Indonesian Mommies?

hi everyone,

been long time never log in.. hope you all doing fine

btw, short brief refreshment abt me:
g dari bandung, sma di trinitas, kuliah di unpar.. anak TI'95..

hmm.. I've read some mummies mention about Wendy Wong, what's up with her? Seems she's done something BAD. Has anyone met her? Can describe how she looks? If no one ever saw her.. we should be more careful in case she appears as someone else anywhere..

hi n2inpink,

thanks.. yup.. selalu sibuk sama baby.. skrg uda 7bln.. n uda start on solid.. bikin lebih repot.. hehehehe...

hello Star,

ikutan donk sensus-nya..
nick: Eufrasia
1st son: Anthony
dob: 22 Oct 2007
add: Potong Pasir
please update to your list, tks yah

btw, kita musti gathering nih.. biar indo mummies ga kesepian.. walo sibuk/repot bgt urus anak.. kadang2 g lonely bgt.. tapi kebanyakan.. ga punya wkt utk bersosialisasi.. padahal kepengen banget... hehehe.. kita usahain gathering yah.. :p

teker all

alo teman teman,
udah lama kagak login nih ! abis, thread ini suka sepi

lets arisan lah.... kangen ngumpul sama anak indo.
perhaps we can picnic? potluck?

any idea? gimana donk cara ngumpulin mommies yg di sini? perhaps through e-mail? or handphone?

or you all wanna e-mail me your contact & e-mail addy? if so, pls send it to:
[email protected]
i'll consolidate the e-mail addy & contact number.
will make sure it's confidential.

take care !!
Apple (cumi),
nyari baby sitter yang buat day time ya?
nanti saya bantuin nanya nanya ya? saya punya teman indo juga tuh di bishan st 12.
josephine (jse_05),
kalo urusin sendiri susah lho....
kalo maid nya kagak lulus test, harus di kirim pulang.
tapi kalo bawa maid yg kamu mau lewat agent, itu bisa, biayanya cukup besar loh, coba deh tanya tanya dan cari tau dulu. istilahnya: direct hire.

dulu saya bawa maid sendiri tapi lewat agent, biaya skitar $1,200.... itupun 4 tahun yg lalu.
pembantu ku udah pulang, udah kawin.
Pembantu yg sekarang sih ambilnya lewat agent, gak kenal punya, tapi thank God so far so good.
Hi n2inpink,
Rasanya berat sekali. Capek sih nggak. Tinggal bbrp minggu lagi nih.
Mau ngumpulin mungkin set waktunya dulu, mungkin bulan Agustus gitu, trus di kota.
aiyo sorry yah baru login thread ini lagi. maid agency nya yang di sg di coronation plaza. agency name is made to measure.

u r here too! ayuk dong ngumpul. aye mau nih! u organise ah!
Halo semua!

I'm also a working mother in Sg, married a Singaporean, has been here since young
Anakku Aidan, dob 08 Nov 2006, tinggal di CCK.

Seneng banget disini ada thread orang Indo!
iya... gue juga ikutan here! hahaha!

piggy mum,
welcome to indo thread.
sayangnya di sini sepi...... jarang yang login.

ibu ibu,
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">ARISAN YUUKK!</font></font>
you all wanna e-mail me your contact &amp; e-mail addy? if so, pls send it to:
[email protected]
i'll consolidate the e-mail addy &amp; contact number.
will make sure it's confidential.
hello mummies,

ini thread sering macet yah..
kapan mummies pada mo gathering?

arisan? i never join an arisan.. how does it work?
can pls any mummy enlighten me?

HI ALL Mummies,

I stumbled upon a very interesting website recently. I've been spending some
time going through it and personally, I feel it's a very useful site...I even
learnt a couple of new things!

Just thought it might be useful for you too.

There's also some cool movie-style animation on the website for you to watch.

You don’t want to miss this.

Check it out, it's at
Hi all,

Iam new at this thread. Iam a chinese Indonesian from Batam and currently 32 weeks pregnant. Hope to know all of you here.

Currently craving for Lontong.. tried a lot in various places but can't find a really autentic and nice one. any recommend ? Iam staying in west side.
Hello Moms!

