(2008/03) March 2008

It's true having kids gotto think of many things...actually now my 2 kids play with each other so sometimes it gives me more free time hehehe....think about that ;)

Ya a lot of pple has been tellg me 2 is ideal as they can self-entertained themselves. Tts y Im half hearted.
I do like kids.
hello ladies

big apologies for not turning up at the sol playground. their sunday school ended late and i realised i didnt have any of your hp numbers since i have changed phones.

congrats! now you fulfilled your dream of having 3. i am in beijing now so cant access facebook if not will go and see your scan photo. u know the gender? me definitely close shop liao, too comfortable now with both of them grown up. i cant imagine going through the infant stage again.

think having 2 kids is really fun. the interaction between the 2 kids can both frustrate and thrill you.
Hi mummies

Good morning! Want to ask if anyone knows where to buy carrots with leaves? I've been to NTUC, Giant etc but they don't have carrots like that...

i jus hope tat my #2 will grow up faster and then #1 and #2 can self entertain themselves and i will be free! hee..
the carrots u post look very nice, but why must buy carrots with leaves ?
do join us next time leh , must see cute chubby james agin! then i can deliver a chubby baby

hehe, thanks, can really feel ur excitement for me
i m only 8 weeks along actually
and i am more looking forward to the day when they are 25, 23 and 21..that will be so wonderful
Ur Hannah and my kelicia are the same age, so i noe wat u mean..they are so grownup now, mine also like Youtube =)

do miss u and ur kiddos ! so long never see

hehe, thanks. My EDD is in sep, so no gender yet.
actually there are times when i regret not closing shop esp when my morning sickness get damn bad and when even coming into this forum and going thru the posts makes one giddy..haiz

yes, i agree the interaction between the two kids is very engaging , esp when they communicate so earnestly! =) one will nod his head so earnestly when the sis talks to him

indeed two kids can self entertain ! =) do consider k
natural birth memory also worsen leh , like mine =p

tell u a funny thing, my sep 2010 forum mummy actually posted tat u r a sep mum ! i was shocked cos i just meet u on sunday mah..i think preggies r all blur blur like me =) she is in ur facebook

can u go to archive =) jan 09 i think our thread got post that agar agar number..or ask abcdisney via facebook

My pictures are up on my multiply that i send u , Jeangal..so can go and see =)
Redtea, they grow up faster means we grow old faster lei... wahahaa

U just enjoy ur sweet moments of motherhood. I was told once they reach pri level, they dun even wana us... The thot is so sad. So we must treasure our every moments w them now.
i dun mind grow old..hehe, i always wanted to be a grandmother!
that was wat i told my coursemates even b4 i got married, when the trainer asked what is our ambition
babypink, u r cute...
Frankly I am v impressed w ur thkgs. U reminded me of my uni fren who tells me her ambition is to be a good hsewife.
we must maintain ourselves to prevent ourselves to look old. hee..

my #1 now is always look for us to play with him. hope 1 yr later he can play with his brother.

taiwan trip; u going with ur family? along with 2 kidos? if so, pls get the flu jab b4 u go. my son kana the flu there and got very sick last yr ard march period. anyway we go by tour grp, it's a challenge to keep the kids sit properly in the coach for long hrs.
One of my relatives looking for it, dunno if it's for a science class or something :p Anyway they don't grow carrots in our hot climate so I think it won't be possible to find these from the farms here.

babypink - yes, hope to meet with you and other SMH mummies soon too!
Silly..Me! I really forgot the gathering last weekend. I just logged in to the forum today..and realised I missed it. I forgot to put the event on my calendar.

But I am so glad that all of you got very exciting days. Hope I won't miss the next one.

BabyPink, Congratulation!
What formula is Chelsea drinking? Is she eating well?

your #2 will grow up in no time! unlike our #1, we find that time crawls b'cos we keep observing their development. but now that we're still busy with #1, we sometimes don't realize that #2 grow a lot faster! i was celebrating my #1's speech ability when i realize that my #2 is oso trying her best to mimic her jie jie, suddenly i'm surprised to find #2 starting to talk hahaa.

aiyah u offer your boi rubbish is it? no wonder he don't take lah. hahaha.. hey i'm with redtea, i'm also more scared of cutting than natural. for natural, u feel the pain only once, after birth, no pain. i can even walk a few hours after birth. my sister asked me if i just gave birth or i just pangsai?! hahaha.. u think memory effect is due to c-sect? dun think so leh. think b'cos we're aging and more responsibilities! hence it's just natural to get memory loss sometimes!

