenapa, kalo minum kopi setelahnya tuh agak2 pusing Aneh. xxx Leonny...
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    (2006/11) November 2006 MTBs

    Hi Moms, I'm actually a Mom of an August 06 baby, but I just thought of sharing with you moms what's happened to his health (skin infection, to be exact), so that at least you moms are 'more informed' than me if you ever get to see such a case in the future (I was totally clueless when we...
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    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hello moms! A warm welcome to those who've just joined in and CONGRATS to those who've just given birth ya Eufrasia, Iya, aku yang ajarin2 ini itu di rumah ... tapi ya kita mah lebih bersifat learning through fun ... jadi anak2 belajar nulis / alphabets dll sambil 'main' Aku dulu waktu...
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    A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

    Catherine, Elmo, Cheri, Lin : This is the first time I came across Impetigo too. Was completely clueless about it before. So at least moms here know about it now. Cheri: The dermatologist did say that Zambuk should actually be okay for kids, but if you ask me, I'd go with Hirudoid (after...
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    A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

    Hi everyone, Been a while since I last log in this thread! Hope everyone's doing great! Cheri, CUTE dora emon chopsticks! What a great way for the kids to start learning how to use chopsticks! Hmm, am thinking of introducing it to my kids! As for stretchmarks, I guess it's in the...
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Hi Cocomo! Your baby girl is sooo adorable! Hope you're settling in well with having two little ones at home. Also, just to share with all mommies here. Vai, My (soon to be) 2yo son (his bday is on Aug 20) had this 'red sores' on his face that didn't go away some 2 weeks ago. Didn't know...
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Hi all! Haven't been logging in for quite a while ... Hope you all are doing great this week! White Lady, Nice 'Shrek-themed' bday! My son's 2nd bday is coming up soon too, on 20th Aug, but this year we're having things simple ... just a little gathering with his Sunday School friends...
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Racoon, big CONGRATS to you and your little baby girl!! xxx Leonny
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    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hello and thank you ya n2inpink! Wah asik dong hobi bikin kue! AND, the cakes are SO nice! Can you please let me know the price for the Thomas Train cup cakes ? ( Pls let me know by email ? [email protected]...
  16. L

    How does yr toddler sleep?

    Hi moms, I have 2 kids (elder daughter 4 yrs 5mths, younger son 23 months). Since my eldest one was born, she slept with us in the same room on a different bed (in her cot till she's about 7mths, then on a single bed, on the floor, next to my side of the bed). Then she moved on to a...
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    A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

    Elmo, Just saw the messages today, and so sorry to have missed out on Summer's birthday get-together! Happened to have a wedding to attend that day too. Anyway, wishing her the very best birthday! As for the Garden Fest, we have to give it a miss sadly, coz we can only go in the...
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    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hello Mum2B, Aku pake Canon Ixus, dan kdg pake Nikon D200. Aku sempat share ttg camera yg aku pakai selama ini di Eufrasia, Anya thn ini br masuk N2 (nursery 2), utk anak2 yg thn ini berumur 4thn...
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    A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

    Hi Cheri, Yup, spending time with the kids at home (or the playground downstairs) is a great way to bond too Cutie, What a nice activity idea you have there!! xxx Leonny
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    (2006/08) AUGUST 2006 MTB

    Hi Jas, Anya - my eldest one - usually stays near by. Not the venturing out all alone type. BUT, Vai - the boy - like Jade, he can run around and wander off by himself without looking back too! I've too tried following him quietly to see if he turned and looked for me, and ... he didn't...
