Search results

  1. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    ZRW87U9 Jul/24/2009 (taken - Ellysia) ZC4FG7D Jul/24/2009 (taken - Tera) Z3NC3E8 Jul/24/2009 (taken - straw81) ZZV7VGW Jul/24/2009 (taken - mrswrx) ZKGEGHA Jul/24/2009 ZKZW335 Jul/24/2009 Z7BY6B4 Jul/24/2009 ZMZCK3C Jul/24/2009 ZBYFCZP Jul/24/2009 ZSNVCV5 Jul/24/2009
  2. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, minimum requirement of 6 kids (max 12 kids) is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list): Address: Block 445 Fajar Road, #02-544, Fajar Shopping Centre, Singapore 670445 May 2 A) 9.30 - 10.30am 1. Travis Ang (Bleh)...
  3. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, minimum requirement of 6 kids (max 12 kids) is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list): Address: Block 445 Fajar Road, #02-544, Fajar Shopping Centre, Singapore 670445 May 2 A) 9.30 - 10.30am 1. Travis Ang (Bleh)...
  4. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    kindermusik free trial at Fajar Shopping Centre, minimum requirement of 6 kids is needed for a class to start. (please add on to the list): May 2 A) 9.30 - 10.30am 1. Bleh 2. Iamsnow 3. iamsnow's fren 4. mrswrx B) 11.00 - 12.00pm 1. Warrior_angel 2. Maomi 3. Feifei
  5. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    tera, i did e tapping aso. hahaha. gotta rely make noises cos they cant c us. mlp, i place it behind driver's for my hb car la. i was tinkin to change to e other side cos if we're e driver, at least bb can c our side profile.
  6. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    <font color="0077aa">re:toys for me i din use any toys to entertain bb when in carseat, cos she can play with her 'smelly pillow' n doze off after a while. if not, she got her pacifier to play wif. or i jus let her scream all she wans. whahahhaha last nite was my 1st attempt to drive bb...
  7. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    <font color="0077aa">felicia, reactive arthritis means onli 1 time n gone. my rheumatologist says most prob is 1 time onli, cos onli 1 knee affected. i aso 1st time came across tis type of issue so when e doc tryin to describe, i had no idea wat he s is tokin abt. hahaha</font>
  8. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    <font color="0077aa">ellysia, ya old prob. scare recur cos feel pain recently. angelz, went away liao. dunno related to preg anot. if related then not so bad cos it wil not 'follow' me.</font>
  9. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    <font color="0077aa">fen, no la. got reactive arthritis during 3rd trim, then on medication frm then mah. long story. but nw ok liao, hopefully wun recur felicia, then u c wat sort of medication they gif liao. if not serious, mayb take supplement can? star, yr hanhan CAN drink milk...
  10. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    <font color="0077aa">felicia, thks for asking. not on medication liao, but recently felt abit of pain. wil monitor n go back for review lor. haiz. my ger aso mah. ours few days apart onli. mine wil be alittle less than 11mth when bday bash. whahahaha. she muz be tinkin, no teeth, cant walk...
  11. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    <font color="0077aa">felicia, no time to come in wo. then wana cfm my attendance for e bash. busy busy busy. my precious is ok except being super naughty. she stil bogeh. hahahaha long time no c u aso hor. zuen, cfm u liao la... u keep walkin in n out of OCBC izzit? i stare at u for a...
  12. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    <font color="0077aa">hey zuen, do u happen to be @ Jurong pt ytdy? thot i saw some1 like u, but dunno izzit u anot. dare not approach. scarly not u, i malu liao. kekekeke bizznow, thks ah!! sorry long time no post, so late then cfm attendance. </font>
  13. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    <font color="0077aa">hi mummies, long time no post liao... been super duper busy with work, bb, shoppin, hsework etc... hahaha. read some posts but by the time i wana post, already out-dated liao. re:walker aiyo... at least most bbs here hav e luxury of using walker at hm. my precious...
  14. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    pris,star,jan, i tink we more KS la.... wahahaha. or rather tis is our #1, so we tend to be more enthu abt any celebration. kekeke. <font color="ff0000">Everyone, HaPPy Moo Moo Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font>
  15. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    pris, sianz man, she reject me.... mayb end june she cant. hopefully she can do yrs. star, shiok lor. me lookin for alternatives liao.
  16. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    pris, e aimummy is fully booked liao. i ask her wks ago. she dun take order in june period cos of other commitment. her designs look good! too bad, gotta find others liao.
  17. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    <font color="ff6000">ah morr, my parents take care lor. bb veri choosey. she dun wan my MIL leh. anyway, my MIL aso busy lookin after my SIl newborn son .. but hb forcing my MIL to come look after my devil yet sweetie darling. wahahaha</font>
  18. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    <font color="ff6000">cactus, *waves* bff, ya lor, not veri affected leh. + tons of things to do since MIA so long due to preggy n ML. til nw stil cannot clear work stuff (or rather too lazy n slow to finish million of work stuff) *lol</font>
  19. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    <font color="ff6000">ellysia, aiyo. i not office based mah. then started work after ML, no more shakin leg @ hm so no time to post lor. then tdy in office, so got time to sneak in n read during office hr. kekekeke</font> <font color="ff6000">veniz, ya la ya la.... u can tok yr way out...
  20. M

    (2008/06) June 2008

    <font color="ff6000">ah morr, aiyo... i no post cos nothing to contribute leh. + by e time i wana post, outdated topic liao lor.. so slient reader lor. then thread sometime so fast, wher got time to catch up. whahahaha.</font>