i would also jiayou u to have #2 before u turn 35. don't worry about the freedom issue. fact is, your experience will cut down your time to half. i change diapers at half the time, prepare food oso at half the time. and most importantly, my #1 keeps my #2 entertained and they play together so i really have more time to myself! really enjoying myself with 2 children! couldn't have been better! (oso b'cos my #2 is accident liao hahaha)

you so on ah want to be a grandmother!! so soon? haha but hey i really admire you. it's a noble aspiration! you must've like children a lot!
who's the mum who said I'm due in Sep???! haha how come i din know myself :D

chelsea is drinking dugrow 3...she's v. picky eater but if you give her what she likes, she'll finish quite a lot of it...hopefully when she gets older, she will think more logical...like how come school porridge is yummy but if i buy porridge for her, it's yucky :p
cecilia lor in ur facebook, i think she also blur..now she recalled u r staying in Yishun hehe

not so soon lah, just hope that 20 plus years can zoom by and my kiddos have grown up, graduated and all happily married and
i am happily shaking legs and supervising the maid looking after my grandkids with my hubby
so u see... i m not noble but lazy :p

wat a pity !
interesting thought, except that i think that youth nowadays will continue to marry late and probably have little or not children. i mean, my office here, we have 70% single men/women. so that makes 30% married but only 10% with children. i just can't talk about children at work! it's boring! it's weird. like i'm doing something that's not normal! don't these people know the joy of having children?
yikes...dun really know who she is...my FB has so many mums that i never met bfor so v. confused who's who :p

many times i wonder are my kids' antics so cute cos they are my kids...if i try to describe to friends with no kids, it doesn't seem as funny :p

haha my 4 yr old already gives me black face sometimes, no need to wait till teenage yrs! :D
AdeL: Oh no... :p

I think we find them cute because they are our children. Or maybe becos we are all at the same stage... LOL. Maybe when the kids are grown up we might find other toddlers a terror...
not that these people dun noe the joy of having children but i think as a woman, it is neither easy to get married or to conceive easily
as a man, u can woo the woman u like, but as a woman, i dun dare lor..
that's y have to wait until 26 to get married :p
if i have a choice, i would rather married once i grad , have kids soon after
and can also shake legs earlier
and now damn worried for my sis who is turning 26 end of the year..dun noe whther i can ever have a brother in law or see my nieces & nephews or not..hope she dun stay single for too long
sometimes really have an urge to set up a website call SiblingsConnect where concerned siblings can do some kind of matchmaking for their single siblings

hehe, i was telling my hb the opposite of wat u post..i was saying if they are not my children, i would laugh it off..cos some of their notti cheeky ways are quite funny but as a parent, one have no choice but to act serious and tell them off
just to share:
Gain IQ (blue) 1.8kg having sale at guardian phamarcy now till this weekend. selling at $48. Use ur Maybank family card to enjoy further 5% rebate. spent $200 and u can opt for foc home delivery.
bbpink, melissa
most of my friends in their 30s are not married! i love being married and have kids but single life is quite fun too lah....traveling is much easier and much more freedom to do stuff...esp for stay at home mums, it's quite a big change from going out to work...so good and bad lor...oh and don't forget the tons of money you save by not having kids haha
Agree with ur tons of money!!! hahahaha... Ops~
Now can only envy.. when ur kids irritate you, u hope that u dun have them.. but when they are sooo adorable, u wish that u have more!
AdeL, same here. Most of my gfs who r in their 30s are singles. I miss the freedom I used to haf.
These days even when I meet them, I wil haf to cut short the gathering to rush back to my boi. However I do enjoy married life w kid a lot too.
It makes me feel complete.
i know! when i have dinner wif friends, i got to leave at 8 plus cos my boy cannot sleep without me :p then gatherings with friends and I bring kids along, half the attention given to kids also cannot really catch up properly *haiz*....but it's okay lah, the joy they bring is more than enuff to compensate but of cos at times wish things are more convenient heee

sometimes i miss my clubbing dayz haha...but then that seems like a different person...can't imagine doing that now :p
Hi mummies!

See it another way... By the time our kids are like 10, we can still go travelling / clubbing. But that time will be when our friends are struggling w their younger kiddos and they will envy us. Hehehehe
Haha i think my clubbing dayz are gone no matter what :p i do look forward to the traveling though

....anyway women can't give birth too late due to biological clock but i think mums who give birth later in life, they tend to be financially more secure cos got time to climb the corporate ladder mah
I like jeangal's post a lot, marriage life & kids make my life complete too

feel blessed with the spouse and kids and hehe, i have no regrets that my single days are over

yeah, i think better to have kiddos when we r not that old

the older we r, the harder to conceive, imagine having tons of $ but no kiddos to spend on , that will be rather sad :p

PS: guess wat, ladies , i have not stepped out of my hse since 2 feb..haiz..having super bad morning sickness or all day sickness..so pukey all day long
really envy ladies who dun kena

with CNY round the corner, how i wish all my relatives stay in my block..