Wah, just came across this thread too

Sedikit details :

Chinese Indonesian
2 kids (born in Mar 2004 and Aug 2006)
West of Singapore

Aku share ups and downs of motherhood, parenting tips, arts and crafts ideas for kids and other inspirational thoughts di blogku. Silakan mampir anytime and share thoughts and experiences kalian juga. Biar aku dan para pembaca lain jg bisa saling belajar

Salam kenal buat semua!


Our Everyday Things
- Loving life with children, everyday
hi indonesian mommies,
salam kenal buat semuanya

long time no posting here, seems like the thread is very quiet most of the time.

hi leonny,
wow ur blog is so impressive, great photography skills! do u have formal photography background/skills? how to make the background blur like that, or did u edit it with photoshop? hehe.. sorry i'm totally clueless here.
also like ur art and craft session with ur kids, u r very creative!

btw i'm also indonesian, married to indonesian too. stay at clementi, 1 dd born on june 2006.

read that u r sahm with 2 kids, and no maid? wow! i'm sahm, no maid, and 1 kid, and it already left me exhausted most of the day :p
Hi Mum2B!

Thank you ya for the compliments

As for photography, it's more of a passion for me, and no, no formal photography / photoshop training

The blurred background is because of the type of lens I used (50mm lens). But yes all of my photos are enhanced in photoshop so I can get the look and feel I prefer

Yes, I agree, caring for our kids burn lots of calories

May be indo moms can get together during the school holiday ? It'd be nice getting to know more moms.

hello mummies..happy to see the thread active again.

Hey Mum2B, nice to see you here. How have you been?
hi missk,
long time no "see"
i'm fine, how about u, still in jkt? sorry we didn;t manage to meet up last year..

beli material art n craft spt crepe paper, colorful match sticks, n etc di mana yah? thanks.
hi mummies.. salam kenal jg

Leonny, i'm impressed with your blog. Kamu creative sekali. Kamu hebat, bisa manage raise your wonderful kids and maintain your interesting and informative blog. Aku salut banget sama kamu.

Btw, aku lagi belajar bikin blog utk journal babyku, tapi my time's dragged. Esp baby masih 9bln en lagi rewel. Mungkin time managementku salah. Kalau sempat kita mummies bisa gathering, aku pingin belajar banyak dari kamu (if you don't mind).

mum2b, still living in jkt...will probably be based there for the longest time. But now, I am back home!
Hello Mommies,
thank you thank you buat compliments-nya ya!
Very encouraging! Dan tentu, most welcome to drop by anytime yah ... am always glad if the site can somewhat be helpful and useful to many people!

Oh btw, other than the 'search box', there's a category list on the right bar that will help you go to a specific topic, eg. activity ideas for kids

Crepe paper bermacam2 warna bisa beli di Popular Bookstores.
Coloured matchsticks bisa dibeli di Spotlight (eg. the one at Plaza Singapura). That place has LOTS of great stuff for crafting activities!

am thinking of arranging a get together juga sih .. tp utk aku, br bisa gabung saat School holiday krn Anya - yg besar - udah masuk nursery thn ini.

Iya, blogging jg great utk sebagai journal pribadi yah ... ky aku, memorynya suka rusty
byk lupa pdhal anak jg masih kecil2 dan cuma dua!

hmm. kemarin ke popular JE ga nemu crepe paper tuh. sekali2 main ke spotlight sih, tapi tiap kali ke sana selalu "lost", not sure which one to buy hehe.. most are quite pricey too (acc to me lah) :p

till when u'll be in sgp? how's ur boy? my dd now attends daily playgroup, coz she's more than a handful for me at home :p
Helo Mum2B,

Oh ya ngga ada? Biasanya sih kalo aku ga sempet nyari lama2, aku lsg nanya ke staff
Mgk pas lg out of stock ?

Aku pribadi jarang2 ke spotlight, tp sekali kesana, seneng aja ngeliatin barang2 yg di jualin (though in the end ga beli, hehe)

Spotlight memang luas sekali, mgk next time minta bantuan staff utk kasih tau dimana bisa dapet matchsticks ?

