(2008/03) March 2008

thanks..u take care too..somemore u have delivered not long ago

so for #2 , any bad MS ?..dun noe y i am so suay, every pregnancy , even my 3rd and last , must have such bad MS

congrats! was jus going to ask u how is ur #3 production going. u really hv the courage to go thru it agn lor. for me, after sufferring ms for 2nd time. i swear to myself no more #3. somemore pocket oso not allow la. very siongz to raise kids with little income and no one to help take care. not like u, u hv ur mom. my mom's hands is full and my mil cannot make it.

hehe, once u confirm my facebook, u can see a scan of #3 ;)

I tell now..NO MORE #4 =p

wana die fr my MS liao..actually it is more like all day nausea

i m such a foodie when not pregnant , now everything looks disgusting and i have a hard time deciding wat to swallow

but tummy part still getting tight in my current clothes
wow congrats on #3!! wow yours all quite close in age which is siong a bit in the early days but i'm sure once they a bit older will be v. nice
...anyway your mum and hubby are a great help and you have a maid too right...
thanks redtea , AdelineL, and thanks to the march mummies who send their regards via facebook =)

yupz, i really appreciate my loved ones esp when i have been lying like a piece of dead wood on the sofa

and talking abt the maid, she really noe when to give me a heart attack, she is supposed to work till end sep, but on seeing that I am going to deliver #3, she wants to go back b4 my third one is born..

she said she got a headache fr Kyzac constant talking and cannot cope with another kid in the household

Kelicia has been super understanding, keep saying mama, u sit on bed, i sit on chair when she wants me to accompany her to watch children songs on youtube

and even offering me "medicine" when she said mama, u sick ? u wan to vomit, i give u med
wat's ur name in FB?

ur maid cannot tahan kyzac constantly talking. wat if she meets my son constantly running and throwing his toys out?
thanks Adeline

Redtea : Josephine.. actually i did add u few days back, just awaiting confirmation =)

my maid dun really like kids, she told my mum she dun want to have any

hehe, i personally love kids who talk a lot, very engaging
tommy can talk about the same thing again and again...if he watches someone falls down on TV, he'll keep saying it again and again...like 15 mins later he still brings it up!! haha i think your maid cannot tahan that

talking about tommy, my mum just found him under the table with his hands and mouth area totally blue...apparently he found a stamp that belongs to chelsea and started playing with that and putting it in his mouth :p .......his tongue was blue too *haiz*...it's not totally coming off..
Bbpink: Congrats again! So filial of Kelicia! So sweet...

Phoebe also talk alot, but only to HB and my Mum. :p

AdeL: Dunno to panic or to laugh at Tommy!!
i was scared it might be toxic but so far seems ok...i was wiping his tongue and tommy kept giggling at that *haiz* he thinks it's all so funny but i made him promise not to do that again haha...lets see if that works...
i was scared it might be toxic but so far seems ok...i was wiping his tongue and tommy kept giggling at that *haiz* he thinks it's all so funny but i made him promise not to do that again haha...lets see if that works...
i think there shldnt be a big prob with the ink... hope he remembers his promise...

I like his eyes. he's getting more handsome by the day!
just once should be okay , but as a mummy, we will always worry
Tommy is looking so cheeky yet so handsome

u r right abt Kyzac repeating :p..today he said again the orange balloon burst but it happens so long ago and he always brings it up..my hb said the orange balloon burst a long time agao kyzaC

hehe, thanks again

cya all tmr ..cheers =)

..i so blur..I PM u so u can add me liao
bbpink, i do a search in facebook with the email u provided, but din find u. but can find u on multiply tho.

i m adding u again =) hope it works !


great seeing u all today =) i think we can arrange one again..must try the kids menu pizza , really super nice that comes with an icecream and drink for 10 bucks =) today is the 1st time i can eat & drink without puking and nausea..so happy
thanks for organizing the gathering
we had a lot of fun and Chelsea said she wants to do it again tomorrow :D

i saw your email but i'm not sure i can see the pictures in multiply...sorry ah...i blur blur

or you can add me to FB...my email is [email protected]

thanks for organizing the gathering
we had a lot of fun and Chelsea said she wants to do it again tomorrow :D

i saw your email but i'm not sure i can see the pictures in multiply...sorry ah...i blur blur

or you can add me to FB...my email is [email protected]

Nice meeting all of u.
Sorry neds to rush off bcos I wana let my boi nap by 2pm. Else my poor mum will haf a hard time makg him sleep at nite.
Hi All,
We had a great time at Sol's Playground ytd!

Phoebe fell straight asleep aft we left at 2pm. LOL!

But, she was very angry when I bathe her in the late aftnoon and her "tattoo" washed off!
Kaa, wa say so she must haf liked her tattoo a lot.
Same. I aso heartpained to wash off mine last nite.

Same as my boi. Its good. Dun ned to make him nap bcos he is too tired.
Kaa, jeangal
my kids were still super hyper when we got home! i think they were excited with their outing and when they got home, they were chasing the balloon and dancing until finally at 3:30pm then they KO
It's getting too costly and difficult to order these, so going to do away with it....

Cupcake momma sent me this email:
We're in the midst of changing our pricelist as well as the sizes of cupcakes that we're offering. We've decided to do away with minis. At the moment I'm only accepting standard size cupcakes.

Sol Playground
Looks like you all had a great time there! Hope to be able to join the next gathering!

