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  1. K


    btw, i already sent my son to KKH for skin prick test and blood test. He was found to be allergic to peanut, egg and soy (mild) and dustmites. We still give him food with slight soya sauce, but not the whole beancurd and soya milk. He had oral allergy syndromes after eating kiwi recently. so, we...
  2. K


    akhim, no problme. How's your girl now? Is she getting better? Do you find that moisturizers can makes the kid feeling very hot? When i apply moisturizers as much as 5 times in a day, seems to makes his skin worse...
  3. K


    Any mummies here using QV cream? I have 3 new tubs, wanna let go at $40 for 3 tubs. Retail price at pharmacy is about $20 per tub. Just wanna recoup back some money if can. Please pm me if interested. expiry Jan 2012
  4. K


    Sharon, i breastfed exclusively for the 1st six month. When he was about 1 year old, we introduced fresh milk to him. He rejected formula milk. He now drink the packet milk, such as dutch lady, marigold etc. He has no particular favourite of milk brand. But just as update since my last post...
  5. K

    15mth with Serious Eczema

    I have 3 tubs of QV cremam (250 g) bought at National skin centre pharmacy. Expiry Jan 2012. Retail price at Guardian is about $20. I am letting go at $14 per tub. If you are taking 3 tubs together, i will let go at $40. Let me know if anyone is interested
  6. K

    Any SAHMs in Serangoon Nth/ Serangoon/ Hougang

    I am a SAHM at serangoon north ave 4, with 17 month old son. Would like to meet up with other mums and toddlers during weekday. My son and I are getting bored at home... hee hee...
  7. K


    Hi Sharon - we use Physiogel AI cream before, without steroid. It did not clear away his eczema. Guess his eczema is bit more stuborn. Went to see Prof Ngiam at National skin centre on monday. She discourage use of steroid on the face and gave us Protopic instead. However, as the eczema is...
  8. K


    Which doc are you seeing in KKH? Is KKH a better choice than National Skin centre? For the skin prick test, will the child feel the pain?
  9. K


    Dzaemin - Yes, I total breastfed my son till 6 month old, then introduced solids. Still breastfeeding him. the PD did ask me to watch what i eat and avoid those food commonly known as highly allergic. However, the skin speciliast at National skin centre told us that there was no scientific proof...
  10. K


    Hi Snowball, thanks for your advice. I had Topicream from my gynae previously during pregnancy. Can it be used on baby with eczema since it contains some fragrance? Is Esentum more moisturizing? Currently we use Cetaphil to bathe him. We tried several types of lotions & moisturizers...
  11. K


    Hi, i am new to this group. My son is 8 months old now. His eczema started at 1 month plus, and continue till now. We were given steroid cream by PD and skin specialist. We try not to use them. At times, we caved in cos it gets really bad. I am looking for natural remedy to heal his eczema...
  12. K

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    I am just thinking last night about ordering tingkat food for dinner. Can anyone recommend a good one --- food not too oily and salt and price reasonable?
  13. K

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    De_luxe....I have stopped working 2 months before I got pregnant. I have always been quite weak, so, my hubby thought it is better for me to rest at home and take care of pregnancy. I won't have any baby benefit or maternity leave... Too bad. That's the price to pay for not working.
  14. K

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    Piyobaby, I am not sure. I just called and ask for Oct weekday classes. They said i can book at TMC but the classess will be at AMK. Never specifically ask for Mrs Wong. Do you know which one is confirmed conducted by her?
  15. K

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    NG XIAN SHU FIONA (fiona87), you are refering to the prenatal class at TMC right? I called the other day, and they said that the class will be conducted at the parent craft centre at AMK. It this still under Ms Wong? I am thinking of going for weekday classes, cheaper.
  16. K

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    De_luxe, I share your sentiments too. I am also a SAHM, and don't get anything... what to do? government wants to increase labour force and gets everyone to go out to work. They won't encourage SAHM.
  17. K

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    Priviledged, my hubby and I had a brief talk about the stroller and your advice. We probably will buy the baby carrier first. Stroller may not be needed in the early stage. Thanks ya!
  18. K

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    Samval, the antibiotic i am taking is Amoxycilin. I am still slowly recovering now. I now choose now to sleep in air-conditioned room, cos air-con seems to make the sore throat and running nose worse. Luckily the weather is not too hot recently.
  19. K

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    Jesline & Gelato, thanks for the address. Will go and take a look there
  20. K

    (2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

    Priviledged, unfortunately, i don't have the $$$. If can, I also hope to change to a bigger car. I love to ferry my nieces and newphews around (20 of them), but cannot squeeze them in now.. haha