All the best with the search.

oh gt ya, ntar lain kalo coba nanya ke staff deh. biasanya sih males nanya2 ke staff, suka diketusin atau mereka ga tau

btw kamu pake kamera apa? auto atau manual?
Anya sudah mulai masuk nursery? berapa jam per hari? berapa umur minimum utk ikut nursery?
rencanaku, si baby mau dimasukkan nursery usia 3thn.. terlambat ato terlalu cepat? (hee. masih lama sekali yah)

re: gathering

yup.. a get together is a good idea.. semoga mummies pada sempat..
hmmm.. kapan school holiday nya ya? maklum.. babyku masih 9mos jadinya kaga tau kapannya.. hee..

btw, ada yg bersedia jadi eo-nya? arr.. terus terang aku ga bisa.. juga belum tentu bisa selalu ikut gathering.. karena baby masih direct breast-feeding.. kadang2 bikin susah kalo mo pergi2an.. wktnya habis utk kasih makan en nyusuin dia.. :p

re: breast-feeding..
mummies, apakah ada kiat2 utk mempertahankan asi? karena sepertinya asiku mulai berkurang.. sob sob..
katanya sih makan fenugreek menolong.. tapi selain makan herbs.. kita musti makan apa lagi?
ktnya musti byk makan karbohidrat..
any advise??? tks in advance lho

Hello Mum2B,

Aku pake Canon Ixus, dan kdg pake Nikon D200.

Aku sempat share ttg camera yg aku pakai selama ini di

Anya thn ini br masuk N2 (nursery 2), utk anak2 yg thn ini berumur 4thn. Tiap hari 3 jam, senin - jumat. Sebelumnya, lebih bersifat homeschooling dari aku.

Di singapore ada yg namanya pre-nursery atau N1, itu untuk mereka yg pada thn itu berumur 3 thn.

Have always heard of this papaya soup! Never had any though

Selama ini aku breastfeed (yg pertama selama 13.5bulan, yg kedua selama 21.5 bulan), yg aku jalanin sih ini:
- drink lots of liquid (soup, water, juice, anything)
- reduce daily intake of coffee, tea, soda
- breastfeed as often as possible (the more we breastfeed, the more supply is produced)
- eat a lot! hehe ... (kita toh biasanya laper mulu .. )

Hope the tips help

Hi semuanya!
senang deh rasanya melihat ada posting di thread ini.
soalnya thread ini sering macet

kamu jago banget ya foto foto, ajarin aku donk....
aku hobby bikin kue, tapi gak pintar foto, makanya hasil foto kue aku pada jelek....

ini lihat hasil fotonya:
udah sebulan belom di update.... habisan sibuk, kerja &amp; keluarga udah bikin capek....hehehehe!

aku juga aktif di baking thread:
I'm at east as well.

my cousin, teaching english - indonesia, at bedok reservoir.
if u are interested, pls let me know.

hi n2inpink,

my baby is still young, coming 8 mths now. so am really just checking around at the moment.

i went to the website of sekolah indonesian but it only has formal education.

which pre-nursery is your cousin from?

which part of east are you at? I'm at kembangan. Perhaps we can meet up one day.

I have just 1 baby now and stay-at-home-mom. you?
mum2b, oh I will be here till 31st Oct for the delivery of bb
My son is attendin daily playgroup in Sg. Which playgroup is ur ger attending?

Anyone going to watch Thomas and Friends? Thinking of bringing my son there
congrats on ur #2, boy or girl? ur hubby also stay in sgp?
which pg is ur son attending? my girl goes to tumble tots. next year want to change, but not decided yet.
hey mum2b, #2 also a boy...hehe..Hubby went back liao. Can't afford to stay here lah. Need to work lor. My son is attending a pg near my house. Not very good lah. Which schools are your considering?
not sure too lei, headache. maybe church nursery, or half day cc. how about you? until when u intend to send ur #1 to sgp school? which school u have in mind?
Halo.... ikutan dunks.
I'm mother of 2 girls, 2th (july'06)&amp; P2 (november'00). tinggal di Pasir Ris. Muslim.

anakku udah 2th masih getol nenen (breasfeeding). rahasianya? makin sering dia nenen makin banyak juga produksi ASI-nya (selain njaga pola makan cieh... padahal sendirinya makannya semaunya hehe).
mum2b, intention to send my son to sg for education at all. He'll prob just go to a local pri school in jkt. R you from Jkt or other cities?
Hi..hiiii..aduh senengnya ketemu thread ini...aku udah lama cari2 nggak ketemu2.