dread the tot of travelling to faraway places like bishan, to payoh, adjunied, pasir ris, yck..sigh*

did i complain the same thing in sep 07 and oct 07 when preggie with kyzac ..i think i did :p
u poor thing, some more CNY has so much goodies to eat

nevermind, just think of it as maintaining figure

also 2nd trimester then can eat and eat

i think i'm going to have my menses or at least that;s what hubby said...it's just superhot and my i'm very short-tempered :p

i'm fine with the traveling since it's just getting in and out of the car and it's not me driving hehe....most of the places i'm going to are in the West, like bt batok, CCK, jurong :p...should switch places with you bbpink heee
yes, u should !
i am so envious of u now

anyway, my hb just teased me tat i am bedridden which is true , i m in bed most of the time..only lying down can make the pukey sensation better
Bbpink, try one of these chamomile / lavender / mint / rose tea? See if they can soothe ur nausea, and better chk if preggy can take...

Wow, didnt read Today for some time, didnt know there's such a hot topic. LOL. I like ur letter, but nowadays I find a lot of ppl don't stick to morals. I find more and more ppl treat their lives like a PS game... Not happy? Nvm, "change players" Sad right...

Personally saw a case whereby the HB unable to continue buying Rolexes and LV bags, the wife really asked for divorce and moved on... Before that still ask the HB to buy a condo! Our circle of gal frens were so disgusted, this wife really cheapen us women. This really made me cherish my family. I dun need all these, I just need a clean house and food on the table.

Happy Lunar New Year to all!
hehe, just a topic close to heart bah

ok, thanks, will do some read up on those

wow, i bet the wife has no kid bah..for mothers like us, kind of tough to walk out just like that

HFMD & Chickenpox
really huge surge in childcare. Last week we receive letter fr the childcare , huge outbreak and Both Ks kenna

My SIL kiddos kenna and just recovered fr chickenpox alto they have taken the vaccine

My Ks kenna HFMD as well

quite sad that these kind of things happen again and again, if only kena once dun get again.

anyway, bringing them back to GP this fri evening to make sure they are fine b4 we do any visiting
Oh my they look so real I wouldn't have the heart to eat it! Uh.. that's supposed to be eaten right? LOL. I'm so blur.

i heard ginger and peppermint tea helps though i have never tried them for MS remedies last time. it can be taken by preggers since it was mentioned in some pregger websites.

i read the article and I couldn't agree more. i consider myself traditional with a pinch of modernization and i believe that a marriage is meant to stay. disagreements are common and if we could work on it, it just makes us wiser to go through greater challenges in time to come. i also took marital preparation course and i've learnt that having a common mission and vision helps a lot. it also helps that both are mature in making decisions.
Happy Lunar New Year to March mommies!!

Tricia has officially started her terrible two stage. She alone can turn the house topsy turvy! Wouldn't take NO for an answer! Really headache!
Gong xi fa cai! Wishing all mummies a fantastic Tiger year

Must say my luck this year has been so good...so many black jack! yay! hehe

my tommy boy has long since had temper tantrums...these dayz his latest "trick" is to accidentally fall down (to show his displeasure) and then just lie on the floor :p....trying to break him out of such ridiculous act by giving him time-out...

so yummy...did you make this??? looks v. professional
Sookie Stackhouse novels

Anyone here has a complete set (Books 1-7 or Books 1-8) of Sookie Stackhouse novels to let go? I'm looking for second-hand set, please PM me if you have any to let go.

USA Grad Student Research with Singapore Parents - Quick Survey

Thank you to those who have completed my survey - I have already received 25 responses!! I am hoping to get 5 more so I can do my comparison study. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! Here are the details...

I am a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas in the United States (Minnesota), participating in a study abroad course in Singapore at the National Institute of Education. The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and confidential. Thank you for your consideration.

Robyn Maley
Yes, they can be eaten. It's a traditional year cake or steamed sticky new year cake eaten during chinese new year.

All those proven to help with MS, nothing worked for me. I just had to endure that 9 months while expecting DD1.

Thanks! My first time making this fish nian gao, luckily they turned out quite well (in terms of look :p)

Terrible 2,
If I rem correctly, terrible 2 starts as early as 18 months, at least for mine.
Just found out Carrefour Suntec selling the Pampers Easy Up for $10.90 a pack. I bought 1 pk ytd and didnt know the price until I checked out.

Happy chinese New Year to all,
only hv some free time these few days. was hospitalised and only discharged on CNY eve. then hv to go hosp everyday for antibotics IV drip. suay suay kana typhoid fever dunno from who. suspect from my CL. cos everyone in the house include my maid is clear. only CL not checked and somemore only after she arrived and stay with us them i kana. lucky my kids are ok.

i guess every terror 2 is the same. my boy too will suddenly laid on the fllor when he not happy and throwing a temper. i will jus walk away and ignore him. haha..

congrats! and hope ur #3 stay strong and healthy in ur tummy. i fear to hv another kids le. cos caring for a toddler and a infant is no joke. takes up most of ur time and sometime can make u go crazy.
