(2008/03) March 2008

gosh, that is shocking

will add when i get home

Ya my boi sprained his ankle when he was at Fidgets last yr too. Bcos he opened his legs when doing down the slides. Till now I dare not bring him there. A v scary experience.

The staffs there are not very helpful. Told them abt my boi injury, they gave me a nearby clinic name card. Tells me to bring him there for a check-up then they nvr bother. Treats like nthg happen.
wow.. if I am there, i'll play w their slides, destroy it, since it can't take my weight, then leave.. then they can no longer be in biz. :p

I had nv been to fidgets, but i brought DD to the Atlantis "playground" before and it looks safe and clean enough... nv notice any screws before, but will keep a look out now.
v. nice picture...lele looks v. cute and chubby

haha i don't think they'll let you leave if you break their slide! :D

where is atlantis playground??
Outing on 31 Jan
Babypink, we most likely we won't be able to make it coz 11am clashes with James's naptime - unless he wakes up really late that morning.

The other day when I was there, I saw a boy with a bleeding knee near the counter. The boy was probably about 5+, but he wasn't crying. No idea where he got himself cut. We got to be eagle-eyed when James is there coz there was once he fell thru a hole in the tunnel + slide at the toddler's area. It's actually meant for the kids to crawl up and down from, but sometimes the smaller toddlers don't realise there is a "hole" there and they drop thru (but they land on the plastic balls). Some of the kids there are like gangsters too!! And the parents don't bother about them. They can be a hazard to other smaller kids especially when they start jumping and throwing themelves around and sometimes knock into the smaller kids.

But despite all this, I must say that James still likes the place. Guess it's hard to avoid these "hazards" and "dangerous kids"
Its at the stadium/sports complex near Redhill MRT. This place is quite small and I estimate that the kids there are mostly not above 3 yo. Think the stuff there might not interest older kids too. The have a slide, tunnel, swinging poles, a ball pit, and 2 tomy/little tikes cars(those "flintstones" type where u use ur feet to move it).

Agree that some older/bigger size kiddos may be quite rough. They also love to "free fall" into the ball pit area. LOL. But I dun like the idea of loose screws and filmsy play equipment.
agree that loose screws is too much

usually we go to little ozone, in yishun and they also have these places that I feel a toddler can "fall"...that's why hubby and i still have to climb with the 2 kids all the way through those tunnels etc...v. siong on the knees! haha

so James still have a std naptime? Tommy many times will refuse to nap till he can't take it (latest is 3 plus)...as long as he's not cranky, i let him be lah

We still try to let James take a nap around 11am because he doesn't normally sleep in the afternoons. Hubby and I are early sleepers and we also start early (we are up by 6am) and James is normally up by 7am. I feel it's better for him to nap in the late morning as he sleeps earlier at night.
Hi Mummies,
Anyone here has any contact for PT cleaner? Wanna off load my mum on the spring cleaning for windows grill, kitchen and toilet. I heard standard is $10/hr and min. to work 5 hours? Need the contact urgently, scare not in time to get one cos the only contact I got from a fren have return to china… ;(

It's terrifying......It happened to me on my Facebook. Somehow, the photos were changing album and some missing...so I changed my password.....

Redtea, Congratulation....
thanks all.

he's a devil in disguise, everything his kor kor i don't give one. i give him le. the most i reluctunt to give one is pacifier. sigh~

really looks like me meh? i thought he looks like my hubby. hee..
we got a photographer for our outdoor shot. This was taken at hort park. Still looking for cheap and good photograher for this year photoshoot. Any recommendation?
Thanks. I tried them already - the person said they weren't sure if they would be able to take my order
So am scouting around for other places too, just in case...
blue skies

what about cupcake divinity? i used that for lele 1st year birthday. looks very good but not sure the taste but need to book in advance too
Cupcakes divinity fully booked for cupcakes from Jan-Mar! Wah these bakeries doing very brisk business.... next time set up bakery to sell cupcakes :D

Anyone wants to buy stickers? I wanted to get some for James's party favours.

I would like to buy stickers from this website
It's USD 3.00 for 100 stickers.
International shipping direct to Singapore is USD 12.95 for 6 rolls (the supplier will remove the roll in the middle so that the box can fit 6 rolls of stickers).
It works out to approx SGD 7.50 per roll of 100 stickers.
I intend to buy 2 rolls and was wondering if anyone's keen to get any? I didn't want to advertise in the spree column coz I think it'd be too troublesome.
Do PM me if you are interested
poor alex...hope he recovers soon...chelsea got it at 11mths, probably from the playground, but she recovered pretty fast...although both hubby and I got it too and it was v. painful...remember it till this day....take care of yourself too clover
adeline/kell, he is almost recovered. =) tks. his case is not so serious. my fren's kid had it worse. my hb has a v mild hfmd. a few blisters here n there also, but he still goes to work as per normal.

adeline, i rem u told me b4... and Alex got it outdoor too, from Jacob Ballas children garden. The PD said can contact anywhere, even on railings.
adeline, wah that sounds so bad. Next time can try yogurt... Not cursing u but apparently there r diff strains of hfmd n our kids will get it again. Sianz..

Kell, bo pian lor unless u drive
yup like the flu bug, hfmd virus has many different strains so can easily get it again, but supposedly might be milder cases then the first time you get it
Clover, I take MRT daily. I usu try not to hold the rails. Cos I see many ppl cough, sniffling into their palms, then happily went back to holding the rails!!! But I alys remember to put hand sanitiser in my bag. Some ppl are eally disgusting!

Getting sick I think is part and parcel of growing up... As long as we take good care of ourselves (or family), eat well and rest well and all will be over soon!
Mikael, thanks for the reminder, I've just changed my FB pw too.

RedTea, oh.. I love NBs, so cute!

HFMD, we got it too when DS2 was still a todd. DD1 got it from school so I tried to quarantine her with helper then and I moved back to my parents with DS2. But the next day, both DS2 and I down with HFMD. We didn't do much but just flush down with lots of water.
hi ladies

cya all..i m not in the best of shape, but will try my best to be there

not to worry, nothing infectious at all =p

i guess it is a good kind of sickness ha except when u r the affected party


i went for mine at Foto U , when they have a promo..indoors

heng i took in early Jan ..supposed to take on 22 Jan

i dun think i can take any pics now ha


glad that alex is better and thanks for teh remedies =)
scared that my post will affect the turn out, so will be blunter

I am going to join Reena as a mummy to three hehe

Kyzac is going to be a Gor Gor in yes, as i was sharing since last year, in Sep :p
and urs truly has really bad morning sickness

i m taking anti nausea pills which make me drowsy so my reaction to conversations may be a bit slower than usual ;)

u wanna come over help me take care? hee..

take care. me hv been hving fever since last wk. dunno wats wrong. so now on a course of antibotics le. hope it works to help me recover.