Thx missk...for forwarding this address.

Aku join donkkk. Nama: Erny Dharsono - anakku 2: Francis 4 thn dan Mikael 4 bulan. Keluarga baru pindah ke Spore bulan Nov 2007. Sekarang tinggal di sengkang.

Looking forward to know you all...

homeschooling maksudmu, km sendiri yg ajarin anya yah? semoga aku bisa pas uda wktnya.. ato aku masukkin anakku ke N1 aja.. hee.. :p tks infonya

re: Breastfeeding

Leonny, tks utk tips breastfeedingnya..
aku tiap hari minum kopi.. sejak hamil aku stop minum kopi, tp skrg dah ga tahan.. mulai minum kopi lagi sejak anthony 8bln.. hee..

aku makannya banyak lho... tp skrg malah perut yg membesar.. hahha.. kayanya jadi fat bukan jadi BM... kekeke...

Hi Lilduck,
makin ke sini aku kdg2 suka males nenenin.. soalnya lama sih.. en suka bikin terkantuk2.. haa.. selain itu.. kepala anakku sblh kanan agak flattened (keseringan digendong di tgn kiri sih kali).. pengen dibenerin.. denger2 ada helm-nya..

skrg ASI mulai berkurang mungkin karena sering telat makan n kurang minum kali yah.. sejak mulai lagi minum kopi jadi ngaco nih pola makan minumnya...

mummies yg masih bf,
apa anak2 kalian kalo bf musti di quiet environment?
anakku kalo ada suara dikit aja.. pasti unlatch.. puyeng..

btw, ada anmum breastfeeding forum tgl 23 aug ini di suntec. apa ada mummies yg berniat join?
siapa tau kita bisa ketemuan di sono..

yukk kita join.. aku dah register.. hee.. utk yg tertarik.. bs tlp 6258 8816.. closing date: 19 aug 2008.

Hi erny,


kamu nglahirin di spore donk ya?? lahirin di rs mana?

Ini ada anggota baru nih. Kasih tahu detailnya donk, biar saya masukin di sensus.

Saya baru lahirin #2 akhir bulan Juni, jadi sudah lama nggak ke thread ini.

Welcome buat mommies yg baru berkunjung ke thread ini.
hi semua mami,

tambah lagi anggota baru ni, bb masih dlm kandungan, edd bulan dec 08. ada yang sama gak? biar anakku ada teman. sekarang tinggal di bishan. 23 agus ada "breasfeeding talk", ada yang register gak. ayo, register barangan?

thank you dech kenalin forum ini.
Hi..Star: Selamat ya..untuk bayinya.. Laki2 or Perempuan?

Eufrasia : Aku lahirin di Jakarta tuch...aku pulang ke indo pas wk ke 32. Nekad yaa...habis di sini nggak ada relative...anak pertama ku udah 4thn dan dokter di indo u/ kenal bgt jadi lebih comfy.

Kalo ada arisan --mau ikutan donk.
jessie..welcome..My Bahasa is bad that's why I always type in English cos I am a Singaporean married to Indon. We live in Jkt. R you fr jkt too?

Hello moms! A warm welcome to those who've just joined in and CONGRATS to those who've just given birth ya

Iya, aku yang ajarin2 ini itu di rumah ... tapi ya kita mah lebih bersifat learning through fun ... jadi anak2 belajar nulis / alphabets dll sambil 'main'

Aku dulu waktu masih breastfeed juga minum2 'teh peng' tiap hari (teh susu), favorit ku (aku ga doyan kopi) .. tapi ya aku tetep sebisanya minum terus (sup, jus, air putih, dll). Dengan sering2 direct breastfeeding, dengan dua2 anakku sih itu hari ga masalah ya.

Semoga semua moms yang breastfeed ASInya lancar2 deh...