I have two other mummies who also want to order the stickers together, there's space for one last roll (of 100 stickers). Any mummy interested to get a roll of stickers? (e.g. for party favour etc)
It's USD 3.00 for 100 stickers.
International shipping direct to Singapore is USD 12.95 for 6 rolls (the supplier will remove the roll in the middle so that the box can fit 6 rolls of stickers).
It works out to approx SGD 7.50 per roll of 100 stickers. Do PM me if you are interested!
AdelineL, my boi woke up at 7am. Its amazing that he can tahan until 2pm.
Lately I am tryg to force him to wake up by 7.30am so that he will guai guai sleep by 9pm. Sometimes really testing my patience to make him sleep.
ya lor, my boi is a poor sleeper compared to my girl...worse still is he co sleeps with me so whole night's sleep sometimes get v. tense and not restful at all! :p
Phoebe also woke at 7am! Hahaha. Usu she will doze off at 12. But I told her we are gng to the playground, you dun sleep now. Hahaha!

AdeL: Maybe bcos they are little mice. Mouse gets active at night... LOL.

Mine like to "body slam" herself in the middle of the night. Sit up and just "timber" down, I think she uses that to change sleeping position. So sometimes its either me or DD wake with bruises...
i'm so happy for you lei!! congrats congrats!! so you're going to have children aged 5, 3, 1 soon huh?! that's very nice! when is your LMP? so you're going to have another sep baby?! just like kelicia?!! Kelicia reminds me so much of my Hannah. she's so chatty and speaks like a big girl and likes to watch YouTube and play online games! hahaha. sometimes i can't believe i have gone a long way. everyday seems so magical with her around. such a great company! hey how far along are you already?!

is that your #2?!! wah congrats congrats!! how did the delivery go? any epidural?

today i'm quite free so i'm going to read up on the old posts.
Hey hey,
I'm just busy with work. Change of management so the internet security is getting very tight. They block lots of sites! Blog sites, image sites, webmails. Really frustrating but no choice since I really need to keep this job. Hubby was retrenched last year so now single income. I missed this forum it's so nice to see our toddlers pictures. All grown up. My Tricia will be 2 by end of the month. I remember Reena had a leap year baby so I wonder when is she going to celebrate it kekeke. I c some mommies went on to have another one and some still pregnant hor. Congrats very happy for you girls! Must help up with the native population u know! That's what govt wants hahaha. AdeL u close factory already izzit? Mine not yet leh heheheee...
Mornie all mummies.

AdelineL, Thx a lot for ur suggestion on the porridge.
True enough. Yest he started takg his porridge again.

I have been tryg all means to make him eat. Even allow him to eat unhealthy food like KFC. Its really good to exchange pointers.
my tricia is also a picky eater but at least she eats. my biggest problem is my 4-yr old. she doesn't like to eat but still drinking Gain IQ Plus. she's in nursery now and has snacks in school but teacher will report that she doesn't like barley and oat. aiyoh all the good food she doesn't like! she like nuggets and crackers! *faint* oh and Tricia eats NOISILY! for every chew she goes like yum yum yum yum! the whole house knows when she's eating!

i assume everyone is still giving milk powder to your toddlers right? when do you instead to stop? i know some mommies introduce Milo already but i don't think that it's the right time to stop milk yet.
hey that trick works for you too!
glad to hear that

oh you are blocked from forum
no wonder cannot come in...

chelsea is also a picky eater...hardly eats any local food except in school...school food taste better to her but at home she eats cereal, yogurt, bread, cheese...99% western style :p

tommy is still on formula...just give him Dugrow...quite cheap and has DHA...i never thot of giving Milo...isn't that too sugary?? in the US, most toddlers are on fresh milk

actually even chelsea is still drinking formula...she loves it and i see no reason to stop
thanks. as for the delivery, it very fast this time, labour is less than 4hrs. and epi is a must cos my pain threshold is zero. haha..
Hi anyone has freelance maid to recommend?

Anyone still remember the Mickey/Minnie agar-agar we had for our children's party last year? Who still has the contacts?

So happy that our forum is "alive" again.

My boi is on 100% milk for the past few mths. He refused to take other food other than his fav fruits like pear or apple or biskuits or any other rubbish. He likes soup a lot. Been drinkg wat we have for dinner.
Redtea, at least u dare to go thru normal delivery. I have no guts & dun wana exp labour pain so opt for GA csect. Knock-out & dunno a thg is the best option for me. I admire all the mummies who go thru natural birth.
i more afraid of the cut at the tummy and the slower healing process. so labour pain is nothing after u delivered the bb. hee..
Csect is not painful bcos I haf been takg painkillers.
So its q ok. But one confirmed side effects is memory will worsen... Sobbing...
i always want to have a C section but everyone around me is v. down on it...but most celebrities do it, i figure it can't be that bad
how long was your recovery time??

my first natural delivery was terrible...2nd one was v. fast at 3 hours...so fast that the epi din have time to take effect :p...but at least it was fast
AdeL, my recovery was fast. Just make sure the tummy binder is tightly wrapped for the first 2 weeks. I took painkillers when I am in the hosp. Aft my 2nd day of operatn, the nurse told me I can get out of the bed so I manage to walk ard my room. Once back home, I survive well w/o any painkillers & forgotten that I have gone thru C Sect.

My sis aso opted for csect so she was tellg me its nt that bad. Even encourage me to go for it.
AdeL, thx again.
I just called to check on my boi. He is taking his porridge well for today's lunch too. There's a big diff btw an experienced mummy & a first timer. Nxt time must consult u.
wow good for you and your sis.....but if i ever have a #3, i think i will just go for natural cos after 2 natural, the 3rd one should just come out easily hehe...i gave birth at 5am, 2pm already can walk around and no pain after giving birth...somemore the cheapest!

AdeL, I am still decidg if I shld haf no 2. No guts to go for it bcos I dun wana sacrifice my freedom. U r good ah... Thkg of "if no 3". kekeke ;p

For my case, will haf no 2. if kana "accident" case. wahaha
