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  1. J

    <b>rach: Really Raw Honey Spree #10</b>

    sorry I have bought mine. Thanks
  2. J

    <b>rach: Really Raw Honey Spree #10</b>

    Hi Rach, can I still order from you? Thanks.
  3. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Hi FL, not to mention cane. I dun really beat my boi. Usually wil warn him or distract him. Worried that he would be rebellious if I beat him too often.
  4. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Wishing all mummies a very Happy Lunar New Year. Lets all HUAT ah...
  5. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    AdeL, same here. Most of my gfs who r in their 30s are singles. I miss the freedom I used to haf. These days even when I meet them, I wil haf to cut short the gathering to rush back to my boi. However I do enjoy married life w kid a lot too. It makes me feel complete.
  6. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    babypink, u r cute... Frankly I am v impressed w ur thkgs. U reminded me of my uni fren who tells me her ambition is to be a good hsewife.
  7. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Redtea, they grow up faster means we grow old faster lei... wahahaa U just enjoy ur sweet moments of motherhood. I was told once they reach pri level, they dun even wana us... The thot is so sad. So we must treasure our every moments w them now.
  8. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Ya a lot of pple has been tellg me 2 is ideal as they can self-entertained themselves. Tts y Im half hearted. I do like kids.
  9. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    AdeL, I am still decidg if I shld haf no 2. No guts to go for it bcos I dun wana sacrifice my freedom. U r good ah... Thkg of "if no 3". kekeke ;p For my case, will haf no 2. if kana "accident" case. wahaha
  10. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    AdeL, thx again. I just called to check on my boi. He is taking his porridge well for today's lunch too. There's a big diff btw an experienced mummy &amp; a first timer. Nxt time must consult u.
  11. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    AdeL, my recovery was fast. Just make sure the tummy binder is tightly wrapped for the first 2 weeks. I took painkillers when I am in the hosp. Aft my 2nd day of operatn, the nurse told me I can get out of the bed so I manage to walk ard my room. Once back home, I survive well w/o any...
  12. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Csect is not painful bcos I haf been takg painkillers. So its q ok. But one confirmed side effects is memory will worsen... Sobbing...
  13. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Redtea, at least u dare to go thru normal delivery. I have no guts &amp; dun wana exp labour pain so opt for GA csect. Knock-out &amp; dunno a thg is the best option for me. I admire all the mummies who go thru natural birth.
  14. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    So happy that our forum is "alive" again. My boi is on 100% milk for the past few mths. He refused to take other food other than his fav fruits like pear or apple or biskuits or any other rubbish. He likes soup a lot. Been drinkg wat we have for dinner.
  15. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Mornie all mummies. AdelineL, Thx a lot for ur suggestion on the porridge. True enough. Yest he started takg his porridge again. I have been tryg all means to make him eat. Even allow him to eat unhealthy food like KFC. Its really good to exchange pointers.
  16. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    AdelineL, my boi woke up at 7am. Its amazing that he can tahan until 2pm. Lately I am tryg to force him to wake up by 7.30am so that he will guai guai sleep by 9pm. Sometimes really testing my patience to make him sleep.
  17. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Kaa, wa say so she must haf liked her tattoo a lot. Same. I aso heartpained to wash off mine last nite. Same as my boi. Its good. Dun ned to make him nap bcos he is too tired.
  18. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Nice meeting all of u. Sorry neds to rush off bcos I wana let my boi nap by 2pm. Else my poor mum will haf a hard time makg him sleep at nite.
  19. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Redtea, mayb no 2 so u become more chin cai. Easy-gog w his needs. Plus u r more definitely more experienced.
  20. J

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Hei Redtea, he looks so cute. How I miss those days... Baby r like angels.
